
the time being : an overview of things

wellhere i sit in quebec cityfeeling bereftfeeling lonelyfeeling quite smallwe did our final gig last niteand tim and trevor our lighting guyand craig wilson our keyboards playerand jorden brebach our sound guyand craig beck our guitar techand stephen judge our record company n merch manhave all departedi feel kinda like a child in my irrational lonelinesssuddenly no more long drivesme n tim sitting up the fronthaving long musical n philosophical argumentswe kept each other awake during them long haulsthem long halls of black nightafter we’d played the gigafter we’d packed upwhen you had gone home n was sleepingme n tim n all the rest in our 2 vanswere speeding down the road somewherein the middle of nowherenow its overthe fellowship dissolvedi always feel sad n panicky when tours endtho in a couple of weeksitll seem like it never happened…..sighanyway last nighta packed theatre full of all agespart of art festivalon before us2 local softish rock actsthe second playing with bras n panties chucked at themn now hanging off the guitarsboth acts were good in their own innocuous wayi guessi was neutralthe first act got a riotous encorefrom the packed housewe hit the stagelet me saywe had a blinderwe soundedand played like mastersthere were few mistakesthe changeovers were smoothwe were delicatewe were roughwe were just rightand guess whata crowd of about 150 people stood down the front cheeringandthe restinexorablyone by one by two by oneleftthey didnt stay n listenpeople had bought tickets to the festivaland just come in to see the othersstayed out of curiositybut sure enoughthey leftthe worst thing an audience can dois leave…by the time we finishedthere was probably 80 people leftoutta that standing room only crowdthe balconies long dark n peoplelessthe sea of flashing lapel lights they were wearingnow an odd red glimmerwell i was demoralisedwe had played […]

