posted on February 5, 2012 at 11:02 pm

margot smith and me

they all start with nothing

with a white nothingness

a black void

or silence

bit by bit by bit

you must build

in tiny points

grand sweeps

one piece in the puzzle

echoes and shadows

how do the clouds sound

what colour is piano

i administer the kiss of life to the paper

eventually i will bury it in paint

like i fill up the quiet darkness with sound

sound of murmuring elements

music can describe where words fall short

yet words harness music to a song

i seek a union with all 3 realms

the word the painting the song

a common principle governs everything

even creators must abide by its terms

a golden ratio to enable the measurement

of beat of colour or of idea

of course once discovered this principle would explode

i will tour the world ranting my unimpressionistic manifesto

cellists will sketch and write prose

the sculptors will sing in steel

 renaissance man * package downloadable by app

sk loops sk textures sk thoughts

choose from a multi dimensional palette

paint the blues red and read

coming soon from the time being dot com

renaissance man *

renaissance man * neophyte (with less hoopla)

renaissance girl * (all new contents!)

renaissance child * ( with grids frets and numbers)

renaissance banzai * (suitable for port jackson figs, art for trees)

jack bingo from santa fe writes :

dear time being 

i am simply over the moon with your new renaissance man * american version 2.3

since owning i have written 3 hit singles , had 3 exhibitions

and a hardback vol of my poetry and etchings which came with a bonus cd 

went to number 3 on amazon !

boy what an afternoon ………!

i understand if i am not completely happy with it

i can at any time go and get well and truly fucked

because the time being dot com don’t do refunds on this baby

thanks a lot mister killaboy !

i am now a hit at parties and school reunions

i was a bumbling philistine before i tapped into the power

of your marvellous app …women flock to me like wingless birds

jack bingo

pneu mexico


see its that easy

can any home afford to be without the new

“unimpressionistic “renaissance man * app available starting @1300 (A$) now


*conditions unapply


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    Call to undefined function ereg()