working like a fiend editing this church vid
doing very little else
its starting to take its final shape i guess
sometimes its hard to know what should go in and what should go out
its a pretty unique thing in that i filmed most of it myself
so you see how touring looked from my perspective (literally)
a 1990 world of vinyl and tapes…no mobile phones
tho you do get a glimpse of the tour managers ancient computer
the cars were different the haircuts were different
i guess the music is different
beware this is a home made film
its sometimes jerky blurry and contains intermittent faults with the film itself
i am including all the live music that there was
the cameras microphone couldnt handle some of it and its a bit distorted
but if you wanna see how we looked onstage in 1990 it is…..
its no dark angry number
theres lots of funny stuff
lots of rambling and raving
especially by me (mostly backstage entertaining the punters)
some classic buffoons and dopey bimbos
roadies in all shapes n sizes
sit down to eat with us
check in with us
have a look round our room with us
get on the bus with us (gus)
hang backstage and have a drink n a smoke (theres plenty to go round!)
watch us play from side of stage
and feel the sheer mindnumbing surrealism of touring
no one has ever been inside a band like this
and there is film of long previously unheard instrumental from the P=A sessions
if this period of the church or this period in music fascinates you
then this is definitely for you
we did a tour starting in april and ending in august that took in sydney london copenhagen munich spain
italy paris manchester texas NYC boston chicago atlanta vancouver seattle san fran n LA
over sixty gigs in all
and some of it got filmed
and now its almost there
youre gonna enjoy this
i guarantee it!