saw beowulf last night
at imax in sydney
biggest screen in the world
like the size of three story building
it was in the new 3D
forget that olde malarkey with the blue n red cellophane
this is the real deal
i thought this fuckin’ film was amazing!
maybe the best cinema experience i ever had even
anthony hopkins as the olde king
malkovich as a slimey advisor
the dude playing beowulf was incredible
course they are in it and they arent
its some kinda hybrid computery doo dah
excellent stuff
only slightly ruined by angie jollys lack of nipples and genitalia
ok i can see the genitalia would not make it
then give her some pants
cos that smooth barbie nothing is ridiculous
the nipples
a great big pair of bazookas yet no nipples
to me
thats more obscene than the nipples ever could be
how can a nipple be obscene?
can us grown ups be allowed see the anatomically correct version?
theres also a bit of malarkey with beowulfs whatnot
he strips naked to fight the first monsta
who is a falling apart disgusting ‘orrible thing
(like you know who…that olde singer)
and we can tell by the queens expression
that our hero fights with a broad n long sword
but from that point in
beowulfs anglosaxon weapon
is hidden behind all kinds of convenient things
now i know that people say i look like this guy
and i just wanted to see if we were really similar
in all respects
but now i guess i’ll never know
the film is marvellous in its 3Dness
when he dives in the water
the viewer is suddenly in water too
arrows and coins and blood and bodyparts whizz past
talk about really being there…
i loved this film
i wanna see it again
i give it five stars and two moons
a good one
see it!
the children are all monsters….
saw beowulf last nightat imax in sydneybiggest screen in the worldlike the size of three story buildingplusit was in the new 3Dforget that olde malarkey with the blue n red cellophanethis is the real deallooki thought this fuckin’ film was amazing!maybe the best cinema experience i ever had evenanthony hopkins as the olde king malkovich as a slimey advisorthe dude playing beowulf was incrediblecourse they are in it and they arentits some kinda hybrid computery doo dahexcellent stuffonly slightly ruined by angie jollys lack of nipples and genitaliaok i can see the genitalia would not make itthen give her some pantscos that smooth barbie nothing is ridiculousbutthe nipplesc’mona great big pair of bazookas yet no nipplesto methats more obscene than the nipples ever could bejesushow can a nipple be obscene?can us grown ups be allowed see the anatomically correct version?theres also a bit of malarkey with beowulfs whatnothe strips naked to fight the first monstawho is a falling apart disgusting ‘orrible thing(like you know who…that olde singer)and we can tell by the queens expressionthat our hero fights with a broad n long swordbut from that point inbeowulfs anglosaxon weaponis hidden behind all kinds of convenient thingsnow i know that people say i look like this guyand i just wanted to see if we were really similarin all respectsbut now i guess i’ll never knowthe film is marvellous in its 3Dnesswhen he dives in the waterthe viewer is suddenly in water tooarrows and coins and blood and bodyparts whizz pasttalk about really being there…i loved this filmi wanna see it againi give it five stars and two moonsa good onesee it!
shadows of love/overcaste day
dave mccomb looks out from a piece of good quality acid-free paperhis portrait is almost done nowcould be easy one of my best yethe stands in front of a blue skya silver lake (in silver paint)trees and flowersaustralian summereverything is texturedhis blue black hair is a combo of paint n pastelscorduroy jacketbarky treeleavesin the endless silencethe dreamy hazethe wide open roadits midday now and shadows of love have fledstrangely enough mccomb is tracking down a familiar figuremiles away the familiar figure is checking his boiling radiatorwhile the girl simply known as the girlsits in the carwaitingwe, spirit-likezoom into this song-painting-reveriewhat are we doing herein this hot dayand this shimmering summer haze?in the debris of childhood nostalgiaand the burnt australian treesthe sandy tracks running hither n thitherwe see the man get back into the carthinning blondish hair almost baldstrange blue eyes slightly askewoh such a kind smilebroad shouldersand small feminine handshes wearing a baseball cap and a striped tshirta pair of blue serge workpantswhy its…..grant mclennan!yes yesnow grant had told me thiswhen i had saidthat the wide open road was spectacularly wide and openhe had saidand i deemed it one of his jokeshe had said why steventhat road was my road toono i exclaimed is this a jokelisten steven he saidlook to the end of the wide open roadthere youll find cattle….and canebut why grant why i askedand how do i fit into this?grant gestured to the girl in the carwaiting for him to fix the radiatorshe who was hiswill now be mineyou mean that he…?yes said grantand at the very endmaybe even not therehe will give you the cluethat i am the quarrythe elusive othermani stole his babyshe broke his heartnow we drive through these songsand youve painted him after me…somewhere by a still silver lakein a painting and several […]
dave mccomb looks out from a piece of good quality acid-free paper
his portrait is almost done now
could be easy one of my best yet
he stands in front of a blue sky
a silver lake (in silver paint)
trees and flowers
australian summer
everything is textured
his blue black hair
is a combo of paint n pastels
corduroy jacket
barky tree
in the endless silence
the dreamy haze
the wide open road
its midday now and shadows of love have fled
strangely enough mccomb is tracking down a familiar figure
miles away the familiar figure is checking his boiling radiator
while the girl simply known as the girl
sits in the car
we, spirit-like
zoom into this song-painting-reverie
what are we doing here
in this hot day
and this shimmering summer haze?
in the debris of childhood nostalgia
and the burnt australian trees
the sandy tracks running hither n thither
we see the man get back into the car
thinning blondish hair almost bald
strange blue eyes slightly askew
oh such a kind smile
broad shoulders
and small feminine hands
hes wearing a baseball cap and a striped tshirt
a pair of blue serge workpants
why its…..grant mclennan!
yes yes
now grant had told me this
when i had said
that the wide open road was spectacularly wide and open
he had said
and i deemed it one of his jokes
he had said
why steven
that road was my road too
no i exclaimed is this a joke
listen steven he said
look to the end of the wide open road
there youll find cattle….and cane
but why grant why i asked
and how do i fit into this?
grant gestured to the girl in the car
waiting for him to fix the radiator
she who was his
will now be mine
you mean that he…?
yes said grant
and at the very end
maybe even not there
he will give you the clue
that i am the quarry
the elusive otherman
i stole his baby
she broke his heart
now we drive through these songs
and youve painted him after me…
somewhere by a still silver lake
in a painting and several songs and a blogge
and now i guess
your imagination,
dave finds a still smouldering fire
a piece of her dress snagged in a thistle
he hears the birds calling in distant trees
he thinks about the girl
he thinks about grant
he thinks about grants songs
he thinks about heroin and he thinks about booze
he thinks how the band will laugh
when they hear how great this new song is
and he fixes his stare on a horizon
forever youthful
gaunt and tall
a vengeful preacher cum lawman
a crazy angry frustrated fun lovin’ genius
a brooding jealous guy with murder in his mind
a lost soul in the west australian wilderness
a deadman trapped in some olde singers painting
his skin pastels
his hair gouache
the lake metallic silver that holly bought me
maybe i dreamed this up
was grant telling me the truth?
