you all know everything here is true

pinches pilot
its just the way i tell it
ive been a sponge for drugs and loud rocknroll
and my once brilliant mind is now dark and haunted
you know when i was twenty
years ago i flew to Los Angeles and
played on david neils sessions for what would become the wilderness years
but dave had a huge stack of songs
and oh honey was one of them
since covered by that alt country rock band whose very name keeps escaping me
the truth is its daves most fantastic song and an instant classic
the saddest most burnt out song you ever heard in your life
i know because i played on the version that dave recorded
a demo in a place on sepulveda down in santa monica or something
Oh honey that sunny day just faded to a dead white gray
and people say strange things to me about you all the time
but it just made him too damn sad and he shelved it
imagine a cross between neil young and the stones at their saddest and most regretful
oh honey was a knockout
this is a terrible thing to admit here
but after david died i started telling people i had written this song
and in my own defence i must say that the descending bass line was actually my idea
dave told me
steve that damn bass line IS this song now!
so it isnt entirely untrue that i kinda sorta did in a way write this song
plus i suggested some words which david pretended to ignore
but he later secretly adapted them n then denied to all they were mine
so he wasnt the angel you may think
i was telling all this to the captain as we rode the ferry to Cosa Met
except for the bit about me not really writing it of course
i mean she probably would have understood
but sometimes the truth is like a car accident that everyone sees differently
the captain was it turns out nearly 5 years older than me
this is the 80s of course
she had been divorced twice from 2 ‘assholes i dont wanna talk about’
she’d been flying planes for ages
she seemed to have load of money
she was a vegetarian too and she loved oh honey
oh honey is it because youre a bit older than me
that your coldest shoulder is now turned on me
yeah your coldest fire just now burned on me
oh honey i hate it when youre just burning burning cold
Cosa Met seemed like a little island and different little bays
where there were these cottages just back from the shore
like these little huts or something
to flush the toilet you poured a bucket of water down it
it was kinda basic and exotic at the same time
we got the keys at the reception hut made our way to 7
we awkwardly kinda kissed for awhile when we first got inside
then she pulled away and she was asking more questions about david
and oh honey and stuff like that
we had our showers and the water pressure was pretty feeble
funny how you remember things like that
we wandered down to the restaurant that was situated in a kind of garden by the beach
there was a little grove and lanterns and all that
coupled with the warm starry night
it was the material dreams are made of
at first like a true male bimbo
i had just wanted to get to know the captain
because she was precisely that
she was the pilot of big old jets
thoroughly shallow i had had the socks impressed off me
yet sitting here under these delightfully romantic circumstances
she was a pleasant and engaging woman and when i made her laugh
there would seem to be a small endorphic reward or something
she appeared to be warming up to me i guess
but we talked about oh honey a real lot
which made me squirm a little in the silk shirt i had just bought
and it seems like theres always some fucking catch that ruins everything
oh honey you dont believe i believe all your stupid lies
oh how time flies past so fast as i listen to the stuff all the guff
you try to devise but the truth is always there in your sad sad eyes
yes she loved the song and now i knew when she first heard it
and where she had first heard it oh and where she had last heard it indeed
and the other things she associated with it too
we had tofu and cashew nuts and noodles
and some beer and some coconut thing for dessert
what was it you stopped to pick up today?
i asked her during a lull in the conversation
she leaned over as if to kiss me and whispered in my ear
3 small jars of opium. Have you had it before?
oh yeah i lied
we walked along the beach and she put her arm thru mine
and leaned against me like she had known me forever
i liked this it felt pretty good
she abstractly spoke about under carriages and fuselages and baggage handlers
she talked of other countries where i had never been
when we got back to hut 7 it had grown quite dark
she produced her pipe and she produced her stash which looked like small vials of treacle
the pipe heated up then she put the opium in it which curled up in smoke
she took a few deep inhalations and passed the pipe to me nodding
i took a few long hits
oh wow its that familiar taste i never tasted before
but i knew it would taste like this
oh honey what a lonely lovely waste this all is..!
not a spectacular feeling at first i guess
kinda like a warm pleasant drowsiness filled with inklings running across a screen
she nodded at me and i handed back the pipe
this went on and on back n forth for about half an hour
i looked at her through the haze and the candle light
and she looked back at me
im gonna have to lie down i was saying dreamily to myself
she hopped into bed beside me
and we lay there embracing in a strangely chaste and childlike way
occasionally i came out of my trance and would gently nuzzle her neck
wow this is pretty good i dreamed i was saying
yes of course she yawned kinda indifferently
shook her head and smiled as if to say
did you think that i would lay something fucking feeble on ya?
