
handy tips and shortcuts

listening to woven hand n ultima vez (thanks markus)always knew the banjo could be utilised usefullyoutside its bluegrass thing…yesterdayvisited a friend in hospitalif youre not in hospitalthank your lucky starrsmy friend continuing to show incredible gracein the face of adversityand im not ashamed to say i love himand my heart was at once battered to see him as he wasand filled with incredible pride to know this geezer at allabsolutely one in a millionand i want to scream out to godYOU GOT THE WRONG GUY!everything else seems trivial in the face of thathowever i will persistthough all my usual petty ambitions seem pathetic just nowalso another dear friend shows up at hospital yesterdaycoming in from a long way to see our matesad to see him under these conditionsim all confused about everything fiendssthis has shaken me to the very coreand of coursean incessant voice inside mesayingkilbey you could do something if you could only muster up whatever it will take..but my doubt and sorrow prevents me from ever knowing what this could beif it even exists at all…my dad had a kind of calming effect on peoplewhich i wish i could say i have toobut i dont…unless its scarlet..and not even always then…my way with words often deserts mejust when you think i’d be needing it the mostand i often say the wrong things despite everythingtomorrow im in the smh metro questionaireits amazing how i/the church still get serious coveragein the big papersive just done similar one for melbs the agedifferent questions of courseone question said who do you admire most in this worldi actually wanted to say my friend whos illbut they probably cut the answers that dont have pizazzplus you got the anonymity factor as wellbut still its nice to get in the real papers now n thenour […]

listening to woven hand n ultima vez
(thanks markus)
always knew the banjo could be utilised usefully
outside its bluegrass thing…
visited a friend in hospital
if youre not in hospital
thank your lucky starrs
my friend continuing to show incredible grace
in the face of adversity
and im not ashamed to say i love him
and my heart was at once battered to see him as he was
and filled with incredible pride to know this geezer at all
absolutely one in a million
and i want to scream out to god
everything else seems trivial in the face of that
however i will persist
though all my usual petty ambitions seem pathetic just now
also another dear friend shows up at hospital yesterday
coming in from a long way to see our mate
sad to see him under these conditions
im all confused about everything fiendss
this has shaken me to the very core
and of course
an incessant voice inside me
kilbey you could do something
if you could only muster up whatever it will take..
but my doubt and sorrow prevents me from ever
knowing what this could be
if it even exists at all…
my dad had a kind of calming effect on people
which i wish i could say i have too
but i dont…unless its scarlet
..and not even always then…
my way with words often deserts me
just when you think i’d be needing it the most
and i often say the wrong things despite everything
tomorrow im in the smh metro questionaire
its amazing how i/the church still get serious coverage
in the big papers
ive just done similar one for melbs the age
different questions of course
one question said who do you admire most in this world
i actually wanted to say my friend whos ill
but they probably cut the answers that dont have pizazz
plus you got the anonymity factor as well
but still its nice to get in the real papers now n then
our media “clout” (ha ha more like a limp slap)
has always been disproportianately bigger
than our actual status would seem to warrant
ie it seems people want me in their papers
on their radio
(y’all musta missed that one on abc 2 weeks back!)
and on their tv
cos i been asked onto a certain show
n this time i said yes ok i will
the rent got put up yesterday
so i figger i could use some more x-pose-yah
and its pop-you-lah show
there ya go
other than that
i always seem to be in some vague conflict with someone
and its no different now
something in me brings out the worst in most people
which only martin krall in stockholm
and ricki ticki
and usually timmy p
can resist
everybody else is a bit upset with me over something
even if its the guy sitting next to me on a bus
i seem to imply a lot of things i dont mean to
old without much wisdom
thats a curse isnt it?
today im having acupuncture for my bad back
and still waiting for my bi annual royalties to arrive
the mofos hang onto it for as long as they can
no wonder they are loathed n the business is imploding
i also note with some weary inevitability
that when i write something i think is really good
i get hardly any comments
but if i wrote about this record or that record
everyones suddenly interested
of course thats only natural
but still……
it hurts to think
most of ya
are sitting round patiently
hoping im gonna get onto
the good bits soon….

why killer thinks things are good n bad

now i checked new orders “best of” out hardyesterdayafter all these were they guys that gave us atmosphere…we used to (i used to)play atmosphere over n over n overduring early mansfield st dayswow what a songeverything about it blew my tiny mindthe belltrees in sibilant echothe fucking bass linethe tom tom drummingwho else was playing drums like that?the guitar n keys…perfectsoi knew i needed to check new order out more carefullyi have all their albums on cd herepower corruption n lies is pretty goodbut i love get readyjesus when the guitar kicks in in the beginning of crystal….a lot of tracks musically on here have joy div spiritandyou gotta admire the way n.o. were ready to go for new soundscreating their own trademark thingtotally diff to jd n everyone elsei love blue mondayi love the song where he sayswhy dont you piss off?howeverlistening to “best of”i detected some real shockersie shell shockthieves like usvanishing pointrun 2oh goda whole load of eminsipid awful tripeman you gotta slap yerself round the face n saythese are the guys who did in a lonely place?and its all about intent n tryingthey are the qualities that count (to me)what is the intent behind the thing?what were new order thinkingwhen they did some of this?hooky is reduced to pretty little melodiesover the most embarrassing little songsand the most awful lyrics often about “love”squeaking out cliche platitudesthese songs have no “love” in them howeverthey werent tryingand the intent was like a can of soups intentcontrast this to the good stuffwhere you can feel the creative convulsionthat spewed forth most of j.d. n the good n othats why i talk about gaf as a gaffewhats its intent…?i dunnoits pretty much a church can of soupcontrasted to the power of most of starfishand the opiated grandeur of p=aits a […]