was that balmain or a hundred miles north of albany?
mccomb reaches out in the darkness now but shes not there
how do you think it feels….sleeping by yourself?
listen steve
at the end
youll hear it cattle and cain
no grant
no i listened
i keep thinking i’ll hear it
but i never do
go back to the enmore steven
hold on, im coming with you
im almost with you steven ha ha! said grant
he talks to the girl in the car
the runaway girl
mccombs girl, now mclennans
he claps me round the shoulder
we are at enmore early 90s
theyre playing that song that one i love
that one i wish i’d written
the one i want to sing myself
you can sing it steven says grant
anytime you like he says
no grant i say
that song is not yours to give away
meanwhile the band come to the end of the song
where i thought the song and the painting and the road would end
but instead of an end
the band start to improvise around a theme
listen says grant
i listen
my hair on my neck is standing
the ghostly indistinct sound of the pedal steel
the keyboards stretch out like my gouache skies
the guitars interlock against the bass
and grant snaps his fingers
and i can hear it for a passing moment
that familiar riff
that passing nod
that brief allusion
so it was all true..?
i say to mccomb as he pokes through that campfire
he turns and stares at me and his lip curls
and he disappears into the trees
was it true?
i ask grant
still fiddling with that boiling radiator
while the girl waits
and waits
listening to that fremantle radio show
playing a mix of old aussie hits from the eighties
and grant looks at me with his blue clear eyes
that are slightly askew like jesus’ eyes
and he said
is what true?
my song
his song
your song
the painting
the girl
the eighties
finish the painting he said
sing that song
like you sing my songs
and you sing our songs
but…? i said
but what? said grant
do you think its ok with him? i asked grant
grant smiled
steven i am the last person to ask
and he gestured sadly to the girl
grant said
but i would hazard a guess
that hes probably quite happy
so go and do what you wanted to do
while you still can
while you still are able to…..
serf music
north bondithe family sways like a caravanladen with towels and snorkels and buckets and hatsthe white aromatic flowersthe honeysuckleroses red and creamlavenderpurple berriesthe variation in the leavesthe zephyrs amongst the foliagethe quiet of boxing daythe suburbs by the sea dream deep and greenthe houses and their lovely gardensonly a few cars on the roadsthe weather is perfect25 degreesa cobalt blue sky with unusual cloudsa thousand types of treesred brick housesmod apts with all cons 3 bed 2 bathflats old and whitewe arrive at beachthe water is full of tiny beautiful weeds suspendedthe water is cool and refreshingit is clean and energizingi bodysurf the gentle hills of water and weedsthe sun illuminates the glassy bulbs and stemsgold glints in the sand underwaterthe people are all happytourists from all over the worldbig onessunburnt onesbeautiful menhideous womenbeautiful womenhideous menfat kidsskinny old blokesitalian executives with their familiesbondi locals with ferocious tansrubbersuited surfers with cottonwool blond hairthe japanese surfers hair goes orangeyoung loversgays with adonis physiquesindians and africansswedes and danes and all the restall on bondi getting slowly irradiatedunder our ozone-depleted skyyeah gonna be some sore customers tonite-yscarlet in pink bodysuit with zipthe water makes her scream with delightto her it is a permanent wondera man sells sno-cones in twenty supa-arty-fishal flay-voorsthe kids indulge and hit hyperactivity in zero to a hundred in five secsyeah yeah i know its bad for embut i had that gloop as a kid and theres nothing wronga with meas you can all tell by my omnipotenceanyhow the seaside was all you might hopein this festering festive seasonnice vibesa great assortment of people to goggle atsome excruciating g-string things happning thono bloke can wear emthey look terrible on any man be he straight or otherwisejesus they look bad on everyone reallywhats the point?why not just have a bare bum?strangely enoughas […]
north bondi
the family sways like a caravan
laden with towels and snorkels and buckets and hats
the white aromatic flowers
the honeysuckle
roses red and cream
purple berries
the variation in the leaves
the zephyrs amongst the foliage
the quiet of boxing day
the suburbs by the sea dream deep and green
the houses and their lovely gardens
only a few cars on the roads
the weather is perfect
25 degrees
a cobalt blue sky with unusual clouds
a thousand types of trees
red brick houses
mod apts with all cons 3 bed 2 bath
flats old and white
we arrive at beach
the water is full of tiny beautiful weeds suspended
the water is cool and refreshing
it is clean and energizing
i bodysurf the gentle hills of water and weeds
the sun illuminates the glassy bulbs and stems
gold glints in the sand underwater
the people are all happy
tourists from all over the world
big ones
sunburnt ones
beautiful men
hideous women
beautiful women
hideous men
fat kids
skinny old blokes
italian executives with their families
bondi locals with ferocious tans
rubbersuited surfers with cottonwool blond hair
the japanese surfers hair goes orange
young lovers
gays with adonis physiques
indians and africans
swedes and danes and all the rest
all on bondi getting slowly irradiated
under our ozone-depleted sky
yeah gonna be some sore customers tonite-y
scarlet in pink bodysuit with zip
the water makes her scream with delight
to her it is a permanent wonder
a man sells sno-cones in twenty supa-arty-fishal flay-voors
the kids indulge and hit hyperactivity in zero to a hundred in five secs
yeah yeah i know its bad for em
but i had that gloop as a kid and theres nothing wronga with me
as you can all tell by my omnipotence
anyhow the seaside was all you might hope
in this festering festive season
nice vibes
a great assortment of people to goggle at
some excruciating g-string things happning tho
no bloke can wear em
they look terrible on any man be he straight or otherwise
jesus they look bad on everyone really
whats the point?
why not just have a bare bum?
strangely enough
as the cheeks come out
the bosoms are disappearing
bondi in 80s was breast feeders pair o’ dice
i mean swing low sweet chariot and busty substances
funny how the sun and sea de-eroticizes it all tho
its hard to believe for some of my male friends in the u.s.
where bare breasts on beach
is of terrorist threat-like proportions
now that is seriously fucked up
why are a pair of boozies a dangerous thing?
beats me
i thought they were for feeding our children with…?
