flash bang wallop
we were living forever
in some strange city
in some strange day that stretched on and out
somebody talking in labyrinthian chambers
somebody framed against the pale sky at dawn
somebody walking down gardened roads in quiet time slowly
somebody else i suppose was following close
reality warped in memory though
some sanctuary
there was or there must have been that
where did we hide from wolves and jackal men then?
the mind is a mystery
it cannot fathom itself
it cannot dive deep into its ocean and find all the monsters
it cannot sort out the voices and lives it contains
it cannot map the forces which have come down to bear on it
it cannot always tell sweet truth from brute lie
harnessed to anxiety
goaded by pride
and hammered by doubt
(what the fuck am i saying?)
it apprehends the world a dim thing
immured to beauty
immersed in merciless acts
wickedness breeds in the swamps of imagination
like lust for money like avarice for flesh
like need to see hurt and taste blood
the mind of human cannot understand the mind of animal
the mind of human cannot understand the mind of god
we are neither one thing nor the other
or maybe in transition
try explaining abattoirs to the aliens
see if they can buy into it
the gods and the aliens with their prints all over me
moulding me holding me telling me what to say
even if i am mad and my mind is now gone
something still out there tells me what to say
and how i should say it…
i wonder who that is?
i wonder who else is in my mind
i wonder how all this came to be here
working so well (except for some men)
i wonder why things are so hard for some
so easy for others
and others who dont even know theyre playing a game
at first it can seem like all beer and skittles
then snakes n ladders n then i dont know
but youve been dicing with death all along
and must have realised that
when they began the last song