now i checked new orders “best of” out hard
after all these were they guys that gave us atmosphere…
we used to (i used to)
play atmosphere over n over n over
during early mansfield st days
wow what a song
everything about it blew my tiny mind
the belltrees in sibilant echo
the fucking bass line
the tom tom drumming
who else was playing drums like that?
the guitar n keys…perfect
i knew i needed to check new order out more carefully
i have all their albums on cd here
power corruption n lies is pretty good
but i love get ready
jesus when the guitar kicks in in the beginning of crystal….
a lot of tracks musically on here have joy div spirit
you gotta admire the way n.o. were ready to go for new sounds
creating their own trademark thing
totally diff to jd n everyone else
i love blue monday
i love the song where he says
why dont you piss off?
listening to “best of”
i detected some real shockers
ie shell shock
thieves like us
vanishing point
run 2
oh god
a whole load of em
insipid awful tripe
man you gotta slap yerself round the face n say
these are the guys who did in a lonely place?
and its all about intent n trying
they are the qualities that count (to me)
what is the intent behind the thing?
what were new order thinking
when they did some of this?
hooky is reduced to pretty little melodies
over the most embarrassing little songs
and the most awful lyrics often about “love”
squeaking out cliche platitudes
these songs have no “love” in them however
they werent trying
and the intent was like a can of soups intent
contrast this to the good stuff
where you can feel the creative convulsion
that spewed forth most of j.d. n the good n o
thats why i talk about gaf as a gaffe
whats its intent…?
i dunno
its pretty much a church can of soup
contrasted to the power of most of starfish
and the opiated grandeur of p=a
its a lull
the band becalmed in a miasma of indecision
“i dont cares”
i’m glad if you like it…i really am
i dont decry you or your taste or loyalty
or expertise
music is a personal matter
i love some strange records
i just do
even if youre not supposed to
i still do
so im using gaf as a kinda litmus test
of intent n trying
you see on the church records
for trying you had to give me 8 or 9 outta 10
i was trying
boy was i trying
on heyday i was trying so hard
the paisley all fell off my shirt
starfish i was trying
no knucklehead, the producers didnt create utmw
and no ploog didnt play on it
but utmw had intent n trying on it
it was done with love, my friends
but gaf…
who cares
i put all my trying n intent into remindlessness
i hate drum machines mostly
it was all i had in my bedroom studio…
dont stop me enjoying sisters of mercy or cocteau twins
so shut up about drum machines
it was that or nothin’
but all my best was going into remindlessness
thats a record with some love in it
all i had left for gaf
was kilbey running on autopilot
knocking out metropolises
which is a good exercise in songwriting
it has all the elements
what were trying to do…?
have a hit
what was its intent?
make money n keep arista happy
did it have love?
not really…it had skill n craft..but no real love
(peter k may deny this…maybe he put some love in…)
it was devoid of whatever starfish was brimming in
just when we needed to make a record with love
we burped out gaf
yeah ploogy didnt play on most of it
but he had no love for it either
at least we kept a modicum of interest in it
he found the church n our music had left him non-plussed
peter says i was too hard on him all the time
yeah thats true i guess
specially when he deliberately wasnt trying
which was most of the time towards the end
but also my ascerbic tongue wore him down
we had an argument (over all things) divvying up some pot
he said something like (paraphrasing here, folks)
i wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes
you know what a drag it is to see you
i thought
ok my mate
your performance dont justify this fuckin’ cheek
you see if marty or peter said that
i’d have to go
jesus thats harsh
but youre kinda indispensible
so i guess being good gives ya more leeway to be rude
that was how i saw it then
which is why i was so rude i guess
good= ruder i shoulda called it
but ploog by this stage had no interest whatsoever
in playing drums in the church
or even playing drums full stop
which is very sad
cos he had just gotten better n better
since he joined
and we HAD had some good times together
but lotsa things came between us
however he didnt even bother turning up
even when renivited to come down n give it a try
he still remained in la getting paid n a car
and apt in hollyfuckingwood
waddy wachtel did most of it on a drum machine
he actually tried to use richards parts from the demos
which are much better than album
i did all bass bits to drum machine
while waddy watched n listened like a hawk
the record is “perfect” from the ground up
but it sucks
yeah grind coulda been a good song
yeah pharaoh or pharoah is ok
at least ploogys on that one
its my own contribution
my own lack of caring n trying
even on autopilot im never rubbish
my skill n craft dont desert cos theres no love…
so yeah
there you have it
people who know what to do
doing it but without the love of previous or next record
at every stage of the process…it was loveless
like playing chess with someone whos letting you win
or someones empty flattery
or telephone sex with robot
or those corn chips with no calories
or sugar free gum
or entertainment channel
or smoking tea leaves
or whatever
no love
no trying
intent to sell but remain innocuous
dont push boundaries
dont rock the boat
dont allow extreme beauty or ugliness
dont tell the truth
not dedicated to the glory of god
not containing flashes of pure brilliance
no experimentation
as i said the churchs worst
still better than mosts best
i mean gaf aint a real stinker alongside
(insert yer most abhorred rubbish here)
just like new order still better than heart or britney
or boybands or whatever
demand more
we should
i wont ever letcha down that bad again
remember that!
i’m always trying
my intent is to fucking blow you away
its always got lotsa love
i may fail
i may fail often
but im trying
i wasnt with gaf
i know it
you know it
we all knew it then
even if we only felt it
thats why we lost momentum
no love
no love
no love