but im a hippy i guess
anyway i never feel good about seeing some euro pale bint
frying her bluetits in the sun
so im quite happy if they all stay inside
at least in max radiation hours 10am to 4pm
i think its lovely that everyone can swim down there tho
and no one gets laughed at or would feel embarrassed
tho i saw a woman today
a very big woman from england
with a tiny little husband or boyfriend
egging her on
as they frolicked together in the surf
lewdly feeling each other up and snorting
her bikini at least five sizes too small in some places
and five sizes too big in others
this massive woman had no backside to speak of
it was a flat plane
and her cozzie hung off revealing all
from which i couldnt drag my eyes
like watching a house burn down
or an accident scene
it seems half the beach was witnessing these shenanigans
but they performed their courtship rituals oblivious
to the curious humans on the shore
as this giantess left the ocean
her tragedy of a bathing suit hanging this way and that
her tiny white puny man followed behind
and in his eyes
i saw
the gaze of a man in love
and people
their love
made me
feel so
yes it did!
kilbeys krissmus
i am the time beeingi am 53 earth years oldei am among the best and worsti listen to oophoi right now on shufflei sit in my dirty crowded spare bedgeroomi call my studioon my eisel a portrait of david mccomb stares out into spaceand im proud of myselfit looks like ‘imthis portrait and an article im yet to writewill be for a book about mccomb/triffidsbeing put out by a couple of melbo academicsfunny to find myself considered such an authoritydavid and i were rivals i guess back in the daythere wasnt room for too many angry geniuses in australiamccomb was younger more spontaneous and weirder than mei heard about this guy long before i ever saw himhow amazing he wasye olde killa not like to hear this in 1983 or whateverpeople threw the triffids in my facebefore i even heard a notethe triffids do thisthe triffids dont do thatfinally they opened for us at the great northern hoteli couldnt tell ya what year it was 82 83 ?i saw half a songdelivered my foregone conclusion of judgement to myself:fucking amateur see the olde killer neither cares for excessive professional showbiz malarkey(eg bono chris isaak robbie willy-ams)neither do i like youth club stuff(arctic monkeys most punk bands etc)welli snubbed em in the corridoriva always ignored meand it kinda impressed me that he didso i thought that was always the way to goand i tried not to ever have to speak to anybody elsein the music bizanyway someone told me latermccomb had saidonly a girl would like the church(remember this was the pretty daze)and that was thattill in 1984 the triffids got hailed as the next big thingin english pressi was jealous and enviousin 1984 i was 30dave was only 24 and he was killing it it seemedunfortunately the triffids didnt […]
i am the time beeing
i am 53 earth years olde
i am among the best and worst
i listen to oophoi right now on shuffle
i sit in my dirty crowded spare bedgeroom
i call my studio
on my eisel a portrait of david mccomb
stares out into space
and im proud of myself
it looks like ‘im
this portrait and an article im yet to write
will be for a book about mccomb/triffids
being put out by a couple of melbo academics
funny to find myself considered such an authority
david and i were rivals i guess back in the day
there wasnt room for too many angry geniuses in australia
mccomb was younger more spontaneous and weirder than me
i heard about this guy long before i ever saw him
how amazing he was
ye olde killa not like to hear this in 1983 or whatever
people threw the triffids in my face
before i even heard a note
the triffids do this
the triffids dont do that
finally they opened for us at the great northern hotel
i couldnt tell ya what year it was 82 83 ?
i saw half a song
delivered my foregone conclusion of judgement to myself:
fucking amateur hour.
you see the olde killer
neither cares for excessive professional showbiz malarkey
(eg bono chris isaak robbie willy-ams)
neither do i like youth club stuff
(arctic monkeys most punk bands etc)
i snubbed em in the corridor
iva always ignored me
and it kinda impressed me that he did
so i thought that was always the way to go
and i tried not to ever have to speak to anybody else
in the music biz
anyway someone told me later
mccomb had said
only a girl would like the church
(remember this was the pretty daze)
and that was that
till in 1984 the triffids got hailed as the next big thing
in english press
i was jealous and envious
in 1984 i was 30
dave was only 24 and he was killing it it seemed
unfortunately the triffids didnt make a lot of money or anything
but boy did they get good reviews
born sandy devotional was hailed as a masterpiece
bullshit i thought
holed up in sweden during a freezing winter
anyway wide open road came out
how could you argue with that song
i secretly(hiding from my own nasty mind) bought b s d
it was/is a masterpiece
now im painting david who i never really met
i remarked to mr g lee
that david would spin in his grave
to think of me singing his songs
and waxing lyrical over his abilities
no no said graham
he would like it
you guys are very similar!
if you out there with grant somewhere
im gonna do my best with this portrait and this essay
it will be an honour to sing with the triffids at the syd fest next year
im singing a load of really good songs
including my favourite
stolen property
had a stupid argument with twillies lastnight
at family xmas do
bad timing killer
but twillies leave their dad only 2 possible options
accept what we do
or we’ll storm off in a huff
i told them
i told their mother n her husband
i told my brother
and whoever else
i dont even know what i want
i dont know what rules to have
i know i dont want em roaming sydney on nye
whoops shouldnt have used word “roam”
they seize on that
and flounce off yelling at me
i tell em sydney is bigger n nastier than stock-home
but jesus christ
they know it all
soon everyone is arguing with everybody
while the twillies have slunk off upstairs
to have fun with their friends
something in my heart says stop now
but i keep going arguing with the swedes
smoking pot to them is absolutely forbidden
while overnighters with boys can be tolerated
me: its the complete opposite!
i hate it when i hear myself arguing on n on
in a loud hoarse voice
this daughter dilemma is a tough one
i need more patience and faith
but some things i’ll never agree with
imagine what itll be like when scarlet is 16
and i’ll be 67
what chance will i have…
but dad all the kids have got implants in their lobes!