here i sit in quebec city
feeling bereft
feeling lonely
feeling quite small
we did our final gig last nite
and tim
and trevor our lighting guy
and craig wilson our keyboards player
and jorden brebach our sound guy
and craig beck our guitar tech
and stephen judge our record company n merch man
have all departed
i feel kinda like a child in my irrational loneliness
suddenly no more long drives
me n tim sitting up the front
having long musical n philosophical arguments
we kept each other awake during them long hauls
them long halls of black night
after we’d played the gig
after we’d packed up
when you had gone home n was sleeping
me n tim n all the rest in our 2 vans
were speeding down the road somewhere
in the middle of nowhere
now its over
the fellowship dissolved
i always feel sad n panicky when tours end
tho in a couple of weeks
itll seem like it never happened…..sigh
anyway last night
a packed theatre full of all ages
part of art festival
on before us
2 local softish rock acts
the second playing with bras n panties chucked at them
n now hanging off the guitars
both acts were good in their own innocuous way
i guess
i was neutral
the first act got a riotous encore
from the packed house
we hit the stage
let me say
we had a blinder
we sounded
and played like masters
there were few mistakes
the changeovers were smooth
we were delicate
we were rough
we were just right
and guess what
a crowd of about 150 people stood down the front cheering
the rest
one by one by two by one
they didnt stay n listen
people had bought tickets to the festival
and just come in to see the others
stayed out of curiosity
but sure enough
they left
the worst thing an audience can do
is leave…
by the time we finished
there was probably 80 people left
outta that standing room only crowd
the balconies long dark n peopleless
the sea of flashing lapel lights they were wearing
now an odd red glimmer
i was demoralised
we had played a blinder
and they left
the average random person there
other than the “diehards” had left
hadnt we converted one person there?
didnt seem like it
we are not crowd pleasers
we gave it our best
and they left
an audience cannot do a worse thing than leave
staying n throwing stuff is almost better
but they left
left right left right
i try to discuss this with others
turns into a bit of a heated discussion
contained but tense
the others dont appreciate my “pessimism”
n fair enough
i say its because of my voice
and they fiercely disagree
anyway it ended in jokes n smiles
pete n marty are still here
we have a day n nite off
in quebec city
my point is this
we do not impress a random bunch of people
everyone made many excuses for the audiences disappearance
it was monday tomorrow
the local guys were quite big stars
we were too loud after the softish other bands
we didnt speak french
blah blah blah
but if it had been an act with the x factor
the crowd woulda stayed
or at least a lot lot more
than were there at the end
i feel dejected over this rejection
i thought maybe by now
we wood be good
to appeal to any bunch of western adults
but in quebec
they just didnt want it
they didnt get it
they just shrugged
n exited quietly
as they split
i became less n less animated
until by the end
i could hardly even bear to look up
i kept my eyes closed
and i stared at my bass
we still played great though
jorden had pulled a great sound
but i was sad to see our marginal utility
at such a low ebb…
the tour itself fills me with mixed emotions
the long drives were dangerous
i am sleep deprived n cant seem to make it up
i look haggard n old its true
but remember
i am old
i am fully my nearly 55 years
i see myself aging daily
the tour has left my nerves frazzled
i feel sad in a bad way
we played really bloody well
new york
they were real good ones
the actual crowd numbers were slightly down in most places
nowhere did we make any real gains
we had 2 to 3 hundred most nights
of course
i am thankful for every single one of those people
if things continue to dwindle
one must concede that eventually
it will not be possible to tour anywhere
unless ticket prices go up n up
as crowds slowly get smaller n smaller
until 50 people
will be paying 100 bucks each
to see us play
in some empty place
remedies? :
festivals to get exposure to bigger crowds …
but last night shows
we are an acquired taste
we dont slay anyone who isnt willing to be slain
we are hypnotists that can only hypnotise
15 per cent of the people…
opening up for a big act the same deal
we tend not to pinch others crowds
its a historical fact
so i dont know…
i didnt make as much merch money as i had foolishly hoped
tho no one let me down
and the buyers were generous
we sold out early of certain items of mine
which would have generated me more income
had i had any acumen
but we ran out of stuff early on
and i missed opportunities
due to stupidity n bad timing
i fear i wont be returning home with too much of a swag
all of the figures wont be in for a while
but its not gonna be as good as i hoped or needed
i wont be rolling up in sweden cashed up
n able to do all the things i hoped with the twillies
you know, spoil em a little
because theyve had precious little of that from me
next i got the bad news last nite
(hadda take a xanny to getto sleep)
from my wonderful accountant dave
who does it for me gratis
that the tax office in aust
aint accepting my repayment scedule i have proposed
to pay em back at 1000 a month for 4 years
lord knows where i was gonna pull that 250 a week from
but i was gonna try
they say its not quick enough
hey i can see their point
but it would be impossible to pay anymore
when every thing in my financial world seems to contract
i dont know what they can do
the fact is i own nothing
ive blown it all in so many ways
its my fault
i am not asking for sympathy or advice
i am talking to you
because its too late to call australia now
and because it helps me to get this off my chest
if youre feeling sorry for me ..dont!
i really did cause this mess
it started long ago
i lost everything eventually
either thru heroin n then thru the crash after sept 11
i dont know what taxman will take
all i have is my four guitars
nothing else
a bit of furniture well used by children
no stocks no bonds no property
as a songwriter im one of the best
as a fiscally responsible person i am useless tho’
i have never defaulted on my taxes before
and i have always claimed honestly
i have never cheated em of dough
i have no credit card n no credit card debt
i fear being made “bankrupt”
tho i dont really know what that means exactly
i cant travel overseas? (great…thatll help em get the dough back)
a thing in the sydney morning herald classifieds
steven j kilbee is now bankrupt
avoid his broke ass like the plague
they literally cant get blood from a stone
so it’ll at least be “interesting” to see how this plays out
i hope i am not forced to leave sydney
the fear of this plagues me
it would destroy me a little
i hope the taxman can be reasonable
a strange place that i stand in
typical steve kilbey
he created all this
he destroyed all this
ever my blessing
ever my curse
ok now im looking for a miracle
im looking for a big art prize
or a role in a film
or get a song in a movie
or i dont know what the fuck!
i feeling low
i am not printing nasty comments for a while
nor reading them even
so dont waste your time
with the “suck it ups”
i feel my very existence
and that of my fam is under threat
and i feel bad for them
because i mismanaged things
we had those two good years cos utmw
was on all those tv shows
i got the money
i neglected to put any aside for tax
and i/we splurged
after a few very lean years
it was stupid but natural
if i could play every night somewhere
i would
i would play or act or paint or read or talk
or whatever people wanted me to do
if i could
every nite of the week
but the demand does not exist
hardly any one knows or cares
how much i have improved
too little too late
the english press that powerful thing
for whatever reason
ignore us
the great reviews in aust n in the u.s.
have not really had much effect
but it #23 could be a slow long burner
god knows it does take a few spins to get into it
but when you do
who else can do that kinda thing?
a handfull of others on this whole planet
we are criminally underrated
we are criminally neglected
we blew it a long time ago
n we never recovered
i believe the future for the church is not necessarily all dark
our wonderful patron klk
has agreed to fund our next record
with generous funding to make it possible
thats a true bright light at the end of some tunnel
once again n not for the last time
i/we salute his generosity
all he gets out of it is satisfaction (sometimes but this time)
we are playing better than ever
we are fierce and hard n hungry n all the rest
yet still
they gradually left last night
we are not accessible to the hoi polloi
tomorrow we drive to ny
next day week in sweden
thanks for hanging in there fiends
this has been a very honest report
i hope you can grok it
i hope it gives you some insight into my life
i hope it wasnt too much information
i tell it like it is
this is my journal
i am the time being

can a blue man sing the whites…?

