june 1
the island at first appears uninhabited
lazy game roam the fields
strangely the insects leave me alone
i wonder where the others are
i wonder why we have been sent here
today i had a dream that today was just a dream
as the moon slowly turns over in the sky
the cry of some sun set into a sky
studded starred in inkiness violet swirl’d
i remember how small we all are
how very very small
i notice sublime submarine frescoes in tiny rockpools
in soft warm rain i pass through like my ghost
i notice reeds on river banks bobbing in the wind
there is no wind
i hear natures undercurrent of photosynthesis
the ferns absorb sweet light with a slight sigh of pleasure
the trees and vines hasten towards the divine as tho on a line
the drip drop drip of moisture in a cave
the crackle of last years fires
the girl beckoned to me or i seemed to think
a brown skin angel in azure tidal streams
she speared among the razor reefs with delicate tread
she moved along the beach then gone into the whirling air
the trees i have never seen before the bark is golden hued
the leaves flap and bend in the wind
yet there is no wind
i wander beyond the wrecks i have seen
the water is shallow but the sand sucks men under
i shiver sometimes i long for hot water
once i lay in a bath marbled and deep water warm
filled with scented soap shaped flowers and oriental oils
i ate toast and drank coffee in a cosy little cafe
the lawns were all minted the houses were flowers
the people seem like giants so ago they are to me now
i have no thirst but loneliness which blooms here wild
my hands are number than one ever could be 2 again
my fingers holding up something against the sky
then let it all begin