after the fire had died down and the ashes cease to glow
Sandbar beach is black against a black sea
the horizon cannot be seen there is no moon in the sky
the shells all jostling in the glassy tide
the trees gently wave along the tiny path
I step behind you blindly in the inky air
in the warm night
the silken thread of a dream
your ghostly back in a one piece navy bathing suit
your spine illuminated from some vague internal luminescence
your chakras zinging
the blood moving around inside you red and blue
you unzip the jungle we arrive at your caravan
you never lock the door
you say there is never anyone here
inside you sit at the table
I sprawl on the bed
the trees gently scratch the roof
its so warm so quiet except for the sound of the sea
you drink from a green bottle of cider
its all so quintessentially Australian its almost unbearable
Kathy, you and I, here in this Australia…
this new Australia
you make a cup of tea on the little stove
the billy whistles
liquorice root and honey
two mugs and some ginger biscuits
you sit down on the bed and give me my cup
we sit there in the silence
a comet rushes overhead making no sound
a creature stirs in the bush some nocturnal marsupial climbing a tree
the blood worms corkscrew in the sand
the trees to the tips of their leaves are all conscious
your face so like my own face
your fading tired face Kathy oh how I love it
the years have adorned it with lovely lines
and the colour in your eyes has lightened to a soulful pale
you lie behind me kissing my neck
you call this ‘the soothes’
do you want ‘the soothes’ ..? you’d say
my poor man oh boy he’s had a long day…you’d say…
my poor boy oh man…
you lie behind me whispering things I can’t really hear
the way you’d whisper to a cat or a baby or the way you’d whisper a prayer
the way you’d whisper the names of the devil
or the way you used to whisper the answers during a test in class
the way you’d whisper I love you the first time
the way you’d whisper goodbye the last time
the way our parents whispered when they didn’t want us to hear
Steven are you still awake..?
you were whispering
Kathy i’m here i’m still listening… I say
you talk about the fire on the beach
how those flames roared in the wind..!
how the fire devoured the driftwood and roared for more
armies were marching in the fire on the beach..!
a dog barked miles away in the camping ground
and the wind carried its faint echo to our ears
miles out at sea black whales were moving south seeking cold water
is it too warm for a blanket?
you slipped off your swimsuit and
youre holding me still faintly damp n cool
I’m still fucking tripping..! you said as you wriggled around
me too..! I say and I shudder a little
I’m worn out and I want to go to sleep
we ate and we swam and we fucked on the beach in the black night
we found the wood and we lit the fire
we smoked and we drank and we laughed and we cried
we frightened each other and we begged the other to stop
I kissed her in the darkness and there was nothing to see
her mouth was a portal to some place warm where I felt safe
we sat crosslegged in our bathers as the fire raged in the Australian night
there was no one for miles
the salt had dried on our skins
I could not remember my name
my heart glowed within my chest
where we touched there was an electric blue line
you giggled gleefully like a naughty child as the flames danced and disappeared
and then reappeared from the blackness with a rip
as the fire sank low you lay across my lap and dug your brown fingers into the white sand
there was a splash in the lagoon
a white thin bird arose from its nest with a mournful cry
and we could hear its wings beating in the wild night
out to sea there…a boat..!
no its gone again…
I carry your towel
oh well you are just too kind…you say
yeah sure ha ha
we both laugh
not gonna chuck in the fucking towel just yet…
more ha ha-ing
frogs and insects all start up somewhere out there
the night is alive
our love is deep
the world is enormous yet contained for all of that
you say
one day tell me what happened with those tiny white scars on your back…
I say
quite dreamily
one day
I will