posted on July 27, 2010 at 3:01 pm

a winters day in a deep n dark july


2nd post

how you liking this site so far

how you liking this sight so far

i was born in 1988 to a beautiful italian opera singer and a formula one driver who was also a billionaire and a secret crime fighter……..i was schooled at oxford cambridge the london school of eccy-gnomics harvard yale and that other place i forgot oh yeah n the sorbonne…i speak many languages : did you know australians have 23 different words for beer..i play many different instruments, the crumpled horn, the skinned flute, the rhythm method, the ear drum, the heart beat, the bass ball, the lead uke, the elbow harp, the car radio, the bong pipe, the sex cymbal, the horizontal cha cha, the zylo-phone, the humba mabumba, the karmatron and of course my main axe the tommy hawk, i am an expert at many martial arts including pinching pulling hair and dew jitsu, i have majored in the inhumanities and comparitive boasting. i spent the early years of my life on an unmanned sputnik listening to the music of the spheres and t wrecks …eventually i had pads n gaffs in nyc, la and imho and lol then i moved to syddley where i put together my dream band of hand selected players …however that didnt work out so i  manifested the crunch consisting of me, the tall one, the rockstarry one, and an old school bully called ward nicks who couldnt play drums but was good with nasty intimidation …eventually we replaced him with the nutty dutch guy and then eventually we got that small nice bloke from pneu zealand called pim towels…still extant today….all our records went linoleum in albania and we actually sold a cassette to someones mum accidentally outside a gig in wollongong once

of course i made  many disappearances on tv  ghosting australias top plop shows and onboard a ship as anchor, man…i made many films too directing producing fetching things and forging scripts for naughty codeine products, i been married many many times and have a loada children including my triplets amnesia, florence and the other one, i been dabbling in painting after doing a nice job in my laundry rolling  it cream including the spiders webs and a fly who was on the wall …of course i got arrested in nyc for impersonating a genius and have had treatment for my approaching sexagenarianism  also i am considered a pseudo thespian and i believe in homo sapien marriages and am anti diluvian kings

i cuurently live in bondi with my no cats n dogs n my bonsai tree called figgy who really truly ruly loveth me

please dispose of ttb products thoughtfully when finished and recycle my words to alleviate the great dictionary crisis i have narrowly averted

please examine the contents of your head…they may have shifted during this flight of fancy

i love ya!

ha ha

nevets yeblik!!!

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