the 57 year old child
i believe in music
indeed music can do something nothing else can do
even what that is…is a mystery in itself
even to people like me who make it and play it it is mysterious
music and music only can express such sublime ineffabilities
the best music seems divinely inspired
music is very very important to us :
to those of us that love it
it is much more than entertainment
i have always expected magic from my music
i always try to put some into my own
its hard to tell though
after all which magician can do his magic on himself……
music slowly reveals her secrets to me one at a time
a new idea occurs to me and i take it into consideration
i realise i have many rigid rules that i seem to follow unquestioningly
each idea must be examined
each parameter must be tested
the tuning
time signature
every instrument and its interaction with the others
the intent
the performance
the recording
the sound
the emphasis
the melody
the harmony
the lines
the riffs
the backgrounds
the solos
the effects
the mixing
etc etc
with so many variations music can never be exhausted
no : all the good songs have not yet been written!
in the total bedrock of all possible song we have excavated one inch
there are new worlds yet undiscovered and abounding forever
there will always be new beautiful forms as yet undreamt of
having taken another incarnation in the 1950s
i grew up with rocknroll
it is my natural milieu
it has many uglinesses
it contains many wondrous beauties too
i used to say rocknroll is a cartoon medium
yet i now recant this opinion
the glorious peaks of rock are as high as any other
i dont understand ballet and opera and classical
but i sure know
that it cant get you much higher than strawberry fields forever…right?
and herein lies the true wonder of rock
the ability to express vague fleeting incredible ambiguities
strawberry fields forever…you think thats not as good as the mona lisa?
you think bach or someone used an orchestra as weirdly?
you think wordsworth or someone had a better handle on english than john?
i bless the muses and my own muse that i was a child to witness it
can you imagine this?
strawberry fields forever
its everything at once
first of all its massively popular
then its almost totally unique
i mean who else had written such a song?
its out of the blue genius
in a single stroke of detached vision
john and george martin and the other beatles
they cooked up this four minute bit of art
redefining everything that rock or pop could be
and here our music becomes serious art
you know that can sometimes accidentally happen
you start out four moptops singing about teenage love
and through some rapid metamorphoses evolve into
some kind of aural dali
complete with melting feelings and bizarre juxtaposition
strawberry fields forever showed what was possible
i mean the beatles were moving in this direction a bit
but who could have expected this …..this exquisite song?
in this one song i would rest my case
and argue it out with whoever you got
show me something out there
a film a dance a poem a sculpture a painting a symphony
show me something thats both a popular commercial item
and a distant essay on isolation
and some sadness that can never be named
and every instrument collaborating in this dislocation
sure any idiot can dislocate you with a racket
any turkey with a weedblower can do that….
but to dislocate so dreamily so gently so warped and wonderful
to me this song is as high an art as any art ive seen
its an untouchable masterpiece
it remains unsurpassed and probably unsurpassable
at this point rocknroll turned into real art
real proper hang it in the museum stuff
alongside all the other geniuses
for me this was a new beginning
i hate ugly music
i abhor ugly sounds
i disdain dissonance
it is indeed easy to make a horrible ugly racket
just like its easy to do a horrible ugly painting
or make a horrible ugly dinner
or insert your own horrible ugliness here
as i get older and older
the horrible bloody rackets get harder and harder to take
i hate morbid stupid violent entropic deliberately ugly art
no hang on a minute
yes i get the point
yes i have done time with my own rackets
not because of tradition but because of experience
i avoid noise in music
a little bit of noise and ugliness never goes astray
but its like pepper or spices and you mustnt overdo it
the prospect of a bunch of middle aged white guys
bellowing out their impotent angers over a metallic racket
well it doth fill me with entropic inertia
rock should never be the same song after song
this great lesson we should have learned from the fab four
a record of angry ugliness or a night of ugly angriness is too much
its like a play which is all violence and nothing else
or a painting which is a pitch black giving way to nothing
the beatles constantly experiment
recombining old forms and new techniques
they are the ideal
they are rocks holy quadrinity
you see they were both esoteric and exoteric
they included everyone into their strange worlds
the beauty seduced you
before you knew it you could be in the unfamiliar
i demand some diversity therefore
and a bloody horrible racket by a rock band is anathema to me
i dont care if it supposedly has humour or irony or self-depracation
(though i sincerely doubt it does)
endless stuff about death and decay and disease and misery
accompanied by tuneless noise
it seems thats art out of balance
for are we not surrounded by these very things?
