

what a long lifewho was it?who was leading that life?it was youit was you can you believe it?refresh me pleasewell there was running up the hall with the milk of magnesiarunning away from my mum?yeah running up the hallstill in england then, wasnt it?my boy you were all of 2 years oldi can see my mum …oh shes so young and prettyshes pretty angry thoughyeah i broke the bottle of milk of magnesia…it smashedgood for you!yeah it was vile stuff..all the babies after ww2 prob’ly drank itwhat else do you see?i see my memory is not stored sequentiallyoh no no noi dip in and bizarre moments leak outquite a life you led there kiddo…yeah the cities and the crowdsthe peaceful scandanavian lakesoh yes you loved those swedish lakesthe silencethe blackwater tasting of rustthe swansthe kyrkogard where karins grandparents are restingthe rocks which loom from the waterthe red housesyou spent much time at that lakewith the twillies when they were smallwending our way through the leavesthe days seemed to go on n onnight, it never came?eventually after thousands of yearswe sit outside and eat our mealsi rush off to an airportwhere was i going?where were you going?oh i dunno…off somewherelondon?coulda beennew york or minneapolis?prob’lyback to sydney?maybe it was thatthere you are at the airport againstanding in a lineare those tears in your eyes?are you kidding me?well….look i had sore eyes ok…from swimming in the lakewhich lake…smiths lake?oh smiths lakei see your mother againyeah shes out walking cain our german shepherdwow hes a lovely dogdo you remember that dayyeah you look in your 30swell i was…mum was angry with me tho’whys that?it was the bloody dogs faultoh surethe dog loved to chase stones that you bowled along the roadhe’d run alongside and pick em up in his mouth wouldnt he?yeah but he […]

what a long life
who was it?
who was leading that life?
it was you
it was you
can you believe it?
refresh me please
well there was running up the hall with the milk of magnesia
running away from my mum?
yeah running up the hall
still in england then, wasnt it?
my boy you were all of 2 years old
i can see my mum …oh shes so young and pretty
shes pretty angry though
yeah i broke the bottle of milk of magnesia…it smashed
good for you!
yeah it was vile stuff..all the babies after ww2 prob’ly drank it
what else do you see?
i see my memory is not stored sequentially
oh no no no
i dip in and bizarre moments leak out
quite a life you led there kiddo…
yeah the cities and the crowds
the peaceful scandanavian lakes
oh yes you loved those swedish lakes
the silence
the blackwater tasting of rust
the swans
the kyrkogard where karins grandparents are resting
the rocks which loom from the water
the red houses
you spent much time at that lake
with the twillies when they were small
wending our way through the leaves
the days seemed to go on n on
night, it never came?
eventually after thousands of years
we sit outside and eat our meals
i rush off to an airport
where was i going?
where were you going?
oh i dunno…off somewhere
coulda been
new york or minneapolis?
back to sydney?
maybe it was that
there you are at the airport again
standing in a line
are those tears in your eyes?
are you kidding me?
look i had sore eyes ok…from swimming in the lake
which lake…smiths lake?
oh smiths lake
i see your mother again
yeah shes out walking cain our german shepherd
wow hes a lovely dog
do you remember that day
you look in your 30s
well i was…mum was angry with me tho’
whys that?
it was the bloody dogs fault
oh sure
the dog loved to chase stones that you bowled along the road
he’d run alongside and pick em up in his mouth wouldnt he?
yeah but he kept chipping his teeth n stuff
and mum warned me not to do it anymore
but you did, didnt you?
yeah that bloody dog made me do it
he made me?
yeah he knew he wasnt meant to do it anymore..
but as soon as you got outta eyeshot
i started bowling the rocks
and cain started snapping at them
yeah i bowled a big one
and it was bouncing along erratically
the dog snapping at it…
when suddenly…
it bounces up n smashes him in his big bloody mouth
it wasnt serious..
but he was bleeding like the clappers
we both go home to mum
with tails between our legs
mum says : i thought i told you not to throw stones steven?
gee you hate being told off dont you?
yeah…i cant seem to handle a good dressing down
yet you were always the naughtiest boy in your class
boy genius or ill-behaved brat?
a little old man cut down
cheeky little sod
always in fights with other boys
john florent knocked me tooth loose
did you ever win?
sometimes…i’d pin em down with me knees n slap their faces
we moved to shepparton in victoria for a year
i played hard days night last night…brought it all back
you joined an archery club
i saw my first fog
we picked mushrooms in silent foggy mornings in the fields
dad gave a public address to the school
and a fridge
but you werent good at music at school
no i hated all those quavers n crotchets n do re me palaver
whats that gotta do with music?
i dunno
did you ever try n play your dads piano?
i was ‘opeless
it sounded bleeding awful
howcome dad could play it but not me…?
the ladies liked it when your dad played the piano
yes that was not lost on me either
ooh he could tinkle them fucking ivories, slim
yeah…i still cant though
just didnt have what it took to play the bloody joanna, did ya?
no i never learnt french prop’ly neither
and you cant ride a surfboard
or play backgammon
not interested in soccer?
i fuckin’ hate it!
do you hate england?
long silence
i said do you hate england?
of course i dont!
but ….i’m just confused
are you an englishman or what?
it depends whose asking
to who do you owe an allegiance?
no bastard…cept my family n my friends
its nice here
are you australian?
its nice here
are you too australian for england
and too english for australia?
something like that, i spose
you fell through the sodding cracks, olde son
too cocky!
too big mouthed!
too smart!
too mediocre!
too fussy too podgy too old!
just not good enough!
that little idiot sutherland
he fucking ragged everything after the blurred crusade
and you read his pathetic review of heyday…
and i clenched me fuckin’ fists
what diddy say?
he said that ‘appy ‘unting ground sounded like
“felt stumbling through a big country rehearsal”
big country that scottish band?
yeah! i fuckin’ ‘ated em!
then when starfish went big in the states…
they rang me up said melody maker in england were gonna
do a cover story on us
they took the photos n everything
we did 2 sell out nights at the fillmore in san fran
the trippers in san fran loved us, man
and guess who they send over to interview ya
knock knock at door
there stands a pathetic little prick!
yep …you mean this little wimp dictates whose hip n whose not?
you hate journos do ya?
when they gimme bad reviews i do…
so what happens?
sutherland cant believe ive read all his bad reviews…
and i bet you could quote em verbatim?
uh huh
and i start fuckin’ threatening him
and did he argue back
no he cowered away…he didnt have no balls whatsoever
and you had yer say?
yeah long n loud!
did he print it?
not a fuckin’ word?
no cover pic?
he just pulled the plug
you blew it!
my chance to be famous in england
blown by your big mouth and rampant ego!
ha ha!
no regrets?
i reckon hes still behind the scenes somewhere ruining it for me
yeah him n matt snow…
too bad
gotta have some excuse…
we cant all be bloody coldplay

