
my crow wave

things have changedthings remain the samemy friend in hospital slowly going underwe visit him n cry n cryi play him some songs on my 12afterwards an old sick geezer in the next roomsees me standing in the corridor tryin’ to stop my bawlinga real old aussie geezer on deaths doorstephey he says was that you playin’ n singin’…?yeah i saythere ya go he says to his daughter helping him alongshe said it was the radio but i said no nothats comin’ straight outta here..he indicates his heartthat music was byootiful he saidand he shuffled off his praise meant more than a wilderness of rock festivalsthen a doctor an old serious doc comes uphes frowning a littleim half expecting a“please respect the patients quiet times!”but nothanks for the music he saysand a gentle sad smile god he has seen so much suffering well if you need to get things in perspective….and i doalwaysi gotta keep reminding myself we are on a round rockorbitting a big fireand no one really knows how or whyhere in my spare roomon a rainy morning every thing seems so permanentaurora gets upa big sleepy kiss and a grinmy doodles with the delightful habit of kissing their daddy muchoh youre lovely kids i sayi bury my nose in their hair and breathe in their warm young aromai hold them in my arms..goddamm it all seems solid enough….!ah yesterday was hard goingnelg the camera elf was round to film some more of gets toned and pain(t)but instead of my usual ebullient motor mouth selfthere i sit holding an eraser staring dumbly at a commission portraitdoing n saying nothingi struggle on for twenny minutesbut finally i tell nelg to wrap it up for the dayhey maybe its good to see me have a bad day i sayyeah…says nelg somewhat […]

things have changed
things remain the same
my friend in hospital slowly going under
we visit him n cry n cry
i play him some songs on my 12
afterwards an old sick geezer in the next room
sees me standing in the corridor tryin’ to stop my bawling
a real old aussie geezer on deaths doorstep
hey he says
was that you playin’ n singin’…?
yeah i say
there ya go he says to his daughter helping him along
she said it was the radio but i said no no
thats comin’ straight outta here..
he indicates his heart
that music was byootiful he said
and he shuffled off
his praise meant more than a wilderness of rock festivals
then a doctor an old serious doc comes up
hes frowning a little
im half expecting a
“please respect the patients quiet times!”
but no
thanks for the music he says
and a gentle sad smile
god he has seen so much suffering
well if you need to get things in perspective….
and i do
i gotta keep reminding myself we are on a round rock
orbitting a big fire
and no one really knows how or why
here in my spare room
on a rainy morning every thing seems so permanent
aurora gets up
a big sleepy kiss and a grin
my doodles with the delightful habit of kissing their daddy much
oh youre lovely kids i say
i bury my nose in their hair and breathe in their warm young aroma
i hold them in my arms..
goddamm it all seems solid enough….!
ah yesterday was hard going
nelg the camera elf was round to film some more of gets toned and pain(t)
but instead of my usual ebullient motor mouth self
there i sit holding an eraser staring dumbly at a commission portrait
doing n saying nothing
i struggle on for twenny minutes
but finally i tell nelg to wrap it up for the day
hey maybe its good to see me have a bad day i say
yeah…says nelg somewhat doubtfully
im listening to bits of new church album
some sad
some rockin’
some very pretty
some quite oblique
some absolute genius
some mistakes to fix up
“we’ll fix that” says my voice after some blue notes somewhere
it makes me smile to hear it
i say those same words in my mind in synch with recorded voice
always at the same time
in front of you :
1 the wild sweet hit of painkiller
space rock pomp rock psychy-fuckin’-delic rock
they may wanna ban this record in malaysia
such is the contact high oozing out of its grooves
you like wolfe live?
wait till you hear it with drums n orch
you like delicate achey ballads…try crystalline rush
you like e-like feeling… try look homeward angel
you like pounding drums and radiotronics…its all over it
some of you will like painkiller more than anything you ever heard

2kilbey n kennedy presents….something as yet untitled
you know it
this is the beautiful stuff
the simple stuff
the universal stuff
the blips and talking trumpets…
the space around the notes….
the easy on the ears stuff
the melodic stuff
the real real songs stuff
the poignant stuff
the subtle n sexy stuff
the romantic stuff
this one you will play over n over
you’ll never get sick of it

