mired in maya
conundrums paradoxes and maya rain down on me in an unbelievable way
moral dilemmas and quadralemmas
man i got them lemmas everywhere i go
i gotta laugh at this universe who aches to see me solve the curly ones
rolled at me
every fucking thing i do is involved in so much argy bargy
everyone oh no… being disappointed again
i move into a new place in another eastern suburb
a woman comes up to me
oh youre our new neighbour she says and seems nice
how you liking it so far? she says
its pretty good and pretty quiet i says
attempting to make some small talk
i says except for the guy with the fucking guitar and the PA
(some of the readers will understand how i dismayed i am
to find next door to the right is a geeza who every saturday night
gives the whole neighbourhood the privilege of listening in
on his very loud performances of a bunch of songs from now
and “favourites” from yesteryear
all rendered in a pearl jammy reedy nasally affectation
that really gets my gander after awhile
wondering why he is not just happy like most of us musicians
to keep it to ourselves and if we annoy the neighbours it is never our intention
i could not even begin to make music if it was pissing someone off
therefore i dont see why the whole neighbourhood should be subjected to it
esp. as it is cover versions and not something brilliantly original
which demands to be heard
rather it is proficient busker churning thru a dull old bunch of numbers
ie it would not surprise me to hear milky way trotted out ha ha)
the woman says dont you like it?
nah i says i dont wanna hear it at all
why do you actually like it? i says increduously
oh i love it! she says and walks off angrily to you guessed it next door right
the next performances have come with a new element
a hearty cheering and clapping by about 5 people to let me know i was wrong i presume
damn me and my big mouth1
i am australias larry david stumbling from one thing to the next
a cynical sucker fumbling the ball
its all maya
its all an illusion
i am writing these words to myself
whoever maybe reading this now exists out there
and understands this or not
but i hereby sternly remind myself that this is all maya
i am an eternal spirit who has fallen for some reason into this material nature
in the kali yuga which is the age of quarrel
quarrel it certainly is
as nations go to war for slight theological differences
in some old myth from a bunch of guys in the desert
aggrandising themselves with stories about their own big strong daddy god
that they write themselves justifying their atrocities because their god okayed it
and ever since the butchery has continued over these tent god tales
it is patently obvious that the creator of this universe
was no chump acting like some angry patriarch
blasting cities and having silly little favourites
check this universe out you fools it does not work like that!
all these words are the words of writers and editors and publishers and translators
why would a god who can create the moon and stars need some boffin sitting in a tent
to write it all down for him?
anyway i aint part of of any of the peoples of the books
i aint with ya
i aint with the unswerving self righteousness of you and your books
i now anticipate with some trepidation
our lovely christian lady commenter who faithfully chimes in
with her get thee behind me satans and all that baloney
it used to amuse me now it fills me with inertia
to read the inane parrotting of some old testicle fire n brimstone
lady this is not salem in them good old witchburning days
no lady witches aint causing my problems…
its fucking old age believe it or not!
just like the stupidest savage you see some supernatural reason in everything
something bad its the naughty old devil
something good its good jehovah big daddy saving your day
cos you “believe” in him
dont that ever strike you as a strange fucking bargain right there?
i will save your neck (for a while) if you “believe” in me
except for poor old fucking job
he “believed” and daddy jehovahpants did not save his neck
and then instructed some tent bound boffin to brag about it in a book
lady no one thinks the old testament is literal truth
anyone can see it is a collection of rules and regulations and myths and allegories
borrowing freely from civilisations that proceeded it
ie the garden of eden etc etc
theyre not even the guy in the tents own stories
they are fragments of folklore from bygone eras
dont quote that tiresome bullshit to me!
as far as st paul i say again jesus christ would have hated him
he was a murdering self righteous ugly son of a bitch
a pox on his interpretations of JC
who forgave him for the people he murdered ?
jehovah pants according to…him..well thats convenient..
jesus “appeared” to him and said
its ok you killed all those people
change your name by one letter
and your exonerated
then go out and twist my words to make people feel guilty and miserable
yes a murderer and persecutor is a good man for my message of peace
etc etc
please desist with the christian comments already!
or go away and write on bonos page if you want to
i aint printing anymore because its my blog and its irking me
just like our own anonymous friend who still fires off the odd nasty comment
that is eaten up by my spam filter before its hopelessly vapid negativity boreth me
yet he persists boy its a fine line between love and hate
but yet he surely persisteth
go for it son
congratulations! your asinine dribblings go straight into the void you ninny ha ha!
well thats about it whoevers out there
this is all maya
i am a spirit soul moving between lives as i pick up enough oomph
to leave this universe and go onto whatever is next
until a billion years hence
i am walking by a lovely lake in summer with my sweet lord
and hes saying to me:
boy i betcha glad thats all over!