yeah yeah yeah i know i was being stupid
but i took some codeine
then i went out and had a drink and a smoke
i was at some friends place outside
i was gonna make a phone call to somebody maybe my mother
next i thing i know a bunch of concerned people are hunched over me
you were out says frances who is a good friend as shes like cradling my head
im sweating and my head is throbbing
i beg for no ambulance and i sit down for awhile and then i go home
frances incredibly kindly slept on my couch so that she could keep an eye on me
ok thats enough of that
yes im going to the doctor tomorrow so whattya think shuttup with the advice and listen
because the place i went to wherever i went where i went
ah yes it was the purest bliss
an incredibly beautiful person she was talking to me there
we were talking oh for hours in what must have been only a minute or so of unconsciousness
a beautiful place maybe i was talking to an uh angel or sumpthin’
there was no pain there was only light and there was only love
man i aint saying that was necessarily heaven
i wasnt dead i was just knocked out loaded as bob says
but man oh that place and oh that angelic presence
wow is that really what a knock on the head can do?
remember back in 08 when i got dehydrated and collapsed
well that place was hellish a dark roaring abyss
this was the opposite my friends
i cant describe how shocked i was to wake up
and find out i was just some old geeza whos collapsed in a garden in bondi
it seemed like that was the dream a painful aching sweaty complicated dream of bother and dismay
the other place was serene it was sacred it was my hearts desire and i met some presence there
it was a stupid thing but the vision remains of palpable peace and harmony of some other plane
i went there and stayed for hours even as i said it was a only a minute
it changed something in me
something im not sure what yet
i know ive hurt myself a bit with my body and my head
yet i still did 20 laps at the pool today
im seeing the quack tomorrow so cool out ok?
concentrate on the vision i perceived there
verily i tell you my cats
it was the bees knees
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