antique dealer
i wake up one day and i’m in a band
i’m playing at a winery in the country somewhere
a friend picks me up from my hotel
and we chat and i sing some silly songs about her name
the drive and company pleasant
i smoke a bit
when we get to winery the weather is sunny
the heat is over powering me in its steaminess
we try to find our way in to where the tin cabins await us
to my astonishment one of the young guys on duty recognizes me
i’m so sad i’m gonna miss ya man…its my 18th birthday tonight!
anyway the tin cabins located
the sound from the band on before is pounding
the bass booms the drums bang inside or out the cabin its too much
it wasnt the bands fault mind you
it just was the way the sound came down the line
anyhow i do yoga have another smoke
i feel a bit despondent
i do chi gong ah…thats better
i draw chi power to me
i dont know anything much right now
i wait as a vessel to be filled
the other dreamplayers in the band ask me which songs to play
dreamily i say
anything you like and i’ll be happy
i am not nervous i am not anything
i wait i wait i wait
we walk towards the stage and the sun goes in behind amassing clouds
yes ! i say to whoever was there
we stand on the side of stage
thousands of people out there waiting to hear some more music
suddenly we’re on
we hit our first song and we lock it down
and the spirit approaches me and i let it in
and it surges through me i express it wildly with my left leg
the beat the volume the excitement the storm
suddenly i love it i love it beyond almost anything
oh i am loving every beat every note ever word
and i feel the storm come with exuberance
as the air is charged with those negative ions
oh that storm air makes me so excited
i throw myself utterly into the arms of the music
and it catches me and stands me bolt upright
and i hammer down on my bass guitar it is weightless
i am weightless i am in the eye of the storm
lightning starts to shoot across the darkening sky
i smell the ozone i will the flash
i urge the music on
i urge the storm on
this is crazy but i feel the storm responding to the music
i know i’m mad but i feel the storm suddenly interested in our songs
and the lightning moves closer
the guitars shriek the drums beat down like monsters
the bass throbs in my hands
one tiny pluck of it creates a sound
that kicks you in the heart for miles around
the tiniest whisper of my amplified voice carrying across the fields n hills
as i look into the gathering dark clouds
a phrase goes thru my head
how great thou art !
this display of power
the greenest green land surrounded by grapes and vines
this afternoon in 2012
we have connected with the people and the storm
the storm is sent to us
the storm the lightning
its getting fucking dangerous
we launch into our last number
its another slow burning pounder
and halfway through
the warm gentle rain comes down
and all of it was meant to happen
theres people climbing up the masts with tarps for the PA n lighting rigs
its chaos
and for those locked in with us
we drank deep of the storms energy
and we emerged renewed