a complete blast
and the woman stepped out of the river
the deep and swirling euphrates
the warm and dark tigris
the lonely and sacred alph
the holy and healing ganges
and we come to a fork in the road
and we see we have been wrong all our lives
we have inflicted our own good on all we deem evil
we have murdered for life
we have tortured for love
we have invaded for peace
we have indeed fucked for chastity
yes as the book progresses you realise….
when you realise we are villains dressed as heroes
when you realise all that we have set in motion here….
when i was five i ran away from this world
yes i seemed to be here but i was off elsewhere
those dreams i was having…you dont expect me to believe…..?
and all the things i was born knowing and seeing
and all the things i could never ever learn
born to know but not to lead
born in doubt but not to follow
everything in life becomes dispensable in death
money debts children enemies
yes they will carry on
in the darkness or in the light
this world never began and it will never end
it was always here and everything upon it
no creation no evolution just permanence
our souls exist in perpetuity
we will play every part
the baron the drunk the pilot the wife
the son the sister the father the child
the dog and the star
each and everyone
they say we were once part of god
but fixated on autonomy we fractured
an infinite number of busted bits
tiny little lords of their universe
working their way up from worm to sun
pull on lives like you pull on coats
in one world an athlete in another lame
in one time a king in another a slave
in another youre rich in another youre poor
youre everyone youre no one
this must happen because you desired to experience everything
i laugh at the simplicity of science and religion
missing the point as always as ever
solemnly swearing on this book or that
why everything happens on one million levels
if you dont take it all into account then what have you got?
its fucking hilarious when the preachers and PhDs
tell you this world was created by this means or that
idiot eden or some primeval soup yeah i dont think so
i think we cant even believe how incredibly groovy this all is
i say groovy because no other word can express my delight
my delight as i observe the mechanisms in place
interlocking elements across all dimensions
the masterstrokes of an author
something everywhere that yet cannot be found
too huge for your little books
too much for our language to contemplate or bear
i know it i always knew it
humanity is perverse
all the people you help will burn you the most
and you always keep turning into things that you hate
christ and buddha show us other ways to live
but truly, who have you met that can live like that?
as i approacheth old age i tune into to subtle things
the people i think of appear out of nowhere
because of my yoga because of my diet
because i am both sinner and saint embodied as one
because i am madder than a lake but saner than you can believe
because i have thrashed my mind ceaselessly before me
everything i have i have dreamed up
a spirit within me taught me everything
we all have that spirit but so very few will listen
given five daughters to atone for trespass against female
given ten years of heroin to atone for my trespass against man
i knock out my stuff(ing) without really trying
if i’m trying i must be wrong i guess
and the woman in the river
all white and naked
lilith i s’pose or some abstract eve
even the educated man is baffled by her charms
and an animal sits at the seat of the soul
gimme some mumbo jumbo to reconcile lust
gimme some esoteric conundrum as an erotic frame
my genius must create now he’s all wound up
he must sacrifice the evenings of women to alter his shrine
he must move through the virgins and widows and aunts
he must have all the nurses and waitresses and queen
he must dodge all the hags and the harpies
he must avoid the slatternly sunsets and the cold frigid dawn
oh he’s ever so sly like a fox in a hutch
oh hes ever so greedy like a snake in a hole
and all the time i’m wearing away
and all the time everythings getting quite slim
i am charged with great power
i am weaker than piss
i drip fluid prose
then i cant say my name
i think we are all on the wrong side
weve been cheering for bad guys all of the way
the way that things are in this world we got going
a comedy a farce a hilarious tour de force
they take the good things away
they give you the worst
they tell you youre free
free to do as somebody says
the revolution must be in the heart
even so
it may seem that you never win…..