recipe for tasty snacks

one cup of diced dicesone teaspoonful of steelone pot of luckone green bottle hanging on a wallone empty placeone little box of angelfruittwo surprise packetsa pinch of a small childs cheekthree shakes of a mermaids taila list of wisheshalf a jar of snakemilkadd numbers as desiredstir in some troubledeadmans tears if requiredmore vodka?take away the fruit you first thought ofsing something to the mixturelook out the window…has your neighbour gotta new car?think about your cousin sam for a whilehow are your nails?throw in some gossip for fibresimmer simmer!!milk it for all its worthwhilelet off some steam with the “boys”let it dwindlelet it cool its heelschuck it inthrow in the towel desiccate your banana lovinglyslice the ballchop up some tapeheat seeking missilewarm dayput crims in the deep freezesizzle your zoltprime your ribprotect your flankscream your fat spice up your lifeadd tomato sourceprepare salad, dressingsilence screaming carrotsbludgeon the turnipssay goodbye to the swedesfroth up the bubblestickle the woofletopple the commies any sprinkle ?drizzle caramel on the wet streetslashings of whipped sailorsfire your oventurn on the worldshimmer your crackleundo your men youfry your brains with a little acidcook your own goosehoisted on your own lightly basted petardtremble with aweadd the addersfricker, see the southern chick Ndo your blockthrow a tantythrow in an extra trackdont burn the icedont let the tiny sausage fizzle outremember to grease the colandertwo drips of lemon deuceturn circle to 360 degreessome icing, sugarim home honeydoes it taste, tart?drop in the thingiesserve your masterserve your selfserve the netgarnish their wagesuse sulk n paper if neededwrap about injusticesgood for nightclaps or pick nicksunavailable in butt, a scotchavoid broken blendersuse only free strange eggsuse your time wiselytime being recommends only time being productstime being cooks with non aluminum pottime being stays at time being hotelstime being appears courtesy time being gore-may inctime […]

one cup of diced dices
one teaspoonful of steel
one pot of luck
one green bottle hanging on a wall
one empty place
one little box of angelfruit
two surprise packets
a pinch of a small childs cheek
three shakes of a mermaids tail
a list of wishes
half a jar of snakemilk
add numbers as desired
stir in some trouble
deadmans tears if required
more vodka?
take away the fruit you first thought of
sing something to the mixture
look out the window…has your neighbour gotta new car?
think about your cousin sam for a while
how are your nails?
throw in some gossip for fibre
simmer simmer!!
milk it for all its worthwhile
let off some steam with the “boys”
let it dwindle
let it cool its heels
chuck it in
throw in the towel
desiccate your banana lovingly
slice the ball
chop up some tape
heat seeking missile
warm day
put crims in the deep freeze
sizzle your zolt
prime your rib
protect your flanks
cream your fat
spice up your life
add tomato source
prepare salad, dressing
silence screaming carrots
bludgeon the turnips
say goodbye to the swedes
froth up the bubbles
tickle the woofle
topple the commies
any sprinkle ?
drizzle caramel on the wet streets
lashings of whipped sailors
fire your oven
turn on the world
shimmer your crackle
undo your men you
fry your brains with a little acid
cook your own goose
hoisted on your own lightly basted petard
tremble with awe
add the adders
fricker, see the southern chick N
do your block
throw a tanty
throw in an extra track
dont burn the ice
dont let the tiny sausage fizzle out
remember to grease the colander
two drips of lemon deuce
turn circle to 360 degrees
some icing, sugar
im home honey
does it taste, tart?
drop in the thingies
serve your master
serve your self
serve the net
garnish their wages
use sulk n paper if needed
wrap about injustices
good for nightclaps or pick nicks
unavailable in butt, a scotch
avoid broken blenders
use only free strange eggs
use your time wisely
time being recommends only time being products
time being cooks with non aluminum pot
time being stays at time being hotels
time being appears courtesy time being gore-may inc
time being flies trans ttb
time being likes to mention his own name
products supplied by mitry bros n. bondi
russell kilbey appears courtesy of doctor hegyi
owen money appears to bee broke
captain cook a sandwich island
spear n arrow mint, jamesy
satan recommends devil foods cake products or “go to hell”
never eat or mock duckling puig
doodles should be served raw
bon apetite!

