chance to die and turn to mould
i gotta letter from a very nice man
his sister in law was dying
she was a massive church fan along with her sister
was there any chance i could maybe visit her?
well i asked my dad who lives on in my heart and i come to him with moral dilemmas
immediately he says go there slim…right now!
i get my 12 string guild and i jump on the train
to me there is no question of saying no to this gig
it is quite clearly the right thing to do
tricky though because you dont wanna feel too proud of yerself either
sit down and shut up kilbeys ego!
this is not about you
after an hour on yon train
i am met at the station by brother in law and husband of ill lady
they are lovely guys altho the husband is sad and i immediately start to feel sad too
i soak up peoples emotions nowadays and i have no shield
we go up to the room
Shes in there with her sister and her two early teenage sons
all of them are incredibly nice and incredibly sad too
Jenine is sitting there in bed dosed up on morphine
she had had some hope but a few days before those hopes were dashed
the cancer was in other organs
it was a matter of days now before she would succumb
Jenine was warm friendly shy brave and considering the circumstances quite cute
she was only 49
my dad takes over and i manage to say a few jokey things and we all laugh
all my arguments dilemmas and problems are forgotten
Jenines grace under pressure is inspirational
i sing her a few songs which i forget the words for
this is my toughest and most important gig
somehow my ramshackle singing n playing bring a warmth
if i had been perfect it would have been inappropriate
we talk we laugh a bit and i left
Jenine and i tell each other “i love you”
and i had never meant it as much as then
i said maybe i’ll see you soon
and at that we both teared up a little
then i got dropped off at russell kilbeys place
and he and i and sis in law amy and nephew logan
had a bushwalk and a swim in secret spot only russell used to know about
(it recently featured in a magazine much to his chagrin)
Jenine and i stayed in touch on the phone from there on in
we texted a few times every day
i thought about her an awful lot
i went on holiday with the fambley after that
a very kind man who does not want to be named lent us his holiday flat
i woke up from a nap on the second day
Natalie is sitting there crying
Bowie is dead she said
my phone had at least 25 messages confirming this
i cannot begin to tell you how that made me feel
i havent come to grips with that yet
bowie was the nazz with god given ass…after all
he made half a dozen of the best records ever at least if not more
he made some mediocre records too
and he made some records i could respect but i could not, for the life of me, like
i never met him or even came close to him
i saw him once in 1988 glass spider tour in LA
i was totally underwhelmed believe it or not
i was totally underwhelmed by T Rex as well… so what?
Bolan and Bowie and Beatles…thats pretty much 95% of kilbey right there
then comes outpouring of grief
a lot of revisionism here
main stream rags hailing him who would have been disgusted by ziggy in 1972
stupid tributes from irrelevant idiots who knew very fucking little about him
one silly woman spends a whole page saying how she bumped into him
and secured and interview and its all about HER
eventually she says something like
oh yeah we talked about his music his bisexuality and his fans…
and thats it?
well what the fuck did Bowie say about all of that?
we will never know
Some newspapers asked me my opinion but it was too late i was offline
i missed my chance to chime in
i watched the video for lazarus and i found it to be morbid and nihilistic
once again i admire it to the nth degree but wish i had not watched it
soon people began to write to me demanding i comment on it
others implored me not to die and to be careful
after the short but relaxing holiday
i returned to sydney
Jenine was still around but now she was at a hospice
i was thinking of getting my arse on the train
when brother in law texted
going to visit Jenine do ya wanna come?
go to hospice
in one week Jenines health has deteriorated noticeably
shes on oxygen and the morphine is flowing
i am in pain and so tired steve…she had texted me
still she sat up a little
she was starting to get a bit drifty like she would close her eyes and she’d be off
still she brightened up a little and i delved into the les kilbey joke book
oh youre so tanned from your holiday..! she says
nah thats just dirt because i never shower… i say
etc etc
we talk
we hold her hands a little
her husband is there watching his beloved wife slip away
i hope my husband isnt jealous says Jenine and we all laugh
shes done some drawings of her sons she wants to show me
a friend who was her bridesmaid and childhood friend says goodbye
it is the most heartrending thing to see them say goodbye forever
after about 40 minutes Jenine asks to have a sleep
i love you she says
i love you i say
again this is the truth
and that was it
today they texted me she went last night at 11
thank you for doing that they said again
no no no this was a beautiful thing
Jenine has inspired me
She will stay with me
but really Jenine gave much more than she took
she was courageous and as cheerful as its humanly possible to be
at least when i was there…
she had a sense of humour
she was cool
my suspicions that this life really is just a fucking dream are more justified than ever
death remains a mystery
we all must die and that day will come when it wants to not when you decide
now with the all other rockers all suddenly dying
more people asking me to do em a favour and not die
man i aint intending on it
i gotta lotta good music in the pipeline
and i got 5 fine daughters who are all the nicest people you could think of
i got a bunch of good friends and i dont hate myself so much any more
i got a few squeaks and scratches still to be sorted and my teeth my hearing n my eyesight are not good
im trying to hang in there
but i tell ya this
when i do go i hope i can do it with as much bravery as Jenine
i said to her you better be waiting there for me when i get there
she said
I will!