so what
hello friend my old darkness
unable to apply myself properly
i sit here at this glass table in seaside suburbia
a full moon on the highway
listening to lisa gerrard
the closest thing we got to some ancient music i guess
sometimes she sounds like a mad prophetess from delphi
othertimes she sounds like a widow mourning her man
solemn n sombre wordless n wonderful
the light in my kitchen has blown
like my mind
outrageous fucking fortune and all that stuff
i’m a sleepwalker in a real dream
chuck me my axe chuck me my groupie
chuck me my cheque
speeding down phantom americas 13 lane highways
cruising up to a gig
its snowing its summer its sold out its empty
what does it matter
i thought you were there
yeah i’m dressed in faded black tat
my bass is all sunburst red n yellow
my skin is kinda tanned n freckly brown
my new crowns are white
my old eyes are grey
are ya nervous? you ask and i laugh
in reality i dont even know if i am or not
i am severed from my true feelings somehow
i been on tour for a million years and i love/hate it
wanna stop cant stop never stop
a plane here
a bus there
a taxi to the east village squire
a lift back to my hotel yeah thanks
amsterdam seattle tim buck two
chuck some stuff in a suitcase
message for me at front desk
god that man in the mirror looks so old
my throat is sore and my voice is hoarse
poor pity me living this stupid dream
champagne in the fridge
chocolates on the bed
drugs en route
music in my blood
i take out my book n scribble down some words
i fiddle round with my sequencer
i fuck about with the envelope of some cellos
but as i said i cant apply myself
some people turn up for a party in next doors room
noisy bastards i bang on the bleeding wall
muse : what year is this?
chick : are you nervous?
captain : the fasten seatbelts sign is now switched off
hostess : tea or coffee
person at door : hey steve open up !
roadie : should i change your strings tonight?
manager : dont fucking keep complaining….
agent : sorry man it wasnt my fault…
bloke : would you mind signing this ….?
i toss n turn under the sheets
its freezing its boiling theres a mozzie biting me
theres a wild storm outside
im all alone i’m having an orgy
i dive into the warm blue rooftop pool
donnette sits on a deckchair
i watch her from under the water
she has on a one piece black swim suit
shes reading a newspaper n occasionally chuckling at stuff
shes drinking a beer n smoking a cloves cigarette
we’re in bangkok on holiday i guess
we got a real luxury room in some place
we go out riding around in tuk-tuks
no i must be in australie its new years eve at the surf air hotel
ploogy bashing on the kit yet to turn twenty
we share an apartment on the 23rd floor
we chuck silverware into the pool
and we stay up all night listening to pet sounds
we play these gigs to the holidaymakers
who fucking cares…..its 1981 aint it
aeons ago in some innocent past
we have a meeting and i fall asleep
yeah yeah whatever i say
do whatever you bloody like
someone gives me a book to read
its not too bad i read a bit on the plane
we hit the runway and i roll over in bed
i tune up my bass between songs
some girl in the front row is making eye contact with me n smiling
she chucks a note up on the stage
a roadie runs up n grabs it n reads it n smirks
he hands it over and the song starts up
i’m caught short and i miss the intro
the others frown at me
but the audience dont care or notice
i’m feeling wild and loose and devious and nauseous
i feel like having a fucking argument with some bastard
my dinner was a shambles
always some new tedious irksome problem
some oversight i underestimated
i juggle all my compartmentalised components
i am everything to everyone in my own stupid head
but on the outside i am a deeply floored human being
some boor cornering me as the prize gets ready to leave
the phone rings by my bed
its australia on the line
oh australia, i’d forgotten all about it
yeah i had faded into this tour
i had no future no past
i was on this plane in this hotel bed at this gig
i stand in a line at customs
outside the smoky haze of an italian sky
i got an italian girlfriend for a week
we dont really know what the other ones on about
but boy she can laugh and drink vino and smoke hashhish
she rides around on a white vespa too
me sitting on the back as we whizz round roma
i met her outside the tv station
steeeev steeeeeev she was calling to me
she said she was a student
but i couldnt understand what she was supposed to be studying
she was like a cartoon to me
someone thrown together for my dream
ok bring on the italian girl
i was staying at the fucking hilton too
the rome hilton it was 1986
the lap of luxury
anything you wanted
interviews lunches
a long afternoon sleep
some gig at night
this ones called myrrh
how can you be so invisible
gimme the nerves to see
marty whips up a storm with his e-bow
back at the hotel the italian girl does a dance for me
as we listen to a cassette of the byrds in my room
i just stretch back in my green suede boots like an emperor
the eleven year old canberra boy is gawking out
but i think i look like terence stamp in some 60s film
i’m jaded urbane and out of it
banga pearson is in the room next door our tour manager
i can hear laughter and loud voices
five minutes later he rings up
kilbey come in here we got a party he says
i got my own party i say n hang up
the next day my head is aching
we fly somewhere bloody else
our rooms arent ready when we arrive
and i throw a wobbler cos i’m so fucking unbelievably tired
i just need to got to get some sleep
i strap on my axe backstage and drink some champers
my hair looks kinda stupid today
and i forgot to have a shave
my throat is extra sore and i cant even remember where we are
i met an airline hostess and invited her here and i wonder if she came
i’m waiting on some weed to arrive from somewhere
i just had an argument with some local tosser
my axe feels like it weighs fifty tons around my scrawny shoulders
my ears are starting to permanently ring
i didnt get any sleep cos the phone kept ringing
then they were doing construction next door
then i was too angry to sleep
the gig is a bit of a fiasco
but i can see the airline hostess smiling at me up on a balcony
i ponce about on stage a bit for her benefit
but after the gig shes disappeared
i berate banga pearson for letting her go
mate he says
i cant stop people leaving a gig…..!
i must have nodded off again
we’re driving down a street in queenslands gold coast
in a ford ltd
bangas driving
how much longer now someone asks
banga drives along smoking a spliff
another hour i reckon he says
we all groan
my throat is sore
are you at all nervous says some goodlooking woman as i go on
nope i say to myself
i’m in bed
i’m still on a plane
i got lost in the snow
i’m wasted in the heat
i sit at my glass table in bondi
are you nervous says one of the children
my throat is so sore
my fingers all callused
what? i say
and i carry on typing in the semi darkness