twillies exeunt

despite my serious attempts at hedonismthe evil day has arrivedthe clocks never stopped ticking them minutes awayeven yesterday tho we still arguingelli comes over and starts explaining to mewhat a bohemian isdid you guys know that bohemians(these days)*avoid work*smoke pot*wear loose or floral clothing*burn incense*follow exotic eastern religions*hang round in coffee shopswow thanks elli for the lessonno no no daddynowadaystheres also these rich people who are just pretending to be “bohos”but are really the “straights”…hmmm no kiddingwell ya learn something new everydayapparently the twillies rented a hotel room last nitefor their final sydney flingapparently minna is quite smitten with someoneelli maybe too much in love with herselfto give her heart awayshe has certainly taken my rampant egotismand given it a 2008 girlie twistboth of them are stunningly beautifulslim and svelte the shape of the headstheir jawlinesthe high cheekbones and wide set apart eyesi temper everything with the knowledgethey both still have syringomyelia or however you spell itelli has a tiny scar at the base of her headi mustnt judge her too harshlyfor her bubbly vivacious stylei never had a bloody big cyst pulled outta my headwhen i was just 15minnas is still there …being observedthey never talk about itso i dont know how they feelcan i blame them for their need to “live it up”?i just hope they dont fall into any of my old waysattempting to do thatattempting to run from all the demons plaguing mewell drugs n drink never stop those demonsin fact they give em more momentumthey fuel the bastardsrunning from pain….ha ha haits a fucking fast runner , painit always outstrips ya in the endanywayblah blah(sound of old rocker choking back a sob)at 4pm todaythe australian experiment is overnot only thatbut scarlet adores karin jansson now like an auntywe cant walk up the street where they […]

despite my serious attempts at hedonism
the evil day has arrived
the clocks never stopped ticking them minutes away
even yesterday tho we still arguing
elli comes over and starts explaining to me
what a bohemian is
did you guys know that bohemians
(these days)
*avoid work
*smoke pot
*wear loose or floral clothing
*burn incense
*follow exotic eastern religions
*hang round in coffee shops
wow thanks elli for the lesson
no no no daddy
theres also these rich people
who are just pretending to be “bohos”
but are really the “straights”…
hmmm no kidding
well ya learn something new everyday
apparently the twillies rented a hotel room last nite
for their final sydney fling
apparently minna is quite smitten with someone
elli maybe too much in love with herself
to give her heart away
she has certainly taken my rampant egotism
and given it a 2008 girlie twist
both of them are stunningly beautiful
slim and svelte
the shape of the heads
their jawlines
the high cheekbones and
wide set apart eyes
i temper everything with the knowledge
they both still have syringomyelia
or however you spell it
elli has a tiny scar at the base of her head
i mustnt judge her too harshly
for her bubbly vivacious style
i never had a bloody big cyst pulled outta my head
when i was just 15
minnas is still there …being observed
they never talk about it
so i dont know how they feel
can i blame them for their need to “live it up”?
i just hope they dont fall into any of my old ways
attempting to do that
attempting to run from all the demons plaguing me
well drugs n drink never stop those demons
in fact they give em more momentum
they fuel the bastards
running from pain….ha ha ha
its a fucking fast runner , pain
it always outstrips ya in the end
blah blah
(sound of old rocker choking back a sob)
at 4pm today
the australian experiment is over
not only that
but scarlet adores karin jansson now like an aunty
we cant walk up the street where they were living for a while
of course in many ways scarlet looks like a little elli
so it wasnt hard for karin to get sucked in
but theyve struck up a wonderful friendship
and scarlet gets so excited to see her
oh boy its gonna be real tough
it aint gonna be easy
no no no
they turn seventeen next week
as my mothers husband said when he first saw em
after they arrived last year
in his coventry accent
“all the boys in sweden are having a year off, are they?”
boys in sweden
the year is up
get ready
the twillies are back!

just treat em good….ok?

