gimme yer hands
my friends we have lived through this night over and over
aftershave and winebars
a thousand cigarettes later
you sitting down on a beach talking to some girls
when they ask you your name
you cannot remember
the evening has overwhelmed you hip and unexpected
the whorl of time unravelling slow as it does
squashed into a booth its hard to read the menu
alone under the creaming stars its vertiginous suddenly lurching
people scream over the din
at the idiot inside me who nods and grins
and agrees with their multi chewed off sins
i guffaw and i shout waving money about
somewhere outside myself someone hovers watching
the streets crawling with cars black silver white
i exit through a door in the wall
we walk along through streets of memory
laughing out loud at nothing in particular
we walk through the shadows cast by towers and sphinxes
the bridge in your gardens bright with pantheon decorations
learning to embrace south east asia
i accepted these monsoons and these buddhas as my own…
in the warehouse downtown
they are watching yachts racing in emerald seas
i long to be free of these old days and their films
i sit under coloured lanterns drinking saki in the village precinct
i drive my sleek car to fantastic parties
degenerating into sordid glamourous orgies
i pull out my triple golden cards i am gained admittance to pleasurable nights
with bankless banking i summon money from the static into my pocket
i give arms to the poor who are rich in memory and in hope
in a backroom over a deal i feel real lucky i’m a singer
as someone counts out the fifties shifty eyes fall upon me
but i come with my words they have all heard
it calms them to hear the sweet music in the air
over a coffee by the ocean i over hear them plot a crime
they invite me to write the music for their knavery
life is surreal when youre a surrealist
hey its saturday night what do i care?
i let myself be driven on long seaside boulevards
in the back where i sat indulged in the view
the salty air flew past us healing and wholesome
a strike of empathy
as a plane in the sky sounds like stravinsky
there are get-togethers up and down my street
booze fuelled merriment and dissent
paddy wagons cruise laneways and alleys
in a lift we go up to a suite in the skyline
they jump out offering you the fucking moon if you want it
soon youre relaxing by a pond in a faux forest
curvaceous dakini like beings sit and chat to you
in charming accents soft and demur
can we just check your nsw driving licence ? they say
can you tell us the expiry date on your visa?
dishevelled you stumble out of the elevators
disoriented in the oriental bent of the cherry blossoms on clark street
you wander into a seven eleven and order a rissi frutti
the queue softens a little as you bid your adieu to your few friends
you can see the glittering coast at the end of the road
casinos and motels and white haciendas with metallic shutters
the drugs are kicking in all over sydney right now
as an empath to the stuff i am drowned in somebody elses rush
like it or not my heartbeat increases in the rushes own hush
i reach for a light in the dark
our hands touch for a moment
but then youre in another room
gossipping loudly with the indian major and the lady from greece
i could hear their stupid laughter after all the noise ceased
on the balcony with a cocktail with a funny name like total control
it had 8 white spirits rolled in the punch bowl
the sea fog rolls in drawn upon by the expiring heat of the day
saturday night rapidly eroded as sunday morning wilfully extrudes
in the mirror on the deck i am looking at the ruin of my face
the city in the distance one way
and out to sea a few odd lights
the air is so delicious you are drunk on your third breath
the night promises forever as it hurtles to its midnight
3 hours only remaining in your game that you play with someone elses name
in the park by the boardwalk we stopped and talked above the rain
i turned and said goodbye it was quicker than having to lie again
you stood there as if for good there
in the coolness of the sand
the sea begins to understand the land