the elusiveness of pleasure
you chase it till you overshoot it
eventually nothing will do the trick
not even your little precious’s
predictable inevitable and futile
i cannot look on any longer
i’m over it
youre free
in free fall
the elusiveness of pleasure you chase it till you overshoot it eventually nothing will do the trick not even your little precious’s predictable inevitable and futile i cannot look on any longer i’m over it youre free in free fall
the despairing worm which writhes under golden light between the withered blade and the tombstone thistles where i lay me down the inky night of a dark star to guide me the shape of a pale rider beside me the stupid hope you’ll be home soon here inside me i grope towards the dangling truth but its so flexible imperceptibly bent i believe i will leave when i leave then surely i will believe i believe i can leave and leave it all behind diamond lined mind of many faces replaces a dwarf for slim chance i dance in the margins where the ichor oozes and hardens in gardens of the blind surely you wander now fonder however as you are of ham rather than what i am yonder is bonding my wand to the distance in this instance at least and all my insistence i need no assistance
the despairing worm which writhes under golden light
between the withered blade and the tombstone thistles where i lay me down
the inky night of a dark star to guide me
the shape of a pale rider beside me
the stupid hope you’ll be home soon here inside me
i grope towards the dangling truth but its so flexible
imperceptibly bent
i believe i will leave
when i leave then surely i will believe
i believe i can leave and leave it all behind
diamond lined mind of many faces
replaces a dwarf for slim chance
i dance in the margins
where the ichor oozes and hardens
in gardens of the blind surely you wander now
fonder however as you are of ham rather than what i am
yonder is bonding my wand to the distance
in this instance
at least
and all my insistence
i need no assistance
if youre reading this then i must be sorry if you happen to cast a glance upon these words you know me and you know me well and the new you knew me once too back before the glaciers slid into your lives before the mammoth sailed across your plains before the wind starred in your garden of unearthly delights before that strange sweet thing which eats you all alive had manifested last winter and even before when i wandered and even before that when all is one then then then just then just then
if youre reading this then i must be sorry
if you happen to cast a glance upon these words
you know me and you know me well
and the new you knew me once too
back before the glaciers slid into your lives
before the mammoth sailed across your plains
before the wind starred in your garden of unearthly delights
before that strange sweet thing which eats you all alive had manifested last winter
and even before when i wandered
and even before that when all is one
then then then
just then
just then
at last me and kathy came to the edge of the great forest where we had wandered lost for years and lo there were two paths that stretched off on either side which one would dad have taken..? wondered kathy aloud and then you got to choose..! she said to me almost angry as i stood there hesitating as i stood there gazing from my left to my right at the 2 paths that led off into the haze of some fine distance well..? demands some other voice in another room the audience all tune in to see what me and kathy will do as we stand there at a standstill as i dither and fumble and time rushes by as the birds fly in low and make mechanical noises as a fox stops to gaze at us as a reindeer grazes on the verdant lawn come on steven she says to me and reaches for my hand pulling me towards her and the left hand path no i say weakly but she is too strong the fox shakes its head the birds caw and screech the reindeer regards us with its sad dark eyes we walk down that path and a cold fog of night comes down we walk that path losing each other in its darknesses i walk along on my own thru the dreary and sad night Kathy..? i call but there is no one there to hear my voice muffled as it is in fog Kathy..? i think but there is no one anywhere who can hear my thoughts and so i walk on and on for one thousand years faltering step on faltering step marking out a circle in which i meander life upon life upon life until i am small and nothing left of me except the last […]
at last me and kathy came to the edge of the great forest where we had wandered lost for years
and lo there were two paths that stretched off on either side
which one would dad have taken..? wondered kathy aloud
and then
you got to choose..! she said to me almost angry as i stood there hesitating
as i stood there gazing from my left to my right
at the 2 paths that led off into the haze of some fine distance
well..? demands some other voice in another room
the audience all tune in to see what me and kathy will do
as we stand there at a standstill
as i dither and fumble and time rushes by
as the birds fly in low and make mechanical noises
as a fox stops to gaze at us
as a reindeer grazes on the verdant lawn
come on steven she says to me and reaches for my hand
pulling me towards her and the left hand path
no i say weakly but she is too strong
the fox shakes its head
the birds caw and screech
the reindeer regards us with its sad dark eyes
we walk down that path and a cold fog of night comes down
we walk that path losing each other in its darknesses
i walk along on my own thru the dreary and sad night
Kathy..? i call but there is no one there to hear my voice muffled as it is in fog
Kathy..? i think but there is no one anywhere who can hear my thoughts
and so i walk on and on for one thousand years
faltering step on faltering step
marking out a circle in which i meander life upon life upon life
until i am small and nothing left of me
except the last Kathy..?