i dont wanna be a relic from some bygone era
but theyre pretty quick to cast you as that
if you disagree
with em climbing over fences to get into festivals or something
the anti-“straight”
ex junkie poet and rocknroll zero a layabout a beach bum
now im the olde guy who never understands
thanks to h heart
and ryan whos no slow coach
for gifts
and isolde for keyboard thank you
anyone else
im sorry my room is an explosion again
the kids
the gigs
the ears
the broke-dom
the mess
the dope
if i forgotten your gift
thank you
i appreciate it
thanks for my subscribers
you are making it possible for me to do this
someone sent me some ginseng from korea
thank you my friend
its about a year supplys worth
that should keep my pencil well leaded
someone else from china
sent me some stuff
some medicines
i have no idea what they are
no english instructions
can you please give me some advice here
if youre reading this
if you reading this blog
ive nearly run out of stuffing for my soy turkey
and the stuffing man is having the day off
so get thyself stuffed if you can
before you come over
theres always tomorrow
and threemorrow
sk xmas 2007 n bondi aust
christmas eve and aurora
further thoughts on fremantlewhen we arrived there was a tight cordon of securitythey wouldnt let us in the groundspeter was coming the raw prawn with some big dumb sec guypeter points at mesee him , hes a living legendif he has to walk in, the crowd will rip him apartthe sec guy sticks his big head in to look at megee he thinks he sure dont look like a living legendafter a lot of argy bargy we are getting no wherelook mate says sec guyi been told no more carswe’re fucking entertainers says petegood says the guy now park somewhere elsein the compound a slim bald headed guy appearshes dressed in a gold shirt and has a bunch of laminates round his neckis that the promoter says peterit must be i say though i no idea whyi jump out and past sec guyi walk up to the guy in gold shirtim in the church i sayuh huh says the gold shirted onethey wont let us in i sayreally? says goldmanwell can we come in? i askhe appraises the situationyeah come inhe waves our car onand the sec guy fades awaypeter drives triumphantly through the gatethe guy in gold shirt walks offwow hes got some clout herean hour later the 1st band the smoking somethings go onthe guy in the gold shirt is the bass playerbut isnt that the promoter i ask someone elsehim? no! hes the bass player in that group. much laughter….you see folks, its that easythats all it takesto get in to a big giga bit of luck n a bit of nerve i noticed that the divs played the 1st songfor a long long whilebefore lady christine joined themin fact the intro went round and round and roundit wasnt picking up any momentum eithereventually the singing started […]
further thoughts on fremantle
when we arrived
there was a tight cordon of security
they wouldnt let us in the grounds
peter was coming the raw prawn with some big dumb sec guy
peter points at me
see him , hes a living legend
if he has to walk in, the crowd will rip him apart
the sec guy sticks his big head in to look at me
gee he thinks he sure dont look like a living legend
after a lot of argy bargy we are getting no where
look mate says sec guy
i been told no more cars
we’re fucking entertainers says pete
good says the guy now park somewhere else
in the compound a slim bald headed guy appears
hes dressed in a gold shirt and has a bunch of laminates
round his neck
is that the promoter says peter
it must be i say though i no idea why
i jump out and past sec guy
i walk up to the guy in gold shirt
im in the church i say
uh huh says the gold shirted one
they wont let us in i say
really? says goldman
well can we come in? i ask
he appraises the situation
yeah come in
he waves our car on
and the sec guy fades away
peter drives triumphantly through the gate
the guy in gold shirt walks off
wow hes got some clout here
an hour later the 1st band the smoking somethings go on
the guy in the gold shirt is the bass player
but isnt that the promoter i ask someone else
him? no! hes the bass player in that group. much laughter….
you see folks, its that easy
thats all it takes
to get in to a big gig
a bit of luck n a bit of nerve
i noticed that the divs played the 1st song
for a long long while
before lady christine joined them
in fact
the intro went round and round and round
it wasnt picking up any momentum either
eventually the singing started up
she was unaware the band was starting up
and was otherwise engaged
you see
all that organisation
and then no one tells the star shes on
in perth i buy nk some bath bombs for christmas
i buy myself a disposal shirt and some stupid iron on patches
my fuck you you fucking fuck patch
is not the hit i had expected it to be
i peruse books
i see pleasure n pain chrissys book
i stand there n peruse it
lotsa intimate details in there
what a voyeur i feel reading this stuff….
all about charlie and mark m etc
i almost buy it
when i see ronnie woods book
imaginatively called
the arch diamond geezer
jack the fucking lad incarnate
instantly lovable madcap groover
smoking fags
snorting coke
free basing
drinking like a fish
look at him on the cover
nearly sixty
his amazing rockstar hair
long after keiths went thin and frizzy
ronnies rooster do is black as ever
perhaps the ultimate in old school rockstar hair
the missing link between keith n rod
talk about heavy weight names to drop
dylan this
clapton that
barbra streisand tony curtis
every blues legend still above ground
and of course
the ever present keith
the blue print for every guitarist ever
from izzy straddlin’ and joe perry
and one million others
wild guntoting smackshooting drinking smoking keith
and i tell ya
he is a great musician
his writing style is not that great tho
its a bit superficial
he talks about being locked in bathrooms
for weeks on end
freebasing cocaine
as if its all a bit of a giggle
maybe it is
when yer a rolling stone
and ya can give one to pms wives
and get outta jail free
and maybe it dont matter if you spend 70, 000 on coke
in a couple of weeks
when the dough rolls in like woodys must
or of course
rod and ronnie dressed up like doctors
doing gynaecological examinations of groopies
mmmm not sure how pc that is, actually ronnie
woody laughs it all off
hes just a very lucky geezer having a bit of fun
anyway its a pretty enveloping read
and i three quarters finished it on way home from purf
took kids for swimmy
blah blah
scarlet scared of me
when she wakes up and sees me here this morning
boo hoo daddy shes crying
she needs nk to bolster her confidence
i got wicked game and science fiction stuck in my head
which im thoroughly tired of by now
thats it
seasons gleetings!
free-o…..such is life
free o ovalbig rock showseems they didnt sell many tixthey stick chris isaak onbut still not sold morethey give away loadsa tix5 thousand or solittle birdy play before uskaty steeel sister of luke from sleepy jacksontiny girl with hi heelstheyre oklike pretenders 30 years later or somethingthey didnot project howeverwhy…i couldnt saywe went onwe were intensewe blasted em with both barrelsi told a few jokesthey laughedno lights at all it was 630 in summercrying like a fire in the sunwe play milky wheyyeah hooray hooray hooraywe give em blocka half hearted kinda encore…?nahnopethats itwe slap handshey we did well out therechris isaak appearshey didja leave something for me up there? he sayshes weird up closelovely lovely head of hairweird noselike matt damonthe rest of his band are goofy chubby dudesdressed in black cowboy suitsvery nicevery friendlythey go onits getting darkerthe lights and smoke starting to workthey start up first numberits a chuggy chuck berry rockervery basic stuffthe crowd go apeshitin one second of that first songchris isaak obliterated everything else gone on beforetotally gonehes got jokesshow biz routineshammy gags with the other guyshe changes into a mirror suithe has a loada local girls dressed up in skimpy cheerleader garbthey crowd scream deleriouslya whopper encore goes on n onhe kills ithe slays em deadafterwards huge crowds rush his dressing roomthe drummer chucks drumsticksand people fight over em like 100 dollar billsthe divs go onseemed they were strugglin’ but i dunnowe left after 3 songsall the crew at the gig were telling usoh boy you guys were so goodwe should just do gigs for crewanywaythere ya goshow biznever work with animals kids or chris isaakfuckback to the fucking barssignedyessadaze manne
free o oval
big rock show
seems they didnt sell many tix
they stick chris isaak on
but still not sold more
they give away loadsa tix
5 thousand or so
little birdy play before us
katy steeel sister of luke from sleepy jackson
tiny girl with hi heels
theyre ok
like pretenders 30 years later or something
they didnot project however
why…i couldnt say
we went on
we were intense
we blasted em with both barrels
i told a few jokes
they laughed
no lights at all it was 630 in summer
crying like a fire in the sun
we play milky whey
yeah hooray hooray hooray
we give em block
a half hearted kinda encore…?