the blues fest was not our best gigdue to raintechnical issueshuman erroretc etcwe had a mediocre gignevermindtoday we drove five hours at 7 am to get herequebec citypart of a arts festivallets see what happens thensk

the blues fest was not our best gig
due to rain
technical issues
human error
etc etc
we had a mediocre gig
today we drove five hours at 7 am to get here
quebec city
part of a arts festival
lets see what happens then

for your own safety the windows do not open

(me n cst coach ryan m discussing the best way to wring an idiots neck) its hard being meits hard being a humanits hard being a creature on this planettheres always more twists n turns aheadaccidents to avoidcrises to avertrevolutions to crushsuffering the slings n arrowsthe gig in connecticut was slightly derailedby a guy who wanted to stand up the frontin the theatredangling his hands on the stagetouching the cables etcthe theatre didnt want itfor whatever reasonand asks him not tobut he wants toeventually i get kinda embroiled in iti dont know what to doi dont careim neutralbut the guy is calling outn carrying onnothing majorjust a niggling useless problemby this stageits all about the guyhis rights etche doesnt care the gig is going down the tubemaybe he cant see itthen he starts calling out to mwpgetting him involvedjust losing all our momentumthe guy loved the churchbut in the endit ended up damaging usthis is what i meanas a human beingyou push one wayyou get the opposite resultyou protect freedom…you get a police stateyou tolerate anything…you lose yer freedomyou try n help but you often hinderyou try to be consolingpeople say dont condescendtry not to get involved you become alooftry to get involved and youre in someones facethis isnt just for meits for everyonesome kinda design error makes everything harduntil you finally getwindows that dont openbecause someone jumped outta window once sonow no go in most american hotelsTHE WINDOWS WONT OPENFOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!!how aboutfor your own safety this gun doesnt shootfor your own safety the war has been cancelledfor your own safety the bad food is unavailableha hayeahso i tried hard after the annoying man finally buggered offbut somehow my attention was divertedi was thinking about a load of stuffinstead of being in the zonewhere i shoulda been all […]

(me n cst coach ryan m
discussing the best way to wring an idiots neck)

its hard being me
its hard being a human
its hard being a creature on this planet
theres always more twists n turns ahead
accidents to avoid
crises to avert
revolutions to crush
suffering the slings n arrows
the gig in connecticut was slightly derailed
by a guy who wanted to stand up the front
in the theatre
dangling his hands on the stage
touching the cables etc
the theatre didnt want it
for whatever reason
and asks him not to
but he wants to
eventually i get kinda embroiled in it
i dont know what to do
i dont care
im neutral
but the guy is calling out
n carrying on
nothing major
just a niggling useless problem
by this stage
its all about the guy
his rights etc
he doesnt care the gig is going down the tube
maybe he cant see it
then he starts calling out to mwp
getting him involved
just losing all our momentum
the guy loved the church
but in the end
it ended up damaging us
this is what i mean
as a human being
you push one way
you get the opposite result
you protect freedom…you get a police state
you tolerate anything…you lose yer freedom
you try n help but you often hinder
you try to be consoling
people say dont condescend
try not to get involved you become aloof
try to get involved and youre in someones face
this isnt just for me
its for everyone
some kinda design error makes everything hard
until you finally get
windows that dont open
because someone jumped outta window once
now no go in most american hotels
how about
for your own safety this gun doesnt shoot
for your own safety the war has been cancelled
for your own safety the bad food is unavailable
ha ha
so i tried hard after the annoying man finally buggered off
but somehow my attention was diverted
i was thinking about a load of stuff
instead of being in the zone
where i shoulda been all along
because thats when you get a good show
no one wanted it to happen
but it did
just like iraq n vietnam n ww1 n 2
and all the other stuff
from tiny to huge
that just keeps going wrong here
for us hu-man beings
we did recover towards the end
and ended up having an ok gig
just one of those things
like stubbing your toe
or catching a cold
or killing yourself to live
or the beatings will continue until morale improves
let me say this
i do my best usually
i listen to what you say
a lot to juggle
imagine being a president or general or pilot or captain
everyday i hear n see contrary things
i get confused
i make bad calls
i make poor decisions
i ignore the wrong people
i listen to the wrong people
sometimes the futility of it all
i dunno

tonite its albany
last u.s. gig
we re here now
its a weird kinda theatre
in a govt building
who knows how its gonna go…?
see ya
sk upstate new york
empire plaza

