its not about me
the show in LA has sold out
the orchestral show is on 21st september the great hall sydney uni
i believe tickets are going fast
its gonna be huge
i am guest at brisbane writers festival from sept 4 to sept 8
i will be playing reading and blah blah blah-ing over numerous events
my art exhibition is on in LA Oct
its called the ancient world like my song
gods and geezas and gurls from the good ole days you know
its on at Century Guild (great name!) Culver City
Yes i will be there
i have a tendency to bring out the worst in people
my genius and idiot are too irreconcilable i suppose
i am constantly confronted with baffling ethical problems concerning my work
remember this
i am self taught in everything i do
i figured it all out the hard way
i worked long and hard at all my crafts
and i aim for being the best
although i can never achieve it , my aim remains so nonetheless
i literally dreamt all this up
it may surprise you that i encounter much turbulence as i try to deliver
a lot of it of my own making
the idiot and the genius get it mixed up from time to time
its not easy
just cos you can write some songs doesnt mean you know how to do the right thing
sometimes there is no right thing
just a lesser of 2 wrongs things
at age 4 i could recite probably 5 grown up poems complete with emphases
i was thrust onstage at age 6 to recite poetry in the wollongong town hall in 1962
i wrote my first song at 10
i wrote my first good poem at 16
ive been immersed in this long and hard
i get in a lot of disagreements and stalemates with people
heroin knocked me out of the ring for 10 years
a lot of things happened i just looked on
almost everything i do involves someone feeling upset about something
i upset em rehearsing
i upset em painting
i upset em sleeping
i upset em waking up
when i lose win or draw someone somewhere is upset
yet i am the bloke dreaming this up
however i am neither firm nor unfirm but wavering
i prevaricate second guess i get it right sometimes wrong
i cant be good at everything and i am certainly not
sometimes i think of alexander and the gordian knot
well i have had to move forward or like a shark i will drown
some things change
somethings remain the same
all of you who read my stuff presumably because you like me
none of you know how hard the idiot in me fights other people
so that the genius’ good ideas can be heard
sometimes i dont even know who or why or what i’m fighting
other times i am simply stopped in my tracks by something or someone
it takes me a long time to get liftoff velocity but now again i have it
remember this too
from the very get-go i have had people telling me how to do it
and people tell me how i shouldnt do it
skeletons in closets , dirty laundry , half a century of blab
theres a lot of creating and theres a lot of fighting
ive done my best
i did my best
and i decided i aint listening to anybody
i dont come round your place and tell you how to do what you do
sometimes i have to assess things and make unpopular decisions
but they are decisions about my own affairs and you gotta trust me
or not
actually whatever you like
my ONLY allegiance is to my own muse
if that is stymied then i have to change things
but no one not even me has all the facts
in fact sometimes it is an unpopular way or no way at all
whatever anybody in this world says or writes about my own stuff
i will do it my way
and when i decide i am doing it i am not gonna stop
and thats the end of it now
for the time being

robbery with violins