photo of me
on the bottom of the old white pool
winter swimming for endorphin fix i ever the junky
endorphin fix from twenty minutes of cold sea water is something baby
it aint nothing
man after that i sit out there and drink a coffee
i am blissed out on my own neurotonics and wow
every now and then i see a beautiful thing
winter arrives like a cold strumpet in my room
am i really in telepathic contact with some animals
or am i losing my mind?
i bought some thing sweet and i ate too much
i wish i could work harder
i think about about god and death a lot
five daughters are treasures i will bequeath for a better world
last night i listen to F/D
i must not say too much
i’m doing a painting
i think about jesus
i think how much he would despise abbot and those guys
its so obvious
have they ever read the bits about looking after yer fellow man?
my thoughts are distracted by the model sopwith camel Chris b gave me
a book of indian tattoo i will comb through to see if i can recontextualise
a buddhist prayer deck from H Heart
i pull a card at random
people this is what it says
those whose minds are
filled with compassion
will never enter a world dark with woes.
no real harm will ever
come to anyone who
protects all living beings
and shows them kindness
so i love my buddha
i love my krsna
i love my jesus
i love the god of my understanding
not evolution
not jehovah creationism
i dont imagine you are ready for the totality of my god
i dont imagine for one minute i am either
but i have glimpsed
i have felt
something so fucking brilliant and so fucking compassionate
we are it
it is us
we are all one and separation is an illusion
yes but how to actualise that
i see some smarmy rich dressed up businessman type waddling along
i say to myself i love this man i love this man
some voice in my head going
like fuck you love this man..! you gotta be kidding me!
god says to me tell them this then
everything was and always will be here
our imperishable souls cannot be touched
we learning kid we learning
god says if you really want to work for me go ahead
that bass guitar of yours is a holy instrument capable of transmitting joy
with your words you can describe me forever and yet never come close
the creation of music and art
this gorgeous act of prayer and a wing
that white sheet of paper
that finger on the first note
the first word of your most achingly lovely song
let this heal those who are listening
fucking hell i have given them clues for the last 35 years
smoke some dope and listen to my music
there is sometimes something in there especially for you
you gotta wade through all those songs
but i digress
F/D will soon emerge
all will be revealed
i stake everything my judgement on this one roll
here it is
it took me until now to be able to be part of a record like this
all your preconceptions are mostly wrong
no one anticipated this
some beautiful muse guided all my actions
the band played on and on
we entered a creative realm where we mined songs from other universes
i mean how could some of this not be written before now?
familiar yet peculiar .
the record and sound has more layers that reveal and reveal
you will not be able to take it all in on first listen
you will only know that we have made one hell of a good record
soon you will begin to love it
we all stepped back and let this music in
the words were written in a secret book a strange angel gave me inner dream
how could i have written some of these couplets? where did they come from?
how did 4 musicians stumble across these lovely new but old songs
i dunno
i’m otherwise just a humble bloke in his humble room
humble except i happen to be on a roll and i know this is good
its like something that is purring along so fucking smoothly
walloping and caressing
warm and edgy
the whole record is a paradox
still i cannot explain it
i know a lot of you are dubious
i dont blame you
its hard to wait another few months before we can let it out
i swim
i do yoga
i hang out with my kids
i watch say lou lou and feel a deep parental pride that is surprising
because i am a cynical old bastard
i weep for ll the atrocities committed during last week
and all the atrocities that will come no doubt for the next seven days
the fucking idiots that run this stupid world
the beautiful cats like kip and JT and DR who make you have faith
the children
the future
room for every creature to live their life in peace
grant everything the mercy you would have god grant you
meanwhile F/D is gonna rocknroll your tiny world my friends
wait n see
you gonna love it or else!