SLL in Bondi
(with as much objectivity as i can muster)
it was with total surprise and delight in 2012
that i first heard say lou lous debut single the uber-haunting maybe you
of course i had always wanted my daughters (all of and any of them)
to go into the music biz although it verily is a vale of tears..
nevertheless it is now 2015 and here we have
lucid dreaming
Say Lou Lous debut album
it features some tracks you may have already heard and some brand new ones too
it may interest you to know that i cannot tell the girls voices apart
i was asking miranda about this at christmas and almost every guess i had was wrong
it seems the singing and lyric writing are equally shared and no easy rule to tell them apart
one thing they can do is get a naturally chorussing effect on their voices
i do this in the studio by double tracking my own voice with itself
it gets this sort of silvery sheen
of course SLL get this naturally without trying because their voices are ahem identical
jesus i wish i had born a twin . me and my brother would have cleaned up!
another thought strikes me:
what would the bands namesake auntie lou lou made of it all..?
the girls are the diametric opposite of every one of auntie lou lous qualities
she was always old and frumpy and such a wowser!
she was against sex and drugs and rocknroll. she hated david bowie!
she was big and quite ugly and pretty rude and always making sounds of disapproval.
although she worshipped my dad and my brother russell
i had long ago fallen foul of her indignation
my mother did not dig her that much either
although it was only years n years later she told me that
we both sighed with relief and some nostalgia that her reign of mild terror was over
auntie lou lou had made a lot of people feel disgruntled
SLL did meet ALL once
when they were just babies
i was not there
their mother karin had kindly volunteered to take the twins into hospital in canberra
where, sadly, lay ALL in her late eighties stricken with cancer and upon her last days
so karin arrives and walks in the ward
ALL makes a huge effort to sit up in bed and gets a good long look at the twins
and then she looks at karin and with one of those noises she made (i’m sure) she announced
“They’re both Kilbeys!” in a triumphant and challenging tone ie they were totally and utterly kilbeys
and karin had merely been a vehicle to convey more of ALLs genetic imperialism
(i guess ALL considered me more of a Bennett than a Kilbey..)
anyway this is just to give ya some background to the whole damn thing
also say lou lou were called saint lou lou for a while
but had to change back to say lou lou for copyright reasons
ie an austrian c+w singer( the mind boggles at this inanity!) had a similiar handle
anyway i imagine ALL would have liked SLL better than TC (the church, ha ha)
so lets have a listen to Lucid Dreaming (great title) then
1 Everything we touch
a sorta oriental beginning leads into pretty good elektro-pop song
this one definitely contains the lou lou sound which will recur several times on this record
superior melodic the song came with a video of the girls in gold paint
the girls are incredibly photogenic too
in the flesh i always marvel at how young and sometimes almost scrawny they seem
but on camera they are magically reinvented
their angles and their weird identicality which has its paradoxic differences
strangely enough (and i never would have thought this before in rocknroll)
i think their good looks have slightly obscured things
and in sweden at least they are approaching that certain celebrity status
man there is a tempting decision right there
which path to follow the looks and celebrity..?
or the music ..because you can follow both for awhile and they will
but sometimes you start out one thing and end up another
so they instantly crashed into the spotlight as a total package-thing
there is a lot of pressure and a lot of decisions
it truly is not all dancing on clouds i of all people know that
the first song is a good start to this record
trainspotters may note
this song has a line days of ashes nights of flame
i used the ash and the flame metaphor in one of my songs too
i’m sure they never heard that song
it’s an interesting look into the kilbey lyric writing
that we both went for that
2 Glitter
look this one definitely has some abba-esque keyboards in the chorus
the twins constantly evoke abba whether its deliberate i dunno
their vocals sit together like those other 2 famous swedish chanteuses
that silvery effect i myself love
the song itself is an bit of a head tapping toe tapping number when the chorus kicks in
all that glitter all that foreign gold
what a fantastic line..so much implied but so little said
a lovely economy of words is used throughout the record
its never flowery its never vapid
it always contains some twists and turns
and ambiguity
look the girls are shaping up to be very very fine lyricists and melodicists
Glitter is very cool and very sexy
it could have been used as a futuristic disco number in the film barbarella
3 Games for Girls
i told one of em this was not my favourite track
and she said ; well we dont make music for you daddy!
its not a bad track per se
but it lacks the emotional oomph that all the other songs possess
i understand there are things about it i do not appreciate
however after seeing the girls perform this very song
at some glittering swedish award thingy
must admit i enjoyed watching their enthusiastic performance
they are grokking showbiz at an alarming rate
4 Julian
this sounds like minna singing at least in the first verse
this is another pretty good pop song like the first track
half rock half elektro
the twins rescuing some geezer fallen foul of the authorities
(after an hour in the car with both of them he might turn himself back in)
a well crafted and nicely ambiguous rescue ballad that i always enjoy
5 Angels
i dont who know that is singing the first verse i am confused: elektra?
then i think yes its miranda
a beautiful exciting chorus
its intentions are unclear
i like that; my songs are mostly like that
you hear the song but you can never quite figure out whats going on in there
you keep coming back for more
6 Peppermint
i cannot begin to tell you how much i love this song
everything about it is just so perfect
margot smith would have devoured this song
such a smooth groovy torch song
everything placed so well
the glissing strings the elektric piano
the b vox and the echoes which linger
very romantic but never schmaltzy
excellent work
7 Beloved
miranda told me that her sister was singing most of this song
and in the first verse you can hear the difference between their voices a bit
but of course they can and do sing like each other too
it must be a fascinating opportunity to do vocal things
this is another torch song but more dramatic
once again somehow the spectre of ABBA is invoked there
theres a swedish sound and this is part of it
a moving and lovely song
8 Hard for a man
a good pop song with pithy lyrics and some good double entendres
its very much the lou lou sound that this record defaults to
the walloping e-drums the synth washes and the stacked vocals
interesting bit in the middle where it goes all echoey
and the backwards stuff at the end is cool too
9 Wilder than the wind
this is my downright favourite on the record
its just a bloody great song and everything combines perfectly
gorgeous melody
medium paced
bubbling sequenced synths
so romantic and so romeo and juliet or something
the song should come with a hanky it brings a tear
with its naive optimism and sweet sweet singing
great breakdown bit at the end sounds like goth
instant classic
10 Nothing but a heartbeat
the next single
and mining their usual vein of sophisticated smoothness
romance and melody
exciting and very single-y
yes lou lou can do this well
and they have shown us that on this record
maybe this will be the elusive bona fide hit single
whether it is or is not
i think they have mastered this form now
and must elucidate more on their next record
whatever that means but they will figure it out i’m sure
11 Skylights
great rocking optimistic triumphant song
some great bombastic drumming and e-horns and strings
we got to stay strong they remind themselves at the end of each refrain
a fantastic everything-but-the-kitchen-sink ending
and a great finish to this record
you’ll wanna hear it over and over again
i have listened to this record a lot
these 2 women are purveying a total pop world
of lush melody and sweet harmony
ugly words and discordant notes do not penetrate it
if sadness comes it is dripping in a honey like melancholy
say lou lou are the prime movers in their world
they encourage and criticise the people inhabiting their songs
they save people and admonish lovers
they notice small details and then they see the big picture too
they never labour the point
and they never seem to tell the whole story
its a shame the wonderful song they did with chet faker fool of me
isnt on here
and so too their magnificent take on that tame impala song
but it couldnt have everything could it?
as a debut it is a damn fine record
i’m giving it four and one third stars.
on every level
it made me feel very very happy!