which is uttered and then hanging in the silence
a tiny little sound
like the memory of a bell faraway in childhood.
yeah look at me kids im a singer in shiny pants and a big ole mike suddenly the moment is over i cant really sing very well but the people clap anyway thats politeness for you i am across the social media like margarine spread on a cracker i must seem to be everywhere but i’m in my rented room in coogee on my own i impatiently wait for sleep to arrive altho its not even 10 oclock i dont feel sorry for myself because all the bad stuff was my own doing my own undoing i should say i had it all and i lost it all and then i had more and i lost more when its gone its gone and its gone the music biz conspires not to pay me what should be coming to me but i hardly care anymore large sums of money are mentioned but it trickles down slow and arduous theres always an excuse my tongue isnt forked its a cat o nine tails my eyes glazed over i follow only the action i’m interested in i cant hear whatever you say i dont feel whatever it is the happiness drops are yet to hit my system i am expected to believe stupendous fairytails and i sit there barely protesting i go have a massage i go have acupuncture as quick as they put it back together it falls apart again i did and said every wrong thing as i always do inexplicable things occur anxiety pursues me taking up possession in my mind and the voices all pipe up nowhere seems a good place to be wherever i am i am in the way people push around me to get to wherever it is they are going i derail all the trains […]
yeah look at me kids
im a singer in shiny pants and a big ole mike
suddenly the moment is over
i cant really sing very well but the people clap anyway
thats politeness for you
i am across the social media like margarine spread on a cracker
i must seem to be everywhere but i’m in my rented room in coogee on my own
i impatiently wait for sleep to arrive altho its not even 10 oclock
i dont feel sorry for myself because all the bad stuff was my own doing
my own undoing i should say
i had it all and i lost it all and then i had more and i lost more
when its gone its gone and its gone
the music biz conspires not to pay me what should be coming to me but i hardly care anymore
large sums of money are mentioned but it trickles down slow and arduous
theres always an excuse
my tongue isnt forked its a cat o nine tails
my eyes glazed over i follow only the action i’m interested in
i cant hear whatever you say i dont feel whatever it is
the happiness drops are yet to hit my system
i am expected to believe stupendous fairytails and i sit there barely protesting
i go have a massage i go have acupuncture
as quick as they put it back together it falls apart again
i did and said every wrong thing as i always do
inexplicable things occur
anxiety pursues me
taking up possession in my mind and the voices all pipe up
nowhere seems a good place to be
wherever i am i am in the way
people push around me to get to wherever it is they are going
i derail all the trains that holding precious cargo runaway into evening
i am an anomaly a king without a thing
except an axe to grind
and some blues to sing
life is so bizarre and random
i mean there is a god but i have drifted away into shadow
shadow of nescience
of untruth
i struggle with the darkness sent to get me
why does it want me…?
