the voice of god is almost silent
drowned out by thunder
the chatter of women
the brute guffaw of man
the groaning beasts
pounding of the surf
life thirsty for flesh
pulls on a suit of bones
fell angel
green alligator
archer fish
little tiger
all move within existence and its ellipses
heir to these pre-existing conditions
yet somehow
every creatures mask hides a tiny unique aspect of the one
the one who can be barely glimpsed
the one who is everywhere but nowhere to be found
genius god idiot god
god of everything as everything is in god
you cannot put him in a book
he will not be contained within a myth
he will not be killed upon a cross
he doesn’t favour one crowd over another
why do i call him he?
god is not male
god is not jealous
god is not remorseful or ever angry
my god is an artist spreading himself over galaxies
he shows himself in everything
its more obvious than obvious maybe why we don’t see it
god sings up the worlds
they flow from his pores
god never toils god never rests
his language is simple like the wind in the fields
his language complex like the fragile multiverse in immanence
time beyond time folded in on itself
a layer of dreams and illusions
the dance of maya shrouds us in mystery
we struggle and thrash against unseen foes
we imagine the worst in defeat and in triumph
we’ve gone so far off the track but which track was that..?
what am i saying exactly i’d like to know…
i’d like to know who puts all these words in my head
i’d like to know who guides my hand on my axe
i’d like to know who my children used to be
before they were rolled back into this world
reincarnation i take it for granted
we have all lived before we will all live again
we die and we die but what does it mean?
i’m only a poet i really don’t know
i only know how to make the words rhyme
i ask all the same questions all of the time
love is the answer i hear someone say
so profound to be meaningless
what should one love?
love a god you never can see?
whose voice is so nearly silent in your roaring heart
who people blame for all stupid things
dont blame the bloodthirsty popes on god
the ones who cut off peoples noses for jesus christs sake
dont blame god for the crusades and jihads
he must laugh his socks off at conceits such as these….
do you think that god smiles as he looks upon earth
and sees the slaughter of the dumb beasts
dumb in that they can’t plead for their lives in spanish or english
or in japanese or hebrew or arabic or french
blood on our hands
knee deep in filth
we hammer out the brains of gentle cows and lambs
we invent new ways to electrocute chickens (oh how fucking noble?)
we clog up rivers with clotted gore and guts
we breed misery and anguish in pens and cages
just to bring people meat
i wonder if god thinks that thats kosher?
i wonder if god thinks thats mercy in action…?
i wonder if it says in some bible its ok….?
i wonder if some tosser in 400 BC
had some religious rationale for the killing of beasts…?
i really must smile at the ridiculous notion
that a god who created this unimaginable creation
so perfectly strange
as if this same god
this titan of craftsmen
this nebulous spirit that works in vivid matter
would see this or that tribe stumbling about in some land or other
and give them carte blanche to do whatever they liked….?
how convenient is that?
but what about everybody else….?
oh baby no one gotta mortgage on god
no bishop dressed up in foolish buffoonery
fresh from the wine and fine food
covering up dirty secrets that keep leaking out
you really think
that the one god is trusting his secrets to turkeys like this?
or to terrorists or klans or idiots a’knocking on yer door
trying to sell you some preposterous story about boney moroni
phoney baloney
do you really think thats how things go down?
do you really think we have the capacity to understand even the smallest bit of this
all meat is murder
all bombs are terrorist
all wars are sordid butchery of our finest young men
you really can’t trust the people in power
most are the worst the very worst you could find
we see that over and over again in history don’t we…?
its a shame history isn’t one long uneventful boring old yarn
where nothing nasty ever happened no glorious wars
no one invaded none put to the sword
no firing squads no napalm no spears
no stukas no lockheed starfighters
no missiles pointed out into space
no hannibal no napoleon no caligula no bush
no mao tse tung no kaiser bill
no richard the lion heart
and none of the rest
what do they ever do but get us killed?
i preach take it easy
i preach let it go
i preach don’t drink vodka cause it will ruin you so
i preach get SKP so i can make some more dough
i preach because who will if i don’t….?
will anybody?