3 shriek soundtrack
ooh strange stuff dark stuff
fevered music
whispery scrawly medieval bluesy
half songs
evil basslines
snakey guitars
tribesmen chanting
opera singers and mellotrons
too much in some places
a total aural trip
dig it or
you suck!
(just jokin’)

4. coffee hounds ep
a cool thing it is
the coffee song submarine n floydy
hounds o love fast n furious
instrumental ….very stoned

5 the church album
marty said its strange in a good way
so i’ll leave it at that

well its a rainy day n a bit cold
i got my synthetic ugg boots on
a nice day to be in the sauna anyway
and swimming in the rain too…


oh sleep dont leave me againoh sleep i cant make it without youoh sleep i appreciate you nowoh sleep you are everything down to the smallest detailwithin the minute glades of the tiniest worldsat the core of everythingtraversing blackspace radiosonic hypertronicthe call of sleep sleep you handsome mansleep you beautiful ladysleep you childrencreamy dreamy sleepsleep so luxurious as you take me downsleep a divine conditionswallows my sorrowswindow to my panesleep you whitedevil sleepdrown in rumbling slumber waves of sleeptossed and turned on sleeps restless motionbreathe deep and sleepsleepy music warm blue sleepsleep of the justsleep of the just aftersleep off the drinksleep well my dearsleep is a person to mesleep appears dressed in a yawnsuitsleep is a boy with blond hairsleep asleep himself in my old roomsleep keeps to himself sleeps dormitory in hushed tonessleep babylon and ninevehsleep little egyptpeople in lemuria getting sleepythe mayans persisting through the junglecrystal skulls are asleepthe dormant nightthe creeping shadow of eveningthe wedding bedthe softest sheetsyoure becoming drowsieryoure feeling heavierthe thoughts all fall to the back of your headsleep baby bunny sleep tiny starsleep scarlet girl with your ringlets of goldsleep like a stonesleep like statesleep in and under sleepduring and because ofsleepbetter than eversleep to have and to hold in sleepcatching up on somea sleep in a streama sleep at the wheelbarrowa sleep and alertsleep together:dream aloneyour becoming sleepyoure becoming wrapped in sleepdrowsier and drowsierand you are so becoming sleep-happy sleep-drunksleep-addictedsleep-curesleep-timesleep-substitutesleep-heartsleep-industryno sleepno lifegetting hard to fight sleepsleep get behind mesweet sleep oh sweet sleepsleep lay down here andstay awhile

oh sleep dont leave me again
oh sleep i cant make it without you
oh sleep i appreciate you now
oh sleep you are everything

down to the smallest detail
within the minute glades of the tiniest worlds
at the core of everything
traversing blackspace radiosonic hypertronic
the call of sleep
sleep you handsome man
sleep you beautiful lady
sleep you children
creamy dreamy sleep
sleep so luxurious as you take me down
sleep a divine condition
swallows my sorrows
window to my pane
sleep you whitedevil sleep
drown in rumbling slumber waves of sleep
tossed and turned on sleeps restless motion
breathe deep and sleep
sleepy music
warm blue sleep
sleep of the just
sleep of the just after
sleep off the drink
sleep well my dear
sleep is a person to me
sleep appears dressed in a yawnsuit
sleep is a boy with blond hair
sleep asleep himself in my old room
sleep keeps to himself
sleeps dormitory in hushed tones
sleep babylon and nineveh
sleep little egypt
people in lemuria getting sleepy
the mayans persisting through the jungle
crystal skulls are asleep
the dormant night
the creeping shadow of evening
the wedding bed
the softest sheets
youre becoming drowsier
youre feeling heavier
the thoughts all fall to the back of your head
sleep baby bunny sleep tiny star
sleep scarlet girl with your ringlets of gold
sleep like a stone
sleep like state
sleep in and under
during and because of
better than ever
to have and to hold in sleep
catching up on some
a sleep in a stream
a sleep at the wheelbarrow
a sleep and alert
sleep together:dream alone
your becoming sleep
youre becoming wrapped in sleep
drowsier and drowsier
and you are so becoming
sleep-happy sleep-drunk
no sleep
no life
getting hard to fight sleep
sleep get behind me
sweet sleep oh sweet sleep
sleep lay down here
stay awhile

