detail from no details available
my mind is so stuffed full of things to say
but i dunno
what do you want to hear?
what do you need to hear?
what should i and what should i not tell you?
how private is privacy…?
how pirate is piracy…?
how normal is normalcy …? (i wouldnt know)
my mind so full of so many things
so many good things
more good things than i deserve….?
even that is tricky and interpretable
a guy asked me the other day
whether i thought i deserved my “success and longevity”
deserved is an ambiguous word here
well one could argue both ways…couldnt one…..?
i didnt deserve it because i’m an idiot
and i did deserve it because i’m a savant (or something)
suddenly i’m not sure about anything
strangely enough its not such a bad place to be
strangely i met a guy at the icebergs
dr gary yeah and he says are you a performer i heard you are
i says yeah
he says yeah you should come n see me n i’ll sort you out
i say yeah sure
i mean i am a sceptical cynical bastard
ive seen it all ive heard it all
dr gary says look i’ll give you a free 30 mins see what you think
ok yeah sure i say
dr gary sends me some e-brochures on his thing
of course i dont really read it properly
i never make an appointment i just forget about it
but lo n behold dr gary rings me up one day n says come in
come in for yer 30 mins free then you decide
ok i guess thats fair enough even to miserable pessi-mystics like moi
so i go along to see him one sat’day arvo here in the instant suburbs
i dont even know what part of my “performance” is gonna be improved
but fuck i could use some help right across the board
i mean it couldnt hurt ,could it?
so to cut a long starry shorts
and to let you in on what dr g does..
he stretches you open
more open than you probably ever been
like a kind of elizabethan rack thingy
and as hes opening your body
hes kind of whispering chanting affirmations
and verily it seems when you are truly open
when your framework is stretched to its maximum
then your unconscious or subconscious or something
receives and accepts incoming info
before dr g gave me my treatment he said perform something for me
so in his office i performed the 1st verse of the disillusionist
with all my moves and gestures
we start my free half hour
of course after 30 mins i say go on do the 90 mins
after its all over
he says do that song again for me
i do
and lo and behold
its so much better looser freer cooler opener deeper
wow dr g thats really neat….you have somehow helped my performing…
but wait….
theres more
dr g was telling me some other stuff as he stretched me
you know like “dont carry the weight of others burdens ”
stuff like that
yeah that sounds kinda obvious
but when hes got you stretched right out on one side
beyond anything i have experienced in say , yoga or osteopathy
in an almost distressing kinda pain
then your heart listens to the words being sung n said to ya
and the words dr gary asks you to sometimes repeat after him
and it is kinda actualized
i dunno how but it is
and i walked outta there suddenly detached from a lot of malarkey
some people have been laying some stupid trips on me
suddenly thanks to dr garys treatment it didnt seem to matter
i’m just not worrying so much about all that bullshit anymore
he has released it from my breast somehow
i am detached from all the guilt trips and the power trips
i am in some subtle but deep way changed
and thus some serious conflicts now loom in my life to be resolved
and i must not jump in boots n all
but i am not gonna be put upon by the put upon-ers
and somethings gonna give
but it must happen whatever it is
because some people were clouding my better judgement
with anger and scorn and impatience and guilt
most of all guilt
and most of that guilt was not mine nor ever was
a veil has been lifted and i’m seeing things more clearheadedly
no longer tyrant or serf
i am setting myself free
things will change
i am entirely self sufficient
i need nothing from no-one artistically or morally
i am just a bloke neither good nor bad
i question all my loyalties
i see many have been misplaced
i question all my trust
i see what i knew all along
some is terribly misplaced
yet i am not disillusioned or even determined
not angry or anything
i am detached from the incredible mumbo jumbo
from the doggerel and the dogma….
i read an article in the paper the other day
some right wing conservative rag with some ignorant woman raving
a real redneck ignorant discourse on the uselessness of vegetarianism
a real 1950s commonsense and picket fence baloney christian dribble
normally i would have fumed …you know me…but
i just shrugged: good…eat meat then you stupid bint and pay the price!
