
jims mirror

the light of a byegone afternoonyeah i recognize iteverything yellowish whiteeverything curving around itselfthe writhing vegetationthe branches in the trees rub against each otherthe trees are eroticised and they touch each others bark lewdlynature succumbs to lovepalm trees shaking and noddinggardenias move off their faces in joyclouds manifest human-like shapesand fuck in the skygently raining downthe colours all have numbers and voicesbass purple 9contralto red 33bees arrive precise and identicalsome of the cactii are in juicy bloomsuggestive pink fleshy protusionshow did i arrive here?through the mirrorwhich was soft and hazy like cotton wool or a slight gentle resistancejim sitting in his otherworldjim with his huge blue beardjim with the swirling changing hairjim under some other sunsitting thinkingice cold beer and mexican weedwriting some poetry in his bookwe are flames…morrison writes…and we burn eternally inside cold white cagesthe system w/ its spearsgirls come and stay intent on sleepgirls from nevada and utah and swordlittle honey melts in my cari pull up outside the blue sky motelher luggage w/snakegunthe cops drift by in their movietone dreamtasting moms apple pie and bombe alaskalater in the pool in the Kool nightas she sinks almost lifelesssharks circle w/ one thousand ideasher fingers touch their weeping eyes as they devour hersoftly monsters she seems to sayand as i turn the key in the door of room 13unlocking a pastyour father appears in his flannel suitmaking polite conversation as i sit on the bed watching you showerout there …l.a..pulses with a sick unaffordable forcei know yousays your father w/ his soft voice…. what do you think? jimbo asks meas i read over his shoulder in the gardenand his technicolor hair swirls a day-glo vortexyeah its great i guessi hear myself sayadding some lilac to his hairthat flows away like a rippling waveunder the eddies and currents of […]

the light of a byegone afternoon
yeah i recognize it
everything yellowish white
everything curving around itself
the writhing vegetation
the branches in the trees rub against each other
the trees are eroticised
and they touch each others bark lewdly
nature succumbs to love
palm trees shaking and nodding
gardenias move off their faces in joy
clouds manifest human-like shapes
and fuck in the sky
gently raining down
the colours all have numbers and voices
bass purple 9
contralto red 33
bees arrive
precise and identical
some of the cactii are in juicy bloom
suggestive pink fleshy protusions
how did i arrive here?
through the mirror
which was soft and hazy
like cotton wool
or a slight gentle resistance
jim sitting in his otherworld
jim with his huge blue beard
jim with the swirling changing hair
jim under some other sun
sitting thinking
ice cold beer and mexican weed
writing some poetry in his book
we are flames…
morrison writes
…and we burn eternally inside cold white cages
the system w/ its spears
girls come and stay intent on sleep
girls from nevada and utah and sword
little honey melts in my car
i pull up outside the blue sky motel
her luggage w/snakegun
the cops drift by in their movietone dream
tasting moms apple pie and bombe alaska
later in the pool in the Kool night
as she sinks almost lifeless
sharks circle w/ one thousand ideas
her fingers touch their weeping eyes as they devour her
softly monsters she seems to say
and as i turn the key in the door of room 13
unlocking a past
your father appears in his flannel suit
making polite conversation as
i sit on the bed watching you shower
out there …l.a..pulses with a sick unaffordable force
i know you
says your father w/ his soft voice….

what do you think? jimbo asks me
as i read over his shoulder in the garden
and his technicolor hair swirls a day-glo vortex
yeah its great i guess
i hear myself say
adding some lilac to his hair
that flows away like a rippling wave
under the eddies and currents of his wild hippy poet hair…
the air charges in full of purple and orange light
electricity crackles and discharges
the garden is in a frenzy
the clouds turn big and black as they rut above
jim sits there
his hair blowing wildly
his black jacket with the collar flap
his black t shirt against his paleskin
he turns and stares at the rain and wind
and he looks like a wild elvis or elijah
i try to freeze the picture
and the mirror cracks deep
shards of the sky w/blood
blue and red
no reflection

mind stem jolt brain

horrible dreams and aches pursue me stillthings eating (at) methings put off till tomorrowwell now tomorrow was months agoi walk through the darkened houseinto my room where i type my rantsone of the greek girls downstairs is dating a real “straight”his lovely black gleaming car is parked downstairshis moon roof has been left undoneand oh dear ….its raining…possessed by this sighti stand like a gleeful moronwatching the rain going in his nice caran angel on my right shoulder sayssteven go down and tell them!the devil on the left saysoh ha ha ha ha!!the devil on the left shoulder also says to the angelma’am …youre wasting your breath today…he’s minethe rain picks up a littlethe killer smilesi become the killerthe killer smiles again or scowlsboth his desks are piled 4 inches high with stufflike an old alchemist all confusedmixing up the wrong mixturestransmuting gold into leadscrying for tiny daemonsthe killer is doing a painting of jim morrisonthere he sits on my paperiridescent metallic blue green white flames flare from his headhis hair is a swirling sea of gold silver and bright colourshis face is one tone bluey pink with a kind of photo realismhis beard is blue a solid mass of blue but it needs doing morejimbo jimbo jimbo…..ahyeah i mean great i guessi mean i dunnogirl leaves downstairsuh oh the other girls boyfriend has parked very closein his big black fast carshe..oh..the cars are all dirty and wetyet she is forced to squeeze herself between them to gain accessshe gets her door openjustthen she flops down into seat sidewaysshe sits there and looks upshe sees the roof is open about 6 inchesshe sits there a bit longer brushing at waterthen suddenlyshe feels her wet bumand jumps out of the car but slowlycos its a tight fitoh distress oh pitythe stupid […]

