thus spake kroon
presumptuous insects of summer you can bite my fix
when i am gone then you will realise and know
when you were snoozing in nothingness
i was out there blazing the way across a nightclub wilderness
it could not contain me
music pictures flow away from me
words hover at my fingertips
i bathe in deep rock where i merge with those in golden age
listen wait proceed think about it
float past in black river there i go
you a sloth in a tree
watching idly as there i go
i take sky out of space
i set stone to music
i take it faster
hook is a drug gotta love in me
swirling intrigue inhuman league
babbling oracle of warning and doom
dour sour powerless dwarf no star
no sun of mind you are no 1
whoever you are i forget your name
i have no time for future
in love with my ugly mirror i draw forth my song
tell me show me your song
i heard that it all came out wrong
when cars collide witnesses often divided
they say who ran over me song and ran away?
i walk outta train wreck smelling of plane fuel
i crawl out of hello hello hello
i dawdle in wardrobes i waddle thru twaddle
so what who cares he who dares wings and fall
lame dolt bolted to your molted nous
i am a mouse
you are a man
ok…? ….sure
i understand