nobody home
in 1974 i was probably the worst singer in the worst band in the world
i mean the players could all play and were pretty good in their own way
but the band itself was a horrible mish mash of my stupid derivative ideas
i hated the fucking band and i’m not surprised that most other people did too
i take full responsibility for the ham fisted boogie glam dribble that emanated from us
i wrote all the “songs” so i cannot shift any blame elsewhere
i refuse to
it was my paucity of imagination
it was my lack of any originality whatsoever
and all the players “chops” werent altering the fact that we were simply awful
so no i didnt pop fully formed into this universe
with snaky basslines and ambiguous lyrics
in fact about the only thing i had going for me was my voracious reading of pop mags
thats right
i read them from cover to stupid cover every last word every last tiny blurred photo
i, the worst singer in the worst band, studied all this meaningless ephemera like a hawk
i had fallen out by now with my one true friend paul culnane
he was the only other person i knew in canberra in 1974
who could read between the lines of the rock journalists of the time
guys like dave di martino (who i was interviewed by at SXSW this very year)
guys like nick kent and lester bangs and sometimes patti smith herself
they all wrote in these various rags and i collected and read them all
that fact right there somehow made me different from all the other 2 bit bass guitarists
and teenage songwriters and would be rock stars…
kent and di martino and all the rest were always writing about this bunch of bands
and some of the bands they wrote about intrigued me no end
even though i had not heard one fucking note
or heard one fucking word
i knew that this music i would love
not because some critic told me to
but because of some ideal i began to imagine
an ideal of the perfect guitar band
that would somehow conjure up
all i ever wanted to see which was invisible to me
i had read a lot about a band called Big Star
although their records were not possible to find
at least not for me
they were in fact so obscure as to have flown under even my friend pauls radar
who was such a big raspberries and badfinger fan… i mean an absolute expert
still Big Star had somehow not piqued his interest when i “split” up with him
though obviously later on he must have discovered them i suppose
anyway sometime in early 1974 my band came to sydney to , ahem, fulfil one weeks engagement
and , ahem, produce a demonstration recording in a fully equipped studio in syd-a-knee
readers of my fabulously amusing memoirs can keep reading on as a little adjunct
because here again we run into a show-band called Chalice believe it or not
after having escaped the dills in Saga who wanted to ham it up with routines
i had formed my own dissolute pack of glam gunslingers
and our first fucking gig in the big smoke guv’nor is opening
for the king of all the show bands that ever was
at least in australia
although everyone of em seemed to be English
which seemed to mean that they sung in tune more properly and stuff
than their laconic colonial cousins perhaps
so every night the lucky punters at Chequers nightclub on goulburn st
(oh enthusiastic ones make a pilgrimage there now ; it still exists
maybe its a fucking hand-job parlour now or something i think)
you went down some stairs and there was Baby Grande and then starring Chalice
of course the much younger boys in BG stood around watching Chalice each night
the big tough looking blond singer with a northern accent
he could have been a frightening rugby player coming at ya
the other guys
all with long immaculately blowdried hair dos
like bridesmaids at a wedding would have
the whole band in their identical tailored suits
on a level of perfectly rendered cover versions
with some cheeky humour and very professional playing
they were the reigning show band group par excellence
on the nick kent and lester bangs level it was pure merde
none of this has anything to do with anything really
there were 2 bands doing some kind of rock n roll
one a hamfisted glam boogie band
the other a bunch of conservative pros
this was not the stuff i was reading about
gee baby grande stayed at the Squire Inn now defunct in bondi junction
i got a shag cut and i fell in love with the hairdresser who was suddenly my girlfriend
i mean i was 20 and she was probably 17
there was a swimming pool and everyfink
Peter Koppes was there in the band
he was 19 and had a t shirt that said FUCK only it was written like the ford logo
i’m sure we was living it up…why wouldn’t you?
one day i’m wandering along in oxford st bondi junction before it was closed off
they turned it into a mall thingy but once it was street all the way
i wandered up a dark cool stairway up into some ultra cool record shop
and after looking through the records for a while i found it
i had forgotten i was even looking for it
i had given up hope of ever finding it but there it was
a record by Big Star
it was called Radio City
it was their second record
when i got back to canberra
i discovered that i adored radio city much more than i could have ever thought
much much much more
i still cannot understand how they got it to sound that way
how the fuck were they conjuring up these feelings ?
superficially one could compare Big Star to the raspberries and badfinger
it was total anglophile 1965/66 rock
like a perpetual mash up of all the best bits of Help and the Who
oh but Big Star had so far transcended the other 2 as good as they were
and as much as i like them to this very day
but Big Star, this alex chilton guy
it started at this basic beatle aesthetic
and there
where the beatles had all but abandoned this sound
and were really never to ever come back to it
and there where the raspberries and badfinger imagined songs
just like the beatles might have done but never did
at this very point this guy in memphis tennessee
i didnt even fucking know where that was on a map or what it meant or anything
no more than the raspberries coming from cleveland
now i can dig that kind of information
then memphis cleveland birmingham liverpool
what the fuck did i know ?
syd-a-knee was the most exotic thing i had ever known
anyway at this starting point where the others leave off
big star took this idea even beyond where the beatles (had been bothered) taking it
anyway out of the sky into my lap
has dropped something so unbearably exquisite
to say radio city is a beautiful record
is an overwhelming understatement
enough has been written of it elsewhere
my accolades will add nothing and not help alex chilton one jot
his ideas were so incredible sophisticated and subtle
i found it hard to even try and rip off his style
because i didnt know how he was writing and producing this stuff
i am still in the middle of reading his excellent bio
by holly george-warren
(hey holly feel free to use any quotes on yer next print)
the book is full of people i know or knew
people like karin berg who was an interesting part of alexs life
she signed us and guided us thru warner brothers
the book is harrowing as you watch this guy you loved
because he made one of the best records ever
its harrowing to watch him hit the skids and lose his way
i guess he achieved some redemption
because i already looked at all the pictures
and there he is at some gigs just before the end of his life at 59
and he looks relatively normal and at peace with himself
but i look at those photos and i cant decide if thats good or bad
i havent even mentioned big stars next record called sister lovers
i cant right now
im tired of typing and this computer
when i finish the book i will return with some more of my conclusions
i suppose
or maybe i never will
thats the alex way of doing things i guess