horrible dreams and aches pursue me still
things eating (at) me
things put off till tomorrow
well now tomorrow was months ago
i walk through the darkened house
into my room where i type my rants
one of the greek girls downstairs is dating a real “straight”
his lovely black gleaming car is parked downstairs
his moon roof has been left undone
and oh dear ….its raining…
possessed by this sight
i stand like a gleeful moron
watching the rain going in his nice car
an angel on my right shoulder says
steven go down and tell them!
the devil on the left says
oh ha ha ha ha!!
the devil on the left shoulder also says to the angel
ma’am …youre wasting your breath today…he’s mine
the rain picks up a little
the killer smiles
i become the killer
the killer smiles again or scowls
both his desks are piled 4 inches high with stuff
like an old alchemist all confused
mixing up the wrong mixtures
transmuting gold into lead
scrying for tiny daemons
the killer is doing a painting of jim morrison
there he sits on my paper
iridescent metallic blue green white flames flare from his head
his hair is a swirling sea of gold silver and bright colours
his face is one tone bluey pink with a kind of photo realism
his beard is blue a solid mass of blue but it needs doing more
jimbo jimbo jimbo…..ah
yeah i mean great i guess
i mean i dunno
girl leaves downstairs
uh oh the other girls boyfriend has parked very close
in his big black fast car
she..oh..the cars are all dirty and wet
yet she is forced to squeeze herself between them to gain access
she gets her door open
then she flops down into seat sideways
she sits there and looks up
she sees the roof is open about 6 inches
she sits there a bit longer brushing at water
then suddenly
she feels her wet bum
and jumps out of the car but slowly
cos its a tight fit
oh distress oh pity
the stupid little devil laughs himself silly
the angel asks
but what about the yoga
but what about the sage..
what about her wet arse sniggers the devil again
launching himself into coughs and splutters
the killer loses interest in this malarkey
back to the serious things whatever they are
financial monsters are slowly growing
picking up their inevitable interest
their fine print and fines
they give and then they take
bamboozling me in sticky debt
broke like an old string
hammers and tax
crunch must be coming
yes yes
tomorrow tomorrow
and all the rest too
today however
i am attending a college in the eastern subs
where i will be talking about songwriting for one hour
and earning 110 dollars
not exactly a fortune
but not to be sneezed at neither
i hope its better than some of my other forays in education
lets face it i’m not the teacher type
im all over the place
and im talking in terms
yer average aussie punter
doing time at an art college
so he can still get the dole
he just doesnt understand what im talking about….
would a real songwriter
go to songwriting school?
my use of any lessons or tips
ive ever had or gleaned
were to augment my own self instruction
i taught myself to write n play n sing n paint n blogge
and it really shows… chuckles the devil on my shoulder
i overhear a coversation in the kitchen
and i poke my head round the door
mum can i read you a story? asks eve
brandishing a book about animals
its called the lion she says
dad wont like it says aurora
why not ?says mum
its got meat in it she says
he doesnt mind lions eating meat do you? mum asks
i think all lions should eat tempeh ! i say
they like my jimbo picture
one of your best ever they all say
the drizzle still drizzles
yeah teacher teach us a songman
after that im gonna play bass on someones record
then im meeting a friend at a cafe in bondi
the future seems foreboding
sydney is enveloped in a rainy mist
i dont feel cosy or comfortable
i feel raw
waiting for the chop
on notice
under observation
bills wend their way
next week a tv show and a wedding
wedding made me offer i couldnt refuse
im a jack of all fucking trades now
does your hedge needing bustling
does your guitar need elocution lessons
want a voiceover on your wedding nite
(cos my dulcet tones n cool accent are way better than the grooms)
(go man go !says little devil)
would you consider a little ambiguity with your fries
howabout a dong over the head with a fender bass?
thatll make you see some sense
you nailed it says devil
you nailed it!


persecutions complexgrey drizzle dawn mounts and muzzles bondi beachsome tourists resort to anythingbetween my shoulders..that old achethe yearsconflictangerholding it inholding it backi nuzzle sleep who recedes and recedes half relieved to escape ultra vivid scenes on dreams screensa non-believerhammering at rats with my shoelost in a mansfield st wilderness of paina white fog of smack fizzles to black morning of fearutterly alone in a cold and hurting houseno one comesthe minutes congeal into solid state timeeach second is razor edged slicing me openthe cuts go deep into beingtimecuts flay timebeingno one knocks at my dooranymoreno one rings me but the bank asking for its moneybackthe goodtimes oh they seem so far behindso longa goall my lives living side by sidemy scams gather round me screaming at me i can never outrun themwhining liesthe garden is cold and full of spidersthe empty cubby house with mouldy toysthose little birds flew the cooprats in the roof scratch and scrambleme, im out of everythingcars drive by outsidesydney grinds into actionthe world swirls by somehow out there but its unreachabledefeated on my feetknocked out loadedabsorbing hit after hitthrow down the towel over and overentropic necrotic less serotonin than a stonethe hours are ropes i bounce offwhile my invisible opponent slugs me under the skinpunchdrunk and hobblinga footprint of my former selvesi submit to any yokethe ceiling is a voidit calls my dead soulwhich cannot leave that screaming bodyits all mixed upi enter some semi-bardo statesome formless realmwithin my dreamand i am only painpains spirit incorporealembedded in some unspeakable tormenta wraith twisting and untwistingunwanted anywheretrying to leave but there is nowhere elsetime has not stoppedit never wasneverno timeno beingno right or wrongno lyneham highno bass guitarno floral shirtsno gigs in melbourneno smokes no drinks no girlsno friends no enemiesno records to makeno appointments to cancelno […]

persecutions complex
grey drizzle dawn mounts and muzzles bondi beach
some tourists resort
to anything
between my shoulders..that old ache
the years
holding it in
holding it back
i nuzzle sleep who recedes and recedes
half relieved to escape ultra vivid scenes on dreams screens
a non-believer
hammering at rats with my shoe
lost in a mansfield st wilderness of pain
a white fog of smack fizzles to black morning of fear
utterly alone in a cold and hurting house
no one comes
the minutes congeal into solid state time
each second is razor edged slicing me open
the cuts go deep into being
timecuts flay timebeing
no one knocks at my dooranymore
no one rings me but the bank asking for its moneyback
the goodtimes oh they seem so far behind
so longa go
all my lives living side by side
my scams gather round me
screaming at me
i can never outrun them
whining lies
the garden is cold and full of spiders
the empty cubby house with mouldy toys
those little birds flew the coop
rats in the roof scratch and scramble
me, im out of everything
cars drive by outside
sydney grinds into action
the world swirls by somehow out there but its unreachable
defeated on my feet
knocked out loaded
absorbing hit after hit
throw down the towel over and over
entropic necrotic
less serotonin than a stone
the hours are ropes i bounce off
while my invisible opponent
slugs me under the skin
punchdrunk and hobbling
a footprint of my former selves
i submit to any yoke
the ceiling is a void
it calls my dead soul
which cannot leave that screaming body
its all mixed up
i enter some semi-bardo state
some formless realm
within my dream
and i am only pain
pains spirit incorporeal
embedded in some unspeakable torment
a wraith twisting and untwisting
unwanted anywhere
trying to leave but there is nowhere else
time has not stopped
it never was
no time
no being
no right or wrong
no lyneham high
no bass guitar
no floral shirts
no gigs in melbourne
no smokes no drinks no girls
no friends no enemies
no records to make
no appointments to cancel
no dealers to ring
no money to pay
no prospects no future
what do you have then?
just memories
all writhing with malice
all distorted by time
all faded in the fog
all withered in the draconian winter