keep rapping how the big apple is outta site….you aint never had a bite

yeah new yorkwowoh boygeethats me n belfrank in the picin a genuine backstage pic taken in nycnew new nnn new york city nowup to lexington 1 2 5yeah the village manyeah down in washington square hoo boythe neon lights are bright on broadwaythey saydowntownuptownmidtownwhatevervisit my old prison celltry on my old handcuffs…sentimental devil i ami climb up empire state buildingi do speed with loo readi do some painting with andy war-holei hang out with jackson bollocki shoot morph-een with billy burrowsi have breakfast at tiffanys (diamonds on toast)i get a cab up to harlem and clean the train stationi get lost in some west side storeyi am subsumed in the steami am eaten up by the crowds on 83rd streetnew york much better than old yorkmuch better than tom yorkmuch better than york iller, arent you?yeahim so fucking hipim so coolim so where its all happeningthe very epicentre of everythingi’m here and youre notaint that too badrock n roll aminalforget that i’m 54 cos i just got paidsubscribe or shut upand to that nasty little sourpuss haunting my bloggsYEAH I GOT A BIG N UGLY NOSEEVERYONE HAS SAID SO MY WHOLE LIFE NOW LETS HAVE A SHOT OF YOUR SCHNOZZLE…MR PRETTYooh sorry bout that…..ah where was i….i sit here with belfrank we listen to new gb3gee its good aint it?yepwould i foist any second rate palaver onya?would i what??!!tonitei will be redeemednew york will love myintelligencemy sophistication my hot ancient boddymy silver beardmy velvet voicemy hip referencesand my great big hooked n ugly nose!anywaynnnnnnnew york city nowoh wowhow cool am i????

yeah new york
oh boy
thats me n belfrank in the pic
in a genuine backstage pic taken in nyc
new new nnn new york city now
up to lexington 1 2 5
yeah the village man
yeah down in washington square hoo boy
the neon lights are bright on broadway
they say
visit my old prison cell
try on my old handcuffs…sentimental devil i am
i climb up empire state building
i do speed with loo read
i do some painting with andy war-hole
i hang out with jackson bollock
i shoot morph-een with billy burrows
i have breakfast at tiffanys (diamonds on toast)
i get a cab up to harlem and clean the train station
i get lost in some west side storey
i am subsumed in the steam
i am eaten up by the crowds on 83rd street
new york
much better than old york
much better than tom york
much better than york iller, arent you?
im so fucking hip
im so cool
im so where its all happening
the very epicentre of everything
i’m here and youre not
aint that too bad
rock n roll aminal
forget that i’m 54 cos i just got paid
subscribe or shut up
and to that nasty little sourpuss haunting my bloggs
ooh sorry bout that…..
ah where was i….
i sit here with belfrank
we listen to new gb3
gee its good aint it?
would i foist any second rate palaver onya?
would i what??!!
i will be redeemed
new york will love my
my sophistication
my hot ancient boddy
my silver beard
my velvet voice
my hip references
and my great big hooked n ugly nose!
nnnnnnnew york city now
oh wow
how cool am i????


yeahi writei typei’m that typei remember streams of notes and wordsi’m fluent in bass guitarmoor than you can dream of itmy busy fat little fingersim waiting for you backstageim a carpetim a fridge full of exotic beersim a ashtrayim a gigim a venueim a parking lotim the headliner n the supporti sing the body corporatei sing the songs that make the whole world cryi sing like a beast and i bellow like a rami kilbeyno one else couldwouldwanna bei kilbeyin the blackened roomwith the loud noiseswith all the gizmos n gadgetsto bring my fucking songs to lifemy song of song of songsi need drums i need stringsi need reedsi need some airhere i am in the gighere i am outside the gighere i am drivin’ away from the gighere i am forgettin’ the gighere i am thenkilbey kilbey kilbeyyou cant get enuff of me until then…you suddenly have a little overdosewhoopskilbey overdose coming thrutoo much of a good thingits too richim too sweetim tout suite toono one on the streetthe drums go thump thump thumpthe stuff all gets moved aroundsomeone does the vacuumingsomeone buys a ticket at the box officeoutside the trees sway in the breezewho gives a freaking frigg about any of thisthe made up worldthe strings of wordsthe fawning ninniesthe angry bouncersthe bored barmaids on their mobilesthe luggers n loadersthe crewthe othersmemy brainmy fingersmy throatwhat do i have that anyone wants to seesome mad old half aussie hippywho smoked a joint n got hooked on strawberry fieldsforever n forever n foreverstill in buffaloi meet kristinas sisterit was 100 years ago i spent the winter hereyes thats rightone hundred years ago in some long winterman she sure had some wherewithalshe had the knowledge thats wonderfulmaybe she became nk in some mad mixupwhere my songs collided with my lifey lifeand […]