man i didnt think i could feel so deep and warm and protected
the tiny cabin the warm night the opium and her
some frogs or something or some crickets distantly
i felt so heavy felt so comfortable in my skin
we held on and i dreamed a million miles out and away
but i dreamt of the night itself and i dreamt i had been lying there forever
in an endless night thought had slowed down and all of that
language cannot go where opium can go
this calm majestic splendour and architecture
why couldnt life have been permanently like this..?.. i dimly wondered
oh honey i wonder what you are doing tonight
after all this time i still worry that youre gonna be alright
we fell down into the warm black soft womb of opium
it was all mixed up swirling and delicious
youre not supposed to say that about opium
but believe me it is delicious
there is a very heavy price to pay if you use injudiciously
but opium remains a most delicious feeling nonetheless
in my visions and dreams were david and the pilot
it was all out of sync
it was all jumbled up and reflected in waving ripples of pleasure
it was vague and ambiguous and as dreamy as all heaven
soon we were kissing and it was lovely but as tho from a million miles away
it was so unhurried man it was so languid
we kissed for a century in our hut
and only half aware that i even was
my mind was filled with music and women and films and memories
i’m waiting for my mother outside the infants school in Dapto
and she bowls up in our light blue Morris Minor
Quickly son i cant park here she says in her Burnt Oak accent
oh how beautiful she looks today
so young and in charge behind the wheel
oh i am overcome with love for her my lovely darling mother
slowly its all changing
twins are in my arms then they are young beautiful women
another set of twins come along and they too turn into women
my dad is watching on now hes meeting the kids he never met
i think of incredible bass guitar riffs
they go on and on so complex and yet so obvious
why didnt i think of all this before..?
when i sorta open my eyes i’m lying there next to a relatively strange person
she smiles and says hey
where did you go..?
i dont fucking know
where did i just go?
you know there are plenty of awful moments in life
even in this privileged life we lead here in the west
the pain the body produces
the grief of losing your dad
the humiliation and defeat that love can dish out
the ache of memory and the persistent throb of remorse
the thorns of disdain and scorn and mockery
the embarrassment when you fuck up badly and for me that means almost everyday
the harpoon of jealousy reeling you in to your doom
yeah you get the picture
well this night was the diametric opposite of all of that
it was languid hedonistic bliss
and man i dunno about you but that is my favourite thing
oh honey so now everything has gone wrong
i still thought if you just heard this song that i wrote for you
why if it smote you
i dragged it outta my head for you
and i laid it on your bed for you
oh honey have you forgotten how i bled for you..?
the song played on in our heads the soundtrack to everything
like we had been listening to it all our lives
like all our lives we had ever led converged here and now
between us and the opium
and thailand and the warm sea
and the tofu and the noodles
and all the music i had written and all the music still to come
and all the people i knew and all those i was yet to meet
old masters and young mistresses
the rascals n riff raff all in a cavalcade of rolling merriment
then snatched away forever
david and i sitting at a table in a restaurant
hes asking me
you said you wrote my song to just pull chicks steve?
but hes smiling and joking
and the food is delicious before it too is all snatched away
the dreams tumble out of each
she treated me like a plane
as we took off and plateaued and we descended
her hand on my controls firmly she flew me through all of her skies
it was all so slow and i was so sleepy
baby im all confused
see me landing
landing on sea
please come up to the cockpit and rescue me
and tonight we gonna soar
and tonight we gonna get some more
and tonight we really gonna live
and tonight we gonna try n forgive
david down in Seattle where he first got on the stuff
then thats gone
melting dreams into each other smudged and then replaced by the next
superimposition on superimposition
every pleasant thing you can think of
guitars and flowers and sunsets and love
yeah and stuff they dont have words for
yeah and words they dont have stuff for
she got out of bed and meandered to the balcony like the euphrates river
she rambled across the floor like a wandering minstrel
she looked so good in the moonlit room
white as the moon itself she seemed to faintly glow
a blurry apparition of the nakedest woman
but the opium had silenced the beast and so i gazed on in abstraction
the desire was still there
but all the fire had drained out leaving a sweet smouldering warmth
the sheets were so soft
the clouds were so blue
the stars were so white
the time was so stopped
in an everlasting moment i lay on my side
watching her on the little porch just standing there swaying in the night
dappled and slightly clothed in the darkness
beyond her the calmest sea stretching out into green and black
words fell out of the sky into my head
art pulsed behind my retina but in long dissolves
the sand was so yellow
the trees were so still
the restaurant still going down there
you could still just hear the music and laughter
yeah distant merriment thats the best kind
far off revelry? yeah but not too near to me
like seeing new years eve in on the balcony with your one and only one
theres stuff happening all around but you are wonderfully isolated
like going on holiday when youre an enchanted child
and being allowed in your parents bed when youre scared at night
like the names of all the people you ever been in love with
like a warm courtyard on a cold sunny day
these pleasures and so much infinitely more
but all with such a detachment
with such a distance
oh honey we hurt each other so much
oh honey we flirt and we touch
such a waste such a taste of honey
oh honey yeah ya took my heart and my money
then you gave me the brush and then the bums rush
she stood on the porch for ages and in the outside world time moved at another rate
a comet shot thru the sky
the world was slumbering but alive
the earth was hurtling but still
a mosquito landed on my arm and it took hours for my hand to travel thru space and squash it
then there was blood on my tanned arm and i gently smeared it away
then there was more music playing in my head
and i attentively listened to it
she came back in and cleaned and reloaded the pipe
the opium bubbled and the sweetest smoke billowed forth
and then the nicest reveries again
oh sister you went n kissed another man
oh honey cant you understand
that damned near slammed me..?
you took me for such a ride
took my hide and my pride
left me empty inside
oh honey i think i nearly died
when you lied sincerely about oh
the smoke was soothing and soft
it filled your lungs
then it filled your heart
then it filled your head
oh honey i said