at an internet kiosk melbourne airport

melbourne was goodnot transcendent maybebut goodmartin kennedy played 6 songsit was like the record live basicallyit worked yes it workedlovely songs lotsa spacewe can/could do the whole album like this anywheretravis came up and sang and playedtravis from all those yearsago in perthnow got his own album outcalled him unexpectedly to the stagehe rose to the challenge and almost stole the showthen michael the drummer from tarmac adamwho i just metwho played one song with me at s/checkhe slotted in so perfectlyi instantly became addicted to all his percussive effectsand he had a load of em …bells n jinglies n glocksman he was just rightso 3 heroes in my eyesthese 3 geezersme myself i was ok not as mouthy as sydney i guessit was a special nighti guess we had about a hundred peoplepolinski mixed iti trust he was doing some nice thingswe sold some dvdsthe good old melby gang were thereno complaintswhat a nice way to earn yer livingobviously me n mr kennedy should do our whole albumlivewhen it comes outand i’d like to play with michael againit was goodim content

melbourne was good
not transcendent maybe
but good
martin kennedy played 6 songs
it was like the record live basically
it worked yes it worked
lovely songs lotsa space
we can/could do the whole album like this anywhere
travis came up and sang and played
travis from all those yearsago in perth
now got his own album out
called him unexpectedly to the stage
he rose to the challenge and almost stole the show
then michael the drummer from tarmac adam
who i just met
who played one song with me at s/check
he slotted in so perfectly
i instantly became addicted to all his percussive effects
and he had a load of em …bells n jinglies n glocks
man he was just right
so 3 heroes in my eyes
these 3 geezers
me myself i was ok
not as mouthy as sydney i guess
it was a special night
i guess we had about a hundred people
polinski mixed it
i trust he was doing some nice things
we sold some dvds
the good old melby gang were there
no complaints
what a nice way to earn yer living
obviously me n mr kennedy should do our whole album
when it comes out
and i’d like to play with michael again
it was good
im content


pessimystic cloak round my shouldersdark days drugged stuporsleep through meetingears ring on in an envelope of limitationeverything makes me angrynothing gets done im just mucking aroundfear fear fearpremonitions threaten out of earshot eyeshotalienhandcar chugs down rainy lanespeople argue in the drivewayshopeless look in your eyesbecalmed in 2008the earth and everything on it seems doomedinsects multiply everywherethe stars shiftthe moon comes closerevil omen : black cat catches white dovegifts are lostwounds rememberedage of squabblesage of small print disclaimerstime is revealed as a miragethere never was any timeor time beingstime is gonetime is uptime is not on timego ask alicego ask kafkago ask your mothertimecant get around it or under itit aint thereyou cant stop ithang on to itappreciate itwhateverit dont mattertime is not matterin the time it takesto read this blogsomething significant probably happenedsomewhere…..

pessimystic cloak round my shoulders
dark days drugged stupor
sleep through meeting
ears ring on in an envelope of limitation
everything makes me angry
nothing gets done im just mucking around
fear fear fear
premonitions threaten out of earshot eyeshot
car chugs down rainy lanes
people argue in the driveways
hopeless look in your eyes
becalmed in 2008
the earth and everything on it seems doomed
insects multiply everywhere
the stars shift
the moon comes closer
evil omen : black cat catches white dove
gifts are lost
wounds remembered
age of squabbles
age of small print disclaimers
time is revealed as a mirage
there never was any time
or time beings
time is gone
time is up
time is not on time
go ask alice
go ask kafka
go ask your mother
cant get around it or under it
it aint there
you cant stop it
hang on to it
appreciate it
it dont matter
time is not matter
in the time it takes
to read this blog
something significant probably happened

