st steven supermartyr
i hate fucking cigarettes
i detest and loathe and fucking abhor the fucking things
these fucking cigarettes are some fucked up fucking shit, right…?
what the fucking fuck???????
filthy stinking stupid idiot things that do nothing
at least fucking alcohol does something even if its horrible
oh yeah sorry cigarettes do do something
they fucking kill ya
heres the deal imagine this
13 bucks for twenty little putrid sticks
that stink out inside and outside in
dirty mucky ashy smelly foul foolish fucking useless things
for a hundred bucks a week habit you can develop a disgusting disease
you wont get any visions or dreams or loss of inhibitions
you wont get any drowsiness or euphoria or blurred eyesight
you wont hallucinate or overdose or trip or get loaded or pissed
or high or down or out there or stimulated or anything
what do you get?
fucking nothing
i keep using the word fucking
so as to emphasise to an nth degree the total imbecility of cigarettes
no one can defend them there is not one good thing you can say
“oh it gives me something to do with my hands”
yeah…so you gonna trade your fucking lungs for that..?
i mean before smoking who ever fucking said that…
gives me something to do with my hands…
do you think cavemen sat around
wishing that their hands had something to do…?
do you think aristotle fucking wondered what he could do with his hands
as if his hands were restless and demanding “something to do”
what a fucking joke a killing joke it is
what about “it calms my nerves”
try fucking having throat cancer n see how calm your nerves are
a total criminal absurdity
a wicked cosmic joke so incredibly blatant we almost ignore it
for the last forty years since we kinda “found out” about smoking
we have ignored the vicious pernicious fuckwit grip of this killer
its just totally stupid
and it goes against the grain of intelligent western thought
one day it will have to go just like fucking bullfighting
in fact they are both totally idiotic things
no there is no beauty or inexplicable enigma to em
both of em are death
a negation of life
fuck you kilbey you take drugs you say
fuck you kilbey you are an ex cigarette smoker yourself hypocrite
or as one alcoholic cretin recently re-marked to me
when informed that i did not take kindly to booze in MY house
he said : you sound like the reformed whore in church, steve
and there you go some little axiom to justify yer unhealthy habits
so when kilbey says fuck dont smoke cigarettes
you say fuck you kilbey you took fuckin’ heroin, BABY!!!
yes i did but that doesnt help your tongue cancer
yes kilbey is a hypocrite
but surely its better to be the fucking reformed whore in church
(ha ha)
than the unreformed whore getting fucked by some horrible brute up the back lane
or what?
are you following my fucking logic this is not rocket surgery!
it kills you
it does nothing but feed itself
no that is not just a metaphor
maybe i know nothing about anything
but i fucking understand addiction
my friends whom i implore DO NOT SMOKE
i was addicted to smack for ten years
it gave me a lot of time to consider the mechanisms of addiction
yes i consider myself an expert like a thief is expert in thieving
i am not proud of my knowledge or how i obtained it
but is knowledge nonetheless
i tell my friends look there is some kinda spirit at work in this
an opium spirit
a tobacco spirit
a wine spirit
a vodka spirit
a marijuana spirit
yes metaphorically
yes on certain levels
levels you may not understand unless
you get someone like me
someone who examines thought as a living
i write words and the words come to me
and i have observed how these words arrive
i see where the words come from
and until i tangled with heroin i didnt understand
humanity is in some apparent symbiosis with many things
with animals with plants with environments
the fruit contains the seed so some creature eats it
walks around
and excretes it somewhere else
the fruit tree cannot get its seed over there by itself
the tree makes the apple so human will eat it and help it propagate
the human benefits from the apple and grows loadsa trees
this is as our symbiotic relationship with tobacco
fuck are you telling me humanity
is not in some sorta symbiotic relationship with tobacco….?
tell me this :
if tobacco had no use to man would it still be around after millions of years?
it had to figure out something didnt it?
i mean every fucking thing that gets through each century
has to have something going for it, right?
otherwise you fade away
you gotta have strength or speed or endurance or adaptability
in the plant world i guess things must die out too
they have the problem of no mobility and they need to get about
usefulness to another species is a big fucking plus i’d say
ok so theres this substance and its usefulness is to man
only this fucking symbiotic relationship is now a hoax
i reckon the native americans for example used tobacco “correctly” :
yeah on special occasions they would smoke a large quantity at once
eg dig this
a junky in stockholm once told me that hed tried every fucking drug
i said what was the weirdest scariest fucking trip man
he said tobacco
i said what do you mean…tobacco…?
