a sequence of events
a vegan cafe
eating a vegan foccacio with cain-o
we turn up at lovely olde theatre henry ford
lovely support act majorie fair
dreamy stuff indeed
rob d was great
its la maaan
theres flesh to press
we soundcheck koppesless
a guy from mj brings vegan cookies
show is so so i guess
toddy said dry n flat
not too many people there neither
oh well
immediately after show we drive to sandy ego
3 hours or more
i get to bed at 6
i up at 11
i pack up suitcase n stuff
all down to car
im reassigned room next door where i was
back up stairs
caught in traffic jam
4 lanes of traffic goin nowhere fast
eventually we turn up to 91 x
sandiegos big station
we are playing half a dozen tunes to about 20 people
theyre recordin it and its goin out live ish
the stations got vegan noodles n desserts for us
a guy comes up n says
im one of those obsessive fans
i own a radio station
everynow n then
we meet one of these guys
guys who liked us from the beginning
who are now in important positions
and using their clout to get things done for us
everythings laid on for us
its a great gig
we all have a laugh
the owner says easy could be a single if edited
ok with me
we leave station
drive to belly up tavern where we play tonight
san diego is arid and upmarket
the houses are mostly beautiful
and the gig tonite is in a nice part of town
im sitting here backstage
typing to you
more reflective stuff later
cant think straight
lotsa nice gifts from people
longer blogg soon
everything a happening at the same time being
posted on July 21, 2006 at 12:19 am
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