farther hood

being a father is a tough gigi know some of you are about to beor have recently become one… being a man has its rewardswe dont need to go into all that hereeventually if you keep havin’ sex you’ll probably end up being someones fatherthis gig comes with no duty statementthis gig is mostly improvisation from day onethe only father i can compare myself with truly is my ownin many ways my father was a superior father to mosthe never drank or took drugs or got out of it, for onehe never beat the kids or his wifehe never complained or sat around analyzing the whole thing(a la moi)he was warm and gentle and pretty cheerfulhe worked very hard to give his crew a good stand-dad of livinghe wasnt a hands on type dad in many wayshe didnt change diapers or give kids bathshe didnt get you dressed or make you breakfasthe didnt read your school report and do anythinghe was kinda detached i guess in some wayswhy do men get detached?its sad but true that many men get kinda driven from their own homes by their familiesheres some stuff about men i have observedmost of us dont like n eventually cant toleratea load of kids screaming and playing and hopping abouti know i canti know my dad couldntand most blokes i know cant eithermothers seem less irked or agitated by their offsprings racketthan the fathershow often do you hear about someones dadwho has a “shed” where he likes to hang out?everyone has a little laughoh men and their sheds…you think men like to hang around in shedslike as if there were empty houses n empty shedswe would gravitate towards the sheds?the guys are in the sheds or garages or densbecause the family have driven them thereits where its quietits […]

being a father is a tough gig
i know some of you are about to be
or have recently become one…

being a man has its rewards
we dont need to go into all that here
eventually if you keep havin’ sex
you’ll probably end up being someones father
this gig comes with no duty statement
this gig is mostly improvisation from day one
the only father i can compare myself with truly is my own
in many ways my father was a superior father to most
he never drank or took drugs or got out of it, for one
he never beat the kids or his wife
he never complained or sat around analyzing the whole thing
(a la moi)
he was warm and gentle and pretty cheerful
he worked very hard to give his crew a good stand-dad of living
he wasnt a hands on type dad in many ways
he didnt change diapers or give kids baths
he didnt get you dressed or make you breakfast
he didnt read your school report and do anything
he was kinda detached i guess in some ways
why do men get detached?
its sad but true that many men
get kinda driven from their own homes by their families
heres some stuff about men i have observed
most of us dont like n eventually cant tolerate
a load of kids screaming and playing and hopping about
i know i cant
i know my dad couldnt
and most blokes i know cant either
mothers seem less irked or agitated by their offsprings racket
than the fathers
how often do you hear about someones dad
who has a “shed” where he likes to hang out?
everyone has a little laugh
oh men and their sheds…
you think men like to hang around in sheds
like as if there were empty houses n empty sheds
we would gravitate towards the sheds?
the guys are in the sheds or garages or dens
because the family have driven them there
its where its quiet
its where they can relax
away from the incessant carryings on of the kids
thats right
the kids racket can grind you down
that lovely baby you hold in your arms
will one day be runnin’ about
falling on your head
kicking you in the balls
jumping on the furniture
and demanding all kinds of things
how many many hours have i sat in a park
watching kids running around
pushing swings and kissing hurt elbows and knees
how many diapers (nappies!) have i changed
how many nights up n down with kids
how many times has my heart been in my throat
when my kids have been sick or in danger
how many times standing in a baby pool with em
how many times dropping off n picking up from school
yeah thats right
even hugely massive rockstars like me
doing all this drab stuff
for the kids
for the family
doing all this stuff youre expected to do
by society
by the mothers
by the children
out of duty and love
out of honour
a man must try and do his best
now i have not been a good father
i have not been ideal
i have been neglectful
i have been intoxicated
i have been absent
i have been selfish
i have been angry
i have constantly put myself before the children
did what i wanted or thought i needed to do
in this way my father was superior
he tended to sublimate his own needs for those of his family
although he never did many playgrounds
i guess my mother n father had unofficially delineated their gigs
she did the hands on stuff
he provided the resources and was the rock
although my mother sometimes ran the show too
these days its all mixed up
mummies bring home the bread
and daddies talk pram technology at kindy
whats wright or wrong?
how the hell would i know?
people say oh steven youre a good father
oh yeah! you should see me in full flight
swearing and cursing and using silly words
acting like my own dad did when we got him riled
you know all that
i wont have that bee-havior not in this bloody house !!!
anyway i never thought i’d be doing all that
but i do
and whatsmore i enjoy it
i realize now its a strange way to get close to that long dead dad
to imitate him
roll his words round on my lips
as i chastise these little female versions of myself
albeit much sweeter nicer than i ever was
everything goes full circle
this is natures way of provoking thought
the child is father to the man
archetypal paths we follow
my relationship at the moment with 16 year olds not good
we dont seem close at all
they seem ultra-detached from me
they seem angry and deliberately distant
i confront my many defects esp. during their childhood
and i am astounded
i mean as father i was pretty useless in many ways
i was not dependable at all
not in small ways or the big picture
they have reasons to be angry
yes thats true
they dont seem to want to talk about it either
i mean
im not real anxious to
i would tho’ if it’d help
but they dont seem to want much of anything from me
i did some checking round with other fathers of teenagers
one guy says his kid didnt talk to him for a couple of years
before coming “good”:
“i thought he hated me
he dissed me in front of his friends
he took money but wouldnt converse
then suddenly at age 19 we are best mates again
stick it out it’ll pass”
some women tell me they went through anti-father phases
in their teens
and anti-mother too
but the mothers always seem to have this other connection
maybe cos they actually carried n bore the kids
the mothers often become mediators
between grumpy oldstyle dads
and rebellious nu-style children
the mother is somehow more in the picture
she loves n understands the kids at an organic n cellular level
not so easily can she say
go and never darken my doorstep again!
fathers are more easily spooked by their kids
fathers have more trouble forgiving and forgetting
funny thing
i never met one guy who wanted to be a father
before he actually was
men dont sit around dreaming about being fathers
they answer no biological clock neither
they become fathers when the mothers decide it
and they then find out what theyre made of
most of us fall short
its a very hard n in some ways unrewarding gig
no turning back
it will also bring you joy and pleasure
there are many variables
itll be different for everyone
some more pain than joy
even differing from child to child
one kid might be your ray of sunshine
the other a dark cloud you labour under
what can you do?
maybe start thinking about that shed
big daddy out
twillies fly home tomorrow