the prophet margin

my friend mem the artist tarot designer and all round trippersent me this book2012interesting stufftalking about the coming end of life as we know it2012 the deadlinethe maya predicted itplus a few othersthe book is about many things strangely close to my heartprophecysouth american pre spanish civilizationsayahuasca..the power and the lightmushrooms n acidman/woman…the inherent dilemmasintuition and pseudo-intuitionthe gods and the devilsthe very nature of realityart and its purposesyeahits bloody good reading if you like that stuffuh huhand i was digging where mr daniel pinchbeckwas coming fromhighly intellectual and a great dabbler in the psychedelicsa brave manhe goes to africa where he takes iboga with the bwiti tribeoh dear kilbey much too cowardly for that larkaccording to the magic botaniststhe iboga can be seen as a masculineto the ayahuascas femininehe had taken it and it was very IN YOUR FACE!!!my god…its one that i dont want to try..he goes to burning man festival in the nevada desert(or is it utah?)and takes military uppers n loadsa psychedelicshe goes to the amazon and has the ayaand has some lovely visions on itpinchbeck like meindulges in drugs not merely for kicksbut out of a genuine need to explore the inner realmsaccessible only by some discipline(martial arts, yoga etc)or by plants that i and he believeswere put on this planet for humanities evolutionand god dont we need it…his descriptions of the psychedelic state are excellentits hard to find words sometimes but he doeshe struggles with transmissions from outside sourcesand oscillates between delusions of grandeurand feeling sore and sorry(just like the time being)he digs up some cool quotes and examplesand will turn you on to some great authorsokat the end of the bookmr pinchbeck actually sorta posits himselfmr daniel pinchbeckthis scrawny sickly new york leftie intellectualas quetzalcoatlmexican god who will herald the new agethe apocalypsea collapse […]

my friend mem
the artist tarot designer and all round tripper
sent me this book
interesting stuff
talking about the coming end of life as we know it
2012 the deadline
the maya predicted it
plus a few others
the book is about many things strangely close to my heart
south american pre spanish civilizations
ayahuasca..the power and the light
mushrooms n acid
man/woman…the inherent dilemmas
intuition and pseudo-intuition
the gods and the devils
the very nature of reality
art and its purposes
its bloody good reading if you like that stuff
uh huh
and i was digging where mr daniel pinchbeck
was coming from
highly intellectual and a great dabbler in the psychedelics
a brave man
he goes to africa where he takes iboga with the bwiti tribe
oh dear kilbey much too cowardly for that lark
according to the magic botanists
the iboga can be seen as a masculine
to the ayahuascas feminine
he had taken it and it was very IN YOUR FACE!!!
my god…its one that i dont want to try..
he goes to burning man festival in the nevada desert
(or is it utah?)
and takes military uppers n loadsa psychedelics
he goes to the amazon and has the aya
and has some lovely visions on it
pinchbeck like me
indulges in drugs not merely for kicks
but out of a genuine need to explore the inner realms
accessible only by some discipline(martial arts, yoga etc)
or by plants that i and he believes
were put on this planet for humanities evolution
and god dont we need it…
his descriptions of the psychedelic state are excellent
its hard to find words sometimes but he does
he struggles with transmissions from outside sources
and oscillates between delusions of grandeur
and feeling sore and sorry
(just like the time being)
he digs up some cool quotes and examples
and will turn you on to some great authors
at the end of the book
mr pinchbeck actually sorta posits himself
mr daniel pinchbeck
this scrawny sickly new york leftie intellectual
as quetzalcoatl
mexican god
who will herald the new age
the apocalypse
a collapse of old structures
the exterior ones
the interior ones
he also sorta says
that he believes himself to be an incarnation of ashoka
an important buddhist emperor beloved of the gods
can you imagine if i was saying this sorta thing…??!
i am nonplussed
he even prints out part of the transmission
and im sorry to say this daniel
it just didnt feel like the stuff a god (or archetype) would say
it sounds like you
it sounds like your language
im sorry daniel
as a bit of a poet
i reckon quetz would have more linguistic chop
even if english aint his 1st language
and he would reveal……..more….?
look im not sneering
this is an impressive book
but there some mighty impressive claims
where would you go from there?
how would you expect people to treat you?
what happens when/if 2013 rolls around
and we’re sitting here with the same old bunch
doing the same old things
what will he say then…?
actually myself
before his incredible revelation of who he (thinks he) is
i was thinking
so this is my task too
with music and blogge and art and vegan rants
to help usher in this newtime
at the end of time
believe me somethings got to give
the maya were very enigmatic and canny people
if they say something will happen in 2012
i believe it possibly will
quetzlpinchbeck says
it will be a revolution of the heart
god i hope hes right
how amazing if it happens in my lifetime
quite frankly i was a little disappointed by the ending
im amazed at his sheer gall in coming to this conclusion
i admire his balls too
apparently this book is now a runaway best seller
well hes gonna be a rich scrawny little god at any rate
perhaps it is quetzalcoatl talking
nothing would surprise me..
perhaps danny succumbed to the delusions
of a drug ravaged mind
perhaps it seemed a good ending for his book
why not?
all of the above
which is quite possible
me myself
i am the god dionysus
come to earth bringing intoxication and ceremonial love
i usher in this age with my approaching new record
i am the reincarnation of dr john dee and dante and lancelot-du-lac
i weild music and words that cause your soul to remember
i am a door
i am a springboard
i am a clue
i am a dichotomy
i am both weak and strong
i am both right and wrong
i am the real deal
with my grey beard and eyes
i truly sing the body electrique
i have explored the inner realms
i have traveled this planet
my message is not for everyone
i have learned
i am learning
i have erred
i have fallen
i have made amends
i am back on track
i will deliver and be delivered
i will save and be saved
ladies and gentlemen
whoever may be out there
i am locked on
i can be thrown off
but i will never be shaken
i will persevere
i am the time being
my message is not for everyone
i am no leader
i am no schoolteacher
i am no boss or chief
i am an individual
i follow my own tortuous glorious path
i have known exultation and degradation
my band is called the church
because the music we play is from our souls
my prophecies are in my songs
numbers was my own confused transmission of 911
two years before it happened
i told ya the ice was melting down down down in 86
i told ya to travel by thought in 83
i told ya bout the empty place in 80
i told ya a lotta stuff that was just lyrics too
stuff that was just there for aesthetic reasons
you see
thats me
babblebabblegeniusbabble babble babblemoregenius babble
i gotta get that ratio looking better
still its better than most of the pure babble out there
you know what i can do
you know my failings
possibly chuckle at them
maybe they reflect your own failings
and it irks thee
no one is more human than me
i come complete with many faults and failings
it is my job to dismantle them
i got off to a slow start
i only jumped into real action a few years ago
in my late forties
late steve kilbey
early cos hes got nowhere else to go
i tell you this and i tell you true
i work hard on my creations
even though they come easily to me
i am unbelievably switched on
whatever the fuck that means
but go do yoga for five years straight
be vegan-ish
and explore your mind with mother nature
and you will be in a different place
than a flabby exjunkie drinking milk
eating horrible eggs and having no discipline
i look in the mirror and i see deep lines and old skin
i see my hair is thinner
my teeth are chipped and yellower
my beard becoming whiter and whiter
but i see the sharp ascetic features
of good old style prophet seer or sage too
out of my old faces
emerging a new visage
a kinder face
sadder wiser eyes
bigger smile
i am the time being
there is no other
i am uninfluenced by anyone or anything
i am an original
my creations will go on giving all your life
i am he who am the only one
my face is young and gold and silvery old
i move like a panther on tartex spread
i fulfill the ancient words
i am from nineveh
i am of the priest cast
confess everything to me
bishop still equals handjob
is it love that makes us rock?
mechanical bird of prey sing for your emperor
i am erskine
i am new man
i am the killer
i am the fool
i am nothing special
i am a conduit and a channel
i am a washed up popsinger no one remembers
i am my fathers son
i am steve fucking kilbey
the story goes on
you know who i ams
this is a new day
can any of us help
the maya prophecy
that 2012
will be a revolution of the heart
become a reality
and let the “good” guys
have a shot
at running things

