i murdered a million words
and perverted the course of sentences
i bang on about silences until i am shouting at nothing
i hold my tongue and bite my lip where i should be aloud
i terrify myself in the darkness where i begin to vibrate
i forget whoever i was
it really is the most inconsequential thing
nullification seems like a dream to me now
the bleakest shore at dusk a boat leaves in the mist
the crew row and groan as the lash finds their back
i am oblivious
i am gone
i am nowhere
i am no more
in my anonymous niche in a warm stillness
turned into energy that bolted instantly away
turned into finest ash a solemn vase
turned into memories that immediately start to fade
turned into a dead end off a lonely street
youre not alone says a voice beside me somewhere
a comforting voice a soothing voice
a voice that speaks without any words
a voice you needed no ears to hear
i look around wildly theres nobody there
this is a trick hisses my old broken heart
and i walk on forever before the voice speaks again
saying my name with such a collective sigh
like a hundred women in stygian tragedy ululate me gently
the coils of the snakes
the legs of the ladders
i plummet clutching 1000 pound notes
yet the earth does not rise up
i yearn for some clean warm creature to take me in
something bigger and softer than me
something kinder and better that i cant see
something to nourish me with nepenthe
and sing me to sleep
i want to sleep
let me go to sleep
yes yes says the voice again so close to your ear
go to sleep my little darlingĀ
a warm gentle hand on your forehead smooths back your hair
ssshhh says the voice with the sweetest breath
like summer evening in a vanilla chalet
like hay in the sunshine
like the mouth of a river
sleep sleep sleep urges that faraway voice
and finally
you are safe from everything
and then
you feel yourself expand
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Call to undefined function ereg()