test pattern
when i was a kid
i was scouring all the music rags
looking for the next big thing
i read a small article on a band called television
in a mag called rock scene
it was written by patti smith
she wrote about this guy tom verlaines hands
how he was the kinda guy you’d wanna lose yer virginity to….
over the next few years there were tantalising references constantly
all of em saying how this band were incredible
johnny jewel a single (kinda strange but intriguing)
and bits and pieces until in 1977 the first album came out
of course it was called marquee moon
and verily it was all they said it would be
an incredible record
34 years later today
i got an email from some guys watching televisions current progress
co guitarist richard lloyd is out
and some other guy jimmy rip is in
theres a whole argument going down on youtube
richard lloyd weighing in slagging off tv
funny that people are interested in these ancient clashes
i met tv in 1988
he was opening for the church and peter murphy
he wanted to borrow my acoustic guitar
it was a black guild ..it got stolen n broke my heart
as soon as he played one note you could hear it was him
a totally unique approach dare i say virtuoso
pk sometimes has this effect like a total understanding
anyway tv was sposed to go on murphys bus
but within one second tv had some falling out with murph
and ended up on our bus for a whole tour
he started the night with a 30 minute set
alone with an acoustic he was kinda ordinary
he was very jokey in a bizarre way on and off stage
he was a total caffeine and nicotine man too
he was always wired tho he eschewed all other substances
television had been a huge influence on us all
we were all quite surprised n impressed to have tv with us
he treated me a bit like an annoying kid and i probably deserved it
i blabbed on to him all day about television ..why i liked them…
but he was bemused and sent me up a bit
we played monopoly for real money once on the bus
and tv bickered over the fuckin’ rules and argued the toss
eeerrr kil-bee lets see uh this triple double in jail rule
uh i think this is an uh english rule and uh i aint goin’ to jail..
how bizarre to be arguing monopoly rules with verlaine
somewhere in dakota or wherever as we sped thru the night
as the tour progressed tv would come out each night and play with us
we did :you took and cortez the killer with 3 lead guitarists
3 of the very best you can get too
offstage however
tv was an incredible stingy miser arguing over every last cent literally
eerrr uh kil-bee uh you should pay an extra 75 cents for your share of the fries
this was one of the complaints on the you tube vids toms meanness
he was never very complimentary about richard lloyd either
lloyd didnt have anything to do with it if you listened to tv
he downplayed the guy right outta existence
it was unnecessary i thought to be so ungracious….
one day off in houston we went to this place
it was 1988 and you could record your vocal over a cassette backing
i sang my vocal over i left my heart in san francisco ( for DT)
tv got some old country n western track n giggled n whispered n muttered
he played it back to us convinced he’d found some new direction
one night the phone rang in my room
eerr kil-bee eerr uh i’m down here in the bar with some divorcees
and i was ah wondrin’ if uh you could uh take one off my hands …
he was very charismatic and quite the ladies man
every night different women would seek him out backstage
strangely none seemed too bizarre for his taste
he had a little sweetie in every town
one morning we checked in some place early on the east coast
it was winter and snow lay on the ground
tv suggested a walk
and we hiked up this hill with a reservoir at the top
it was 630 in the morning and we interrupted something
cos suddenly about 10 big black guys were chasing us
baying for our blood
tv and i ran downhill into the woods
tv was like a thoroughbred horse leaping thru the trees
it was weird to be in such a pickle with a one time idol
anyway the stuff that happened onstage when he joined us was magic
he could coax a million sounds from a guitar trains and birds
and doppler effects and helicopters and guns ..anything..
but you could never see exactly how he did it …he was a true genius
we vaguely planned on recording together but his heart wasnt in it
we bickered over the financial details and that was it
i dont believe it would have worked out anyway
tv had some essential suspicious jokey sarcastic ny schtick
it was hard to get through it
he insulted lembo who was trying to manage him
and lembo couldnt see the financial gain
as opposed to the grief n pain that managing tv would bring
he was ungrateful in spades and just incredibly penny pinching
like a scrooge from brooklyn or something
it was an unnerving mixture
we drifted apart after the tour i never saw him again
marty played on on of ‘is solo records
and the church did an insipid uninspired version of friction
funny seeing tv on that show in portugal just filmed lately
that same old cagey grin that same old tom cat jive
jesus what a character
ha ha