thats it
we slap hands
hey we did well out there
chris isaak appears
hey didja leave something for me up there? he says
hes weird up close
lovely lovely head of hair
weird nose
like matt damon
the rest of his band are goofy chubby dudes
dressed in black cowboy suits
very nice
very friendly
they go on
its getting darker
the lights and smoke starting to work
they start up first number
its a chuggy chuck berry rocker
very basic stuff
the crowd go apeshit
in one second of that first song
chris isaak obliterated everything else gone on before
totally gone
hes got jokes
show biz routines
hammy gags with the other guys
he changes into a mirror suit
he has a loada local girls dressed up in skimpy cheerleader garb
they crowd scream deleriously
a whopper encore goes on n on
he kills it
he slays em dead
afterwards huge crowds rush his dressing room
the drummer chucks drumsticks
and people fight over em like 100 dollar bills
the divs go on
seemed they were strugglin’ but i dunno
we left after 3 songs
all the crew at the gig were telling us
oh boy you guys were so good
we should just do gigs for crew
there ya go
show biz
never work with animals kids or chris isaak
back to the fucking bars
yessadaze manne
how strange the lifeof itinerant musicianand wandering knuckleheadflew a bumpy scary flight into ad a layedmy hotel room is eternal twilightno day no nightjust greynesstheb town hallno reviews?no one seems to review us much anywhere anymorei thought we were pretty damned goodslick professonal in time in tunethere am i yoga lunging and allplaying my stupid heart outyeah ok says the crowdthats good…!cab hoteli hadnt eaten all daycept for some bircher muesli on bondi beach at 9 amthat seemed a million years agoi tucked into smiths crisps and chocky bars(some vegan, huh?)i washed it all down with swigs outta my gallon bottle of apricot necktarjesus if that dont give ya an acid stomach nothing willwoke up next day its darkwell its always dark in this mercure hotelcoz it must fold round open itselfall the windows face ventilation chuteswowanyway i force window openlook up chutethe mother of all storms motheris roaming the adelaidian skythunder n lightningbuckets of rainy raindo yoga and qi gong long sessioneat morose n lonely lunch breakfast dinnerin mercures foyerwatching people dash thru the rainpk comes in wethe found some absinthe drops at ads happy high shopand yes they were stinky and potentwe drive to aeroportplane delayed fer hours n hoursthe airports usual free internetand its usual free air conditioning were not happeningi sat and swelteredavoiding the other members and crewwho were sitting round talking loudlyfinally boardedsome divinyls on planechrissy up front in bizcharlie and bass and keys and other charliesitting up back near ustheir keyboard player walks past megimme a c i sayhe stopswhats that give you my seat?no i say gimme a ca sea hes saying thinking this olde hippies flipped his gumbono a c i saystill he looks puzzled as he walks off to his seatthen he turns aroundoh … a c i get it…(nervous laugh)the […]
how strange the life
of itinerant musician
and wandering knucklehead
flew a bumpy scary flight into ad a layed
my hotel room is eternal twilight
no day no night
just greyness
theb town hall
no reviews?
no one seems to review us much anywhere anymore
i thought we were pretty damned good
slick professonal in time in tune
there am i yoga lunging and all
playing my stupid heart out
yeah ok says the crowd
thats good…!
cab hotel
i hadnt eaten all day
cept for some bircher muesli on bondi beach at 9 am
that seemed a million years ago
i tucked into smiths crisps and chocky bars(some vegan, huh?)
i washed it all down with swigs outta my gallon bottle of apricot necktar
jesus if that dont give ya an acid stomach nothing will
woke up next day its dark
well its always dark in this mercure hotel
coz it must fold round open itself
all the windows face ventilation chutes
anyway i force window open
look up chute
the mother of all storms mother
is roaming the adelaidian sky
thunder n lightning
buckets of rainy rain
do yoga and qi gong long session
eat morose n lonely lunch breakfast dinner
in mercures foyer
watching people dash thru the rain
pk comes in wet
he found some absinthe drops at ads happy high shop
and yes they were stinky and potent
we drive to aeroport
plane delayed fer hours n hours
the airports usual free internet
and its usual free air conditioning
were not happening
i sat and sweltered
avoiding the other members and crew
who were sitting round talking loudly
finally boarded
some divinyls on plane
chrissy up front in biz
charlie and bass and keys and other charlie
sitting up back near us
their keyboard player walks past me
gimme a c i say
he stops
whats that give you my seat?
no i say gimme a c
a sea hes saying
thinking this olde hippies flipped his gumbo
no a c i say
still he looks puzzled as he walks off to his seat
then he turns around
oh … a c i get it…(nervous laugh)
the flight scared me quite a bit at first
and i was too worked up to sleep
people talk to me
i agree to anything
im so miserable up there
at last we land in purf
the most isolated city on earf
sniffy dogs walking up to me
im avoiding em like crazy
as i dont want them to discover my musicians cigarettes
ben cousens the star footy player appears to get his luggage
the media swamp him
hes the guy had the 7 day straight binge on coke
and then collapsed into the arms of his female companion
holy hell
whyd he do it?
cos it felt good i guess
anyway hes been in more rehabs than that guy in revolving velvet
hes also the best player in the west
so go figger
theyre scared that people will decide
that rec drug use and sport can co-exist
eg couso and the other guy from syd
both # 1
and both done more rec drugs
than you had hot dinners
cousens jumps into a 4 wheel drive driven by
you guessed it
a female companion
and theyre both on the mobiles immediately
as they zoom off to get on
one of our crew watches them sadly
we shoulda got some numbers off him he sighs
the next bit is quite surreal
we get invited to a party at mark m from the divs
we drive for a while outta perth
we come to huge tudor mansion
like something outta the avengers
swimming pool
tennis courts
arabian horses
you name it
his mrs is a famed fashion mogul
apparently doing well at the mo
theres catering
and a screen showing old movies
while a pa pumps out hits past n present
their garden goes on forever into the forest or whatevers
out there in the darkness
i sit on a swing chair
chrissy sits between me and pk
shes pretty interested in the church
and she asks us strange questions
(do we love each other?)(nope!)
shes very gracious and kind
i like her actually
she pays me compliment after compliment
and you know
let me tell ya
its just as hard to take as insults
in that i try to deflect them
when i tell chrissy shes an icon
cos her ms announcement
was on front page all aust newspapers
she says how did they spell chrissy?