i write
i type
i’m that type
i remember streams of notes and words
i’m fluent in bass guitar
moor than you can dream of it
my busy fat little fingers
im waiting for you backstage
im a carpet
im a fridge full of exotic beers
im a ashtray
im a gig
im a venue
im a parking lot
im the headliner n the support
i sing the body corporate
i sing the songs that make the whole world cry
i sing like a beast and i bellow like a ram
i kilbey
no one else
wanna be
i kilbey
in the blackened room
with the loud noises
with all the gizmos n gadgets
to bring my fucking songs to life
my song of song of songs
i need drums i need strings
i need reeds
i need some air
here i am in the gig
here i am outside the gig
here i am drivin’ away from the gig
here i am forgettin’ the gig
here i am then
kilbey kilbey kilbey
you cant get enuff of me until then…
you suddenly have a little overdose
kilbey overdose coming thru
too much of a good thing
its too rich
im too sweet
im tout suite too
no one on the street
the drums go thump thump thump
the stuff all gets moved around
someone does the vacuuming
someone buys a ticket at the box office
outside the trees sway in the breeze
who gives a freaking frigg about any of this
the made up world
the strings of words
the fawning ninnies
the angry bouncers
the bored barmaids on their mobiles
the luggers n loaders
the crew
the others
my brain
my fingers
my throat
what do i have that anyone wants to see
some mad old half aussie hippy
who smoked a joint n got hooked on strawberry fields
forever n forever n forever
still in buffalo
i meet kristinas sister
it was 100 years ago i spent the winter here
yes thats right
one hundred years ago in some long winter
man she sure had some wherewithal
she had the knowledge thats wonderful
maybe she became nk in some mad mixup
where my songs collided with my lifey life
and until i didnt know what was going on
i imagine scarlet kilbey will shake this world around
i imagine eve n aurora dispensing love n mercy
n elli n minna on top of some heap
oh my eyes ache
my uneven steven eyes
im 54…can you really dig that number
because i cant
by my calculations i should be older nuff to know better
adam franklin is a nice cat
so is lee n mikey
i love listening to em each night
you should check em out
still in buffalo
i wander round the olde neighbourhood from that song
its hard to tell without the snow
maybe i’m just a ghost now too
a hundred years is a long time until its gone
i fall asleep in some hundred year old starbucks
in a comfy armchair sucking a soy hot chocky
i start to dream of my little bedroom in bondi
i sit in my chair waiting for my wife to come to bed
the house is so quiet
the children all asleep n tangled
my wife so slim n pretty
my wife so young n playful
my wife all blonde and tipsy
i reach out for her white white skin when…
hey kilbey….!
ive dropped off at the wheel
weve crashed into the charts at 1660
weve driven thru a field of magnetic poppies
grant is with me
steven…..he says astonished
i was having the strangest dream
i look around all my pals in the van
ricki ticki tavi
the ice berg guys
the little lord of course
simon polinski at the controls
hes adding more reverb to something
a load of middle aged guys swamp me
hey steve i saw you in 1853 at that valley forge gig
hey steve i saw you on the mayflower
hey steve i saw you at the court of william of orange
the music all plays backwards
it all sucks into itself
ziggy sucked off into his brain
i remember to remember that much
and i check into some room
outside is some dead city
people speaking a freaking dead language
tonite the church dead in necropolis
says the poster
the dark streets full of fear
i dont wanna play
but someone pushes me out the fuck on stage
my dad says
slim how do you know what to do?
i turn to my dad
dad please be big and warm n smelling of cigs n old spice
a sign says
no readmittance
a sign says
staff only
a sign says
please wash out your mouth before singing
aunty lou says hah! he’s no singer…..not him…
someone unlocks a door and the crowd trickle in
a plague of middle aged men
i drown in their tertiary degrees
they throw their credit cards at me
but i have no swipe
they call out in the fog
all of us lost
all of us had the best deckchairs on that titanic
i had a cabin with a lovely view of some desolated parking lot
its canada on a saturday night
someone buys drugs on de yonge street
someone faraway milks his cow outside saskatoon
someone on the prairie listens to priest equals aura
much further south
the falls keep falling
the boys limber up for their soundcheck
jorden brebach plays snippets of down to the cardboard
over the p.a.
no strings attached
no certainty either
clint eastward
crowdy rowdy head yates
bang bang
someone shot thru
it was me
not you


