i wrote a stupid jokey thing about TOTB some time ago
i dont pretend to know a real lot about tarot really
its out there on the outer edges of my vision alongside astrology
but i believe the cards are getting some good results with people
the cards represent archetypes and/ or symbolise certain attributes
they are always totally interpretable
the man behind this project( is he MEM or the little sighted KP Buk?)
has conceived this deck from a position of real love and enthusiasm
the cards are my paintings and lyrics to go with each card
plus commentary by MEM/Buk
the cards are totally free from avaricious stain
they are purely the wonderful brainchild of MEM
who has judiciously reassembled bits of my stuff
in a way i never would have foreseen
the cards and the lyrics and the commentary
are potentiate signifiers of unconscious or subconscious events
you can possibly probably use them to communicate with the deep you
as well as skilfully applying the symbology to negotiate the universe
the cards are what you make them
if you have faith
if you use them often
if you believe in them and yourself
and you take it all in
i think there will be some very good insight for you
although i myself do not read tarot cards
i enjoy having a deck of them even if just to gawk at some nice objets d’art
you can get a feel
you can learn to jam with the deck
you can play them any old way
like a guitar they can be approached from many angles
individual interpretation is encouraged
there is no right or wrong
MEM has invented many of his own cards
which will not be found in a regular tarot deck
and he has reached back through 35 years of lyrics and hundreds of paintings
and he has felt it out that this is how it would be
his commentary is the binding article that puts it together
some of the meanings of various cards are obvious
others are buried in obscure esoterica
abstract paintings with abstract snatches of lyrics
there is humour too
this is no jumped up high falutin’ be all and end all of tarot
it is an individualistic deck for individualist individuals…
being attracted to it at all is a sign that it would be of use to you
if you just like my work with painting and lyrics
then it is an instant kilbey fix i would have thought
you can dive into that world on a grey day at your desk
or sitting in a park in autumn feeling somethings coming
or on an aeroplane wondering about your destination
pull a card and see what you think
somehow there may be a connection
somehow through a system unbeknownst to me at least
you can figure stuff out that has/is/might be happening
but you gotta put something in
TOTB aint gonna wallop you round with meaning and facts
its gonna insinuate the answers perhaps in your heart of hearts you already know
and so in doing help you actualise the present and future
by giving you confidence in your most secret but judicious decisions
the world works on many levels
i’m in a business where with the aid of wood wires skins and metal
we create music from man made instruments that draw music from the air
it therefore is perfectly coherent to me
that tarot decks can hint of many possibilities to the skilled practitioner
or the maverick geniuses who perceive poetic truths with a little stimulation
for the empath who feels this world thru a thin skin
these cards may speak
to the curious whose ears have been pricked up by this blog
check this stuff out perhaps you have a leaning towards this kind of thing
the deck is constantly evolving and mutating
just like a song changes over a course of performances
the latest deck now contains one of my favourite paintings
which is now recontextualized as the star
it actually is a painting commissioned by ernst kok
and is a painting of neuman from my poetry book earthed
yes neuman is a kind of blond young germanic me
he is holding his syllable gun (whatever the fuck that is)
so you get this card
if you already have the old deck and desire this card
contact MEM and he’ll fix you up with one
so there you kind of have it
its pretty damn special and its very very well done
MEM has paid for and produced the final item himself
an act of faith and putting his money where his mouth is
we split proceedings 50/50
this deck has my blessing 100%
there is no right or wrong here
just an infinite realm of probabilities for you to explore
so it really is whatever you wanna make of it
groove on groovers!