no joy

quite a terrible daysomeone i know very very illbut no longer a blogging matter….then last night watch “control”the film about ian curtisstrangesam riley looks like curtisonly better looking i guesshe wouldnae have even been born when ian hung himselfback in 1980anton corbijns black n white is just like his photosmoody stark etcmanchester seems bleak…..(seems?)the other guys are cartoony versions of themselveshooky is aggressivebarney is a bit wimpystephen is silent for the most partrob gretton is foul mouthed managertony wilson is suave n slightly poshetcbut…..umit doesnt ever amount to anythingyeah ian had epilepsyyeah ian had a wife n a girlfriendbut….i dunnomaybe ians narrow shoulders werent big enoughto hang a 2 hour movie off ofsam riley does a great ian when hes singing n performingthose strange movements when things really got goingbut in the end ian hangs himself(you keep hoping he wont…that the film will re-write historybut it cant….n it doesnt..!)it seems like youve just been through a load of black n white nothingit was all therebut for meit failed to coalesce into a decent filmyesi love joy divisionits impossible to overestimate their importancethe words n singingthe drummingthe bass playingthe guitarthe production n aestheticall were breathtakingly original in their daycurtis was a rivetting performerhe was truly unlike anybody elseokheres a little quibble for trainspottersin the beginning of the filmcurtis is shown listening to drive in saturday from aladin saneby david bowiebut the needle is on the second last track of the recordwhereas i remember d.i.s. being 1st or 2nd on the vinyl…gotcha!by the way i think interpol are rubbish (yer gotta be kidding me)and some of new orders stuff has been brilliant(get ready for example)but some of the stuff from the eightieswith syn-drums was pure schlockand barneys lyrics and singing often leave a LOT to be desiredhe is no ian curtis thats […]

quite a terrible day
someone i know very very ill
but no longer a blogging matter….
then last night watch “control”
the film about ian curtis
sam riley looks like curtis
only better looking i guess
he wouldnae have even been born when ian hung himself
back in 1980
anton corbijns black n white is just like his photos
moody stark etc
manchester seems bleak…..(seems?)
the other guys are cartoony versions of themselves
hooky is aggressive
barney is a bit wimpy
stephen is silent for the most part
rob gretton is foul mouthed manager
tony wilson is suave n slightly posh
it doesnt ever amount to anything
yeah ian had epilepsy
yeah ian had a wife n a girlfriend
i dunno
maybe ians narrow shoulders werent big enough
to hang a 2 hour movie off of
sam riley does a great ian when hes singing n performing
those strange movements when things really got going
in the end
ian hangs himself
(you keep hoping he wont…
that the film will re-write history
but it cant….n it doesnt..!)
it seems like youve just been through
a load of black n white nothing
it was all there
but for me
it failed to coalesce into a decent film
i love joy division
its impossible to overestimate their importance
the words n singing
the drumming
the bass playing
the guitar
the production n aesthetic
all were breathtakingly original in their day
curtis was a rivetting performer
he was truly unlike anybody else
heres a little quibble for trainspotters
in the beginning of the film
curtis is shown listening to drive in saturday from aladin sane
by david bowie
but the needle is on the second last track of the record
whereas i remember d.i.s. being 1st or 2nd on the vinyl…
by the way
i think interpol are rubbish (yer gotta be kidding me)
and some of new orders stuff has been brilliant
(get ready for example)
but some of the stuff from the eighties
with syn-drums was pure schlock
and barneys lyrics and singing
often leave a LOT to be desired
he is no ian curtis thats fer sure
sometimes he gets away with it
(nk just bought the best of new order)
its amateur hour n laughably outta tune
hooky remains one of the greatest bass players of all time
and unknown pleasures n closer are masterpieces forever
the church play a place on nsws central coast on sunday
that they wont be making a doco about
and highly unlikely to reach legendary status
such is life n death
is it better to burn out than to rust?
in 1990
the church were touring europe
promoting the abysmal gold afternoon fix record
losing 200 grande but still getting commissioned by
our loathesome greasy manager
who happened to fix us up
with his latest brainchild
to open up for us
a cuban rock band called nuclear valdez
who were remarkably unremarkable
one of their roadies
claimed to have worked for joy div
when he found out i was a huge fan he cornered me
at a bar in munich
and said in an orrible bleeding whining voice
that sounded like someone from coronation street
on ritalin
“i’ll tell you the fuckin’ joy division story, kilbey
once there was 4 twats who liked to drink a lotta lager
n get pissed
then one of em necked hisself
and then there were 3 twats
who liked to drink a lot of lager n get pissed..
end of fookin’ story…!”
anton corbijn shoulda been there
the guy could helped him make ‘is fookin’ film

kilbey…over n out

dream of david mccomb

strange dreamdreaming of dave mccomblong detailedwe’re gonna make a record togethersomething vaguely protesting in my mindbut but butnk is in dream with mewe turn up to studioits like an olde warehouselots of machinery n contraptionsthings in the waythe engineer does most of the talkingthe place is dark uncomfortablethey even have a bed for us to sleep inbut sometimes theres others in there toodavid seems elusivei listen to some of the songs hes recordedthe songs are flatthe performance is woodeneverything seems to take hours n hoursi get lost just entering n exiting the rooma maze of olde bits of junk n stuffpeople wandering roundi dont know whats going onim trying to write n record but its all too hardtheres someone in our bed when we want to sleepdavid just sometimes sits theremy mind nagging me….not right, not rightwhere is davids sparkwhere are the songsmy dream refuses to re animate himthe engineer seems to be the dreams apologisthe keeps trying to explain why everything is the way it ishe says that we gonna do a gig tooi go outsidepeople are lined up to see us playi feel troubled by thisi walk up the line to see who they areive got a horrible pair of huge boots my pants are tucked intouh oh..are these davids..?the people in the line are rude or ignore mesome lady-boy character is twirling a baton expertlyyou should try putting that skill into playing a guitar i saythe lady-boy sneersan old guy makes some crack about mei stop to stare at himbut he keeps up the cheekits all going wrongback at the gig/studio/factorytheyre letting in kids in school uniforms n everythingdavids just sitting there mutethe spin doctor engineer rabbits on ten to the dozensomeones sleeping in our bedand we’re so tiredi wake up mercifullyscarlets in our bedand shes grabbing […]