knight off

last nitewhat does it matter nowwe jump in the cars and drive some morepast terrible factories where people die for their livingpast nice little streets with nice little housespast alleyways and broken down buildingsjumped up border guardswho solemnly saywith no hint of irony:sir, i’m protecting my countryand hes got that fervent lookand you know hes a bit mad mad madand the huge utes and wagons roll pastand the macdonalds got it all sewn upa million truckstopsa million heart attacksa million acres gonebut the earth aint infinitewhen will it all give….?yes i briefly met peter hammillwho is slender and quiet like a oxford professori eat my dinner too close to show n go on feeling sluggishafter show i go back to hotel fleapitt and i sleep for 11 hoursstill feel knackered todaystill feel like a dazea permanent reveriei get angry if any one asks me anythingmy reverie is rubbery an achey hazewe roll into buffalowell its like a dead city downtown herei get lucky we stay at the hyattwownice room n everythingcan you see it in the picture?up high with a view over the citythe weather is overcastish n nondescriptishthe streets are emptyishthe town seems half closed downis it a holiday here i ask someoneoh no no no no…they laugh n shake their headsthe theatre district seems emptyish toohardly a person anywhereis this the recession or what?i go up to my room n sleep some moreall the late nights /early mornings come back n haunt mesometimes i feel like i dont careand it fills me with vertigo to not caresometimes i’m just going through the emotions onstagethe words n notes come n go a series of symbols i invented oncea long way from the sourcei stand here somewhereplaying to these tables n chairs n these glasses of winewhat more could you […]

last nite
what does it matter now
we jump in the cars and drive some more
past terrible factories where people die for their living
past nice little streets with nice little houses
past alleyways and broken down buildings
jumped up border guards
who solemnly say
with no hint of irony:
sir, i’m protecting my country
and hes got that fervent look
and you know hes a bit mad mad mad
and the huge utes and wagons roll past
and the macdonalds got it all sewn up
a million truckstops
a million heart attacks
a million acres gone
but the earth aint infinite
when will it all give….?
yes i briefly met peter hammill
who is slender and quiet
like a oxford professor
i eat my dinner too close to show n go on feeling sluggish
after show i go back to hotel fleapitt and i sleep for 11 hours
still feel knackered today
still feel like a daze
a permanent reverie
i get angry if any one asks me anything
my reverie is rubbery an achey haze
we roll into buffalo
well its like a dead city downtown here
i get lucky we stay at the hyatt
nice room n everything
can you see it in the picture?
up high with a view over the city
the weather is overcastish n nondescriptish
the streets are emptyish
the town seems half closed down
is it a holiday here i ask someone
oh no no no no…they laugh n shake their heads
the theatre district seems emptyish too
hardly a person anywhere
is this the recession or what?
i go up to my room n sleep some more
all the late nights /early mornings come back n haunt me
sometimes i feel like i dont care
and it fills me with vertigo to not care
sometimes i’m just going through the emotions onstage
the words n notes come n go
a series of symbols i invented once
a long way from the source
i stand here somewhere
playing to these tables n chairs n these glasses of wine
what more could you want
what more could you expect
i shake peoples hands but my mind is far away
i pull my haze down over my head
yoga seems like a struggle with myself
i eat too much sugary rubbish
outside buffalo is most uninviting
the opposite of rome or melbourne with their bustling/hustling
buffalo seems deserted
the odd person wanders along
i cant go out there tonite and walk about
where to?
i am trapped within my hotelwomb
spending the summer up in buffalo
i wonder about that song i wrote
maybe it all happened in another world
maybe the city was something else
maybe i sit here now listening to popol vuh
its almost 8 in the even
ing and a weak sun tries for a last bit of shining
the weather is neutral
its like nothing
i look out over bridges trees houses
a city set up for winter
i feel more lonely than ever
as the tour comes to an end
i feel quite desolate
not because i dont want the tour to end
but some kinda angst….will this be the last
how can we ever turn it all around?
touring you love it and hate it
some nights youre on fire
some nights youre flat n weak
some knights are off
but to do what?
yoga …i guess
and rest a little
before the last hectic bit
tomorrow night buffalo
the night after n.y.c.
that should be chaos n mayhem in a nutshell
hadda nuff
see you later
i see we still have a little voice of a carping turkey
plaguing my comments
can you imagine the tedious jealousy that fuels his every word..?
oh…and i gotta get my eyes re-aligned
the left one is 4 inches above the right!
the ugly bastard

dans le jardin

fanciful fool out the back of theatrean enclosed courtyardthe soft breezes singthe sound in my earslast nites music still plays oni get upi go oni get goingi go hot n coldi crouch i lunge i stand stilli kneel i dont know whyhamilton onthammer townwalk the streetsat least i been heretired ness stricks mei must stop before

fanciful fool out the back of theatre
an enclosed courtyard
the soft breezes sing
the sound in my ears
last nites music still plays on
i get up
i go on
i get going
i go hot n cold
i crouch i lunge i stand still
i kneel i dont know why
hamilton ont
hammer town
walk the streets
at least i been here
tired ness stricks me
i must stop before

shuffle off to buffalo ( by belfranky vid by the incredible PV)

