healthy wealthy and wise
oh well one outta 3 aint bad
this blog is for david rundle
who is not only my accountant but a good good friend
and also a church/kilbey expert
david was concerned he’d heard and read and seen too much “druggy”stuff
about me lately
and was hoping that i have maintained my fitness regime.
well yes i have.
i swim somewhere between a 500 metres and a kilometre every day
i still do yoga almost every day, in fact i’m gonna do it as soon as i finish this.
and i walk a real lot. and i never sit around munching on food or guzzling booze.
i dont smoke cigs but i smoke weed
it kinda keeps me rolling along
its not for everybody but nor is riding a unicycle.
my way isnt everybodys way
kids dont smoke dope before yer 18 and dont smoke dope if youre already crazy!
dont smoke dope if youre already paranoid or delusional
do smoke dope if youre an artist or musician and you’d like some help
ive written 780 registered songs and all of em involved dope
big deal. i am neither proud of that nor ashamed
if you think thats too naughty for you go read some other mothers blog
thats the facts
i’m coming up 60 and i’m still churning the stuff out
i’m still fucking rocking baby and rolling a bit too
i think faster than when i did when i was young
my mind and body and spirit are in some sort of harmony although not perfect
the swimming in that seawater pool or down at a netted harbour beach
its like dunking myself in a bath of negative ions
i rise up each morning refreshed
the sea i have to have it
i cannot will not live away from or without the sea
everything comes from the sea
it is my saviour my solution my salve
yoga baby yoga oh god what are you all waiting for?
you gotta do yoga its gonna help you in everything you do my little fiends
wanna play better guitar: yoga
wanna be a better sportsman: yoga
wanna be a better person: yoga
it just works trust me i have no axe to grind
you just gotta do it
and thats that spring in my step
that bounce in the ankles
the flexibility of my knees
the source of my energy
the way i now open up and let the music flow thru me
instead of trying to trap it: yoga
the reason i am still a contender and why the next church album will be our best: yoga
whatever: yoga
and then my almost-vegan diet
yeah i slip up and not a pure vegan
i dont fucking care of what anybody thinks of what i eat
ive been arguing with people for 45 years over it
its boring…can you do what i do?
Can you run around onstage carrying a heavy plank of wood for 3 hours?
i am fit and healthy and strong. dont worry about me
moving closer all the time to my masterpiece whatever it will be
i got wrinkles and stuff
but in all other ways i dont feel any different to when i was 18
‘cept i’m more flexible and not as lazy
therefore i presume i am doing something right
and i presume smokin’ dope cant be that bad for ya tho i dont recommend it per se
but it sure worked out well for me and sir paul ? right?
my spirit runs this whole show
like a driver it drives my body via my mind
these three things must be brought into balance
although a surplus of soul will never go astray
listen to your spirit
listen to your body
dont listen so much to your mind
and pray
be in all three worlds
you are angel man beast
cater to all three
dont neglect the needs of your component parts
meat will fuck you right up
its the truth n becoming truer every single day as more people see the light
if you eat meat youre giving yourself a severe disadvantage despite all the exercise
if you drink loads of booze or smoke loads of cigs
then youre ruining yourself quicker than ya think
i am the proof in my pudding
i am nearly sixty and age aint slowed me down one little bit
this is how i am doing it
you could follow my example because it obviously works
i am kicking ass and trying to unlock the inner mysteries of what i do
thats me
i got my problems too
i aint perfect yeah you know
i make mistakes and i do wrong things
i am angry and anxious and all the rest
a bit of a flake
but for sixty almost
i dont feel too fucking bad
in fact,
i feel pretty fucking good
do whatever y’all like
but what i do has sure worked out well for me
so far…..