i couldnt even say
my brilliant mind all amped up the synapses fire non stop
i am not allowed to say i am speechless
the mirror looks tired and gaunt slightly haunted
the horizon stretches out across the barren page where i have written nothing
the rain comes in through the heat where its stifling and dark
my ribcage holds a photocopy of a heart
i was in the moment but the moment is gone
i start to feel sleepy that is at least a good thing
tomorrow i jump on a bus for another gig
some country town i hear i never been before
i will arrive decorated in my shambles
my fiascos will be nicely on display
still the mouth open there comes that voice i mean its ok
blah blah blah the singers sing
what the fuck does that all mean why a big delightful nothing
the drums boom boom crash whack thud
the lights turn blood red
the characters in my life are all in my song
in my one song i sing out man i was strung out in a dream
running around trying to call somebody
i was unaware that i lay in a bed and was dreaming
in the next room i hear myself arguing with someone
my voice getting louder and angrier
my voice and the other voice over the top of each other
no one is listening but me now sitting here typing this up
round and round the argument goes ending back at the start before launching forth again
tears and sneers and cheerless jeering
i cant hear much anyway my ears ring so bad now
i cant even hear myself going on from weeks ago
the window rattles in its pane
some guys are having a drink and a laugh next door
i am detached now
my mind begins to switch off
sundays are the worst day
its friday night
in someones head i will paint the town red
my dreams will be more of the same
some struggle i can never name
wow its 10 22 now thats really past my bedtime
seeing tomorrow i will sing somewhere else
and someone else will hear the song
dont wait up
and i will be right along
when we are not we the sky ripped open sound of great wings is audible in silent prayer the air around me thickens the blood in my mind quickening so slowly my moon dissolve in the puddle when you are not you are not you you alone without all the other stuff no props no filters no lens no more shocks i am not i am not i am not myself me alone as the droned tones of our song linger no longer a singer now im just another croaker and everyone will be glad when its over yes everyone will be glad for the bother i am not you and never should have been i should have listened i should have seen i should have read between all the lines i should have never vented all my furious spleen all the clowns and little pigs why do they appeareth so big..?
when we are not we
the sky ripped open
sound of great wings is audible
in silent prayer the air around me thickens
the blood in my mind quickening so slowly
my moon dissolve in the puddle
when you are not you are not you
you alone without all the other stuff
no props no filters no lens no more shocks
i am not i am not i am not myself
me alone as the droned tones of our song linger
no longer a singer now im just another croaker
and everyone will be glad when its over
yes everyone will be glad for the bother
i am not you and never should have been
i should have listened i should have seen
i should have read between all the lines
i should have never vented all my furious spleen
all the clowns and little pigs
why do they appeareth so big..?
harridan of mercindols i sing for my supper and i sometimes must starve i am everything i never wanted to be i merge with the rain in sunlight all my years on my face the people i meet with all shaking my hands in sleep i am in torment in alertness i am falling asleep longing for moments in the past to return null future void on the songs i sang all rang on in my ears
harridan of mercindols
i sing for my supper and i sometimes must starve
i am everything i never wanted to be
i merge with the rain
in sunlight all my years on my face
the people i meet with all shaking my hands
in sleep i am in torment
in alertness i am falling asleep
longing for moments in the past to return
null future void on
the songs i sang
all rang on in my ears
i killer of the mundane the slayer of ennui the kingly man with a lions heart on his sleeve steve i who live on nectars and ether visitor from another planet with strangely powerless yeah i fucking entertain em for my living i jumped up in fremantle last night me n my little band damn we were good i know jesus looked down and smiled once or twice playing a bunch of my new songs too oh gee they all really sounded good at least i thought so had a few stiff gins too and some excellent musicians cigarettes fell into the zone and we stayed there full marks to guys in my band shaun shaun and adrian in one afternoon we chucked it all together great venue too altho i already forgot the name was it the blinco club or something? going on radio today and indigenous singer Gina Williams is going to come on and sing under the milky way in her own language Noongar . there are less than 400 living speakers i sing second verse because Gina got stuck translating the word “curtains” because they had no curtains and no word for them so she has a lovely powerful voice too imagine my song sung in this ancient and rare tongue well thats gotta be good…right? corporate solo show for some lawyers tonite for some good $ wonder if i can snag a free attorney? but the law is an ass…! then back east to rehearse for smiths tribute gig which is sold out almost a thousand people now cramming in my room for show i am this charming man bidding fonda dew
i killer of the mundane
the slayer of ennui
the kingly man with a lions heart on his sleeve steve
i who live on nectars and ether
visitor from another planet with strangely powerless
yeah i fucking entertain em for my living
i jumped up in fremantle last night
me n my little band damn we were good
i know jesus looked down and smiled once or twice
playing a bunch of my new songs too
oh gee they all really sounded good at least i thought so
had a few stiff gins too and some excellent musicians cigarettes
fell into the zone and we stayed there
full marks to guys in my band shaun shaun and adrian
in one afternoon we chucked it all together
great venue too altho i already forgot the name
was it the blinco club or something?