strange dream
dreaming of dave mccomb
long detailed
we’re gonna make a record together
something vaguely protesting in my mind
but but but
nk is in dream with me
we turn up to studio
its like an olde warehouse
lots of machinery n contraptions
things in the way
the engineer does most of the talking
the place is dark uncomfortable
they even have a bed for us to sleep in
but sometimes theres others in there too
david seems elusive
i listen to some of the songs hes recorded
the songs are flat
the performance is wooden
everything seems to take hours n hours
i get lost just entering n exiting the room
a maze of olde bits of junk n stuff
people wandering round
i dont know whats going on
im trying to write n record but its all too hard
theres someone in our bed when we want to sleep
david just sometimes sits there
my mind nagging me….not right, not right
where is davids spark
where are the songs
my dream refuses to re animate him
the engineer seems to be the dreams apologist
he keeps trying to explain why everything is the way it is
he says that we gonna do a gig too
i go outside
people are lined up to see us play
i feel troubled by this
i walk up the line to see who they are
ive got a horrible pair of huge boots my pants are tucked into
uh oh..are these davids..?
the people in the line are rude or ignore me
some lady-boy character is twirling a baton expertly
you should try putting that skill into playing a guitar i say
the lady-boy sneers
an old guy makes some crack about me
i stop to stare at him
but he keeps up the cheek
its all going wrong
back at the gig/studio/factory
theyre letting in kids in school uniforms n everything
davids just sitting there mute
the spin doctor engineer rabbits on ten to the dozen
someones sleeping in our bed
and we’re so tired
i wake up mercifully
scarlets in our bed
and shes grabbing onto me in her sleep
the thin grey light of dawn fills our room
the blinds lightly clacking against each other
last night i stood on a piece of glass
and then twisted before i knew what happened
nk pulls out bloody shard
today my foots throbbing
im one million emails behind
people to contact
things to arrange
still waiting for march royalties to come in
the bastards hold on as long as they can
to squeeze the extra interest out
ah weariness
here we go…..

la vrai morte

after journeying thousand lightwavestime being in excelsisyer breaking upmyriad stained glassed livesfalling aloneamazed by what i amcrawling into the patterns leftmy little wife holds me as i leavingsomewhere where she is….i have left the first circle behind me knowvoices whisper beware time beingmy lost paintings have found me out heretumble through the florid huesviolet, violet blue, oh magenta, oh fluorescent orangemy steve kilbey face collapsesmy hands shakingoh my shoulders aching aching achingdoes his little wife know how he aches out here…?who can relay this message back to her?whats this ones name?careful boys, hes still warm n breathing…someone musta made a mistake me loveliesi dont know abaht none of that, my sweetiesi just process em as thet come ini dont make the rulesn i dont ask no questions neeversurely he wont be allowed sir…….look, my lovelieswrap ‘im up n let god sort ‘im outwhich god sirwhich god do we fuckin’ send this geezer to…?send ‘im to blinkin’ kali, my boyssend him all the way down th’ bloody linewatch you talkin’ ’bout there…?this un cant be delivered….not yetwhy not chief…?well ‘is little bloody wife still ‘olding onto ‘im…for a startno problem sirsend me send mei’ll go siri’ll go up there n ‘ave a little talk with ‘erno you bloody wont! no you bloody wont, you know(many sibilant whispers)this aint right….whats ‘e think ‘e’s bloody doingshut your row number 13 youre bloody unlucky, swot you are‘e’s a jinx sirchuck ‘im overboard sirkeelhaul the swab, mr bloody christian..!easy as she goes , you pack of rats(he ain’t dead yet this one….shhhh!)dont like the sound of that cough sirdont like the look of his bloomin’ fever(sssh…they must know what theyre doing up there….eh?)softly softly , ladsi dont like where this ones going thoughshh sshhh keep your bloody mouves shutoooh i keep shuddering though boysshuddering at […]

after journeying thousand lightwaves
time being in excelsis
yer breaking up
myriad stained glassed lives
falling alone
amazed by what i am
crawling into the patterns left
my little wife holds me as i leaving
somewhere where she is….
i have left the first circle behind me know
voices whisper beware time being
my lost paintings have found me out here
tumble through the florid hues
violet, violet blue, oh magenta, oh fluorescent orange
my steve kilbey face collapses
my hands shaking
oh my shoulders aching aching aching
does his little wife know how he aches out here…?
who can relay this message back to her?
whats this ones name?
careful boys, hes still warm n breathing…
someone musta made a mistake me lovelies
i dont know abaht none of that, my sweeties
i just process em as thet come in
i dont make the rules
n i dont ask no questions neever
surely he wont be allowed sir…….
look, my lovelies
wrap ‘im up n let god sort ‘im out
which god sir
which god do we fuckin’ send this geezer to…?
send ‘im to blinkin’ kali, my boys
send him all the way down th’ bloody line
watch you talkin’ ’bout there…?
this un cant be delivered….not yet
why not chief…?
well ‘is little bloody wife still ‘olding onto ‘im…for a start
no problem sir
send me send me
i’ll go sir
i’ll go up there n ‘ave a little talk with ‘er
no you bloody wont! no you bloody wont, you know
(many sibilant whispers)
this aint right….
whats ‘e think ‘e’s bloody doing
shut your row number 13
youre bloody unlucky, swot you are
‘e’s a jinx sir
chuck ‘im overboard sir
keelhaul the swab, mr bloody christian..!
easy as she goes , you pack of rats
(he ain’t dead yet this one….shhhh!)
dont like the sound of that cough sir
dont like the look of his bloomin’ fever
(sssh…they must know what theyre doing up there….eh?)
softly softly , lads
i dont like where this ones going though
shh sshhh keep your bloody mouves shut
oooh i keep shuddering though boys
shuddering at the thought of it
whats all that…?
thats ‘is bad bloody karma
see if ‘e can escape it this time then, eh?
‘ave the boys upstairs finished the paperwork, then?
not yet…so keep bloody working…
sir, kali says she dont wanna see ‘im yet
sir, she said send the bastard back
what the devil….?
sir, she said send the bastard back!
back to the little wife….
back to the flowers n the sky…
oooh ‘e’s a lucky one, our steven
give ‘im a kiss boys, ‘e’ll be back for long
dont none of you get no ideas now
(cor, think of it though…the wife…the flowers..)
(a chorus of disgruntled voices)
the sky…
the trees….
and the bloody clouds, lads, remember the clouds..
‘e dont bloody deserve it
‘e dont bloody deserve none of it!
kali said theres no such word as deserve
kali said shes still waiting patiently for ‘im
she’s in no bloody hurry, lads
look boys
stop talkin’ about bleedin’ kali
and ship this one back out
outbound sir
i am i am i am i am
like a snort of amnesia
up all of yer noses
not what the man in the street supposes

like an aphid in the roses…..