unrepentant and defiant

the time being with all his paperthe daughters of time using up the futurepierced in the side by his own arrowsloved by his devoteesscorned by the dull carnivorous ninniessomehow attracted to himhurling abuse and maliceprompted by their misunderstood love for himnevertheless they read and read onand they listen to the musicand they grow deceitful and enviousthreatening himparading their inanitieswhy?why not give in to the great lovethey hold for this manthis man they secretly worship so muchthey feel compelled and drivento contradict and mock his sage wordsoh sad day for ninnies…if they really didnt love himthey would leaveyet they remaintrying to think of new ways to needlethis saintly manthis handsome clever manplayer of many instrumentswriter of music and wordsthis kindly olde fellowthis venerable and veritable kingalashis message is not for everyone to my dearest ones around the world i now say thisi appreciate your deep loveknow now that it is reciprocated a hundredfoldit saddens me to see you desert my sideyet if that truly be your paththen go forward in good steadalso know thisi have been a foolto attack the idiocies spouted by the ninniesi should never have got involvedi will no longer comment on my commentsi am permanently disabling anonsi can no longer suffer their impudenceand for a whilemy blogges will be writtenin a sense of isolationas i ponder my own folliesand those of the general hoi polloi dont lose hearteventually time will prevail over alltry another life st stevenwounded by lovewounded by hatredthe holy city of bondi, many leagues hence54 tbe

the time being with all his paper
the daughters of time using up the future
pierced in the side by his own arrows
loved by his devotees
scorned by the dull carnivorous ninnies
somehow attracted to him
hurling abuse and malice
prompted by their misunderstood love for him
nevertheless they read and read on
and they listen to the music
and they grow deceitful and envious
threatening him
parading their inanities
why not give in to the great love
they hold for this man
this man they secretly worship so much
they feel compelled and driven
to contradict and mock his sage words
oh sad day for ninnies…
if they really didnt love him
they would leave
yet they remain
trying to think of new ways to needle
this saintly man
this handsome clever man
player of many instruments
writer of music and words
this kindly olde fellow
this venerable and veritable king
his message is not for everyone

to my dearest ones around the world i now say this
i appreciate your deep love
know now that it is reciprocated a hundredfold
it saddens me to see you desert my side
yet if that truly be your path
then go forward in good stead
also know this
i have been a fool
to attack the idiocies spouted by the ninnies
i should never have got involved
i will no longer comment on my comments
i am permanently disabling anons
i can no longer suffer their impudence
and for a while
my blogges will be written
in a sense of isolation
as i ponder my own follies
and those of the general hoi polloi

dont lose heart
time will prevail over all
try another life

st steven
wounded by love
wounded by hatred
the holy city of bondi, many leagues hence
54 tbe

i pity the poor hippygrunt

the west…….uh, i dunnoit is so hard to detach from your cultureto see it for what it is through other(s) eyesso hard to escape the zeitgeistif we were raised eating wormsmost of us would still be eating themif we were raised and told that turnips were poisonouswe would avoid themwe are preprogrammedwe do not think freelywe swallow whatever they dish uphooked headline and stinkerwe are so buried in our own cultures baloneywe cant see which way is upnow the west has sold you a couple of ideasi persistently go on about these ideason n on non anonthese ideas are at the very crux of our civilizationyou see the angry ignorant responses on my commentsone chap sayswithout meat we will all starve…and i should be on opera windfree showwith my zany dribble..well my friendlet me reiterate thisthe united nationsas well as many u.s. n u.k. studies concludethat the meat industry is the single greatest contributing factorto this planets critical conditionthats not my opinionits the experts…at least whoever is the experts todayyou seethe extraordinary amounts of cowdung n pissthe fact it takes 9 pounds of soy to produce one pound of beef(beef :a cute word for a bit of decaying dismembered cow…long dead)and that cattle farming destroys the soiland the refrigerationetcyou seeone day you gonna be asked to give up your kobe beefif it gets even more critical with the weatherhopefully meat will be outlawedit is after allinhumane bloodthirsty macabre and it producesignorant meatheads who are actually addicted to the gore (like gore)it causes cancer heart attack stroke and stupidityit brings much misery down on our planetit brings bad karma (oooh hippy dribble)anyway how was the kobe beefyou wont shit it out for 3 days or soso your intestines can get to know it real intimatelyas your weak digestive juice slowly slowlybut […]

