renaissance ponce
here in LA
worn out and knackered
tonight my art show
spent last night at gallery with thomas negovan the owner
he really believes in my art and i am so happy for that
he gave me a crash course in the art gallery scene
i was amused to find it contains many of the music biz’s contradictions
thomas digs many of my arts facets i was unaware were so interesting
he thinks being a pastellist is in itself unusual..he has never handled pastels before
when i first started painting it was watercolour
one day my beautiful sister in law amy showed me pastels and erasers
i can still remember watching her pushing round the colour with her fingers
and then showing me how you could erase back through the colours
something in my mind said “yes, this is for you just like bass guitar is for you”
i never looked back
holly jordan has since laid all kinds of pastels on me
huge box sets and specialty pastels like iridescent and pan pastels
pan pastels are applied with sponge applicators and are very intuitive to use
and then there are pastel pencils too
and demi pastels with no paper wrapper you can use sideways
i stumbled into everything i do
thomas told me he likes my use of colour
and the way i mix up psychedelia and classicism
the way i do in my lyrics
all of it i have naively fallen into..none of it part of a plan
he has been watching me awhile..now i am ready
yes i am ready
i met gail potocki there last night
she is one of thomas’ main artists and she is unbelievably good
i was flattered to learn she liked my stuff
google her or century guild to see her incredible work
brilliant painting and brilliant concepts
she is almost a living master
i predict in the next five years she will be huge
anyway seems i got lucky and found an original style for myself
just like in music
my childhood obsessions fuel my art
the greeks n romans, the bible, the ancient world where i belong somehow
and chuck on top of that my experiences with drugs n dreams
and all the books and stuff i devoured
it all comes pouring out somehow
guided by intuition i have slowly developed my schtick
working in pastel on top of black gouache
fiddling with the fixes
rubbing and erasing and building up layers
just like in music i am finding my own thing in there
its exciting
i am happy to be where i am today
i hope i sell a few paintings to justify thomas’ belief in me
and a big thanks to those who have supported me along the way
those who bought my stuff etc
and especially holly who believed in what i could do all along
it is impossible for me to be here without her support in numerous ways
anyway wish me some luck
these are unknown waters for me
tomorrow i begin working with greg dulli n band
rehearsing our show for wednesday night
at least i am on familiar ground with a bass in my hands again
but the pastels are becoming comfortable to me like the bass
just a lot damn messier
if you are in LA please come
7 tonight culver city
see you maybe
sk ,hollywood (gee!)