hemming away at sea
how i long for my indian garden
i live within the temple
i come out at dusk as it begins to grow cooler
i come out at dusk
i hear the birds and the lowing of the cattle
a flute and tamboura
i roll out my mat and stretch out downwards
my feet grip this earth
my hands reach out ahead
my head hangs between my shoulders
and i stretch against myself
the way a dog or cat stretches
in my indian garden there is a light warm rain
i smell sandalwood incense
i turn my attention towards god
but my mind races and races
no quieten down !…. i say
but my mind is hither is thither restless and stubborn
i perceive a conflict between my heart and my mind
my heart asks me
is not a chance meeting with god not enough for mind to still itself ?
and then mind says
if god will appear….. then i will become quiet…..
nevertheless i continue with my yoga
i wonder who i is who is continuing
a voice says
that is your eternal soul
i stand up and look out
the jungle all around
i am a wandering monk, i am an itinerant madman
but i live here now in this temple to some ancient shiva
and my indian garden full of statues
every god blows my mind and heart
vishnu the gorgeous one the preserver
ganesha the kindest merriest god
jesus the man of sorrows and the son of man
krsna god of love and beauty
radha his consort radiant and serene
buddha avatar of vishnu, the blessed one
odin the allfather who gave his eye for knowledge
ishtar fertlility goddess and mistress of stars
known as isis easter she comes as dream
loki king of tricks father of monsters
jove jehovah masculine and huge, a jealous flame
his will be done
brahma who looks past present future
poseidon from the waves frowning and angry
i kneel to every god i kneel to one
i kneel with my face against my mat and i breathe
when i stand up the loveliness of it all strikes me
gratitude for all this
for it did not have to be so
i dont know
i feel god in and around me
then suddenly gone
when i least expect it i am talking to myself
my indian garden throbs with vegetal life
i see god in every little weed and plant
in the stones and dust in the atoms and emptiness
god is there immanent
i focus
he is gone
i am elated i am crushed
i stand in garudasana
my single foot on the ground finds balance
i sway and i move
i concentrate on my body in its posture
i will yoke my self to whatevers out there
the universe or god or both or some other force
god approaching is a warm feeling
warmer than the warmest most delicious day in the sun
when you were a child you felt warm and safe
my indian garden holds me in that way
my temple room is cool and simple
i live in the cell of an ascetic
still the mind races and races
still the heart yearns for women or chocolate or power or something
god is reluctant
his visits are fleeting
oh krsna my dearest friend oh come to me now
oh krsna i call your name in the emptiness of jungle
down by black lakes where white egret soars
oh jesus come to me at midnight
oh jesus i am sitting on my mat in lotus
i strive towards you too hard and then you cannot come
other voices in my head drowning out my prayers
oh mother kali then take me in your arms
the end of a world is coming
and the beginning of all others
oh god the hint of you is more dreamy than a gallon of opium
in my indian garden the weeds flower
the night daze amaze me
you drain devotion
i spend lives chasing you
tell me why do you have to be so elusive?
i rebuke you all for leaving me dangling
feeding me tiny morsels you keep my hopes alive
oh god if i ever catch up with you
if i ever get my hands around your cross
if i ever walk with you again by those glorious pools
i always forget my questions when i do see you
whichever shape you appear in
oh i never approach the real big you
but you come in one of your forms
they all are good for me
i know who it is behind all of this
sometimes my private prayers are answered
god oh you have been so good to me
you are that mysterious event that no one can name
you put it in motion you maintain it in motion
oh such poetry oh such geometry oh such continuity
oh god how you combine the obvious with the mysterious
every move you make
your tiniest leaf
well i sit in my indian garden looking at your tiniest leaf
the symmetry of its veins the graduating colours
if this were indeed your only work
why i could stare at it forever
today i saw a far-off whale
its huge white plume erupting from a churning ocean
of course i thought of jonah
i chase you
he ran from you
no one can find you if you dont want to be found
none may hide from you if you beckon to them somehow
in my indian garden i repeat my mantra
my mantra concerns five rings of existence
the fifth part of the mantra is gods name
slowly my heart steadies and quietens
surely my mind settles down eventually
i sit there in my indian garden
jungle city garden ocean
ive had everything
ive lost everything
now there is only god
villages lakes rivers hills
birds children pilgrims kings
priests singers soldiers doctors
wives daughters sisters girls
in my indian garden i sit and wait
and my impatience seems to wane
even tho the waiting never ends
the anticipation of gods arrival is nevertheless delectable