some subtle power

guiding meguarding meslowly assuming a formcoincidences cluster around eventsi pierce the veneer of everydayits all they seenever nownever hereirritants become pearlsmorning becomes tonightwho is merging into another morningflowers open n closecities wither or flourishcountries go up to the top of the heapgo egyptgo babylongo persiago greecego romego englandgo usago utopiaits never long enoughthe contenders fall wearily awaythe top dog gets sick of getting bittenthe puppies dont ever learnthe revolution is insidedeterminationdisciplineresilienceluckcultivate satisfactionrise earlysleep deepmove like a cateat like a birdtalk like a manopen like a childfind the inbe prepared for no resultsdont even know what it is yethour after hour after hourturn the cornertake the high roadjourneying alonechapel perilous etcnew improved you no one noticesmatter falls awayspirit adhereslife into lifeobvious and upfrontall around invisiblymusic for examplewhy create it at allif i had the answerany answeris a mistake to look for an answernature has no answerthe beasts come and godo animals have soulsdo souls go round and rounddo hells exist in our headsi keep fighting for the revolution in my heartwe gain an inchwe lose an inchthe old ways roots go deepits a struggle like being bornevery thing you got to fight formovement speech individualityeach day a battlegrace or disgracemercy or scorngood or evillook up the game and players changed againits seeming like a dream to mewhose dream thoughwho dreams of me and my lifegod is thisgod is thatgod is greatbut we hardly ever see him round herephilosophy science evolutionyeah yeah yeahnew haircuts long short mediumactors and actresseschildren want their turnwhats for tea, darlingim off thennow

guiding me
guarding me
slowly assuming a form
coincidences cluster around events
i pierce the veneer of everyday
its all they see
never now
never here
irritants become pearls
morning becomes tonight
who is merging into another morning
flowers open n close
cities wither or flourish
countries go up to the top of the heap
go egypt
go babylon
go persia
go greece
go rome
go england
go usa
go utopia
its never long enough
the contenders fall wearily away
the top dog gets sick of getting bitten
the puppies dont ever learn
the revolution is inside
cultivate satisfaction
rise early
sleep deep
move like a cat
eat like a bird
talk like a man
open like a child
find the in
be prepared for no results
dont even know what it is yet
hour after hour after hour
turn the corner
take the high road
journeying alone
chapel perilous etc
new improved you no one notices
matter falls away
spirit adheres
life into life
obvious and upfront
all around invisibly
music for example
why create it at all
if i had the answer
any answer
is a mistake to look for an answer
nature has no answer
the beasts come and go
do animals have souls
do souls go round and round
do hells exist in our heads
i keep fighting for the revolution in my heart
we gain an inch
we lose an inch
the old ways roots go deep
its a struggle like being born
every thing you got to fight for
movement speech individuality
each day a battle
grace or disgrace
mercy or scorn
good or evil
look up the game and players changed again
its seeming like a dream to me
whose dream though
who dreams of me and my life
god is this
god is that
god is great
but we hardly ever see him round here
philosophy science evolution
yeah yeah yeah
new haircuts long short medium
actors and actresses
children want their turn
whats for tea, darling
im off then


the city is a junglethe couriers run like ratscars steam and push against the lightsangry faces desperate faces cruel facestrain tracks and oily patchesmeters tick away and lifts hissrobots empty the trashcrushing the neo-soda cansand Big-Chok wrappersand used up reddy-fonesinto a miasma of radioactive sludge with a half-life of 1 million yearsand a half-brother in strontio-cadmium icedrones n clones sweep the streets like grey zombiesdressed in their uni-forms and hooked on Fogthe bridges sag under their burdensas the dead river rises and rises up from its awful bedthe weather is gloomy amongst the scrapers and towered communitieswinds whistle eerily through the cables and wiresmachines chatter and boil in rusting rooms full of enginechildrens faces peer from windows and are whisked awaythe throb of music or the hammer of industry…who can tell?oh my head aches with each thoughtoh my nose burns with each breathold posters flap on the wallsthe black ryder playing at the melan-colisseumcarol l haslem sold another tower in district 7a talk on astral pollution at the erskine institutethe druglords new album ” leaf, bark or crystal”recorded live in nicaraguaHappytime lite anti-deps and now in cherry flavor!comedy nite at slaughtersgrace bros tours of the necropolisdudes of neptunes new mindload “blip”there were also smaller pictures of naked girlsand messages like “spirit escorts…here or there….”or“Queenies Ghoulfriends New Full Ectoplasmic Slide”i was wondering if Queenies was still open out thereand if you needed an appointmentwhen a door opened in a wall of apartmentsand a geezer in a para-suit came outbrandishing the picture of a female womanand an envelope containing one thousand new euro-dollars“Are you from the Time Being private investigations” he askedi nodded and pocketed the doughi checked out the photo of the chickhmmm…angelface implantsnew teeth new nose new hairmodulating lenses on her eyesjust like every other womanin BoomBoomtown“yeah…i’ll find her .”.i […]