no reason to get all excited

the being, he kindly spokethere are many here among uswho think this blogge is justa joke….. i am i am i amthe suggesterthe synapse surferthe oddfather of ramblethe psychedelic bricklayerthe grey eyed thief of heartsthe brotherman from the othertimethe motherfuguerthe learned fool the oldest teenager alive the frecklefaced freak from welwyn garden creekthe trans skanda knave with the identi-galsthe dilfthe hermit of north bondi hollowthe most improvedthe immodest onethe phonographic priest Sthe telepathetic king of hopeless dopethe rider of starsthe wholesaler of holesthe pathfinderthe delver (in spades)the rude daddy with yogic velocitythe cold water painterthe grim receiverthe welding singerthe bass preyerthe loco mosesthe day n night tripperthe undersignedthe fixerthe backed awe manthe unknown loverthe playing man t’isthe deep moverthe returnerthe intoxicated foxthe manly pantherthe sideslingerthe saint who is no saintthe beggar and the chooserthe maker of girlsthe grander delusionthe fiendss friendthe describer of fogsthe way not to do thingsthe frail failurethe olde boythe half humanthe takerthe dream tongue man from a golden landthe dissed allusionistthe new dantethe next big slimthe dog poseurthe charlatan bastardthe memorizerthe off white elijahthe swinging fallerthe anti-clausethe beatific bozothe washed up dishthe micro celebrity with the macro egothe hastener of dreamsthe fastener of inklingsthe capturer of thin airthe describer of mistthe deadmans handthe realest thingthe fisher of songsthe catcher in the wrythe ironic whitesmiththe bangin’ gavelthe double shockerthe splitting imagethe pleasant pluckerthe quick and the delayedthe bad thinkerthe consolation of the lonelythe clever buggerthe smart alecthe outsiderthe venerable veteranthe vintage whinethe headonistthe so-ing machinethe gatherer not the hunterthe town crierthe open gatethe torn pocketthe stealer of sensethe up and the downthe midnight planetthe g string benderthe hammer of the goshthe sonic anathemathe gyptian gifthorsethe proddiggle sunthe legal tender trapthe earthwalkerthe eater of good thingsthe voice of the lazythe virgoanthe hawkfaced hawkerthe big fellathe little ninnythe wandererthe […]

the being, he kindly spoke
there are many here among us
who think this blogge is justa joke…..

i am i am i am
the suggester
the synapse surfer
the oddfather of ramble
the psychedelic bricklayer
the grey eyed thief of hearts
the brotherman from the othertime
the motherfuguer
the learned fool
the oldest teenager alive
the frecklefaced freak from welwyn garden creek
the trans skanda knave with the identi-gals
the dilf
the hermit of north bondi hollow
the most improved
the immodest one
the phonographic priest S
the telepathetic king of hopeless dope
the rider of stars
the wholesaler of holes
the pathfinder
the delver (in spades)
the rude daddy with yogic velocity
the cold water painter
the grim receiver
the welding singer
the bass preyer
the loco moses
the day n night tripper
the undersigned
the fixer
the backed awe man
the unknown lover
the playing man t’is
the deep mover
the returner
the intoxicated fox
the manly panther
the sideslinger
the saint who is no saint
the beggar and the chooser
the maker of girls
the grander delusion
the fiendss friend
the describer of fogs
the way not to do things
the frail failure
the olde boy
the half human
the taker
the dream tongue man from a golden land
the dissed allusionist
the new dante
the next big slim
the dog poseur
the charlatan bastard
the memorizer
the off white elijah
the swinging faller
the anti-clause
the beatific bozo
the washed up dish
the micro celebrity with the macro ego
the hastener of dreams
the fastener of inklings
the capturer of thin air
the describer of mist
the deadmans hand
the realest thing
the fisher of songs
the catcher in the wry
the ironic whitesmith
the bangin’ gavel
the double shocker
the splitting image
the pleasant plucker
the quick and the delayed
the bad thinker
the consolation of the lonely
the clever bugger
the smart alec
the outsider
the venerable veteran
the vintage whine
the headonist
the so-ing machine
the gatherer not the hunter
the town crier
the open gate
the torn pocket
the stealer of sense
the up and the down
the midnight planet
the g string bender
the hammer of the gosh
the sonic anathema
the gyptian gifthorse
the proddiggle sun
the legal tender trap
the earthwalker
the eater of good things
the voice of the lazy
the virgoan
the hawkfaced hawker
the big fella
the little ninny
the wanderer
the being in time

you see
a loved childe has many names
i am i am i am

the real story behind "was there ever talk of love?"