ie or y ? she demands
turns out it sposed to be y
we hang about a bit
i talk to most of the divs
mark is a strange cat
youre doing alright olde son i say
and clap him round the shoulders
not really he shrugs
you should fuckin’ come n ‘ave a look at my place then
i laugh and stride off into the darkness
im designated driver and the car is bogged in soft sand
takes a while n added help to unbogg it
nice slow cruise back into perth
this morning the weather is like a stockholm summer day
cool and overcast and soft somehow
we play at 630
im not happy
its too early
the sun will be up
i didnt sign up for that
what choice do i flipping well have
oh well
and only 45 minutes
instead of our hour
guess we’re not so special as guests after all
sorry if anyone in perth has forked outta loada dough
to see us
in these conditions
never mind
i’ll make the most of it anyhow
thats it
more 2 morro
night mayor
killeryou geniusyou foolyou everymandream dream dreamyour rest-less dreamyou shake and move inner bednatalie dreams on quietlyyou try not to wakeroh my olde shoulders achemy mindout of controlleft to its own de-vicesright out of itselfthat stupid mind of minewhich i could gladly badly stranglea womans voice from the past:why cant you just be an ordinary person?and everyone of emtrying to remake me as ordinarytrying to break my spiritbut really meaning to break my mindknowing full wellwhat my mind waswhat my mind usually liked to doand what it was capable of (becoming)my head seems to exert a uneven steven pressureall over my neck and soldiershow they rebel against its idiotic ascendancydeep in my minds ipodthe raspberries were playing over and over and overeric carmens italian-american perry como piano voicecrossed with the who and the beatles and the small facesplaying over and over in the falconnow nicknamed tiborafter my old nazi-apologist ancient history teachernow the dream had put the raspberries into its own version of pro-toolsED : a music mixing and editing programmeit was playing the same lines incessantlyit was needling them into my brains teethit could reproduce it perfectlyscarlet kilbey in the kitchenricki and glenni are watching the sk showfirst scarlets happy theme songthere she goes by the lasshe rocks around jumps into my armsi move her towards each of the 2 guys in turnas she moves through the air she fixes her gaze on emand then bursting into a smile as her nose gets closer and closeras i move her through the airshe remains rigid in my armsin a kind of woofle flying posturelike in that picture by botty-jellywhere zephyrus is carrying some hot young breezewho will blow warm all over venushe also raped nymphs a fair bitwhich apparently is alright if youre the north windhe had his wicked windy way […]
you genius
you fool
you everyman
dream dream dream
your rest-less dream
you shake and move inner bed
natalie dreams on quietly
you try not to waker
oh my olde shoulders ache
my mind
out of control
left to its own de-vices
right out of itself
that stupid mind of mine
which i could gladly badly strangle
a womans voice from the past:
why cant you just be an ordinary person?
and everyone of em
trying to remake me as ordinary
trying to break my spirit
but really meaning to break my mind
knowing full well
what my mind was
what my mind usually liked to do
and what it was capable of (becoming)
my head seems to exert a uneven steven pressure
all over my neck and soldiers
how they rebel against its idiotic ascendancy
deep in my minds ipod
the raspberries were playing over and over and over
eric carmens italian-american perry como piano voice
crossed with the who and the beatles and the small faces
playing over and over in the falcon
now nicknamed tibor
after my old nazi-apologist ancient history teacher
now the dream had put the raspberries into its own version of pro-tools
ED : a music mixing and editing programme
it was playing the same lines incessantly
it was needling them into my brains teeth
it could reproduce it perfectly
scarlet kilbey in the kitchen
ricki and glenni are watching the sk show
first scarlets happy theme song
there she goes by the las
she rocks around jumps into my arms
i move her towards each of the 2 guys in turn
as she moves through the air she fixes her gaze on em
and then bursting into a smile as her nose gets closer and closer
as i move her through the air
she remains rigid in my arms
in a kind of woofle flying posture
like in that picture by botty-jelly
where zephyrus is carrying some hot young breeze
who will blow warm all over venus
he also raped nymphs a fair bit
which apparently is alright if youre the north wind
he had his wicked windy way with one nymph
who, not a nympho
was quite pissed off
and zepho
to make it up to her a little
turned her into prima vera
with flowers bursting out her mouth uncontrollably
thanks zeph, i feel much better now
then scarlet kilbeys poignant song comes on
gabriel by lamb
she turns her head up to the light
which still tried to shine through the clouds
her gaze spoke volumes
her gaze was biblical seductive innocent
it was wildy happy
it was deeply sad
she saw some unsawn entity
some thing unseeable except to scarlet
her eyes widened and the blue became bluer
a subtle film of moisture suggesting a tear that never came
hovering on the edge of rapture and grief and triumph
scarlet was gently moved through the air by her father
enthusiastically pointing out her show-biz eyes to his friends
but scarlet looked like cleopatra and magdalene watching christ
she looked like annie lennox looks when she sings
gazing off across the universes
piercing the seven veils
as lambs lovely track gradually builds in intensity
scarlet reaches some lofty plain
her eyes which have seen the glory of the coming of the lord
her eyes which are saying to a million other eyes
i will never see you again
wise eyes in such a babyface
this paradox does its paradoxical thing
scarlet is one born torch singer should she choose to do so
her instinctive feel for musics joy and melancholy stuns me
she communicates all this with her body
which moves around in a way both graceful and humourous
her husky voice which is always in the right key
and her eyes
which imply endless stories
and implicate you in their distant look
as i toss n tern
her eyes in my mind
lamb join in with the raspberries
flying to addle-laid
city of churches
but not the church
never liked us that much there
tonite thebarton town hall
as ‘orrible as it sounds
last time there over twenny years ago
opening for iva iceblock
in his incarnation as greek god
complete with long flowing curly locks
little waistcoats bare feet and karate kicks
which punctuated beginnings and endings
well why not if im doing yoga lunges
anyway i remember some ugly little scrubber
so enamored with ivy
that she stood at the front all thru our set
mouthing silently
fuck off i hate you
or something
she fixed her glare on me and never let up her mantra-hex
as soon as her little hero appeared
dressed as an aussie apollo
she forgetting her disdain of me
screamed and wept and jumped and screamed
oh frabious day
calloo callay
she chortled in her joy
i could imagine a vague repeat of that in some respects
like the gent in melbo who yelled get off all through our show
as if a plebeian philistine like him
could fuckin’ understand how good we are
like a bozo who always eats big macs
trying to review a gourmet vegan restaurant
hey baybee
i didnt care then
i care even less now
yeah i bet shakespeare bores ya as well
you thickheaded planks
casting pearls before swineheards
addle-laid big deal
this is all in my bad dream
in my whirlpool mind
its going round and round
my white hot anger at the blackmail idiot
and the white moths larvae sliding over the kitchen ceiling
not from the vents as ricki said
its an inside job
and theres another thing evolution cant explain
worms and caterpillars turning into moths n butterflies
pure chance gave us the chrysalis
yeah yeah sure it did
thats it im outta steam
i never even got to the nightmare i was gonna tell ya bout
too bad
i forgot
hour farther( witch art in heaven)