the west…….
uh, i dunno
it is so hard to detach from your culture
to see it for what it is through other(s) eyes
so hard to escape the zeitgeist
if we were raised eating worms
most of us would still be eating them
if we were raised and told that turnips were poisonous
we would avoid them
we are preprogrammed
we do not think freely
we swallow whatever they dish up
hooked headline and stinker
we are so buried in our own cultures baloney
we cant see which way is up
now the west has sold you a couple of ideas
i persistently go on about these ideas
on n on non anon
these ideas are at the very crux of our civilization
you see the angry ignorant responses on my comments
one chap says
without meat we will all starve…
and i should be on opera windfree show
with my zany dribble..
well my friend
let me reiterate this
the united nations
as well as many u.s. n u.k. studies conclude
that the meat industry is the single greatest contributing factor
to this planets critical condition
thats not my opinion
its the experts…at least whoever is the experts today
you see
the extraordinary amounts of cowdung n piss
the fact it takes 9 pounds of soy to produce one pound of beef
(beef :a cute word for a bit of decaying dismembered cow…long dead)
and that cattle farming destroys the soil
and the refrigeration
you see
one day you gonna be asked to give up your kobe beef
if it gets even more critical with the weather
hopefully meat will be outlawed
it is after all
inhumane bloodthirsty macabre and it produces
ignorant meatheads who are actually addicted to the gore (like gore)
it causes cancer heart attack stroke and stupidity
it brings much misery down on our planet
it brings bad karma (oooh hippy dribble)
anyway how was the kobe beef
you wont shit it out for 3 days or so
so your intestines can get to know it real intimately
as your weak digestive juice slowly slowly
but ineffectually attempt to break it down
no mr kobe beef
we dont have that same acidic juice of the carnivores
ooh mr kobe beef
its rotting in your tummy, my son
your tummy is not a freezer
have you seen a piece of meat 3 days out of a freezer?
and its backed up
behind all the other various grisly remains
that sit putrefying inside you
rotting within your stomach, my dear friend
all that decay
and chemicals
and adrenaline from the dead miserable creature
jesus i know
im never gonna change your mind, am i?
no longer an ethical crusade
meat has been officially ascertained
as enemy number ONE of planet earth
you can now do whatever you like…
hey sometimes the u.n. are right though
remember all those weapons of mass destruction
they said mr s hussein didnt have?
do you remember a couple of years ago
when i was self righteously ranting against iraqi war
and i’d have a hundred furious comments
saying i was all kinds of things
a coward
an idiot
yet i hear nothing these days
not one squeak of protest when i broach this
or maybe
they all pissed off when we had the big veg schism
interesting correlation isnt it…?
the other big stupid lie the west esp u.s.
have sold us
we the people
is that the plants herbs and trees of this planet
the plants that bring visions
they have sold us the idea that these plants are “wrong”
i have said most of this before
but just one more time
up until 1900 there were no such things as illegal drugs
it was a matter of personal choice
of course , i guess
the witch burners set alight many healers and wise-women
who were skilled in herbal lore
an early example of ignorant repression by a certain type of man
the type of man who fears the feminine
who fears mysticism
who fears philosophy
who fears to create
who fears the unknown
who fears the ineffable wonder of nature
who scoffs at god(s)
who clings to his safe ignorance
parrotting his masters ignorance
the bishops
and generals
and the “law”
the secret agents
the “war” presidents, deserters themselves
the lords and kings
trotting out the bullshit of the time
a man with no ritual
a man with no culture
a man unable to create anything of beauty and charm
a fearful cynical man
feeling all safe in his cynicism and cliches
you see “drugs” were made illegal in the 1900s
to bust blacks n intellectuals n the poor n asians n whoever else
they werent made illegal for your own good
come on…do you really believe that?
and they teach you to fear and ridicule the people who use them
those stupid witchdoctors in the jungles
those stupid hippy trippy hippies with their peace n flower bullshit
i mean..peace n fucking flowers…how useless is that?
the western govts say these illegal drugs are “wrong”
people taking them are so naughty
that they are jailed and even executed
tim leary spent years in jail for possessing a joint
what did they fear?
the west govt made a whole loada stuff illegal
creating an instant blackmarket
full of crime prostituton smuggling corruption
that did not previously exist
do you ever hear much about the drug problems
in other times and places….?
your own governments created it!
more marijuana smokers in u.s. jails than ever
to keep them from harming themselves?
to deter them from crime?
because the govt said dont do it
but they did n now goddamn it we gotta show em
will society collapse if people smoke dope?
some kids beat up a guy n smoked pot..ban pot
some kids beat up a guy n ate a sandwich..ban sandwiches
take me
i been smoking dope 36 years
i mean it cant be too bad, can it?
i mean
my resting pulse is 55
my blood pressure is low man low
i am 54 nearly
i swim a mile
i walk 2 or 3 miles
i do 1 and a half hours of yoga
i write a blog
i raise my kids
i pay my taxes
i produce much artistic work
i donate monthly to 2 charities :greenpeace n heart foundation
i perform concerts i travel i meet n greet
i love my mother
i dont beat my wife or kids
i dont steal rob or create trouble
i am quite sane
i am quite lucid
i continue to improve at singing playing writing
i mix socially with people
i am fit healthy productive and peaceful
should i go to jail?
am i just a stoned wanker?
am i the cliche?
or you?
where have you travelled?
what have you seen?
have you ever explored other states of mind
other planes
other universe within nature
do you write poetry
can you stand on a fucking stage
and keep people amused for 3 hours?
or are you a cog in the mechanism
mouthing the trueisms…?
the hippies failed
yes they did
the “straights” prevailed
yes they did
the psychedelic revolution of the heart of the sixties
was crushed and ridiculed
all those hippy wankers
stoned stupid
tripping peacenik fools
the western govts (the rest mostly cowed by the u.s.)
have told you that the psychedelic plants on this planet
are wrong
are evil
they wage wars on these plants
destroying and burning
just like a real inquisitor does
just like a real witchburner or nazi bookburner
just like superstitious cavemen
suppressing thought that differs from their own
trampling all over your “rights”
ask yourself this straightman
why do they fear the psychedelics so vehemently?
answer: ignorance

the most original sin

i am the time beingin some ways a fooli have also been given insighti believe every idiot has a genius inside themit just depends on how thick the membrane isseparating the idiot you from the deep genius withini dont know about youbut i lived a million times before thisi been everythingrock animal star twig worm human alieni contain a thousand paintersi contain a thousand musiciansi contain a thousand poetsi contain a thousand loversthese lives i have ledwhat separates me from their memories..?buddha on gaining enlightenmentcould see his previous lives sliding backone after anotherhe could see them allhis evolution towards simplicity…the memories are there in all of ushypnosis gives us fractured murky glimpsesa snatch of conversation herean event or face therechildren, particularly those born in india or tibetwhere reincarnation is a fact of liveschildren who remember their lastlifechildren born speaking a language fluentlysometimes even dead languageschildren born speaking some lost lingothey gotta get some toffy prof to identify itchildren with insane musical abilitychildren who have been growing and growingthrough lifetime after lifetimesuddenly that membrane rupturesthat elusive nonexistent real nonethelessgo oni dare youremember before “you” were bornnope nothing coming to mebutby the magical power of yogawhich i have practised diligently now some 5 yearseverydayyoga meaning yoke or unionif you think yoga is just a bunch of exercisesyoure mistakenunfortunately you’ll never know till you tryin many ways sk parallels his ibook G4the killer has NEVER played around with his i-moviewith his garage bandnever uses his entourage or a million other things built ini been using it to write blogssend emailsmaybe watch some naughty stuffmaybe read some rocknroll drivelbut mainly reallyits potential is unrealisedah…no we humans have other powers n abilitiesyoga helps facilitate thisyoga gradually melts the membranemakes it get thinner n thinnerlike the enamel on my poor teethyoga grinds down the membraneyoga […]