going on radio today and indigenous singer Gina Williams
is going to come on and sing under the milky way
in her own language Noongar . there are less than 400 living speakers
i sing second verse because Gina got stuck translating the word “curtains”
because they had no curtains and no word for them
so she has a lovely powerful voice too
imagine my song sung in this ancient and rare tongue
well thats gotta be good…right?
corporate solo show for some lawyers tonite for some good $
wonder if i can snag a free attorney? but the law is an ass…!
then back east to rehearse for smiths tribute gig which is sold out
almost a thousand people
now cramming in my room for show
i am
this charming man
bidding fonda dew
sorry for my immodesty but fuck i feel and i look good for 62 in fact i feel healthier and have more energy than when i was 22 my doctor says to me after a whole gamut of tests whatever youre doing just keep doing it! my blood pressure my heart my lungs my blood tests all my levels: in good shape my friends you will be happy to know i turned the diabetes around by avoiding sugar the hep C is now gone thanks to Harvoni the heart palpitations have stopped i swim i do yoga i meditate i walk up n down hills nothing and nobody stops me of course i lay most of this at the feet of not eating meat if you wanna look young and be healthy DONT EAT FUCKING MEAT! what can be any simpler than that? dont smoke cigarettes take it easy with booze. i like a drink but i stop at one rarely 2 take it easy with the drugs watch out cos theres a lotta new synthetics out there gonna fuck you up quicker than heroin ever would be nice to people do charitable acts its so obvious imitate jesus imitate buddha have sex (even if its only with yerself you wankers!) i reckon its gotta be good for ya! have good friends do what you believe in blah blah blah you know what i say its all the same old things i always say but look at me the proof is in the pudding then also one day my luck will run out like everyone elses has to meanwhile i have hit my sixties with a definite bang! and i’m on the track n i’m running refrain from all that bullshit you know is bad for you get in the fucking […]
sorry for my immodesty but fuck i feel and i look good for 62
in fact i feel healthier and have more energy than when i was 22
my doctor says to me after a whole gamut of tests
whatever youre doing just keep doing it!
my blood pressure my heart my lungs my blood tests all my levels: in good shape
my friends you will be happy to know i turned the diabetes around by avoiding sugar
the hep C is now gone thanks to Harvoni
the heart palpitations have stopped
i swim
i do yoga
i meditate
i walk up n down hills
nothing and nobody stops me
of course i lay most of this at the feet of not eating meat
if you wanna look young and be healthy DONT EAT FUCKING MEAT!
what can be any simpler than that?
dont smoke cigarettes
take it easy with booze. i like a drink but i stop at one rarely 2
take it easy with the drugs
watch out cos theres a lotta new synthetics out there gonna fuck you up quicker than heroin ever would
be nice to people
do charitable acts
its so obvious
imitate jesus
imitate buddha
have sex (even if its only with yerself you wankers!) i reckon its gotta be good for ya!
have good friends
do what you believe in
blah blah blah
you know what i say its all the same old things i always say
but look at me the proof is in the pudding
then also one day my luck will run out like everyone elses has to
meanwhile i have hit my sixties with a definite bang! and i’m on the track n i’m running
refrain from all that bullshit you know is bad for you
get in the fucking sea and get in the sun and get in the wind
be courteous and polite to everyone even if they are obviously being a fucknuckle
i dont know
i feel my philosophies and lifestyle and my beliefs have rendered 62 a mere number
nothing has changed
i aint no old shambling wreck
i was a vegetarian and i exercised and now i am really reaping the rewards
i only tell you this not to merely brag although i am stupidly bragging yes
but to exhort you to stop with the meat stop with the bad stuff
do the good stuff
look !
it works
i’m 62 and i dont give a flying fuck!
now btw
am having a remarkable sale for my birthday that will last for one week only and then will revert back to normal price . you can buy all 35 of my solo and collaboration albums for just under 100 dollars
Go to any album and navigate to ‘BUY NOW’.
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Get all 35 releases from Steve Kilbey available on Bandcamp and save 80%.
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of Speed of the Stars, The Word is…., Space Bootleg, Art, Man & Technology, Miscellanaea – Whispers In The Static, SK Live ‘Fly By Night’, You Are Everything, The Idyllist, and 27 more.
