immediate luck eventual fortune

lunacy is back on the table we summon the waiter who appears with a flourish the corazons we ordered..? ah gentlemen…he sighs inside his redlined waistcoat ticks the small gold watch given out by time out of its mind the parrots mute and stuffed into their cages still manage to screech in the canopy the knives and forks randomly akimbo glint taking out his little book the waiter writes the word “loneliness” in oh such a spidery scrawl outside the evening has absconded with anything it could find wrapping flowers and bits of paper in the semi-darkness then whirling them off down on  avenue di fiores where the lamplight shines through the trees all wavy and marine where the guests at some elusive party laugh and clap in the warm night air it seems to be coming from everywhere yeah i know there was something missing though in twilight canisters of gin and various other spirits well maybe they also could contain the truth when the mind goes blank then truth rushes in like a cyclonic hit upstream coursing through veins like light then exploding somewhere between heart and soul the truth we can set free burns me i sing sweet conchita fleeter than a cheetah sweet gabrielle accelerating gazelle their husbands roberto and ben fascinating men fascinating and waiting for their latest plate of amour again and then a delicious sleepiness begins to overtake my hand voices out there mingled with the wind and thinned out in sin a whisper urges out of nowhere and thats it really and dinner finally arrives we are already dreaming that we are eating it                    

Photo on 22-02-2016 at 8.23 PM #2
stevens cat

stevens cat

lunacy is back on the table

we summon the waiter who appears with a flourish

the corazons we ordered..?

ah gentlemen…he sighs

inside his redlined waistcoat ticks the small gold watch given out by time out of its mind

the parrots mute and stuffed into their cages still manage to screech in the canopy

the knives and forks randomly akimbo glint

taking out his little book the waiter writes the word “loneliness” in oh such a spidery scrawl

outside the evening has absconded with anything it could find

wrapping flowers and bits of paper in the semi-darkness then whirling them off

down on  avenue di fiores where the lamplight shines through the trees all wavy and marine

where the guests at some elusive party laugh and clap

in the warm night air it seems to be coming from everywhere


i know

there was something missing though

in twilight canisters of gin and various other spirits

well maybe they also could contain the truth

when the mind goes blank then truth rushes in like a cyclonic hit upstream

coursing through veins like light

then exploding somewhere between heart and soul

the truth we can set free burns me

i sing

sweet conchita fleeter than a cheetah

sweet gabrielle accelerating gazelle

their husbands roberto and ben fascinating men

fascinating and waiting for their latest plate of amour again

and then a delicious sleepiness begins to overtake my hand

voices out there mingled with the wind and thinned out in sin

a whisper urges out of nowhere

and thats it really and dinner finally arrives

we are already dreaming that we are eating it












blanket of wands gentle diametric pressure of leaving ever so slightly the music being two emotions at once the ages rush past all over the place the synopsis abandoned the blunt dream that knocks you round the astral look what you leaving behind more succinctly the ether gasp your breath…if thats what it is… we are rising now like archangels on ketamine or something we are detached we are travelling incognito silver chord a slenderly thread just by thinking somewhere you are sometimes there whirling above and passing right through vibration shaking the heavenly body maybe somethings gone wrong back in the past..? and as it all catches up with you it just reaches forwards through the decades and pulls you right out the sky    

Photo on 10-02-16 at 9.12 PM
tiger skin jacket

tiger skin jacket

blanket of wands

gentle diametric pressure of leaving ever so slightly

the music being two emotions at once

the ages rush past all over the place

the synopsis abandoned

the blunt dream that knocks you round the astral

look what you leaving behind

more succinctly the ether

gasp your breath…if thats what it is…

we are rising now like archangels on ketamine or something

we are detached we are travelling incognito

silver chord a slenderly thread

just by thinking somewhere you are sometimes there

whirling above and passing right through

vibration shaking the heavenly body

maybe somethings gone wrong back in the past..?

and as it all catches up with you

it just reaches forwards through the decades

and pulls you right out the sky



sunday night in february 2016

perpetual stone of summer i come around in the garden its three in between webs of dewy intrigue the spider and fly something  gnawing at yesterday and tomorrow second guessing minute seeming delving into the sea on bended knee awaiting the night eve has unlocked red flowers in the trees crimson blood thuds around my veins my heart doesnt know what to do or how fast to beat as darkness falls from on high the soothing dusk they are having a party in the courtyard the booze has blown their minds they shout and they laugh there are red and yellow lanterns and a raucous merriment with emptiness at its heart as i push my way through the throng the weather is so balmy and perfect the breeze caresses with promises of silk and spice and distant women as you cruise down the main road towards the green grey pacific ocean a street full of total strangers all estranged themselves but oh peaceful and beautiful late than never summertime crash into sunday and my wings flew off burning imperceptibly as i enter another reality and its atmosphere the flames of neglect licking the fuselage in a spiral in my mind is all the things i know about music who played this and who wrote that millions and millions of tiny facts compressed into meaning and meaninglessness observations experiments and things i did parrot fashion all that i have gleaned and misunderstood all of it is going round and round suddenly coming up with answers to questions i never asked the mind furiously hurls facts anxieties opinions challenges and lies as i cruise so cool down the avenue disguised as a tradesman my mind keeps up its incessant barrage of data all the people i see somehow resonate with me i feel something as […]

Photo on 1-02-16 at 8.54 PM #5


perpetual stone of summer

i come around in the garden its three

in between webs of dewy intrigue the spider and fly

something  gnawing at yesterday and tomorrow

second guessing minute seeming

delving into the sea

on bended knee awaiting the night eve has unlocked

red flowers in the trees

crimson blood thuds around my veins

my heart doesnt know what to do or how fast to beat

as darkness falls from on high the soothing dusk

they are having a party in the courtyard

the booze has blown their minds they shout and they laugh

there are red and yellow lanterns and

a raucous merriment with emptiness at its heart

as i push my way through the throng

the weather is so balmy and perfect

the breeze caresses with promises of silk and spice and distant women

as you cruise down the main road towards the green grey pacific ocean

a street full of total strangers all estranged themselves

but oh peaceful and beautiful late than never summertime

crash into sunday and my wings flew off

burning imperceptibly as i enter another reality and its atmosphere

the flames of neglect licking the fuselage in a spiral

in my mind is all the things i know about music

who played this and who wrote that

millions and millions of tiny facts compressed into meaning and meaninglessness

observations experiments and things i did parrot fashion

all that i have gleaned and misunderstood

all of it is going round and round

suddenly coming up with answers

to questions i never asked

the mind furiously hurls facts anxieties opinions challenges and lies

as i cruise so cool down the avenue disguised as a tradesman

my mind keeps up its incessant barrage of data

all the people i see somehow resonate with me

i feel something as they drift and swirl and amble by

2 birds in the sky are a sign that i am to think of god

the clouds say something if only i could decipher it

the patterns in the concrete form faces and glitter minutely

the shops imploring and open, sucking the people through like krill

down to the mysterious body of salty water that contains all monsters unknown

it goes on forever dont you know?

why..? it flows out to the ends of the earth..!

anyway i’m sitting here on the steps

the world revolving around and streaking through space

although sometimes i do feel that…and wish that it was me driving it

through nebulae of glorious stars

in and out of the most pleasant cosmos

i swerve and i brake as the idiots all being dislodged and then fly  into the void

i accelerate orbit and the fools all fall away and up up up

as worlds collide on some dancefloor

and universes rupture unseen to your naked eyes

and the sea is so warm and grey and frothy

the children of the late summer gamble in her gentle waves

a fish and chip evening i guess full of simple satisfactions

relaxed and carefree yeah its easy to be