i am the time being
in some ways a fool
i have also been given insight
i believe every idiot has a genius inside them
it just depends on how thick the membrane is
separating the idiot you from the deep genius within
i dont know about you
but i lived a million times before this
i been everything
rock animal star twig worm human alien
i contain a thousand painters
i contain a thousand musicians
i contain a thousand poets
i contain a thousand lovers
these lives i have led
what separates me from their memories..?
buddha on gaining enlightenment
could see his previous lives sliding back
one after another
he could see them all
his evolution towards simplicity…
the memories are there in all of us
hypnosis gives us fractured murky glimpses
a snatch of conversation here
an event or face there
children, particularly those born in india or tibet
where reincarnation is a fact of lives
children who remember their lastlife
children born speaking a language fluently
sometimes even dead languages
children born speaking some lost lingo
they gotta get some toffy prof to identify it
children with insane musical ability
children who have been growing and growing
through lifetime after lifetime
suddenly that membrane ruptures
that elusive nonexistent membrane..
so real nonetheless
go on
i dare you
remember before “you” were born
nope nothing coming to me
by the magical power of yoga
which i have practised diligently now some 5 years
yoga meaning yoke or union
if you think yoga is just a bunch of exercises
youre mistaken
unfortunately you’ll never know till you try
in many ways sk parallels his ibook G4
the killer has NEVER played around with his i-movie
with his garage band
never uses his entourage or a million other things built in
i been using it to write blogs
send emails
maybe watch some naughty stuff
maybe read some rocknroll drivel
but mainly really
its potential is unrealised
no we humans have other powers n abilities
yoga helps facilitate this
yoga gradually melts the membrane
makes it get thinner n thinner
like the enamel on my poor teeth
yoga grinds down the membrane
yoga the pursuit of stillness and paradox
yoga union with all selves
yoga union with unified field
unity past present future
yoga is a mystery
you never know what yoga will do
ha ha ha
i done the hard yards
the unrewarding bit
like learning your latin conjugations
or going over your minor scales
you gotta practise ;diligence is required
you gotta have faith like that greek guy said
anyway yoga is doing its job
just as age is doing its job
age pulls me apart
yoga reassembles me
yoga whispers
here try a little clairvoyance
try a little soul
try a little merging in the wonderful one
all is one
i am part of all
yoga gently destroy the western paradigm
yoga making me strong in body and mind
yoga making me see
see things i cannot say
subtle power
subtle strength
subtle charm
and then theres drugs
drugs is a bad word
drug has negative western connotations
fuck all that!
i am a free spirit and i am a citizen of earth
the beautiful earth
oh my planet
you are in dialogue with those who have ears to listen
you provide medicines and elixirs
with your lovely plants
you communicate with us
the visions the journeys the astral travel
the breakthroughs into pure creativity
some jump forward
the western govts sold us a lie
the vine
these things
these holy gifts these sacraments
created by nature
aligning with specific receptors in man
did nature produce an abomination in dmt?
isnt this substance already present in our pineal gland?
the pineal aka the seat of the soul
the us govt made dmt a class a drug
they have said
like olde jealous cranky jehovah said
if you eat this of this tree
(dmt comes from bark)
you will be as gods (like him)
the govt dont want you smoking dmt
is it because they are so concerned for your health?
oh ha ha hardy ha
yes sir
would you like an uzi machine gun?
would you like a cigarette?
would you like a micro wave?
would you like some meat?
would you like some deforestation?
would you like some iraqi war?
would you like some neglect in the face of disaster?
but im sorry sir
the govt is protecting you for your own good
we believe dmt is evil
we believe its bad for you
we are protecting you
drugs are for addicts and madmen
they harm our society
we have given you alcohol (not a drug, a poison!)
we have given you tobacco
we have given you valium and thalidomide
we have invented tranquilizers so you can be tranquil
but this dmt….
we believe in order
we believe in being sensible
we believe everyman has a right to a steak and eggs
the united nations may have indeed reported
that becoming vegan is the fastest way to redress this earths sickness
and big fat old al gore and all the rest
are they fuckin vegans yet?
are they driving their half electric lexus munching a mcatrocity
ignoring the obvious
cos theyre so addicted to dead meat
(i dont wanna earth if i cant have meat)
they chopping down the HOLY AMAZON
the lungs of this planet
home of shamans and the vine
i was right about meat 30 years ago
i predicted it would be outlawed in my lifetime
and now i believe it will come to pass
they laughed at me then
i say all war is terrorism
i say meat and murder and ignorance
is as much part of western thought
as shakespeare and rodin and steve fucking kilbey
the current regimes will disintegrate
the criminals will be punished
if not in this life
then the next
when george bush reincarnates as a kid in some country
where an imperialist imbecile who rigged an election
has just dropped a smart bomb on his street
and bits of his mummy and daddy are lying all around
when cheney reincarnates as a fat parasitic worm in
connie rices large intestine
when the dmt is handed out
and guns are non existent
when leaders are visionaries a la gandhi
when ignorance is abhored
when the rednecks turn on
when the klan trip
when the president is a yogi and a shaman
fuck yeah!
thats my kinda world
make it happen
do it!
we can!
save the world!
vegetal magic
peace and the light of love
but first
we have to take out the garbage n trash
coming soon near you…

killazilla versus the bunbun girl

talk about david n go-lightlytalk about uneventhe killer weighing in at 183 pounds of fleshthe poor lil bunbun girlbbg:hey do you like japanese animation?no!bbg:hey do you like japanese food?i like age dashi dofu without the shaved fishi like tofu teriakii like udon noodlesbbg:ok…do you like to visit japan , spend a little money?quite frankly i cant afford itbbg:ok how you like some japanese grannies come to bonditake digital picture of your babyscarlet?how you like a new sony lobe-implantwith clock/radio/barometer..?we put solar panel in your headit go and go longtimecan connect to most apple products…what about my bass guitar?bbg: jack or rca?we put dock just behind ears..cranium natural reverb chamberno need for ampli-frier ever again…wow bunbun girl…maybe i should come to japan after allbbg: yes just now for only 3500 new euro dollars *you get:3 nights in hotel cell with free astro boy tv and snack machine1 lump of complimentary horseradishauthentic balsa wood chop stickget the geisha makeup treatment at mrs tonahakas hair n nails2 tickets for scenic n historic subway ridea visit to dae-woo factoryriuchi sacka-motos new exclusive bonzai pianoshang out with actor who played the horse in “monkey”by the way killazilla,did you know that people here love new south whales?ha ha! thats just a joke for youif you like rocknrollthen we have the tokyo sputnik boyzwho do swedish punk band covers in japaneseor we have mika mikahoto a virtual pop starhere on japanese internetshe comes fully interactive…parents should advise front desk for this service to be deactivatedyou can purchase any top movie at anytimeincluding such blockbusters asninja whinger: a henpecked swordsman slips up..whoops!and the popular right nowdesperately seeking bunbun girlstarring hundreds of different bun bun girls…hang on bunbun girl…theres more than one bunbun girl?bbg: oh yes there at least one million bunbun girlssome girls only can be onebun girl, […]