Buy Now $98.39 AUD or more (80% OFF)
all of this will one day pass it is of no consequence what he says or she does all the lies all the truth who will care ? unscrupulous bastards paragons of virtue ordinary old scrubbers the waiter with the bill the noise the hoo ha the jockeying the dirty flirting thats always hurting the black eye the eviction notice the mezcal still going down n making me sleepy oh to sleep and sleep and sleep oh to wake up in a sunny past when everything was just so splendid the wheels crank around the orbs move through the sky nothing changes everything changes its all still going on out here theyre all still closing in on us the cops the lawyers the soldiers the ghosts a hundred thousand born a hundred thousand die but sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep how i envy those deep dreaming in some lovely sleep outside tho its cold and im getting old and my skin is tight and hurting strangers love me but lovers are estranged how very strange no i aint got the power anymore i impotently hurl words at pages old and fragile faker just another contender just another lender just another bender fill me up with more drugs and more drink and more women and more music send me to bed without my fucking supper look at me sadly as i sit up in bed waiting for something that never arrives walk around the room putting things away thank you for all the hooks remembering blue days and photographs of apples remembering velvety rivers and gentle evenings remembering all those heads that lay on my shoulder remembering screaming down a million phones at a million different people everyone of them was me the preposterous jostling against the pleasant mundanity […]
all of this will one day pass
it is of no consequence what he says or she does
all the lies
all the truth
who will care ?
unscrupulous bastards
paragons of virtue
ordinary old scrubbers
the waiter with the bill
the noise the hoo ha
the jockeying
the dirty flirting thats always hurting
the black eye
the eviction notice
the mezcal still going down n making me sleepy
oh to sleep and sleep and sleep
oh to wake up in a sunny past when everything was just so splendid
the wheels crank around
the orbs move through the sky
nothing changes
everything changes
its all still going on out here
theyre all still closing in on us
the cops the lawyers the soldiers the ghosts
a hundred thousand born
a hundred thousand die
but sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep
how i envy those deep dreaming in some lovely sleep
outside tho
its cold and im getting old and my skin is tight and hurting
strangers love me but lovers are estranged how very strange
no i aint got the power anymore
i impotently hurl words at pages
old and fragile faker
just another contender just another lender just another bender
fill me up with more drugs and more drink and more women and more music
send me to bed without my fucking supper
look at me sadly as i sit up in bed waiting for something that never arrives
walk around the room putting things away thank you for all the hooks
remembering blue days and photographs of apples
remembering velvety rivers and gentle evenings
remembering all those heads that lay on my shoulder
remembering screaming down a million phones at a million different people
everyone of them was me
the preposterous jostling against the pleasant mundanity of life
i hate sunday and i always will
i already feel it coming down the line
i hate loneliness i hate crowds
i hate silence i hate noise
i hate hating stuff and i wonder where all the love evaporates when its gone
i wonder how long im s’posed to play my latest part and i fear not much longer
the words fall out of the sky
the messages come in like stupid little pigeons
oh i love you
oh now i hate you
oh now i am at the shop do you want anything?
oh why dont you come down to charlies bar where we’re all having a drink?
oh why dont you lighten up
oh why dont you take it more seriously
oh why dont you pay the interest on your credit card and avoid a late fee
oh why dont you write a song about all of this
my legs are hurting
my eyes are sore
i like looking at my face still and admiring my angles
i could do anything i like but i do nothing
i shouldnt do anything but theres nothing i like anyway
now i am already asleep
the bills have paid themselves
the problems have been solved as i dreampt
i feel warmth in my limbs
as i sleep i hold my cock in my hand
my hair looks stupid when i wake up
its still only very early but the aeroplanes are rattling all my statues of buddha
the phantom groupies are all getting dressed and having showers and leaving
the long dead boys of all the old bands are smoking cigarettes as the van splutters to life
we’re in germany
we’re in iowa
we’re in strathfield
i lied to you all i never wrote any songs
or played any gigs
i was never a junky
i never was in bed with yer sister
i never left school
my name isnt even steve fucking kilbey
how gullible you were to believe all that nonsense
how lovely it is to sleep in my little bed all snugly in my boots and jacket
how unobtainable the past suddenly is
oh its lovely down here
tell me
why would ya ever wanna wake up?