have had a horrible daydriving to buffaloand onwhere we are gonna cross into canadawe are doing a gig in hamiltonopening for van der graf generatorit musta seemed like a good idea at the timebutwe have driven a whole 12 hours to get herei feel disconnected depressed and jitterytoo much caffeinequite frankly i wish i was at homelast nite was another good gigin a hot n dark little placei dunnoi feel like this has been an awful dayi wanna get to bedstill to get thru border crossing n drive to hamiltoni’m over itfuck iti hadda nuffsk somewhere on canadian borderfourth of julyalmost midnightand ive fucken hadda nuff okat about 1 00 in morning we queue upto get into canadawe have to go in the placewhere they check us outthen just a short drive to hamilton…right?wrongroadworks saw five lanes of busy july 4 trafficturn into one laneit took another 1 n half hours to drive the 40 miles!!arrive at the crumbiest smelliest hotel in the worlda cigaretty flea pitoutside it looks like a bad bit of detroit or somethingyippeeall to open for some olde bandeven older than usin a tiny theatre…..geei’m underwhelmedi need some new socks…..

have had a horrible day
driving to buffalo
and on
where we are gonna cross into canada
we are doing a gig in hamilton
opening for van der graf generator
it musta seemed like a good idea at the time
we have driven a whole 12 hours to get here
i feel disconnected depressed and jittery
too much caffeine
quite frankly i wish i was at home
last nite was another good gig
in a hot n dark little place
i dunno
i feel like this has been an awful day
i wanna get to bed
still to get thru border crossing n drive to hamilton
i’m over it
fuck it
i hadda nuff
sk somewhere on canadian border
fourth of july
almost midnight
and ive fucken hadda nuff

at about 1 00 in morning we queue up
to get into canada
we have to go in the place
where they check us out
just a short drive to hamilton…right?
roadworks saw five lanes of busy july 4 traffic
turn into one lane
it took another 1 n half hours to drive the 40 miles!!
arrive at the crumbiest smelliest hotel in the world
a cigaretty flea pit
outside it looks like a bad bit of detroit or something
all to open for some olde band
even older than us
in a tiny theatre…..
i’m underwhelmed
i need some new socks…..

hazy days

i wake up confusedwho where what am iwhere in the worldam i? more later maybe in a little house in the woodsits a gigdo yoga in a field but the bugs close me downtry to do interview in field but mozzies attack hardtonite tupelo music hall, nhlush verdant fieldstreeslovely buildingstonites gig is like a n.a. meeting in the woodslike in the swedish woodsthe weather warm n stilla feeling of contentment in people i meetsummer is easy herein this strange little housein these woodsseems like middle of nowherebut gig nearly sold outholly is heremem rumoured to be nearklk the man without whom none of this would be happeningbelfrank is hereerik e with some of his jazzy binglesyeahnow backstage waiting

i wake up confused
who where what am i
where in the world
am i?

more later maybe

in a little house in the woods
its a gig
do yoga in a field but the bugs close me down
try to do interview in field but mozzies attack hard
tonite tupelo music hall, nh
lush verdant fields
lovely buildings
tonites gig is like a n.a. meeting in the woods
like in the swedish woods
the weather warm n still
a feeling of contentment in people i meet
summer is easy here
in this strange little house
in these woods
seems like middle of nowhere
but gig nearly sold out
holly is here
mem rumoured to be near
klk the man without whom none of this would be happening
belfrank is here
erik e with some of his jazzy bingles
now backstage waiting

pencil vainia

tonite the trocthe very gig i met my sweet lil wife in 1998wife told emi gonna marry himand lo it came to passnk could remember our future togetherbefore it happenedas soon as we met up…….well…and it happened herein these very roomslast night was a strange but good gigafter the big fair dinkum theatre at falls churchwe do this like dinner cabaret set up at the rams headsomething in me firesand i jump around all night like a childeso full of energy i was simply astonishedall on this tiny little stagefelt like i was showing off to my parents friendsand i gave it to em with both barrels there was lots of cheering and standing up by the audiencethey enjoyed it quite a bit i would saythe room had a weird L shapeand it seemed most people were in the wrong part of the Lbloody L !afterwards there were meteorologists doctors engineersand peoples with other interesting jobssign stuff etctoday we drive to phillycity of brotherly lovewe drive thru a bit of delawarewowanywaywe arrive at trocbut everything seems to have changedthe rooms the samebut all the ghosts have gone the memories do not clingi find no trace left of our first meeting hereit was cold and dark that nighttoday is sunny and brighti can suck nothing out of this buildinglike the time me n russell visited our old schoolbut could find no nostalgia lingeringwe stood there empty handed in the quadranglebut no old memories came flocking to soothe usto lead us back where we obviously wanted to goback to the days of yore and your youththe sun was too bright that dayrussell said : the ghosts wont come in this sun….anywayits just another empty venue in the afternoonlike a load of others with its own charms and blueswith its one million storieswith […]

