lotus elan position
in 1993 living in surry hills on albion st
a 3 story terrace house complete with recording studio
a doctor on the gear
a dominatrix
and an assorted cast of musicians , junkies , flunkies n fools
grant mclennan and i reassembled jacques frost as he called it
lowdown mean n dirty ok alright
i had a huge habit n grantley wasnt all that far behind
actually some days he abstained and went thru that torment
occasionally we couldnt get any n we both played on thru the suffering
fucking gives ya an edge i tell ya going thru opiate withdrawals
life is right there in yer face right there !
other times i stumbled over to jason n rhondas place
what a fucking rigmarole
you could never just turn up
you had to make an appointment in code
telling em what you wanted
monday meant a fifty
tuesday meant a hundred
wednesday was a half
and the weekend was a gram
the good weekend! the junky doctor used to say to em down the phone
they took ages solemnly weighing up this ridiculous powder
i mean have you ever seen how much ya get for 300 bucks?
like half a teaspoonful or something
anyway a load of other famous actors n singers n dancers frequented the joint
jason n rhonda were such philistines
they didnt realise that skinny guy with all the black hair was a goth god
they didnt realise that boyish geeza was one of our top actors
anyway im digressing
grant and i were obsessed by the gear n all its many rituals
the whole fucking box n dice
i had more money at the time than grant
and sometimes oh i was so kind laying it on him gratis
othertimes i was a right fuckin’ bastard
i dole him out a tiny little bit
and then get loaded myself outrageously
we had a stupid jokes
we had our stupid codes
heroin was our girlfriend our only girlfriend
we bitched about her we praised her
we despaired of her
and when i saw more of her than grant
he got fucking very jealous
the record was engineered by my brother russell
and tim powles played on it quite brilliantly
grant n i watched a doco on the mamas n papas
we both fell in love with michelle phillips
and we both determined to get some of their interweaving harmonies
listen to running from the body
a complex typical grant story about a murder
“what about them bones in the orchard wall”
we let our guitars rip
grant n i wandered about permanently strapped up
because inspiration was striking us at all hours
on hot city nights we’d hang on the steps outside
me smokin’ dope with opium
grant smokin’ peter stuyvos
we’d strike up conversations with passers by
or i’d try n embarrass him if any females went by
we were on a pretty busy street albion street
a mecca at the time for intellectuals, prostitutes, drug dealers, gays, winos, punks
adolf hitler woulda hated the places to smithereens
i’d sing streets of your town to passing bints
grant’d protest oh steven steven no no stop …
back in the house i had a 24 track n all the latest stuff
i had a big leather lounge just like the pros
i had a glass bit between the control n recording rooms
i had a piano n a load of guitars
i had loads of gadgets n i didnt even know what they all did
grant and i would chuck on guitars and plug in n start up
we were raw we were visceral
the songs on this album are disturbing
they are sad songs songs of despair and triumphant hopelessnesses
grant played bass sometimes and i played lead guitar
together we overdubbed loads of other guitars
we always had an idea for some more guitars
i bash away on the piano
tim pounds the drums
its a brutal sound in some places
sometimes grant would drink a bottle of red wine
i might even have a slurp
our muses collided and lurched all over the place
we knocked the stuff out effortlessly
hell i wasnt even trying
you can tell that thats for sure
jesus tho its pretty good
like 2 crazy songwriters on drugs doing whatever they liked
grant surprisingly liked to rock out with a guitar
theres plenty of rocking out
polinski gave it a good mix
tim does some mixing too
it says i produced it
this was my idea of a brilliant production move
hey russell how long is that piece of tape?
its got 2 minutes one second on it
ok lets do a song that lasts 2 minutes one second and let the tape run out
you can hear it on shakedown
the picture inside is me nodded off
ooh i’m lovely when i’m comatose
grants got sunglasses on he looks quite macho
meanwhile the record is angry passionate disillusioned
grants great faith in love seems to have failed him here
i’m in there playing a lot of the instruments
some of the tracks i played everything
i was kinda on a roll too
i was making music constantly
except when i was asleep on the couch
or waiting for the white holden commodore
one of my other dealers
yeah i’d be standing out front waiting for that car
unlike grant i couldnt really play if i was junk-sick
oh god if youve never felt it
like a terrible anguishing aching painful absence
the worst fucking feeling you could never imagine till you felt it
when the endorphins had been shut down n the opiates turned off
you were burning you were freezing you were so down you hurt so bad
sweating shaking sleepless miserable time elongated out to centuries
a nightmare oh you would not believe
dont ever try heroin youll wish you never been born
so there i am spending hundreds of bucks a day to feel normal
i never overdosed once
i lived on custard and sweet soft milky types of things
i had all these silk shirts i bought in thailand
all the same but a different colour
i swapped the very last one with merrick one day in stockholm
he had an amazing shirt i coverted
grant smoked n drank took drugs n rocknrolled
i mean we were such a cliche pair
squabbling over the white lady
n then laying back strumming keith-like riffs
me with a spliff
grant with cig
tim sitting there trying to figure out
which lunatic was supposed to be in charge
it was not pretty n i was not proud of it
we argued over money n drugs
and we fell in n out with each other
i was a panicky when i had run out
i was blase when i was on it
grant was no angel n he was often rude to everyone else
tho usually he was not rude to me
he destroyed me with clever quick quips which might quote me him or dylan
grant n i both loved dylan but i deferred to grant who claimed to love him more
we loved to play dylan songs
we were always doing that bit
“they say i shot a man named gray n took his wife to italy”
we loved to imitate dylan
we dissected his songs
we conspired to secretly rip him off (even more)
all the lyrics are snatches of lives
hard lives sad lives good lives gone wrong
i just wanna know
how long you gonna keep me locked out of your empire?
we were interested in production too
n fooling round with stuff
theres some sophisticated bits amongst the brutality too
wow they were strange times
what was i thinking?
i was reading books by angela carter
oh she is so up my alley
and then i found out she’d been dead awhile…i hadnt realised
grant n i knocked out this song for her
she lives in her own world …we sing optimistically
theres some nice chord progressions
grant n i were across that stuff too
jacks of all trades
we bickered n squabbled n giggled n stormed off
we created we got loaded we felt withdrawals nasty fangs
its all here
its all on this record snow job
grant hated the cover
thought it was too sexy or something
he was a bit of an old fashioned gent when it came to that kinda thing
very courtly romantic sort of sentimental bloke
its in the lyrics too
he cries out against the fickleness of the female
the white lady
the girl hes kinda might be “seeing”
he really wanted to believe in “love”
whatever that means grant was all for it
except these modern girls hadnt read those 19th century books
the ones grant musta had for breakfast during his country days
so he was often telling some faithless loveless woman off or something
boy he could get hurt n jealous of a certain old flame of his too
any mention of her latest news would get him writing a thousand songs
its all there
its all here still in these grooves
i have unearthed the final cache of these cds
about 20 or 30 left in this universe and thats it
send me 25 bucks on paypal (mention snow job) n i’ll send ya one
including postage i guess
yep hes hawking his stuff on his blog folks
shame shame shame
each one will be fabulously auto-graphed by me
(or with a dedication should you desire)
anyway if you wanna own this record
its definitely your last chance
also definitely coming soon
premium sk ; first release DAVID NEIL THE WILDERNESS YEARS