as most of you now knowwe recorded an album between heyfish and stardaythat never got releasedit was calledwas there ever talk of love?and it was gonna be on warners spin off labelvoodoo recordsthats rightof course i know most of you have the bootleg by nowi hear its easy to come by if you know where to lookbut several people have come undone pursuing itso emptor cave….is that latin?does it dye its mustache black?anyway back to wtetol?i had been living with billy idol for a whileand hanging out in l.a. with the cult and guys like thatguys who’d been in the sex pistols and stuffwarners had accidentally slipped the church a million odd bucksand i thought it was our golden handshake…i grabbed my share and i was living it large in the canyonno kidding joni mitchell used to feed my axolotls for me when i went on holsi dated that chick from melrose place or whatever it wasthrough her i got into a coven where we worshipped spiritsand practiced sorcerywow!standing in my cowl surrounded by the celebs of the mid eightiesthat child star whatsernamei saw rock hudson there i thinkand a few other quite famous guysincredible days!during that same periodwhile round at a certain journalists housei took an experimental substance that we had obtainedthrough the journalists wifes brotherwho was a doctor in the militarybut he also liked to turn popstars onanyhow this stuff didnt even have a nameno name just a number # 79you rubbed the stuff on your wristand hey presto!at first i assumed i had not been affectedand i wandered off into this huge tarzana gardenunder a sickle moon and the hazy californian skyi was struck dumb with fearwhen They contacted mei first felt Them as musicmusic wild deep and urgentand utterly inhumanincredible impossible musicmusic you would weep for […]

as most of you now know
we recorded an album between heyfish and starday
that never got released
it was called
was there ever talk of love?
and it was gonna be on warners spin off label
voodoo records
thats right
of course i know most of you have the bootleg by now
i hear its easy to come by if you know where to look
but several people have come undone pursuing it
so emptor cave….is that latin?
does it dye its mustache black?
anyway back to wtetol?
i had been living with billy idol for a while
and hanging out in l.a.
with the cult and guys like that
guys who’d been in the sex pistols and stuff
warners had accidentally slipped the church a million odd bucks
and i thought it was our golden handshake…
i grabbed my share and i was living it large in the canyon
no kidding
joni mitchell used to feed my axolotls for me when i went on hols
i dated that chick from melrose place or whatever it was
through her i got into a coven where we worshipped spirits
and practiced sorcery
standing in my cowl surrounded by the celebs of the mid eighties
that child star whatsername
i saw rock hudson there i think
and a few other quite famous guys
incredible days!
during that same period
while round at a certain journalists house
i took an experimental substance that we had obtained
through the journalists wifes brother
who was a doctor in the military
but he also liked to turn popstars on
anyhow this stuff didnt even have a name
no name just a number # 79
you rubbed the stuff on your wrist
and hey presto!
at first i assumed i had not been affected
and i wandered off into this huge tarzana garden
under a sickle moon and the hazy californian sky
i was struck dumb with fear
when They contacted me
i first felt Them as music
music wild deep and urgent
and utterly inhuman
incredible impossible music
music you would weep for joy if you heard but one stanza
music to make you cower
music to make you march
and the words
in some alien language
in some universal translator
in some way the most tender most violent poetry
poetry with colour and fragrance and flesh and spirit
i immediately began to make mental notes
phrases melodies etc
my impressions i mean
i could never remember or reproduce the real wonder
#79 had tuned me in to Their sphere of influence
i began receiving transmissions from that time until early 87
most of the music on wtetol? was from those transmissions
i arranged some more #79 and i secretely spiked my compadres wrists
(with disastrous consequences)
it was around this time i began seeing monsters in swimming pools
alone at the beverly hills hilton one night
i chanced upon a swim in the pool
i was beset upon by a strange tentacled phantasm
and rescued by 2 guys i now realise were neil diamond n willie nelson
they took me to some place in the hills
where i met prince charles and madonna
(who were having a secret fling)
the party was being hosted by phil spectors little brother inch
inch spector uh huh
he was to produce wtetol?
although how could i possibly know that
using some extraterrestial technology i was healed
although many freckles appeared all over my body
(compare to pre starday!)
i was later horrified when inch and our keyboard player billy
were arrested for trading production secrets with the soviets
but it was never proved
anyway you guys all remember
how voodoo records collapsed being implicated in some phony eclipse
how the tapes went missing in the bermuda triancle
(gees it sounds like a sci fi storey!)
how shorty messhuggah who managed us briefly got offed
how They transmitted utmw but i got it mixed up
how #79 became a brief street sensation
before being blamed in the death of actor lake byrd
the doctor in question
later turned up as governor of nevada for a while
was also dick cheneys golf caddie until a mysterious accident
(involving a niblick!)
which ended his career
billy idol took # 79
and mentions it and me on the track
the fatal sure
which came out on voodoo records in brazil 86/87
one member left the band briefly to cope with his #79 traumas
one member remained unaffected
and one member was never the same again
i was hauled before congress
i was debriefed and sent back to australia
parts of my personality were erased
but my supervising torturers also slipped me MEMORY
a then new treatment for metaphysical delusions of grandeur
end of steve kilbey mark 1
several people disappeared
several more reappeared as presidents and popstars
the wheels were in motion
but what about
wtetol? itself
ah why bother…?

youve already heard it, aint ya?
cmon…its everywhere
i picked up my copy in a street market in mongolia
there it was
with the cover by warhol n everything
(cost the warner brothers a small fortune)
peruse the songs on this cheap cassette copy
yep thats it alright
was there ever talk of love?
what a story!