talk about david n go-lightly
talk about uneven
the killer weighing in at 183 pounds of flesh
the poor lil bunbun girl
bbg:hey do you like japanese animation?
bbg:hey do you like japanese food?
i like age dashi dofu without the shaved fish
i like tofu teriaki
i like udon noodles
bbg:ok…do you like to visit japan , spend a little money?
quite frankly i cant afford it
bbg:ok how you like some japanese grannies come to bondi
take digital picture of your babyscarlet?
how you like a new sony lobe-implant
with clock/radio/barometer..?
we put solar panel in your head
it go and go longtime
can connect to most apple products…
what about my bass guitar?
bbg: jack or rca?
we put dock just behind ears..
cranium natural reverb chamber
no need for ampli-frier ever again…
wow bunbun girl…maybe i should come to japan after all
bbg: yes just now for only 3500 new euro dollars *
you get:
3 nights in hotel cell with free astro boy tv and snack machine
1 lump of complimentary horseradish
authentic balsa wood chop stick
get the geisha makeup treatment at mrs tonahakas hair n nails
2 tickets for scenic n historic subway ride
a visit to dae-woo factory
riuchi sacka-motos new exclusive bonzai pianos
hang out with actor who played the horse in “monkey”
by the way killazilla,
did you know that people here love new south whales?
ha ha! thats just a joke for you
if you like rocknroll
then we have the tokyo sputnik boyz
who do swedish punk band covers in japanese
or we have mika mikahoto a virtual pop star
here on japanese internet
she comes fully interactive…
parents should advise front desk
for this service to be deactivated
you can purchase any top movie at anytime
including such blockbusters as
ninja whinger: a henpecked swordsman slips up..whoops!
and the popular right now
desperately seeking bunbun girl
starring hundreds of different bun bun girls…
hang on bunbun girl…theres more than one bunbun girl?
bbg: oh yes there at least one million bunbun girls
some girls only can be onebun girl, you know
but my sister for example
she a bunbunbunbun girl or quad-bun
you can gain or lose buns you see…
are there any bunbun boys over there?
bbg: what? oh ha ha..i get from sydney.oh ha ha
no actually no bunbun boys but we have ballball boys..
i hope to marry ballball boy one day
raise little balls n buns of our own….
land of the rising bun, eh?
bbg: what…? oh you very funny
you could be dingding man in my country easy…
ok bye now
contact me on
* could be up to ten times this amount
see financial institution for more money

time being: ah, and only yesterday i was a sage….

the end

nip it in the buddha

oh boyseems i lucked outn actually wrote something “sage” yesterdayso todayi have the choicekeep going with the sageorprofane as usualnow aint that a human thing to doyou know its this…or its thatwhen reallythe sacred doth indeed contain the profaneand surely vice versalast night after enjoying the ripened fruits of conjugal lovei fell into a deep deep slumberfrom which my wife couldnt wake meeventually she must have fallen asleepand we were lying back to backin my dream arcs of emerald green energy bound usthe energy connected us at every nadithere was intelligence behind the energysoothing calm it was everywhereawake during sleepi dreamed up deep of this feelingit was like we were within a cage of pure shooting lighti could feel my wife sleeping so deep and peacefullyjust beyond her the babylove taking on the form of fleshour passion now personifiedblissfully knocked out in some naughty little girl worldin her dreams scarlet wades through nutella marsheswith her dora backpack full of the littlest petsthe night was milky greya warmish breeze barely made the blinds movein my dream julian the magician appearedthere he was quite matter o factits all happening , isnt it he saidhe was hyper realhe was superimposed on the other thinglike a sports commentator might appear on top of the footyjulian hung around for a whilei could see the weave of his rust coloured jumperi could see him eating wattle seed yoghurtn having a cheeky laughits all happening, isnt it he said againi said to himare you somewhere travelling down the vineare you floating in some dmt sky?maybe i am he saidwhys it all happening? i ask himjulian likes people to do their own thinking thoughhe doesnt trot out some old stupid answerhe looks at mehe saysi know youi know who you aream i ready? i askhe laughs a little […]

oh boy
seems i lucked out
n actually wrote something “sage” yesterday
so today
i have the choice
keep going with the sage
profane as usual
now aint that a human thing to do
you know its this…or its that
when really
the sacred doth indeed contain the profane
and surely vice versa
last night after enjoying the ripened fruits of conjugal love
i fell into a deep deep slumber
from which my wife couldnt wake me
eventually she must have fallen asleep
and we were lying back to back
in my dream arcs of emerald green energy bound us
the energy connected us at every nadi
there was intelligence behind the energy
soothing calm
it was everywhere
awake during sleep
i dreamed up deep of this feeling
it was like we were within a cage of pure shooting light
i could feel my wife sleeping so deep and peacefully
just beyond her the baby
love taking on the form of flesh
our passion now personified
blissfully knocked out in some naughty little girl world
in her dreams scarlet wades through nutella marshes
with her dora backpack full of the littlest pets
the night was milky grey
a warmish breeze barely made the blinds move
in my dream julian the magician appeared
there he was quite matter o fact
its all happening , isnt it he said
he was hyper real
he was superimposed on the other thing
like a sports commentator might appear on top of the footy
julian hung around for a while
i could see the weave of his rust coloured jumper
i could see him eating wattle seed yoghurt
n having a cheeky laugh
its all happening, isnt it he said again
i said to him
are you somewhere travelling down the vine
are you floating in some dmt sky?
maybe i am he said
whys it all happening? i ask him
julian likes people to do their own thinking though
he doesnt trot out some old stupid answer
he looks at me
he says
i know you
i know who you are
am i ready? i ask
he laughs a little cruelly at this
no he says
my questions start bubbling out
why not? when will i? how should it?
hes looking at me again
slightly shaking his head
why ask me? he telepaths at me
all the answers are with you
in you
in everyone
julian grins and pisses off
to whatever strange plane he was hanging out in
the energy grid was still connecting me n my wife
its true i said to myself
isnt it?
what? said my stupid “left” brain
the answer?
no said mcsage
the buddha of eastern suburbia
there are no answers
there are no questions
there just is
there is an “is”
and it just “is”
oh said left lobe
and they both went back to sleep
both wife and i
very recharged this morning
mmmm yes
thank you to all concerned!

