tasmanian deville
well i do always say i lead a weird old life
and i truly fucking do
last wednesday i fly down to hobart
where i am doing a cameo role in macbeth 1040
(no sunshine , that aint his postcode!)
i stay with actor gerard w alias dr spork
dr spork bends spoons and forks into jewellery
hes also playing macduff in macbeth
he also has some very fast ancient sports car
and because we’re sitting low to the ground
it feels like we are doing a thousand miles an hour
as we rocket round hobart smoking some primo sporkish mixture
me saying “slow the fuck down Spork!”
well the next day there is mild mannered genius director Brian Dimmick
he is so deep into the film
he is almost oblivious to whatever is going on outside his concentration
his dedication and belief and faith are fucking awe inspiring
with almost no budget
with everyone working on deferred payment
that is if it ever makes any money then they (we) will be paid
quite frankly brian dimmick is a guy i would work for for nothing
his vision
his insistence on historical accuracy
his perseverance and resilience
almost without any outside financial help
and now this film is all wrapped up
i simply cannot wait to start doing the music again
(i have already done first 20 minute)
so i got dressed up as the green man
and i crowned macbeth in his nightmare
we filmed in a cold sunlit glade with smoke and steam wisping about
when the cameras rolled there was a palpable feeling of…something eerie
this is one hell of a movie and i cant wait for you all to see it
the next day i visited brian at his house
cluttered and full of spears and shields and decapitated heads
we do a little greenscreen work with my antlers back on
the next day i visited the fabled MONA museum
museum of old and new art
an eccentric billionaire who made his money gambling
has built this gigantic multi floored museum in a picturesque spot
on paper i was gonna love the place
everyone told me i would
but i’m sorry
and not trying to be iconoclastic either
and disagreeing with all the many people who think MONA is amazing
to me it felt like
an eccentric billionaire had built a museum and filled it with random strange stuff
now that should be good in kilbeys world , right?
i would have thought so too
now i will use a phrase that i actually hate
MONA had absolutely no emotional resonance with me whatsoever
that is no criticism of MONA
but i was baffled with myself because i just didnt like it there at all
it was kind of nightmarish to me
just loads of weird sometimes powerful objects in huge rooms
rooms you could play a game of footy and still have room
there was apparently a room dedicated to human excretia
which i somehow mercifully missed
there was a “starbucks” coffee shop that wasnt actually a starbucks
but it was a good counterfeit of one
i dont know but the premise of that escaped me
although the soy latte was good
in the end i preferred to sit outside looking at the view
trying to decide whats wrong with me because i didnt like MONA
it fact i couldnt fucking stand it with all its overlapping musics and sounds
and all the lights going on and off
and its fucking interactive doodah…who wants to fuck around with that?
whats wrong with me? ungrateful sod!
is it i who is the philistine ?
or is MONA simply a huge concrete museum full of weird stuff
provided by an eccentric billionaire
i mean good on him for doing it but…
it just aint that easy..
on the other hand i guess it is
because 99 per cent of folks rave about it
and crabby grumpy old kilbey just couldnt dig it!
i think the eccentric billionaire should hire me actually
i could be at least one of the aesthetic advisers i think he needs
at least to appeal to some jumped up self styled cognoscenti ponce like myself
so MONA gets a big question ? from me
then my third strange experience
back at sporks having a smoke
he puts on a doco about Sunbury from 1974(?)
one of australias first ever big outdoor festivals a la woodstock
what a fucking dismal awful carry on
hot and dry and dusty
we have the obligatory nude swimming
but because this is australia we dont actually see many naughty bits
eg the bosom shots are tastefully side on so we dont see the nips
so all these fucking people came to see a bunch of australias top bands
one band piranha is just like santana complete with drum solo
only mike shrieve this drummer aint!
the wild cherries plod through some 12 bar sludge
then the big moment
a guy called billy thorpe who was huge at the time
its 1974 and theres bowie and roxy and all this stuff out there
but here in australia we got thorpie doing be bop a lula
and oop poop a dooh
or however the fuck that old warhorse is spelt
the crowd who must be on some serious bad acid and cheap booze
are going nuts over these hoary old 12 bar 1950s stodge standards
it is truly excruciatingly awful as thorpie takes solo after solo
while the band plod away
look i love my aussie music and i aint no cultural cringer
but this 40 year old document of australian rock is dismal
max merrit is pretty good in his own ragged kind of way
but the music is so old fashioned
so stuck in some boogie woogie past
skyhooks and a load of other bands were just around the corner
but this sunbury video is strange and weird and yes almost nightmarish
i’m confused
is it just me?
there is so much stuff out there that people seem to love
which i seem to hate
and vice versa
meanwhile i am becoming more obsessed with glide
and trying to learn their strange weird but good songs
i think about william out there somewhere
i was obviously a bit of an influence on him
its there not so disguised in some lyrics
other influences too
but the fucking man was a contender
the first bar of the first song we are doing
has more originality and beauty than all of sunbury put together
i dunno william is like shelley or byron if they were rockers
in another universe glide would have been massive
in a universe populated by steve kilbeys
who demand the kind of fucking music that glide deliver
the juxtaposition of noise and beauty
the juxtaposition of good and evil
songs that make you sit up and go wow!
the band has lost none of its power at rehearsal
the basslines are fucking awesome
the guitars were intricate and driving
the only question is
can kilbey cut the mustard and do these songs the justice they deserve
william i know youre out there
give us a fucking hand son
these songs are tricky to sing
but i know
if i can get it right
it will be one of the best things you have ever seen me do
see you thursday night then
back in rainy bondi
as the creditors close inexorably in!