WARning : this blog has been commissioned
it is about heroin and it is a fictionalised account
of lives lived in a day
So i’m riding the train to the vietnamese part of town
and its taking forever
yeah i am riding along
maybe you dont recognise me
i was hurled into this world with enough past life baggage
to check into the white hotel for evermore
how the hell would i know what it was..?
but it was something that was a big hassle
i had no screaming esteem
i could not dig myself at all for sure
as the slow old train wound its way to my destination
my self esteem was not picking up any steam
i sat there attacked from all sides by pain ache despair and anxiety
and thats just the stuff you can give names to…
there are the other formless nameless horrors
bearing down on me and it felt like the whole world
finally we get there and i wander around trying to make eye contact with someone
sometimes the dealers actually greeted ya as you got off the train
today they werent there so i walked through the shops
i make eye contact with a vietnamese guy about the same age as me
ie early forties
he sidles over to me gracefully
what you want ? he smiles
i do only hundreds. this is the best stuff you ever had in your life. i promise you!
i nod my head.
i heard that best stuff line a thousand times before
hissed in swedish
guffawed by an irish guy
sneered to me in cockney english
in matter of fact american
an enthusiastic old mexican guy whose stuff actually had been the best
but i am conflicted because this guy looks like he wouldnt have said it
if he didnt mean it
because yeah
he said it with the pride of merchant who knows he has the best fucking merch
i follow him to a restaurant and he bids me wait and pulls up a table and chair
he disappears out the back into the kitchen
the people in the restaurant all watch me sadly as they eat their noodles and chilli
its seems like an eternity that i sit there
the people go on with their low drone of conversation
i guess they all know why i’m here
eventually he comes out and puts down a little square object on the table
two? i say…
he nods and puts another little package down
i give him 200 bucks and i walk back and get on a train home which is even more agonisingly slow
somehow those 2 little packets sitting in the change pocket in my jeans are keeping the lid on things
i take a bus and eventually i get into my empty and neglected house
where children had once played was now only dust and a sullen darkness
my friends never liked me enough and they were gone
the wives and girlfriends had never loved me enough and they were gone
the music had been too loud and my hearing was gone
the sweets had been too sweet and some of my teeth were gone
the money in the bank had been too easy and now it had mostly gone too
still i didnt care
i had snuck a peak at my packets and i knew i was holding the real deal
after crumbling off a bit and tasting it
yeah there was that familiar old bitter taste
up in my room i got the ritual ready
a silver spoon still with this mornings cotton filter in it
i pulled a needle out of the large family sized pack of needles
gotten from the pharmacy up the snobby road
where the pharmacist had visibly winced as he took my cash
because dope users had all kinds of diseases…
anyway i take out the packet and examine my dope
its in this aluminium wrap and it looks like a small caramel square
it is extremely yellow
the most yellow dope i have ever seen in my life
like yellow ochre i want to say from my paint set as a child
yeah definitely yellow ochre
i take about one third of the block and put it in the spoon
it has the consistency of some soft sweet or something
then i draw up half a needle full of water and squirt it into the spoon
then i pull the plunger out of the needle
and with the small black spongy tip
i mix up the yellow dope into the water
until the solid dope is disappeared into the now thick yellowy water
putting the plunger back into the syringe
i throw a tiny cotton wool ball into the spoon
the cotton wool absorbed most of the mixture and turned yellow
i apply the needle to the cotton wool
and from it i suck up all the yellow solution of dope in the spoon
then i fish around in my arm for a vein
there a still a few ok veins left to hit but its getting trickier and trickier
it takes about 5 or 6 long sweaty minutes
before a small flash of blood appears in the chamber of the needle
i carefully suck up some more blood
which swirls through the yellow dope creating horrifically beautiful shapes
then i push down ever so gently with my thumb as the stuff drains into my vein
a direct injection into my living mainframe
the feeling is overwhelming an exciting rush
it instantly erases every single worry doubt ache cramp nausea anxiety and nightmare
you stagger back and sit on the bed
you dont care that youre alone and unshaven and shabby in this dim messy room
you dont care that tomorrow was another day you gotta somehow find another hundred bucks at least
the rush brings the taste of the dope into the back of your throat
its a bitter medicinal taste but now youve grown to love it
you sit there and in the wake of the rush comes the calm
wow! things arent too bad…i guess…are they..?