surely then the musician within whichever field he jams
has a duty to capture only the sublimest emotions
the ones which heal and refresh and make one wonder
the ones which bring sex and love and heaven and earth
it doesnt make sense to me to listen to ugly stuff
youre indoctrinating yourself
youre uglifying your mind and it might be hard to get it out again
i can understand youthful musicians making rackets
it is understandable like youthful painters painting a mess
i guess the rock racket could be likened to an abstract painting
some abstracts are things of beauty while others are not
sometimes the rock racket contains beauty
heroin by the velvet underground
some neil young stuff
it exists
dont waste your time trying to find the artiness in a racket tho
theres always a construction site near you somewhere
go and interpret that….!
i myself am pleased where my music is going
my recorded works at any rate
i keep improving as a singer thats good
i couldnt have got any worse than when i started
i was not a natural singer
i kinda started to figure it out as i went along
i hate my singing on that first church record
its mannered its stiff its flat its pretentious
its so fucking pretentious its a joke
i was pretending not to be me
it wasnt really until heyday a real me emerged
all that singing on heyday was me
all the harmonies and back ups
(bar the choir on already yesterday and on youth w.)
peter walsh made me do it
he thought of most of the harmonies
my mind is strangely limited when it comes to harmonies
they never come that easily to me and theyre hard to sing
but suddenly there on heyday i emerge as a bit of a vocalist
i like myrrh from heyday the first track
i wish every one of my tracks was as good as this
it had everything i like in rock
it had a real sense of travel
it was about everything at once in a way
that song may be approaching art a little
the hex albums have some real art
so too jack frost
priest and narcosis
forget yourself
theres not much art on GAF tho
pop music but not much art
real art requires a lot of effort and will
sometimes you even have to fight for your right to be arty
by the time the fights over you aint got the energy to be arty
eg kilbey in a studio with an engineer sometime in the eighties
me : please can we put some effects on the backing vocal now
him : it can be dry for the moment
me : no, i said can we have some reverb…or something..
him : not now because of blah blah blah
me : look i really wanna hear some reverb on it
him : reverb wont fix it if its outta tune…
him : ok, fuck, jesus ok….now what kind of reverb..
me : uh….? what…?…oh i ….never mind ..get on with it
him : no i’m gonna give ya some fuckin’ reverb steve …
me : fuck the reverb and get on with it …
him : you dont know what you want do ya…?
me : uh yeah um no i dont do i……
a stalemate
i take the challenge of reconciling old age and rocknroll seriously
the grandmaster painters painted on till they dropped
so too the jazz and bluesmen
what goes wrong in rock?
theyre are notable exceptions of people who keep their edge
or their esteem or the demeanour or whatever it is
we should not expect less from the old rocker
we should expect more
we should expect more beauty i guess in a nutshell
like a jeweller of 57
or an architect of 57
or a brain surgeon of 57
you should be pretty good by now
since 1970 you’d usually find me in bedroom studying music
or in a garage or hall rehearsing or jamming with guys
or sitting on my bed trying to force out songs i knew were within me
but nonetheless would not come without much more experience
ive lugged the gear
ive done the drives
ive been at airports on new years eve
the glory and the disappointment
always playing playing playing
listening analysing incorporating
surely then i must improve
surely then i must have improved
or at least continued at the same rate
with obvious ups and downs included
isidore life somewhere else is a real treat
it has wonder and beauty
it does have some ugly heavy handed moments
caliban comes on stage and says his lines
the beastly is represented here as well as the angelic
jeffrey samples myriad guitar phrases and everything precise
yet always jeffreys beatlesque turn of chords
a composer like caino has little need of dissonance
(tho i warn you it exists on this record!)
if you could pull endlessly beautiful things out of thin air
why would you ever wanna do ugly more than occasionally
you wouldnt would you….?
cainos music is sophisticated modern
and yet with a traditional aesthetic
its perfect for me to sing over
sometimes it takes me a while to figure it out
jeffreys music slips into fluxes inexplicably to me
at first until i understand his more fluid structures
i listen to each piece and the music write the words
i’m looking forward to its release