we will fall

another day comes and fades into historyhit history killwe dont want people to revisit it againtimetravellers arriving in 08aliens among usthe old nepalese lady next door is maybe kalilights incense to the elephant headed godold jumbo himselflord ganeshagod of thresholdsgod of overcoming barriersson of shivabrahma vishnu shivathe trinityfather son holy spiritvishnu reincarnates as ramathen as krishnathen as buddhagod comes into the world to experience himselfisnt that all of us?i ask why must i experience this pain and longing?i ask why i must experience this agonizing separation?i must have needed iti must have needed to go through the humiliation of addictioni must have needed to gain and losei must have needed to sing and playmy eternal soul needed to enact these thingsmy friend in hospital…why god why?but frank sayswe will all learn by his examplethis is his giftthough the price is a terrible one for him….everything i take for grantedeven having a peeor blowing my noseis now denied himhes just lying there waiting to pass awaybut i see himand i learnthe fragility of lifethe omni-presence of deaththe courage of humanitythe sacrifice of heroesi learnyou can live your life like a mantake it on the chincop it sweet my fiendsscop it sweetlife will break all our hearts before we gothis is not permanentyou may lose your teeth and hair and good looksyou may lose your friends n parents n (god forbid) childrenyou will be blamed for what ya never didothers may take the credit for your hard laboursyou will be spurned when you most needed loveyou will be swamped when you most needed solitudegood things will turn uglyugly things will become hideousyou will inevitably become oldeand the world will rush on by youand you may feel used up and uselessothers will surpass youalways someone richer younger smarter luckierbut always someone more down […]

another day comes and fades into history
hit history kill
we dont want people to revisit it again
timetravellers arriving in 08
aliens among us
the old nepalese lady next door is maybe kali
lights incense to the elephant headed god
old jumbo himself
lord ganesha
god of thresholds
god of overcoming barriers
son of shiva
brahma vishnu shiva
the trinity
father son holy spirit
vishnu reincarnates as rama
then as krishna
then as buddha
god comes into the world to experience himself
isnt that all of us?
i ask why must i experience this pain and longing?
i ask why i must experience this agonizing separation?
i must have needed it
i must have needed to go through the humiliation of addiction
i must have needed to gain and lose
i must have needed to sing and play
my eternal soul needed to enact these things
my friend in hospital…why god why?
but frank says
we will all learn by his example
this is his gift
though the price is a terrible one for him….
everything i take for granted
even having a pee
or blowing my nose
is now denied him
hes just lying there waiting to pass away
but i see him
and i learn
the fragility of life
the omni-presence of death
the courage of humanity
the sacrifice of heroes
i learn
you can live your life like a man
take it on the chin
cop it sweet my fiendss
cop it sweet
life will break all our hearts before we go
this is not permanent
you may lose your teeth and hair and good looks
you may lose your friends n parents n (god forbid) children
you will be blamed for what ya never did
others may take the credit for your hard labours
you will be spurned when you most needed love
you will be swamped when you most needed solitude
good things will turn ugly
ugly things will become hideous
you will inevitably become olde
and the world will rush on by you
and you may feel used up and useless
others will surpass you
always someone richer younger smarter luckier
but always someone more down n out
comparisons have always fucked me up
youre jealous of some geezer
who suddenly croaks in a bad way
what do you do with yer jealousy then?
did you learn?
didja find another bloke who seems to be living it large
and envy him instead?
theres a reason that youre you
i never wanted to be me
anyone but me
someone with a better name
someone with no freckles and stronger arms
someone who sells a billion records and got no worries
at first someone older
then someone younger
someone american
someone indian
someone living in ancient greece
someone with a big house in vaucluse
someone here or there
someone with a yacht
someone who flies business class
someone somewhere warm n cosy
in with the in crowd
someone like picasso
someone like that guy over there
he looks like hes got it all together..
of course i look at all the others
the ones i dont want to be
oh im glad im not as old or sick or washed up as so n so
oh im glad im not an annoying fucking idiot like robbie willy-i-ams
oh im glad im not as stupid or damned like georgie bush
oh im glad im not in that plane crash or earthquake or war
glad im not a fundamentalist or christian ratbag
glad im not a soldier or a sanitation engineer
glad im not a doctor or nurse
glad i keep my hands clean and my conscience fooled
life is happening on a billion levels at least
there is no one answer
if anyone says
especially if its some prick of a door to door
mormon or witness
some fresh scrubbed ninny
brandishing a bible
he aint even begun to grokk on its many levels
telling you youre immortal soul is doomed
if you dont immediately drop everything
and believe in his brand of hokum
if youre a christian you believe in love n compassion
end of story
thats christs message
not fucking armageddon
not youre in n youre out
trust me kids
it aint gonna be like that
i been around
i been watching
i seen the beggars n the cripples
i seen the hopeless n helpless
i seen the hippo-crits n pharisees too
i seen villains get rich n happy
i seen heroes dying almost alone
i seen money and rich guys
i seen junkies with nothing at all
nothing left except what theyre wearing
i seen healers and magic
i seen miracles and atrocities
i seen an idiot fix an election n no one could stop it
i seen slob-o-dan milosy-vitch
and general rat-ko and dr evil whatsis-vitch
i seen my kids being born
i seen mobs elevating people
i seen mobs turning nasty
i seen unexpected help and love from enemies
i seen friends turn their back
i found out people i thought i hated i really loved
and vice versa
i seen breast implants
i seen plastic surgery
i seen western imperialism
i seen the meat n arms industries
i seen drunk driving and its result
i seen trump and his ilk sell of the earth
i seen monarchies
i seen what we done to the animals n the natives
but still
i hate it when my records get bad reviews
i hate it when i get a parking ticket
i hate it when the publishers fuck me over
blather on olde time being
what you trying to say, boy?
i dunno
maybe this
watch out!
appearances are deceptive
beware of maya
beware of complacency
kiss yer friends
give yer enemies a fucking break
try harder in whatever you do
transcendence is to be found in that extra inch of effort
you maybe surprised at how much you can do
avoid eating dead things..its only obvious isnt it?
confront your darkness
it hates the light
be compassionate
be friendly
be understanding
exactly the way
you hope people will be to you
if its over its over
let it all go
breathe out and let it all go
exhale and set your miseries free
rejoice that you aint in jail or in a hospice waiting to die
be someone you can be proud of when its all over
you can change
look at me
lifes a dream
dream up dreamers
enjoy it while you can
it all could stop at anytime
just like that!
make the most of it