wherever it goes

its all gone wrongterribly terribly wrongwho mixed it all up like thisand why?bill nelsons columnthe avenue of the americasmodels of de havilland bomberssearching throughout sydney and melbournedad pulls overwe always get lost in this spotscuse me….? my mum calls outi’m always embarrassed by her “scuse me..?” voicesome old bloke comes overwe’re tryin’ to find moorabin says my mumoh ha ha hathe bloke scratches his headlooks wildly around in every cardinal directionmoorabin he says and guffawsas if we just asked him the way to plutomoorabin…he repeats againmy dad gives my mum a map to give the guybignell road ? my dad saysthe bloke starts his instructions3 roads down bear righttake the second to your left…no thats rightno it IS left, thats rightand when you hit erskine avenueturn around n around n aroundwe drive offi was bullying russell in the back seatthe radio was blasting ma belle ami by the tee setmy mum hadnt listened…she thought dad was listeningdad hadnt listened ….he thought mum was listeningwe’re going round in circles! ….he suddenly exclaimsbloody australians! he fumes and lights another cigarettesmall sparks and great gusts of filthy smokecome flying in the backbut we hardly even noticewe assume its a hazard of drivingall that fuckin’ cig smokein winter its worsedad n uncle dennis smoking up a stormno one cracks the windowyou try n hold yer breathunited we stand by the brotherhood of man comes ontheres no where else that i’d rather be than with you, my lovewhy dont you drive killerpeter koppes thrusts the wheel into my handsno not melbourne boysyou know i always get lost in melbourne, boysim driving this ford ltdgee its got a great cassette playerwe’re listening to ploogys dub reggae compilationeverybodys stoned and or asleepim driving round n round in circlesi thought these guys would like mecos i wrote all […]

its all gone wrong
terribly terribly wrong
who mixed it all up like this
and why?
bill nelsons column
the avenue of the americas
models of de havilland bombers
searching throughout sydney and melbourne
dad pulls over
we always get lost in this spot
scuse me….? my mum calls out
i’m always embarrassed by her “scuse me..?” voice
some old bloke comes over
we’re tryin’ to find moorabin says my mum
oh ha ha ha
the bloke scratches his head
looks wildly around in every cardinal direction
moorabin he says and guffaws
as if we just asked him the way to pluto
moorabin…he repeats again
my dad gives my mum a map to give the guy
bignell road ? my dad says
the bloke starts his instructions
3 roads down bear right
take the second to your left…no thats right
no it IS left, thats right
and when you hit erskine avenue
turn around n around n around
we drive off
i was bullying russell in the back seat
the radio was blasting ma belle ami by the tee set
my mum hadnt listened…she thought dad was listening
dad hadnt listened ….he thought mum was listening
we’re going round in circles! ….he suddenly exclaims
bloody australians! he fumes and lights another cigarette
small sparks and great gusts of filthy smoke
come flying in the back
but we hardly even notice
we assume its a hazard of driving
all that fuckin’ cig smoke
in winter its worse
dad n uncle dennis smoking up a storm
no one cracks the window
you try n hold yer breath
united we stand by the brotherhood of man comes on
theres no where else that i’d rather be than with you, my love
why dont you drive killer
peter koppes thrusts the wheel into my hands
no not melbourne boys
you know i always get lost in melbourne, boys
im driving this ford ltd
gee its got a great cassette player
we’re listening to ploogys dub reggae compilation
everybodys stoned and or asleep
im driving round n round in circles
i thought these guys would like me
cos i wrote all those songs
but its lonely at the top
and i feel always slightly ostracized
so i drive down tree lined streets in the autumn rain
the players snore
and their guitars bounce around in the boot
the night comes down
and we arrive in east bentleigh
ooh look theres uncle cyril and auntie eve
and lenny
oh lenny makes everybody laugh
my mum n dad really like lenny
the accusation hangs in my head
why couldnt i have been like lenny
hes so nice even i dont hate him cos hes nice
and hes nice to me even tho hes a bit older
and he takes me n paul barber with him
when he goes swimming or ten pin bowling
and hes always got some girlfriends and hot chips
or something groovy always happens here
in melbourne
all those blond brick houses
street after street after street
i feel enclosed by warmth and safety
like listening to an old elvis record
one night while im painting “the vegetalista”
suddenly the modern world recedes
a lovely hazy 1950s hollywood fills me room
the jordanaires croon in the background
the hero just wants a kiss or cuddle
there is no crack or internet or global warming
there is no aids or botox or hummers
in my bungalow here in the hills
among the oaks n elms n syc-a-more trees
the blue jays nest
my blue heaven
miss scarlet riviera nee kilbey dances with me
my friends and i drink a toast
have you seen gary coopers new movie
no osama
no obama
are they trying tell us something?
marty wakes up in the back of the car
are we there yet ? he asks pushing the hair outta his eyes
dad turns around still smoking his cigarette
eh? whats that slim? he says half coughing
in the bungalow the ice melts in the martinis
the swimming pool glows blue beyond the windows
after all theres no energy crisis in this world
its all holding hands and goodnight baby
the milkmans on his way