tonite the troc
the very gig i met my sweet lil wife in 1998
wife told em
i gonna marry him
and lo it came to pass
nk could remember our future together
before it happened
as soon as we met up…….well…
and it happened here
in these very rooms
last night was a strange but good gig
after the big fair dinkum theatre at falls church
we do this like dinner cabaret set up at the rams head
something in me fires
and i jump around all night like a childe
so full of energy i was simply astonished
all on this tiny little stage
felt like i was showing off to my parents friends
and i gave it to em with both barrels
there was lots of cheering and standing up by the audience
they enjoyed it quite a bit i would say
the room had a weird L shape
and it seemed most people were in the wrong part of the L
bloody L !
afterwards there were meteorologists doctors engineers
and peoples with other interesting jobs
sign stuff etc
today we drive to philly
city of brotherly love
we drive thru a bit of delaware
we arrive at troc
but everything seems to have changed
the rooms the same
but all the ghosts have gone
the memories do not cling
i find no trace left of our first meeting here
it was cold and dark that night
today is sunny and bright
i can suck nothing out of this building
like the time me n russell visited our old school
but could find no nostalgia lingering
we stood there empty handed in the quadrangle
but no old memories came flocking to soothe us
to lead us back where we obviously wanted to go
back to the days of yore and your youth
the sun was too bright that day
russell said : the ghosts wont come in this sun….
its just another empty venue in the afternoon
like a load of others
with its own charms and blues
with its one million stories
with its sweat n blood n tears n beers n ash
with its faded grandeur
with its whatever it was
ive played here maybe 4 times now
we never get a very big crowd
and its quite a big gig
man it would be good to see them balconys full…
steven tyler : dream on!
last nite was a stadium show in a 300 seat cafe
if only if only if only
philly is a big busy and occasionally heavy city
dont be in the wrong parts and acting dumb, now
be cool and hopeth that they treatheth thee cool
was recognized twice on the road
once at a truckside stop buying trail mix
a lady with her extended family in tow :
excuse me are you a singer?
me : yes i am
oh wow i saw you guys last night…
the whole family are happy for her
they all stand back smiling happily
the grandfather says
keep talking we like your accent
the next time is in the carpark
a lady asks me to sign her u 23 cd
gladly lady that mayest i do..
now im just sitting here
did a huge yoga session this morning
lotta people suddenly interested in yoga
tim says to me
are you the first person to do yoga n rock
at the same time
i dunno
the 2 somehow go together
why have all this flexibilty n mobility n not use it
so i go up n down n round n about
i crouch n hop n jump n skip
it feels real good to do it
it just kinda happens
but there also is a message
do it or become stiff forever
(but not where you wanted probably)
you dont have to get so old so fast
or do what you like
and you’ll be sorry
when youre my age
and you cant bend yer knees
or you cant hop skip n bleeding jump
go ahead sit there then
yoga is like magic
but you dont get to cast a spell for a while
till you show yer dedication n resilience
no easy quick way
only hours of hard but lovely work
as you tune in
yeah tune in
to your self
to the planet
to the universe
sounds grandiose?
sure it is
hey i’m made of the very stuff of this universe
my intelligence
bewildered by maya
seduced by the zeitgeist
has some how gotten me outta tune
i need to get back in tune
i need to apprehend phenomena accurately
like a cat does
you dont see cats miss the mark when they jump on a fence
they dont hesitate they dont second guess
they feel it
the intuitively know exactly how high n hard to jump
thats what yoga will give you eventually
and if you practice hard for five years n you dont get that
whatever else you did get
will more than make up for it
its win/win
its guaranteed
i hear a lotta talk about protein
a lotta people say they cant be vegan cos theres no protein
where do gorillas get their protein then?
a lotta big heavy lazy people say they need their protein
looks to me you hadda enough “protein” for a while, my friend
if you sit at a desk and watch tv and not much exercise
why you need all this protein
if you a marathon runner ok i guess
but c’mon
look around ya
where do i get my sodding protein from
and im not fucking fading away am i?
i got energy to sing it out and heft heavy bass and jump about
wheres all the protein i needed for that?
i tell you where
by abstaining a little from all that delicious food
by exercising and breathing
by the sunlight and fresh air from chi and prana
from water and fruit and vegetables
just like a gorilla
yeah i got 24 hour non stop on tap energy
i can pull a song outta the air or walk along ten mile beach
never puffed out
no aches n pains
can sleep at night
this quality of life is so important
in my naivete i urge it upon you
in my heart i dont believe anyone “needs” meat
tho they say they do
i dont believe it
its their meat addiction talking them back into it
yes even after years n years’
you dont need it
you just want it
anyway come along n see me
see if you think i’m telling the truth
yoga is the bees knees
one day youll even thank me if you start n persevere
the ones who dont will never know
aint it always the way