Lou Pole
you always know where to find me
hidden behind these shabby doors on some suburban street
through the dirty windows on the first floor
thats me sitting at a big glass table under the red clock
sorry cant seem to focus my thoughts
i listen to some lazy music that drifts in the air like a smokey dream
its friday night its summer
the birds coo and call
the blinds gently knock against the wood in the breeze
american tour coming up soon
it seems a galaxy away from where i am here
wasting my precious time doing nothing as evening falls
children come back monday yes i have missed them
they come back in time for me to leave
yes its a bit of a wrench
my brothers will watch them for me while i’m away
theyre in good hands
after 2 weeks rehearsal my ears are ringing like all fuck
i can only imagine what this tour will do to them
if you ever meet me you will find out that i’m now quite deaf
my eyesight is shot too
i feel increasingly isolated from the world of sight and sound
i encounter it now dimly
i still cant get over everything that happened
my creativity has shrunk to a pea
i squeeze out my blogs on sheer willpower not inspiration
yes thanks you can give me a few weeks off
but maybe i need this more than you do
i eat a muffin with jam for tea mmm mmm
the truth is i dont give a fuck about food
im happy to have cornflakes for dinner everynight
the gourmets on tv and their gluttony leave me cold
so i sit here at 616 precisely typing to you out there
my mood is bitter sad tired anxious
my body is rundown achey listless restless
my spirit is silent buried somewhere within me
it says nothing
it offers no guidance
my past stretches out behind me oh what a life i led
the wheels turn round
money women success come and go
children suddenly grown up and distant
yes this great song i wrote it really meant something to ya didnt it
time charges ahead at one minute per minute
but its all so relative
lie in bed enervated watching that hand go round
old pleasures come back as new pains
those perfect white scars on my back
what did they do to me?
maybe i been tampered with
maybe i just aint been tampered with enough
well 2012 is approaching like some rough beast
slouching towards bondi to be reborn
things seem awfully raw these days
things seem like we’re braking metal on metal
i am my own worst enemy that i never seem to overcome
i dig the pitfalls i tumble headlong
my holiday left without me some time ago
it booked itself into a little room
and it played cards with shadows of departed guests
its very quiet right now
only the sizzling wind thru the treetops
only the faintest sound of the traffic on old south head road
only the ringing ears which have finally drowned out that clock
only the lapping sea which i cant hear but it can hear me
yeah an american tour uh wheres that….?
oh i forgot for a moment where i was
yeah i’m here in the kitchen
its 6 38 now how about that
i gotta get off the computer
i gotta rest my poor eyes
maybe i’ll go for a walk
down by the shore
its summer
there’ll be lots of people about
and everything