so much bullshit to get thruhumanity generates bullshit like ….er…bulls dothe way every sane and reasonable personknows bush is a complete catastropheand western countries invading other placeswill only ever always bring griefand whaling should be a capital crimethats rightin a cosmic sensethose whales lives are worth as much(if not more)(as if it were possible to measure such things)than some whalerwith no conscience or basic human decencywho would do his villainous and filthy workdespite everything i was at the beach the other dayand scarlet was over run by jap touriststrying to film her, photograph heror the bold oneswho wanted to stroke her golden curlsor pinch her chubby rosy cheeksshe is truly a living dollbut it is a marvel the wayeach race can manage to depersonalize the othersto the extent that other peoples become like “animals”in thatthe rules you apply to your own peopledont hold with these outlandish foreign typesimagine if i walked around in japantrying to film and touch their childrenof course the whites are just as bad nayprobably the worst…finally a foursome of indians approached heras she played around in bondis equivalent of muscle beachi moved inbut they were stroking her face n everythingtrying to get her to shake hands(do they think she was a little dog?)you seethey would never do that on a beach in bombayto an indian kidher parents would be outragedbut you knoweverybody is a heathen to everybody elseand doesnt really live like the othersso you knowyou can fondle strange kids in parksdrop bombs on emtell em their god is a jokemake jokes about their stupiditybecause they are not like usalmost everyone in the world secretly believes thisalthough the politically correct will deny itand others like mestruggling against my natural inclinationsand trying to treat everyone even handedlywill want to deny itbut it is thereat the root of […]
so much bullshit to get thru
humanity generates bullshit like ….er…bulls do
the way every sane and reasonable person
knows bush is a complete catastrophe
and western countries invading other places
will only ever always bring grief
and whaling should be a capital crime
thats right
in a cosmic sense
those whales lives are worth as much
(if not more)
(as if it were possible to measure such things)
than some whaler
with no conscience or basic human decency
who would do his villainous and filthy work
despite everything
i was at the beach the other day
and scarlet was over run by jap tourists
trying to film her, photograph her
or the bold ones
who wanted to stroke her golden curls
or pinch her chubby rosy cheeks
she is truly a living doll
but it is a marvel the way
each race can manage to depersonalize the others
to the extent that other peoples become like “animals”
in that
the rules you apply to your own people
dont hold with these outlandish foreign types
imagine if i walked around in japan
trying to film and touch their children
of course the whites are just as bad nay
probably the worst…
finally a foursome of indians approached her
as she played around in bondis equivalent of muscle beach
i moved in
but they were stroking her face n everything
trying to get her to shake hands
(do they think she was a little dog?)
you see
they would never do that on a beach in bombay
to an indian kid
her parents would be outraged
but you know
everybody is a heathen to everybody else
and doesnt really live like the others
so you know
you can fondle strange kids in parks
drop bombs on em
tell em their god is a joke
make jokes about their stupidity
because they are not like us
almost everyone in the world secretly believes this
although the politically correct will deny it
and others like me
struggling against my natural inclinations
and trying to treat everyone even handedly
will want to deny it
but it is there
at the root of all wars
the mistrust
the distrust
the antagonism
the lies
the loathing
the direct feed of this earths history
how the westerners went round
particularly us english types
and brutalized and raped n pillaged
just about everywhere
just like nappy boner-part
just like the romans did
attila the honey
gengis kahnt
and alexander the grate
and the egyptians
and whoever else
jesus its all there
in this indians prodding at my kid
and theyre lucky its me
cos some kids dads from bondi way
that ive met
would be decking the blokes right now
and asking questions later(maybe)
and then the indians would go home and say
they are all heathens!
anyway scarlet kilbey who is a genius
is getting touched and trying to move her into position
for a bollywood photo opportunity
despite the fact
that i in my cowboy hat n army shirt n sunglasses
almost six foot tall
glaring at them and kinda coughing
they carry on regardless
namaste i say
what? they all say puzzled for a moment
oh namaste yes yes yes they have a good laugh
at my pronunciation
thats ok
their english sounds like spike milligan with a headcold
but thats all superficial stuff
how do you know that word? one asks
but the others continue to paw my daughter
i am so incredulous i fail to stop them
scarlet is looking at me horrified
her eyes say
do you want this to be happening dad?
they quiz me on my hindu credentials
i rattle off a loada stuff
but they laugh and continue to stroke scarlet
the spell broken
i pick her up
when they see us together
they cannot miss the chance
this epitome of aussie manhood
dressed just like a beach bum steve irwin
only scruffier and quoting the gita
and his baby daughter
who although his absolute opposite
in every human characteristic
shes young hes old
shes little hes big
shes female hes male
she looks just like the angry olde fella
whisking her away
please sir…may we
gesturing to their cameras
ready to capture us forever
scarlet n i pose
she gurgles and i glare
she sighs and i sigh angrily
as we walk off
i see a trio of jap or korean old ducks
filming her avidly from a distance
and i’d already made it clear before
it wasnt on!
scarlet is incredibly charismatic
she stops people dead in the streets
to all the overseas visitors at bondi
she is their holiday personified
in the shape of a chubby little girl
i can appreciate that
but it dont excuse the manhandling of my baby-childe
i told you before
of nk literally wrestling evie in a tug of war
with a very determined japanese granny
i think this depersonalisation
is connected with the slaughter of animals
we pretend that they cant really love their precious offspring
the way we love ours
despite our heart which says of course they do
if one takes this depersonalization
to its logical extreme
you end up with only yourself
because you can always find a difference in anybody
i do not exclude myself from any of these criticisms
i am as blah blah phobic as the next man
whatever phobias they got
plus hypochondria
delusions of grandeur
peter pan complex
all of em
and most people
would consider me an ok sorta guy i guess
imagine the bad ones then
theres yer rave for today
subscribe if you havent
and help put the santa snow on my old windows
to all those who have subscribed
i appreciate it
will continue
to knock out
like this
why killer needs to embrace the paradox
hello faithful friendtruly this western worldhas formed my mindand it has made it so so hardto embrace the paradoxsweet lord jesuscalm and magnificent buddhagorgeous krishnainexorable vishnufiery shivasaraswati playing a fender jazzthe goddess of fortuneher hands spitting gold coinsall of you who existyet do not existcertainly not merely existinglend me your handshelp me to…..i cant quite…the world and my own mind are doing my head inmy fire is burningi am angry and flushedthe summermy own pitta naturethe ringing deafened earsmy lack of humilitymy lack of patiencemy own loud musicmy intensity of thoughtmy focusmy dedication to yogawhich is magic in another guisemy constant penchant for wreck-re-ational drucksmy burning needsmy smouldering hatredsmy feverish aspirationsmy scalding scolding tonguethat wags this way and thatmy addiction to the oceanoh i love her i love her so muchrespect herfear heri try to feel heri try to ride hernot yet lover boy says the pacificthe atlantic says nothing; she is cold towards mei know i combine the stupidest and most sublime oppositesi say to you reconcile oppositesyou say to meheal thyself metaphysiciando as you saynot as you dono i am confusedi seem to contradict myselfeven the truthis the truth what happened while we were lyingi lied about my agemy heightmy sexmy nationalityboy will you ever be disappointedwhen you crash into the real mewho is now reala parody of realcmon stevie boy are you for fuckin’ real mantheres the paradoxa parody and a reality can be inseparableits the exception that proves the rule every timeand you know how many rules there areso thatsa lotta exceptionsanything proves anythingnothing proves nothingi aint joe schmoe or rimbaudits funny friends of mineyou all understand and forgive methe way i cant myselfi dont want your fattening flatteryi want to just be therein the place you already made for mein yer heart or wherever you […]
hello faithful friend
truly this western world
has formed my mind
and it has made it so so hard
to embrace the paradox
sweet lord jesus
calm and magnificent buddha
gorgeous krishna
inexorable vishnu
fiery shiva
saraswati playing a fender jazz
the goddess of fortune
her hands spitting gold coins
all of you who exist
yet do not exist
certainly not merely existing
lend me your hands
help me to…..