however it comes

whatever they rolling down the pipethose little machine elves babythey got some geometric mischief up their sleevesthings getting laid on mmm my wordim sorry i cant saymagic must be concealed n its better that waydont want em banging on my door of perceptiondont want their dystopian tube intrusion anywayi woke up n steve kilbey was waiting for mei pulled on my suitexited quietlyhell some of you know the resti have borrowed large chunks out of john erskines autobiography” a black magician at the white spirit gate”this is a real publicaioneverything they told you was realit was realmine have been the liesbefore they take me in n undernot under their avuncular wings im afraidbut under narcosioninto imma-therapythey beat the eschaton outta mewhos talking now, mr kilbeyyou sir are quite madhoudini never escaped timethe wright brothers crashed on my sofaleonardos parachute are falling out of the chartserskine was bornkilbey was bornairbornaloftdetermined to fly this timekilbey has icarus fixationplans are conceived far out of my handsthe things i imagine are realgive him 20 mls of pentathol, dr mercuriusah hasee his triptomorphones have stabilizedesoteric to the endspirit what is it?marys little lamb which lay down with the lionsbut the lions ate them bothkilbey why do you ruin everything says erskinein his bookbut my father walks down the streets in sunny tropical londonhe just met my motherand hes happy that we just gave jerry and fritz what forand now we can all be friends againmy father said to my motherour son will write blogs on the internethe will burn cds and smoke dmthe will make priest equals aurahe will suffer carpal tunnel syndrome and tinnitushe will worship vishnu and krishna and jesus and buddhahe will….suddenly the screen goes blank robert lurie n john erskine are arguingover my dead body i thinkas i lie in this […]

whatever they rolling down the pipe
those little machine elves baby
they got some geometric mischief up their sleeves
things getting laid on mmm my word
im sorry i cant say
magic must be concealed n its better that way
dont want em banging on my door of perception
dont want their dystopian tube intrusion
i woke up n steve kilbey was waiting for me
i pulled on my suit
exited quietly
hell some of you know the rest
i have borrowed large chunks out of john erskines autobiography
” a black magician at the white spirit gate”
this is a real publicaion
everything they told you was real
it was real
mine have been the lies
before they take me in n under
not under their avuncular wings im afraid
but under narcosion
into imma-therapy
they beat the eschaton outta me
whos talking now, mr kilbey
you sir are quite mad
houdini never escaped time
the wright brothers crashed on my sofa
leonardos parachute are falling out of the charts
erskine was born
kilbey was born
determined to fly this time
kilbey has icarus fixation
plans are conceived far out of my hands
the things i imagine are real
give him 20 mls of pentathol, dr mercurius
ah ha
see his triptomorphones have stabilized
esoteric to the end
spirit what is it?
marys little lamb which lay down with the lions
but the lions ate them both
kilbey why do you ruin everything says erskine
in his book
but my father walks down the streets in sunny tropical london
he just met my mother
and hes happy that we just gave jerry and fritz what for
and now we can all be friends again
my father said to my mother
our son will write blogs on the internet
he will burn cds and smoke dmt
he will make priest equals aura
he will suffer carpal tunnel syndrome and tinnitus
he will worship vishnu and krishna and jesus and buddha
he will….
suddenly the screen goes blank
robert lurie n john erskine are arguing
over my dead body i think
as i lie in this coffin
no no no says lurie
les kilbey had floppy brown hair and yellow teeth
his mother was jessie bellette
his favourite thing was a knees up round the old joanna
his world was the muted grey skies of london
the cold mornings fixing watches in some dim place
erskine begs to differ
kilbey began to notice it was all going wrong in 1973…
74 ! lurie interjects shaking his red haired head
in 73 his father married a swedish woman
one of a set of twins..
no she was norwegian says someone out of range
you could get a good scandavian mail order wife in them days….
the police knock at our door
mrs kilbey
your son just burned down maggie hill
and shot a bird with an air rifle
and wrote a rude letter to a girl at his school
wait a minute says lurie ..peter koppes was the school captain
wrong says nick ward
the school captains name was
in the future bill nelsons is working on the summer of gods piano
in 1984 im in a basement in stockholm looking at all that snow
i smoke some african weed that stina has found for me
i work on songs that ricki downloaded into my ipod recently
karins brother olle plays the flute
grant mclennan sits in a bar in melbourne
smoking a stuyvo n drinking some red
aurora kilbey yet to utter one word in her jimmy stewart voice
jennifa coyote reads the news and drives her new car…
erskine interrupts here
but the adyar bookshop
the covens
the addictions
the cover ups
richard ploog and the illuminati
yes yes
coming to that
the hippy days
the turnaround
the redemption
the walking in the sun
the masterpiece
the vindication!
les kilbey tinkers with a piano
and paints the walls lilac
his little son says his first word
and its

verily i tell thee : life is weird

a juice bar in bondii approach it and the people are all listeningthe two guys behind the counter +a male n female customertheyre listening to a song i cant quite make outmy hearing is that badi hear something sounding vaguely familiarthe people are all quite excited by iti wonder what it isthe bits that get under my tinnitus’ radar sound ….hmmm?the guy behind the counter says to the customeryour band should do this song billyoh yeah well wed love to…i wish we couldyeah i love this song and this band says the older dudebehind the counterwho looks a bit like an older healthier david laneooh i love it too says the woman my curiosity forces me up front to the counterwhat song are they listening to…?of course my loyal feendss will have already guessedit was THAT songyeah you know the onethe one gonna be in that hit novel bein’ made into film right nowbefore my brain can do anythingi say i wrote that songsilencesomeone kinda sniggersthe woman spins round to observe melook at mein a droopy weatherbeaten hatwhite beardsunglassesa shortsleeved grey worksheet that has patches“ford”a winged eyeballand 2 different ones saying “chronic”baggy shorts white with rainbow pastel stainsa pair of bootsdo i look like some dapper songwriting geezeror do i look like the bloke thats come roundto give you a quote on yer rising damp?now one of the guys behind the counterhas never really liked me that muchalways treated me ever so ever so off handnow he looks at me hardwhat is his expression?whats yer name mate? he says eventuallyin a tonelike a policeman caught a thief red handedsteve i saystaking off the hat and sunglasseshe registers thative bought at least 100 watermelon pineapple n ginger juicesoff this guyhe always asks yer name so they call out to ya when […]

