bib is honest as the day is long
bib pectin here (obviously you idiots!)
i was doing a corporate gig for the laboral party the other night
when approached by two of the top geezas
vis a vis my availability to run for the seat of Chiselling in sydneys western beaches
i was not surprised at their approaches actually
because any nong can be PM these days
its not like the old days when they had all those serious old grandad types as PMs
man thats not gonna getcha any fricking votes
down the local primary school on polling day izzit?
i reckon just about any old body could get that gig these days
and thats where i come in
except for some arrests for drugs violence and fraud
well i’m pretty fuckin’ clean
i paid my debt to society
working off parking fines being a standby lifesaver at sydneys most glamourous beach
stuff like that
mentoring kids with rich impressionable parents hell yes i have
for a modest fee plus gee ess tee (enquire pectin@mentor.org)
i play golf with jim olgivie-crumm the minister for miscellaneous things
you know
he often has remarked
“bib you should deffo check out canberra as a fulltime gig
you know how much these dicknosed twits get paid?
they are so average and totally fucking hopeless bib…
man youd fit right in!”
i stared at the minister with his great tan R M Williams jeans
“but what can i do in canberra ?” i dared to ask
and then…
well then he made me see it
the fucking lurks the beautiful perks
the pensions baby the staff the cars the PDs
the lodges the apartments the appointments ….
“yes i want in!” i told him
of course..!
“you mean these cats goin’ getting paid forever
even when the gig is over and finished?”
“thats right. till the end of our lives baby!”
“but who fucking allowed that?” i barked in my usual astonishment
“ha ha” says the minister “ha ha ha ha ha ”
so anyway
i want to say this
all that stuff about me in stripclubs n escort agencies
i tell you that is the oppositions fabrication i promise you
maybe it was my evil twin dub pectin who occasionally turns up
wreaks havoc and then slips back into the shadows ie ( ie adelaide)
maybe he has been hired by the greens reds and white shoe brigade coalition…
probably it was him who nobbled that horse
in that race i got all that investment back from….
and he ran a speed lab n lube shop up in qld…not me!
my charity work has kept me off the streets!
my own pectin foundation sending valuable assets offshore to tax havens
(for everybodys sake)
my work with the developers is amazing
we’ve had all those “picturesque ” cottages knocked down
and had some lovely concrete edifices chucked up down by the seaside
no more beach sunburn its permanently in the shade now
so please dont call me un-civic minded
after a bit of consideration i have decided to close down a few hospitals
a few old peoples homes and a few kindergartens
quite frankly they dont generate much income and are kinda depressing
i am going to bulldoze a library over in Chiselling (the new seat, remember)
to build my new offices and a projected mobile phone museum
my offices will be modest and yet sumptuous
no expense will be spared although i hope to bring it in under budget
you do not want your elected representative in some shoddy workplace!
i will be hiring some attractive women to “man” the desks
nothings worse than a tiresome bint of a secretary looking boring
also looking for a chauffeur to drive me jam-jar
(a good working knowledge of kings cross and st kilda a definite advantage!)
also looking for attractive travel companions
i am undertaking research in the bahamas and in switzerland
(on behalf of my electorate)
as for sorting out yer legislation
ive passed over a few bills i can tell you
to all kinds of people for all kinds of things
improving your infrastructure and stuff
you may not even notice how i’m out here tweaking the old parameters
another study was so successful it will never be published i expect
i have attended meetings many meetings
the ones the court ordered me to attend
and other meetings besides
how we have spied on you to protect your freedoms
how we pay ourselves exorbitantly just so we dont defect to private industry
and thanks for my campaign dosh Harvey Bishop Whitegoods sales n service
it looks easy but it isnt easy
my name is pectin
i am your political future
i will govern you and sort you out properly
i swear on this frickin’ holy bible in spades and for sure
a vote for pectin is a vote for jesus and safeguarding our personal wealth
i will defend you i will work for you
i will make you all rich
and if any of you hurts yourself
no matter what time
no matter what place
i beg you nay i command you
VOTE 1 Pectin B