all of this will one day pass
it is of no consequence what he says or she does
all the lies
all the truth
who will care ?
unscrupulous bastards
paragons of virtue
ordinary old scrubbers
the waiter with the bill
the noise the hoo ha
the jockeying
the dirty flirting thats always hurting
the black eye
the eviction notice
the mezcal still going down n making me sleepy
oh to sleep and sleep and sleep
oh to wake up in a sunny past when everything was just so splendid
the wheels crank around
the orbs move through the sky
nothing changes
everything changes
its all still going on out here
theyre all still closing in on us
the cops the lawyers the soldiers the ghosts
a hundred thousand born
a hundred thousand die
but sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep
how i envy those deep dreaming in some lovely sleep
outside tho
its cold and im getting old and my skin is tight and hurting
strangers love me but lovers are estranged how very strange
no i aint got the power anymore
i impotently hurl words at pages
old and fragile faker
just another contender just another lender just another bender
fill me up with more drugs and more drink and more women and more music
send me to bed without my fucking supper
look at me sadly as i sit up in bed waiting for something that never arrives
walk around the room putting things away thank you for all the hooks
remembering blue days and photographs of apples
remembering velvety rivers and gentle evenings
remembering all those heads that lay on my shoulder
remembering screaming down a million phones at a million different people
everyone of them was me
the preposterous jostling against the pleasant mundanity of life
i hate sunday and i always will
i already feel it coming down the line
i hate loneliness i hate crowds
i hate silence i hate noise
i hate hating stuff and i wonder where all the love evaporates when its gone
i wonder how long im s’posed to play my latest part and i fear not much longer
the words fall out of the sky
the messages come in like stupid little pigeons
oh i love you
oh now i hate you
oh now i am at the shop do you want anything?
oh why dont you come down to charlies bar where we’re all having a drink?
oh why dont you lighten up
oh why dont you take it more seriously
oh why dont you pay the interest on your credit card and avoid a late fee
oh why dont you write a song about all of this
my legs are hurting
my eyes are sore
i like looking at my face still and admiring my angles
i could do anything i like but i do nothing
i shouldnt do anything but theres nothing i like anyway
now i am already asleep
the bills have paid themselves
the problems have been solved as i dreampt
i feel warmth in my limbs
as i sleep i hold my cock in my hand
my hair looks stupid when i wake up
its still only very early but the aeroplanes are rattling all my statues of buddha
the phantom groupies are all getting dressed and having showers and leaving
the long dead boys of all the old bands are smoking cigarettes as the van splutters to life
we’re in germany
we’re in iowa
we’re in strathfield
i lied to you all i never wrote any songs
or played any gigs
i was never a junky
i never was in bed with yer sister
i never left school
my name isnt even steve fucking kilbey
how gullible you were to believe all that nonsense
how lovely it is to sleep in my little bed all snugly in my boots and jacket
how unobtainable the past suddenly is
oh its lovely down here
tell me
why would ya ever wanna wake up?