a juice bar in bondi
i approach it and the people are all listening
the two guys behind the counter +
a male n female customer
theyre listening to a song i cant quite make out
my hearing is that bad
i hear something sounding vaguely familiar
the people are all quite excited by it
i wonder what it is
the bits that get under my tinnitus’ radar sound ….hmmm?
the guy behind the counter says to the customer
your band should do this song billy
oh yeah well wed love to…i wish we could
yeah i love this song and this band says the older dude
behind the counter
who looks a bit like an older healthier david lane
ooh i love it too says the woman
my curiosity forces me up front to the counter
what song are they listening to…?
of course my loyal feendss will have already guessed
it was THAT song
yeah you know the one
the one gonna be in that hit novel bein’ made into film right now
before my brain can do anything
i say i wrote that song
someone kinda sniggers
the woman spins round to observe me
look at me
in a droopy weatherbeaten hat
white beard
a shortsleeved grey worksheet that has patches
a winged eyeball
and 2 different ones saying “chronic”
baggy shorts white with rainbow pastel stains
a pair of boots
do i look like some dapper songwriting geezer
or do i look like the bloke thats come round
to give you a quote on yer rising damp?
now one of the guys behind the counter
has never really liked me that much
always treated me ever so ever so off hand
now he looks at me hard
what is his expression?
whats yer name mate? he says eventually
in a tone
like a policeman caught a thief red handed
steve i says
taking off the hat and sunglasses
he registers that
ive bought at least 100 watermelon pineapple n ginger juices
off this guy
he always asks yer name so they call out to ya when its done
maybe it breeds some pseudo-cameraderie…i dunno
he knows im steve
steve kilbey i say after allowing a suitable dramatic pause
suddenly they all break out in church stories
i saw you here….!
i bought this then…..!
i got blah blah blahed to this song…!
the woman personally thanks me over n over
for writing the song
as if its brought about world peace or something
she cant believe shes meeting a real live songwriter
whos songs are played on the radio and everyfing…
i really really mean it she says reluctant to let me n the woofle go
i really really do she is still saying as me n the woofle skedaddle
she still stands there behind me in the distance
thinking how she’ll tell her husband jason
how she met…oh whatsisname
who wrote that song yer sister got married too…

ps im in the running still for ant sci !

points in the distance

god cannot give you free willand still intervenecan god make 1 + 1 = 3 ?i know eventually we will see the reason for everythingbut god works in mysterious waysmy friend mattya fuckin’ upright honest hardworking cheerful mankind to all n sundrythis thing been eating him for nearly ten yearshes had radiohes had fuckin’ chemohes had steroidshes had xrays n 2 very very nasty opshes just fallin’ in love n bought a housewith a lovely lady with a childe that both love himhe has never once to me complained or seemed scaredhe knows this fuckin tumour is gonna get him eventuallyi blame mobile phones…partiallywant my mobile phone numberhere it is 00000000000thats rightmy fuckin intuition says nevets dont use mobile phonesmy intuition says micro waves are fuckin’ deadlymy intuition says all the internet signal is getting us toomy intuition says tv irradiate us with invisible fallout toomy intuition says the stuff in fuckin’ meat is deadlymy intuition says cheese in beer will fuck up yer facemy intuition said saddam has no weapons..this war is a shammy intuition said the day bush was elected many many will suffer (remember i was in u.s. then)my intuition told me i would marry natalie dalton after one day my intuition said to me play the bass …one day you’ll be goodmy intuition has been wrong toomany timesa false intuition imitating the real oneok enoughmatt, wherever you are right nowtheres a whole lotta people behind you boy, in spiriti will never be able to say how much i have admired your courageeven if you get out of this one …buti hope it will inspire me when my time comes to face such horrorsgod if you are listeningif you do existas i keep telling my fiendss that you dopleaseoki know you cant intervene exactlynot directlyor can you?whatever […]