back less

return of the prodigal beingfinding it hard to take a trickthe universe tells me i’m off course in many little waysears ring on n onbut i keep listening to loud musicive blown 3 sets of ipod headphones…lungs getting badmust stop smokingits no goodi need a long resteverythings driving me crazyeverybodies got suggestions i cant followi can paint n write stuff but i cant organise anythinghave a sad sunday breakfast todayi made pearseveryone comes over one last timeelli seems angry with me all the whilei have that effect on peoplei’m aware that it happens but powerless to stop itpushing 54 and looking itnew lines appear on my facewait theres been a mistakei was s’posed to remain at 18 forevermy kids all do the opposite of what i expectim too weak with themthen suddenly too harshi say the wrong things and upset themi still speak before i thinkbeen doing a lot of yoga to counteract drugs and agei feel very flexible and i certainly have a spring in my stepi go up n downtoday i suddenly felt that bondi wasnt my homeand that i hardly knew my familylike i’d been set down in the wrong storymy street seemed sandy and alienthe trees were not the ones i thought i was familiar withthe houses seemed bereft of lifethe weather was blue and bleakthe sun had no warmth yet it burnt i sat on my porchsome of my plants are dying but i dont know whyit seems like ive let it all slip through my handsmy time my youth my golden daysah sweet autumn of my lifemoving into winterstill with my youthful preoccupationspeter pot and pani went to a party but didnt stay longpeoples voices hurt my ears when they yellall my jokes fell flati cant concentrate when people talk to mei saw clyde […]

return of the prodigal being
finding it hard to take a trick
the universe tells me i’m off course in many little ways
ears ring on n on
but i keep listening to loud music
ive blown 3 sets of ipod headphones…
lungs getting bad
must stop smoking
its no good
i need a long rest
everythings driving me crazy
everybodies got suggestions i cant follow
i can paint n write stuff but i cant organise anything
have a sad sunday breakfast today
i made pears
everyone comes over one last time
elli seems angry with me all the while
i have that effect on people
i’m aware that it happens but powerless to stop it
pushing 54 and looking it
new lines appear on my face
wait theres been a mistake
i was s’posed to remain at 18 forever
my kids all do the opposite of what i expect
im too weak with them
then suddenly too harsh
i say the wrong things and upset them
i still speak before i think
been doing a lot of yoga to counteract drugs and age
i feel very flexible and i certainly have a spring in my step
i go up n down
today i suddenly felt that bondi wasnt my home
and that i hardly knew my family
like i’d been set down in the wrong story
my street seemed sandy and alien
the trees were not the ones i thought i was familiar with
the houses seemed bereft of life
the weather was blue and bleak
the sun had no warmth yet it burnt
i sat on my porch
some of my plants are dying but i dont know why
it seems like ive let it all slip through my hands
my time my youth my golden days
ah sweet autumn of my life
moving into winter
still with my youthful preoccupations
peter pot and pan
i went to a party but didnt stay long
peoples voices hurt my ears when they yell
all my jokes fell flat
i cant concentrate when people talk to me
i saw clyde bramley
reg mombassa
lindy morrison
amanda brown
dave mason
david lane
and quite a few others
i nibbled at cookies and had some hummus
nk n i shared one corona
the doodles go through a noisy period
lots of fighting and yelling plus scarlet squealing
need a holiday
havent gotten away now for so long
but cant afford to fly anywhere
and everyone cept me gets carsick
i long for some peaceful meadow ive never seen
thoroughly sick and tired of me
all my cock-ups n my checkered past
struggle to paint
struggle to swim
struggle to believe
my deafness plus my dopiness is making me into
an archetypal fool
i cant hear the stuff that people mutter anymore
the stuff that makes em all snigger snicker
a thousand and one gigs still playing in my screaming ears
now arent you glad you waited two days to read this?

due to computer injury no blogs for next 2 days…….ah you can make it….

strange days have found me

a period of fluxinfluences wax n wanenext friday the swedes fly home for goodtoday is a teacher strikeis that like a lightning strikethe kids are at home all daywas gonna take the little buggers swimmingbut its kinda windy n chilly(it is after all nearly winter)have sent off all my paintings for exhi in ohioi believe while im certainly no rembrandt that a certain kilbeeish style continues to emergeminna sat down n did some painting for me last niteshe painted over the top of some patterns i hadhere i said getting up from my chairyou can paint in this quadrant of the paintingi’d done some pastel stuffi thought shed fill in my linesbut she started to just paint white splodges on topat first to my complete horrorthen some blue splodges near the white oneswhether an act of bold geniusor just a half thinking responseminna had created something incredibly new within my paintinga new texture i never would have thought of by myselfyou see i had locked myself out of that parameter i hadnt even thought of superimposing something on my patternafter all the pattern was there to be followed right?the most simple thingrevolutionizing my painting in its own tiny waythesethese are the very things i was exhorting us towards the other dayshe thought outside my narrow boxand in the most obvious way she changed my approach to this thingthe thing itself isnt importantthe important thing with your art n poetry n songsis to question every single element n parameter that you have why why whywhy should a song have cymbals?a poem twice as long or short than you normally write?limit yourself to 2 or 3 coloursunlimit yourself by throwing everything in thereuse archaic wordsuse technical termsfind the beauty in every day phrases (deluxe locations just near completion)play your guitar with a […]

