its raining tonight its winter its cold
wherever i am i’m always a long way from home
leaving arriving disappearing
trying to find redemption out there in the rain
its all added up to zero
the pointlessness of just about everything
the brutality of addiction
and what it does to people i care about
the crippling useless sonofabitch putting the boot in always
10 years in the wilderness for me
misery on misery all brought on by myself
i can hardly complain i fucked myself up good and there was no one to blame
fucking booze fucking drugs fucking any addiction
my family my friends my colleagues
watch me thrash around uselessly in a dirty little puddle
i coulda just climbed out
something kept me in there my addiction
i was powerless
i could not control it with all the willpower in the world
all the lies i told could never set me free
au fucking contraire they enmeshed and embroiled me deeper and deeper
it all went down the drain
you all already know
youve heard it all before
we all have our turn in this obstacle course of a universe
it seems like there isnt any purpose
but there must be surely some reason…right?
then when by some miraculous unknown power i was let off the hook
i was cured hooray!
i have to stand back and watch other people i care about
get back in the ring taking another swing at their nemesis
the addiction like a shadow living between spirit mind and body
man its got you all figured out yes baby you thats right..!
yeah all of you fools out there ingesting pernicious substances
i tell you heroin is a fucking bitch but i have discovered there are even worse things
crafty little voices whispering to you and boy they have one aim
and that is your total obliteration yeah i’m talking jail institution n death
you think you can hide it?
i thought i could hide it but man i cringe in embarrassment now
i fucked things up over and over and over
i was the worst of the worst
i admit that
by the grace of god and no other reason
if there is another reason someone tell me
because i was let off the hook one day just like that
it was over
i had no dough no property no instruments no nothing
i had 4 beautiful daughters thats all i had to my name
i woke up with a jolt from the idiocy i was involved in
i aint no saint and everyone knows that
but ive been free of that evil spirit now for 17 years
i beat the odds but i didnt do anything to deserve it
something seemed to decide i had had enough misery
listen…being an addict is no goth fairytale
not for me at any rate
it was lie after denial after being sick after being broke after being useless
a total drag to everyone who has to deal with ya
always miserable complaining blaming
coming up with the most pathetic farfetched imbecilic alibis
not having enough money to pay the bills
not having enough money to eat decent food
not having enough money to spend one cent on anything other than your precious
my addiction gave me a bloated sweaty appearance and i ruined my veins
when i have a blood test now its a total palaver trying to find a vein in my arm
they all moved elsewhere where i couldnt get at em
i hit arteries which is a nightmarish thing i cant even bear to think of it
and every other absolutely unbelievably sordid thing you can imagine
there i was in the big cities of the world having a fix in a toilet
hustling and bustling about trying to score and dealing with cutthroats and ratbags
there are no friends in the world of addiction
there are only other wretches going down the plughole with you
some faster some slower
some got some money some are by now broke
some are prostitutes and thieves and swindlers and dealers
some are still dentists and teachers and plumbers and parents
but brothers n sisters we are all going down that drain if we do not find a way to stop
hard liquor hard drugs thats what i’m talking about
its frightening what this stuff can do and how quickly
inside and out an addiction to these things will suck on you
like a flame sucking on wood
they will blow you up and they will leave you frazzled fried and brittle
they feed on your youth your vitality your soul
but you are powerless
i am powerless
i am powerless to stop anyone else as well
stop them going to loneliness and despair and nothingness
nothing will ever come of any of it
anyone reading this who feels themselves sliding into it
anyone who once was an addict and is now free
but curing it..?
ah well that is quite a mystery…
the enemy is indeed cunning
its ruthless too
its got you figured out
it knows your worst and darkest fears
and in the very act of whispering to you
i will protect you from your fears
it is in fact actualising them
bringing them out of the abstract realm
and crashing them into your life