i cant quite…
the world and my own mind are doing my head in
my fire is burning
i am angry and flushed
the summer
my own pitta nature
the ringing deafened ears
my lack of humility
my lack of patience
my own loud music
my intensity of thought
my focus
my dedication to yoga
which is magic in another guise
my constant penchant for wreck-re-ational drucks
my burning needs
my smouldering hatreds
my feverish aspirations
my scalding scolding tongue
that wags this way and that
my addiction to the ocean
oh i love her i love her so much
respect her
fear her
i try to feel her
i try to ride her
not yet lover boy says the pacific
the atlantic says nothing; she is cold towards me
i know i combine the stupidest and most sublime opposites
i say to you reconcile opposites
you say to me
heal thyself metaphysician
do as you say
not as you do
no i am confused
i seem to contradict myself
even the truth
is the truth what happened while we were lying
i lied about my age
my height
my sex
my nationality
boy will you ever be disappointed
when you crash into the real me
who is now real
a parody of real
cmon stevie boy are you for fuckin’ real man
theres the paradox
a parody and a reality can be inseparable
its the exception that proves the rule every time
and you know how many rules there are
so thatsa lotta exceptions
anything proves anything
nothing proves nothing
i aint joe schmoe or rimbaud
its funny friends of mine
you all understand and forgive me
the way i cant myself
i dont want your fattening flattery
i want to just be there
in the place you already made for me
in yer heart or wherever you like to think it is
i am now of course talking to my readers
my listeners
however else you absorbed my phantom-like mojo
yes of course we are on this wavelength
and you know i care for each of you
you real readers of mine
i dont have to name names and blames now
you know if youre with me here
paradoxes erupt in me
i am a peaceful man
but i wish the fuckin’ australian and or nz navy
sends a ship down to the south pole
and sinks the first fuckin’ ship that harpoons a whale
and the next
and so on
and so on
until they understand
dont hurt the whales anymore, you greedy sick bastards
with your cynical transparent lies and excuses
the whole world decided NO FUCKING MORE WHALING!
and you know why
if we dont
there will be no more whales
we realised that it is an abominable cruel practice
we realised that the things humans are cutting up for blubber
could actually be smarter than us…..!!!!
i dont wanna spill any human blood
but here i’d make the whalers a promise
then a warning
then i’d see it right through
and fuck em!
someone whos been causing me unnecessary grief
writes to me saying
hows your ear?
cant you understand that you have crossed the line?
always a stranger now i wish to never hear from or about you again
lady, go gently into that good night
sometimes the big fish
says youre just so nice
yet the big fishes little cheeses
try to push ya round….
strange to find a stranger who knows all yer stranger work
stranger still our new guitar tech wife walked down the aisle
fall in love with me
off narcosis plus more and more again
yeah thats a strange wedding song
my fucked up electronic voice telling that sad story
about that man
that charlatan bastard
that lonely stupid addicted monster
hiding in a huge old house
just like mick jagger in performance
but without the women or the “good” drugs
luckily that story was purely fictional
and his wife now a bass player herself
noticed and remarked that i had a bad night at enmore
on the bass and then i knew that she could play
did not have bad night in melbo tho
dear jen you brown jewel
lovely poetess and godmother to my own sweet daughter
what would it avail us to play our hits?
now i please no one
except myself
now i am this olde
i have earned that privilege
if i please them
what would that do?
they wouldnt come and see us again
they wouldnt even buy anything
cept maybe our greatest hits record if that..
so i care nothing for impressing those
who couldnt use their 2 ears
which lord vishnu designed and gave them for free
if they couldnt tell that we were the bees fucking knees
then playing almost with you
aint either
i’d rather
pick up
the stray stranger
who hadnt realised
or had forgotten
that the church
are much more
and much less
than yer average rock band
we have recklessly pursued beauty
through all times and conditions
we have hung together to show you our current take
we are the church
we adhere to rocks great and lofty ambitions
we scorn its self imposed limitations
ive run my race
ive done my bit
ive done it before some of ya were born
i was rocking in some bar in canberra
the capital of this outlandish southern continent
i read jenny browns book about skyhooks
(did i see macainsh outside the forum??)
i rehearsed
i went out n tried to “please” the audience
now im olde and tried
i have invented my own schtick
and then i reinvented it
im a venerable olde diamond aint i?
im a national treasure aint i?
is there a cooler olde codger than me?
is there any one else combining sexy and senile?
i deserved it all talent wise
i didnt deserve nothing as far as being a real man
and i had to suffer
and lo
i did
and i embraced heroin
no longer a paradox
just a spirit who wishes me harm
who is so much stronger than you will ever imagine
now i popped out of all that
im poor
i got loadsa kids
in my own distorted egoistic opinion
i’m doing what few else (can) do (anymore)
and you know its guaranteed to contain 95% love
and it wont be dumbed down
and it wont be western dribble
and it wont be flaccid meaningless awkward cliched shit
it will be me giving ya what i got
and i say i deliver
i will deliver you
with my music my words my voice
see ya later baybee
cos this is what i do
i dont care if i please anybody
i will either jolt you with it
or you wont now or ever “get” it
and now
as i said
who cares?
not me.
yes my friends
the hall of frame would be good in some ways
but bad in others
another paradox
more paradoxes will be forthcoming
lemme embrace