yeah you can justify anything with a bit of conservative common sense
anyhow i digress
i am changed i am changing i will change
my performances since the treatments began have definitely been more fiery
and the entanglement of other forces in my life i have slipped off
i am ready to call every mothers bluff
enough is enough n i had enough
i aint getting even
i’m just gonna slip off
no one has any power over me any more
it wont work now…. look i am free….
i can paint on my own
i can write on my own
i can make records on my own
and believe me the next record i make on my own
well it will be all killer and no (hardly any) philler
i aint the greatest guitarist or keyboardist playing live
but gimme a studio and i can work wonders
and gee i was recording myself and mixing myself
while some of my peers were still in the garage
figuring out how to play E
i got it covered
this is my specialty constructing songs
i can recreate a hundred different styles
yeah i got an encyclopaedic knowledge of musical tricks
i understand rock music and its mechanisms
this is my forte
i know the throb of bass
the patina and colour of guitar
the possibility of the keyboards
the gravitas of the piano
the prickle and crash of the percussion
what my voice can and cant do
i know how to add and subtract and layer and give sheen
i know my music and i know how it should sound
maybe better than anyone
i know what i want and its unique
and its good too
rich and strange music that i make
it will evoke past and future
it will soothe and inflame
it will convey my reveries directly to your heart
if you want them of course…
i am quite pleased with the reaction to SKP
i am determined to eliminate as many middlemen as i can
none of them ever care the way i do
my ten year battle with heroin laid me low
i lost everything i had….. everything
and i was humbled
strangely i do not regret it
maybe because i never deserved it all to start with
someone once said i was just an idiot in a room with a tape recorder
to describe my early success on the charts in australia
oh boy yes it was so true
i was an idiot in a room with a tape recorder
not a true musician but a geeza fiddling about
seeming like he knew something and fluking a few songs
but i was a savant in a room with a tape recorder as well
never focus on one without thinking of the other please
they are equal in me
a real fucking idiot but a real fucking savant
i perceive the deep stuff
i see the implications i see the possibilities
i hear complex eternity in the simplest second
i have words pouring into my head pictures melodies
a direct feed from the collective human thingy
i can hold forth on almost any subject you like nonstop for 45 mins
try me… hire me for your next do
i just start up and i go and it all just happens
so i am at last feeling satisfied with myself
i have had a few defeats but i will prevail
it is my nature to do so
i will endure it and i will endure
all the anger and guilt in the world just rolls off my back
i know who is loyal
i know who is disloyal
i am at the service of my few true friends
all the rest i will avoid
i am determined to go out experimenting with what i can do
i did the opera house with an orchestra sold out it was huge
in a few weeks im doing an italian restaurant to a tiny audience
can i bring as much integrity to it as i did to the o.h…..?
i am composing some music for a wonderful new australian film
i am appearing in melbourne as part of the writers festival
i have pieces i have written coming out soon in various forms
i am back in melbourne in march for “van park” the musical from last year
i am working on so many things
i have so much to do
ps 3rd good thing about dr garys treatment
it actually sorted out some muscular argy bargy happ’nin’ round my neck
so thats performance and attitude and bad back sorted out
not bad i’d say
my scepticism gone i am a believer in whatever hes doing to me
i wish i could afford to send some other people there
ironically the ones who need it the most would never probably go
a metaphor for life perhaps….
i forgot to mention this the other day
the garageband tracks i did last year will be being made available on SKP v. soon
they will be yours to have about and to hold in
life is strange my friends oh yes in spades
believe it
i recommit to my benefactors and believers
KLK, holly, kip, sam, martin k, jeffrey c, david r, sue c, john t……..
and my subscribers and readers
this next lot of stuff i dedicate to the dedicated as always and always it will be
maybe i aint a real renaissance man but i can do a good impression
i am the time being
and you will love what i come up with next
i absolutely guarantee it!
(or i’ll come round yer fucking house
and cook ya a nut cutlet….!)