oh boy youre so serene and wise and detached and beyond it all
the whispering of the empty house silenced
the murmuring of the voices in your head is gone
your dismal room seems cheery and muted
you just sit there happy content warm and comfortable
you just sit there quiet easy nice soothing
everything is just so cool actually
youve scored some nice dope so fuck the bills and the work and the gossip and all the rest
once you were doing ok and now youre plainly not but fuck all that!
who cares about all that stuff anyway?
and then your head starts to slump and your eyes are starting to close
your nodding and then catching yourself you snap out of it
and yeah youre still sitting on the bed in the dim old room
a stupefaction has come down upon you now
you enter these realms of pure fantasy which last for one millisecond only
but during that millisecond in the dope world time is passing at another rate
you keep snapping out of it and blinking your eyes and youre still sitting on the bed
its 630 pm and its raining outside but outside no longer exists for you
your head falls forward again on your chest
and then you nod right out and curl up on the bed
behind your eyes are a million dreams
you seem to walk along this corridor sampling every dream
and every dream is unbelievably fantastic and more real than real
eventually you are dreaming you are this man
and youre married to this beautiful woman
oh boy what a wonderful marriage you have
oh man that woman of your dreams here in your dream and yeah she loves you
well you are a good man and you live your life here in this dream
and you and your wife have one two three handsome sons
and you watch them grow up
and you walk through the snow with them in winter
and through the soft warm sunlight of the dreampt summer
and the boys grow
and your wife loves you
and you fix up your house in the country
hey tho…
maybe its like a hundred years ago or something…
theres even some horses and animals and a war
but you go and fight in the war and you are triumphant and your side always win
when you come home the beautiful wife who youve been married to for like 30 years now
she is still young
the weather is always nice
the daughters in law and grandchildren all love you
everything in your life is happy and righteous and good
friends come over and you sit long into the nights
laughing and eating and drinking and being satisfied
youve been living here in these lovely woods for so long
youve planted all the trees and seen them all grow
you and that lovely wife whose name is always on the tip of your tongue
the fish in the river they are so silvery
the birdsong in the air is glorious
the crowds fluffy on water colour skies and the warming sun
the cooling white moon of the long perfect evenings
the mornings in bed with that gorgeous wonderful obliging wife
man she loves ya all up!
the white sheets the soft eiderdown the moving curtains in the zephyrs of spring
those sweet kisses those lovely sleeps when its all over
yeah you roll out of bed ready for breakfast have a look in the mirror
yeah age has not wearied you brother
you are strong and firm and decent and handsome and popular and kind and good
so many days stretch behind you
so many days stretch away ahead
days full of doing wonderful things
days full of wonder and light and peace and love
the whole world swings through space and the whole universe is in accord
problems you just laugh away
your 3 fine sons and your most gorgeous wife who loves you so much
youve worked so hard for all of this although it seems effortless
on a day like this so perfectly crisp and so immediate and new
if there is a more happy satiated contented man on this earth he would be hard to find
man this goes on for even more years and years and years…
what? click!
suddenly i open your eyes to find its 6.34 on a rainy evening in winter
and im lying on a bed in a cold dim room and theres no one else is home
and theres the needle and theres the spoon and theres the cotton
and a small drop of blood coagulated on my arm
and that whole life i just led is cruelly snatched away
that glorious world where i was a king
and that lovely wife you had and family…
im nothing here just a shabby hopeless dodgy dope fiend and a wretch
bang! its all taken away from ya just like that…
and then just as im thinking about it all i nod off again
and that pleasant memory is nearly almost totally erased
but even through all the next series of dreams
that i will have before the next shot in a few hours time
the incandescent memory of that world burns bright
in some harsh contrast between that world of wonder
and the darkened sad empty dusty rainy evening
which is enveloping us right now
as i lie in the room upstairs in the lonely house
and i start to dream it all again
for JB