a period of flux
influences wax n wane
next friday the swedes fly home for good
today is a teacher strike
is that like a lightning strike
the kids are at home all day
was gonna take the little buggers swimming
but its kinda windy n chilly
(it is after all nearly winter)
have sent off all my paintings for exhi in ohio
i believe while im certainly no rembrandt
that a certain kilbeeish style continues to emerge
minna sat down n did some painting for me last nite
she painted over the top of some patterns i had
here i said getting up from my chair
you can paint in this quadrant of the painting
i’d done some pastel stuff
i thought shed fill in my lines
but she started to just paint white splodges on top
at first to my complete horror
then some blue splodges near the white ones
whether an act of bold genius
or just a half thinking response
minna had created something incredibly new within my painting
a new texture i never would have thought of by myself
you see i had locked myself out of that parameter
i hadnt even thought of superimposing something on my pattern
after all the pattern was there to be followed right?
the most simple thing
revolutionizing my painting in its own tiny way
these are the very things i was exhorting us towards the other day
she thought outside my narrow box
and in the most obvious way
she changed my approach to this thing
the thing itself isnt important
the important thing with your art n poetry n songs
is to question every single element n parameter that you have
why why why
why should a song have cymbals?
a poem twice as long or short than you normally write?
limit yourself to 2 or 3 colours
unlimit yourself by throwing everything in there
use archaic words
use technical terms
find the beauty in every day phrases
(deluxe locations just near completion)
play your guitar with a blowdrier
make all the white bits black
dont use adjectives
imitate somebody elses schtick
be the opposite of somebody you hate
use something youre not familiar with
remove something from the piece
take every other snare drum beat out
start singing in a different spot than you normally would
steal stuff n disguise it as your own
spend time on details
be rough n ready
enjoy and forget yourself
actively strive for excellence
say to yourself
this piece im working on is gonna be fucking amazing
and then actualize it
follow through all the way down the line
and if that means you gotta paint tiny dots for a week so be it
if it means erasing that lousy bass part that so n so did
and hes gonna get upset but the songs sounds be it
if it means refocussing re-energizing
if it means having a well deserved break from your work
if it means never overriding your hearts true voice
if it means concentrating with all your mind n losing yourself
suffer for your art?
ha ha
is that what it takes….
as long as your art dont make others suffer
are you any good, boy?
i think so sir…
then get out there son and do it!
yes sir!

steve kilbeys cool people

1 : KLKah mysterious academic philanthropist has been making the church possible for 10 years nowthats rightno klk =no churchafter putting up with our incredible malarkeyincluding me in the bad old days of the gearhe has financed or partly financed everything we dofor a long timewhy?because he believed in our musicwhats in it for him?nothingnow hes just done another favour for me n nkand we are deeply grateful…next time you look at after everything or uninvited or whateverimagine a bloke dipped his hand in his own pocketto make those records possible and send all your blessingsin the direction of KLK who is literally our saviour2 martin kennedybeen listening to winter dreams and fall(2 separate records)by all india radiosuch lovely lovely recordsso incredibly happy that ive done an album with himmk just has that indefinable “it” when it comes to musiche has forged himself a completely individual soundinstantly recognizable as soon as it comes oni ve been painting and listening and falling deeper into these recordssimple but poignantkennedy is like rocks jm turnerpainting in soothing fogs of soundnever abrasive or discordantalways subtle things percolating away somewhere in therekennedy is a modern master of the ambient genretaking the most simple elementsand blending them into gardens of lovely soundi seriously rate this man as a composerhe is world classyoure gonna love kilbey n kennedy presents… well folksi ran outta timetomorrow i’ll be back with more cool karactersmy generous subscribers…you are always in my heartand i thank everyone who likes my bloggesk

1 : KLK
ah mysterious academic philanthropist has been making the
church possible for 10 years now
thats right
no klk =no church
after putting up with our incredible malarkey
including me in the bad old days of the gear
he has financed or partly financed everything we do
for a long time
because he believed in our music
whats in it for him?
now hes just done another favour for me n nk
and we are deeply grateful…
next time you look at after everything or uninvited or whatever
imagine a bloke dipped his hand in his own pocket
to make those records possible and send all your blessings
in the direction of KLK who is literally our saviour
2 martin kennedy
been listening to winter dreams and fall
(2 separate records)
by all india radio
such lovely lovely records
so incredibly happy that ive done an album with him
mk just has that indefinable “it” when it comes to music
he has forged himself a completely individual sound
instantly recognizable as soon as it comes on
i ve been painting and listening
and falling deeper into these records
simple but poignant
kennedy is like rocks jm turner
painting in soothing fogs of sound
never abrasive or discordant
always subtle things percolating away somewhere in there
kennedy is a modern master of the ambient genre
taking the most simple elements
and blending them into gardens of lovely sound
i seriously rate this man as a composer
he is world class
youre gonna love kilbey n kennedy presents…

well folks
i ran outta time
tomorrow i’ll be back with more cool karacters
my generous subscribers…you are always in my heart
and i thank everyone who likes my blogge