eastwood abound
and then everything began to go even faster still
we hit horse latitudes running
kathy and dad and me
kathy said
look its just whats left after the fire
she pointed at the dull red flames that licked her sacred heart of forest
no i said
this is all going wrong
but dad said
be quiet both of you and help me with the distance
dad said
son you are riding your nightmare again
through the pages of peoples mind
dad said
kathy give him a little hand
she secretly smiled in her rudest way
but dad said
kathy thats a very nasty little smile
as we blew through cinders and the tier drops away
as we negotiated every hazard known to mens sons
dad look out i say so slowly
we swerve away motionlessly
as we start to dive without falling
things move through us as if we are dream
dad only smiles as turns on his controls
something invisible is steering us he said
he said
children hold on now
as we accelerated to a halt
as we fathomed the shallowest film of water
kathy said oh dad you are such a good driver
kathy said when we grow up then we fly
oh dad i want to bathe in mooned pools
and drift nile-like as queen so utterly enamoured
i dont even know what that means i said
i said
dad this is that new song i told you about playing now
and he turned it up loud and it moved about our speeding room
but he frowned at the wild bits and he yawned at the sad bits
kathy said
i feel like we are already there
and yes we were rushing towards zero a long division loomed
but i felt safe with dad there
and sometimes there were others who sort of seemed to be there
and the space shrank or grew at this sickened rate
and i sort of had a dream that someone was waiting for me to sleep
and someone came through and took something out of my back
it hurt but the hurt was a long way away
dad said
it makes people sad to hear all that stuff steven
why cant you talk about some funny show youve seen?
kathy said
i like that show about the mannequins who came alive
and the girl who turned into a turtle because she was such a slowcoach
and the book with that marvellous little man
who rode bullfrogs and toads in the roads that criss cross beneath our vision
she smiled as she remembered where we were
hurtling silently through the wild black yonder
the stars seemed to smile and whisper at us
dad said
steven it sounds like we are cosmonauts
kathy said
its just a game isnt it dad?
its frightening to think its all real isnt it
and dad said
why dont you two have a little sleep
when you wake up we will be there
but kathy said
well thats strange because i am already asleep
and i said
but i was awake all through the whole thing
dad was concentrating now though on his guidance apparatii
there were comet and whirlwind and soft summer evening all at once
i could neither sleep or wake up
steven why is your light still on
called dad through the door
but by then
i was so far away