god cannot give you free will
and still intervene
can god make 1 + 1 = 3 ?
i know eventually we will see the reason for everything
but god works in mysterious ways
my friend matty
a fuckin’ upright honest hardworking cheerful man
kind to all n sundry
this thing been eating him for nearly ten years
hes had radio
hes had fuckin’ chemo
hes had steroids
hes had xrays n 2 very very nasty ops
hes just fallin’ in love n bought a house
with a lovely lady with a childe that both love him
he has never once to me complained or seemed scared
he knows this fuckin tumour is gonna get him eventually
i blame mobile phones…partially
want my mobile phone number
here it is 00000000000
thats right
my fuckin intuition says nevets dont use mobile phones
my intuition says micro waves are fuckin’ deadly
my intuition says all the internet signal is getting us too
my intuition says tv irradiate us with invisible fallout too
my intuition says the stuff in fuckin’ meat is deadly
my intuition says cheese in beer will fuck up yer face
my intuition said saddam has no weapons..this war is a sham
my intuition said the day bush was elected many many will suffer
(remember i was in u.s. then)
my intuition told me i would marry natalie dalton after one day
my intuition said to me play the bass …one day you’ll be good
my intuition has been wrong too
many times
a false intuition imitating the real one
ok enough
matt, wherever you are right now
theres a whole lotta people behind you boy, in spirit
i will never be able to say how much i have admired your courage
even if you get out of this one …
i hope it will inspire me when my time comes to face such horrors
god if you are listening
if you do exist
as i keep telling my fiendss that you do
i know you cant intervene exactly
not directly
or can you?
whatever you can….
he really does deserve it
my daughter scarlet who looks a lot like joyce bennett
and mimi kilbey who is my niece,
is quite brilliant
she is definitely a genius
an opera singer
a sculptress
a female prime minister
a feisty wench who is gonna break a few hearts
oh no
how can i admit this to my self and the fiendss…?
she likes the sodding wiggles
the wiggles are so god damned ball crushingly bad
vishnu knows as a father of 5
ive sat through some rubbish
i mean most kids shows are rubbish
if yer a 50 odd year old hippy idiot with a penchant for surrealism
barney the dinosaur is near pornographic in its dripping syrup
play school is like regular adults pretending to be morons
the cartoons…sponge bob should be banned..its just muck
the junk they had when i was a kid…
in all my hours of kiddy tripe
im sorry
the wiggles is the most insultingly pathetic waste of your precious time
oh look im mopping the floor
all the wiggles break into song
hes mopping the floor hes mopping the floor
music guaranteed to be the most bland underdone blaaagh!
its not even music..its….i dunno
then the dance routines
the dialogue
the other characters.. capn fuckin’ feathersword…OH SWEET JESUS!
there is not one redeeming feature except
the incredible thrill i get out of inflicting the thought on myself that
these 4 talentless drips
are some of the richest blokes in aushtralia
and i
you know the rest……
i guess none o the wiggles were junkies..
break into song
stevie was a junkie stevie was a junkie
captn feathersword : stevie was a junkie
dorothy the fuckin’ dinosaur : stevie was a junkie
and a chrus line of b-dancers dressed up as bouncy syringes
anyway my daughter scarlet likes it
daddy daddy the wiggles the wiggles!
no oh my flesh you mortify me with this request…
oh dear
mercator projection is almost ready
it is
it is mwp sk tp jorden b and william b
our space rock night xmas 2005
soon coming your way
live recording
space rock classics +
dvd too soon…?
leave you with these words

light leap year

french whispersmusic elongated in tall shadowsa mirror of coloura psychiatric drug which cures weed addictionyeah i wanna swallow a spider to catch a flythese are the journals of the being in timesweet being in timecontained by time at every placestrings pulled siderealrenaissance man class 2/3music tickwords tickpainting ticksinging tickacting little tickinventor no ticksculpture no tickdancer no tickan oboey clarinet dissolves in fractals n shardskilbey warm comfort smell of a slightly burnt bageldear friend matty c in sjukhusin coma with pipe in throatwhy god oh why why whygod heal them allthink about lesliebetter for him to depart bang! sudden-likebut he already went through one hell in war #2never to meet minna or the wooflehow safe and warm i felt with himhe was normality personifiedwhen he appearedthe music is like a howling windsome echo traps it and it repeats into kaleidoscopic distancei am olde todaythe years i hoped would go awaymy liver groans under the sheer weight of all the chemicalsmy brain shrinks into a sponge of curdled ideasskin hangs of bonesbones crumbleall things turn inwardsinside working on the big equationmathematics no tickscience no tickgreek mythology tickhindu cosmology tickall is vibrationscarlet in her pink dressing gownemails to answerresponsibilities to shouldershoulders to un-acheworries to worry aboutcommerce no tickfinances no tickmusic ascends in gently quivering cascadesup up upleslies birthday 3rd of marcheventually you are completely forgottenswallowed up by timewhats the timeits 830eve says its a lovely day cant we stay home from schoolaurora joins inno you must go to sausage factoryto learn to just cope with this monster you never asked foryou must register be signed up be innoculated be categorisedbe trained work hard be selected be a cog in the grate machineyoull need husbands n bosses n kids n degrees n beemers n toastersyoull need doctors n electricians n beauty salons n niteclubsentertainer […]

french whispers
music elongated in tall shadows
a mirror of colour
a psychiatric drug which cures weed addiction
yeah i wanna swallow a spider to catch a fly
these are the journals of the being in time
sweet being in time
contained by time at every place
strings pulled sidereal
renaissance man class 2/3
music tick
words tick
painting tick
singing tick
acting little tick
inventor no tick
sculpture no tick
dancer no tick
an oboey clarinet dissolves in fractals n shards
warm comfort
smell of a slightly burnt bagel
dear friend matty c in sjukhus
in coma with pipe in throat
why god oh why why why
god heal them all
think about leslie
better for him to depart bang! sudden-like
but he already went through one hell in war #2
never to meet minna or the woofle
how safe and warm i felt with him
he was normality personified
when he appeared
the music is like a howling wind
some echo traps it and it repeats into kaleidoscopic distance
i am olde today
the years i hoped would go away
my liver groans under the sheer weight of all the chemicals
my brain shrinks into a sponge of curdled ideas
skin hangs of bones
bones crumble
all things turn inwards
inside working on the big equation
mathematics no tick
science no tick
greek mythology tick
hindu cosmology tick
all is vibration
scarlet in her pink dressing gown
emails to answer
responsibilities to shoulder
shoulders to un-ache
worries to worry about
commerce no tick
finances no tick
music ascends in gently quivering cascades
up up up
leslies birthday 3rd of march
eventually you are completely forgotten
swallowed up by time
whats the time
its 830
eve says its a lovely day cant we stay home from school
aurora joins in
no you must go to sausage factory
to learn to just cope with this monster you never asked for
you must register be signed up be innoculated be categorised
be trained work hard be selected be a cog in the grate machine
youll need husbands n bosses n kids n degrees n beemers n toasters
youll need doctors n electricians n beauty salons n niteclubs
entertainer little tick
father little tick
the music fades into a cylindrical tunnel of silence
the children chirrup n chatter
the garbage trucks arrive
garbos with mobile phones
dogs run around pissing on posts
the sun pops up
the friendlier autumnal sun
a lovely day dawns for some
down the pool to swim in the sauna
another day after another
thus was it always
swings n roundabouts
kilbey sign off now
kilbey disappear into this day
kilbey walk n talk with sweet children in time
for time being