mercy granted but never taken
talking to the dead of winter
talking to the spirit of a warm long ago
make us then cast in doubt
clothed in deception
cloaked in stupid tricks
disguised as us ourselves
invisible for all see
wow the whole world is but a stage mama
and we’re all co-stars in some two bit space opera
but fuck i am impressed by your method acting style
one could get sick of it easily i guess… its relentless enough
this kind of melodrama causes one to eventually to become detached tho
there is only so much florid slapstick cliche one can absorb
reckless headlong falls into chasms of mindless pointless darknesses
you could lose your way down there
you might never be able to get back out
who will search for us in the ruins of bitter homes….?
karma binds me to its wheel
i sow i reap my grapes of wrath
and i love/hate its dirty taste that i get drunk on
yeah thats my vintage yeah thats my poison
i come staggering up streets bursting into living rooms
ten men to hold me down
poisonous snake voice in my ear
yes yes the one who tempted eve
and the same one who whispers to every traitor and ponce
the same one who whispers to the loser in the betting shop
the same one who whispers to junk sick fuckwits
who pick up the shooter over n over expecting different ending
yeah oh i know the voice who doth whisper in your ear my dear
and he has many many names i’m sure you heard some on your rounds
is there an ear in which
he does not spin his bewildering intoxicating murmurings ?
what is it that makes us so simultaneously righteous and yet mistaken ?
the voice continues
listen to me
you will do everything i say please
and you inwardly nod yes ok
you are released to create havoc
run amok or disappear
break new unique taboos yes yes mmmmm
by the way have some more of your favourite thing
(insert heroin booze crack gambling eating beating cheating or whatever)
you must be feeling tired with all this persecution
you should relax with a little of the good stuff the naughty naughty stuff
the top shelf over the counter black label poison that is ruinous to mankind
maybe its real hard to find
you’ll find it
maybe it will be easy to find
then strike while the iron is red hot
and then the voice says
fuck them because they fucked you
and you fucked it up so fuck you too
fuck all the onlookers for they shalt get involved
and fuck people chasing after you for they were all fools
if fooled by the likes of you and me so easily fooled and foolishly
yeah sure sure i borrowed from peter to pay fucking paul
i borrowed from samson scissors for delilah
i lent a guy something once though thats for sure
so fuck them in the past they shall be forgotten conveniently
and fuck em in the future coz it aint gonna be pretty without me
and fuck all the ignorant they will become aware of my thrashing
and fuck the aware there nowhere anyway
fuck all those strangers out there what did they do for us?
fuck all the closest because they will end up meek as mice or wild like bulls
fuck all the rules fuck all the regulations
don’t try to rationalise it just fuck em n be done with it!
the voice pauses as if thinking
I will help you build up such fascinating little lies you will be thrilled
careful though not too many at once..oh no ..youve overdone it….again..!
turn down the saturation now a bit
these green skin tones are vivid yes but…
listen to me…
try again
don’t give up
the perfect lie is still out there like a great song waiting to be written
the voice stopped for awhile and then went on in a more confidential whisper
the great lie will be a work in progress for a while
practice on others at first yes
but eventually the great lie you will tell yourself
i cannot tell you that great lie in words
it will unfurl of its own accord a seed within fertile earth
it will grow and devour its own roots leaving its causes untraceable
beautiful beautiful lie for each man and woman unique
each interwoven so carefully the villains and the jerks
the idiots who get used
the idiots who get used up
the idiots who used you
the idiots who used you up uselessly
be subtle beautiful lie not next mans nightmare
be sweet and tender
be soul surrender
oh my lie fuck me fuck me over fuck me up
oh my lie fuck my brains out
oh great lie then fuck me dead
the wonderful clever ambiguous lie
moving under logics iffy radar
passing itself as a real emotion in the market of your heart
standing and commiserating with you at the bar
all those bastards out there are all fucked!
the loveliest lie the very best lie….?
oh but you must live it so well you must be an imitation of anti-christ
where christ was wise you will be stupid
where he was kind you will be senselessly hurtful
where he was merciful so shall you find yourself vindictive
the lie will fill your mouth with its unspoken words
which will hatch on the breezes like tiny woes
stinging everyone and causing bad reactions
often total avoiding of all concerned
displeasure sweeps through the bit players who separate you from the poison
anxiety may enter through your entrails at this point
you must cling to your lie if you are to succeed
succeed in what?
i cannot tell you your mission
each man and womans use of their great secret lie is their choice
the more you put in
the less you can ever take out
your mission will be some form of dismay
you will incite anger you will create a vague and incomprehensible chaos
you will break off little bits of the one true lie
and from this you will now be able to model little lies
of originality and breathtaking obviousness
when people hear your smaller lies they will think
why have i never heard that before in my life?
that is simply marvellous! that is simply superb!
you will pull together weird combinations of characters stung by their own lie
you will put characters from wrong time sequences in erroneous places
it won’t be all hard work
there will be some lying around stoned into a black stupor
or writhing around like a louse in an electric lice comb
or screaming silently in a dream you couldn’t get out of
or twitching like a drunk in a pharmacy
the lie is therefore becoming alpha and omega
it tries and sentences and executes its own suspects
it investigates the one million trespasses of enemy
it examines the same evidence over and over until its evaporated away
its the answer before you ask
the suggestion in your ear
your excuse your rationale your alibi your last defiant words to a traitor who’s had enough
now go out there
abdicate from society if you like
why do what they want you to do when you don’t have to?
someone will come along and sort it all out….
yes people will forgive us if we tread on their toes
we can miss stuff out here and there
we can lie to the lie and the lie can lie back
the voice had stopped
i listened but heard nothing
the sea pounding the shore
the light tap of the rain
the wind in the trees which is whispering something as well
i wonder if the wind blows your little lies
on and up to me as i stand here listening….