but this swedish junky had once visited new guinea
and smoked tobacco with the natives
big deal i said
no man he said
this fresh tobacco in this great big pipe
its like smoking a hundred cigarettes at once
he said it fucking knocked ya right out of this world
you know i could kinda imagine it
like when you start smoking and you get your first nicotine rush
its fucking horrendous
like dizzying nauseous breathless kick in the guts
imagine that feeling times 100
thats the correct dose i guess
one huge fucking blast occasionally
the native cultures dont puff on fucking cigs all day n night
they use it with a certain ceremonial feel that almost prevents abuse
the men would gather and i guess have their ceremony
i dont fucking know say some stuff
to give this smoking some context or holiness or tradition
i dont know do i……
ok you smoke this great big pipe
with the circumference of a small cannon
and one can only imagine
BANG! youve gone from 0 to 1000 in one tenth of a second
the swedish junky convinced me of his weird tobacco epiphany
yes i do believe there is something out there to be observed
and normally i am the first idiot wanting to see what it is
every fucking substance got its own dimension
heroin dimension is warm and sleepy ….at first….
the cocaine dimension is exhilaration
whatever i guess angel dust has its own dimension
datura has got a dimension and its hideous
tobacco definitely has a dimension but i dont wanna go there
it may even be a useful dimension
i dont know
i have never really read an interview with a sioux
talking about his tobacco experience
one assumes it had some big pluses
but um white man is not using tobacco in this way
i smoked a million cigs and not one tiny revelation
like ingesting a tiny bit of some drug
never getting the real effect but just constantly under the surface
the trouble is not so much with the substance tobacco and its effects
the trouble is the means by which we fucking get it into our systems
the way it comes in
not what it does
the native users smoke it occasionally not constantly
not with all the additives and all the fucking other shit
i bet the native users dont suffer all the chronic smoking bullshit we got
we’re smoking this stuff
we’re getting no revelations
we’ve fucked it and modified it
like how we made cocaine from coca leaf
they say the cats in south america who chew the coca leaf are cool
at least cooler than the raving egotistical cocaine addict in the west
not all people react to cocaine like that
drugs are like alcohol
people react in a whole gamut of ways
going from total negative disinterest to crazed apostle-like mania
but by fucking with the coca-leaf the west did its usual dumb thing
some of the active ingredients were extracted from a melange of molecules
the west considered some parts of the coca leaf unnecessary
maybe they thought it inert or something
other bits are souped up with a chemical process
the mode of transmission is changed perverted
now its superfast superstrong but supernasty too
it wasnt sposed to be
youve fucked with something far deeper than you can understand
something had already figured out how it was supposed to work
god or the plant itself or something else …nature if you like
it doesnt want to kill its host
tobacco doesnt want to kill its host
no drug does…enslave them yes but not to harm them too much
the 2 sides of a symbiotic relationship need the other to stay in good shape
the sucker fish on sharks
the shark says get rid of my irritating parasites and you can hang onto me
the sucker says cool i’ll get to work right away
he knows the shark aint gonna hurt him cos they gotta good deal
but either god or evolution or some other force… nature for example…
has somehow sorted it out and theres a real mesh of interconnectedness
and that is how it works for mutual benefit
the size and shape of both the fish for example
if a human redesigned one of the fish if it were possible
you can be sure it would go wrong maybe in some hideous unseen way
thats what happened with tobacco and the west
we are not using it we are abusing it
it wasnt supposed to be like this
we are creatures for all our intelligence
we are subject to the material rules of our reality
tobacco smoke
esp in cigarettes and the 20 a day smoking of them fucks you bad
hang on
smoking tobacco constantly kills people yet we tolerate it?
somehow our symbiosis is outta whack
cos our partner is dealing us death
if it was anything else killing us so unnecessarily as this
people would be going fucking beserk that it was banned and hard to obtain
but we have accepted it
its hard to stop now it is so thoroughly rooted in our lives
but my fascination is actually with the tobacco spirit in dialogue with us
now a kinda perverted fucked up spirit urging you to smoke
even tho its taking out people left right n centre
young women especially dying faster sooner nastier
big multiplier /good odds on an early death
fuck that spirit of tobacco is selling you some trip aint it?
more tomorrow