the city is a jungle
the couriers run like rats
cars steam and push against the lights
angry faces desperate faces cruel faces
train tracks and oily patches
meters tick away and lifts hiss
robots empty the trash
crushing the neo-soda cans
and Big-Chok wrappers
and used up reddy-fones
into a miasma of radioactive sludge
with a half-life of 1 million years
and a half-brother in strontio-cadmium ice
drones n clones sweep the streets like grey zombies
dressed in their uni-forms and hooked on Fog
the bridges sag under their burdens
as the dead river rises and rises up from its awful bed
the weather is gloomy amongst the scrapers and towered communities
winds whistle eerily through the cables and wires
machines chatter and boil in rusting rooms full of engine
childrens faces peer from windows and are whisked away
the throb of music or the hammer of industry…who can tell?
oh my head aches with each thought
oh my nose burns with each breath
old posters flap on the walls
the black ryder playing at the melan-colisseum
carol l haslem sold another tower in district 7
a talk on astral pollution at the erskine institute
the druglords new album ” leaf, bark or crystal”
recorded live in nicaragua
Happytime lite anti-deps and now in cherry flavor!
comedy nite at slaughters
grace bros tours of the necropolis
dudes of neptunes new mindload “blip”
there were also smaller pictures of naked girls
and messages like “spirit escorts…here or there….”
“Queenies Ghoulfriends New Full Ectoplasmic Slide”
i was wondering if Queenies was still open out there
and if you needed an appointment
when a door opened in a wall of apartments
and a geezer in a para-suit came out
brandishing the picture of a female woman
and an envelope containing one thousand new euro-dollars
“Are you from the Time Being private investigations” he asked
i nodded and pocketed the dough
i checked out the photo of the chick
hmmm…angelface implants
new teeth new nose new hair
modulating lenses on her eyes
just like every other woman
in BoomBoomtown
“yeah…i’ll find her .”.i said
muttering “somehow ” under my breath
“you better not balls this up” said the geezer
he grabbed my arm and squeezed hard
“ok ok ” i said pushing him away from me
” shes as good as found ”
i turned to leave
he tapped me lightly on the shoulder
i turned my head to look at him
“the boss said either know…whatever it takes..”
yeah i know i thought
as i trudged back up to my office
in the olde theatre district
either way
you know
whatever it takes…..

diary of a fifty something renaissance man plus bricklaying tips

the intensity of the undergrowthin its mauves and purplesrunning through the sandbanks gigglingme and russellsmoking roaches from the “bag of butts”my choicest collection of fine pot dog endsrivers wind to the sea and salt flies in the breezei cant get a fix on thisare we olde guys or youngmenare we kidsagain?wheres john? russell bursts out laughingwheres dad? silencea seagull in the mournful skyits early morningraining ever so slightlyi stifle a shudderand i shiversome reason we must be heretime follows its meandering coursemornings boil awayafternoons fadenights lose their darknessin this hinterlanda deltaforests threaten in the green distancein the other direction the sea pounds the shoreremember those kids in lyneham? russell saysthe ones with the rundown house and all the pets?yeah….i say unenthusiasticallywhat about em?he begins recounting a talethere was gengey n bengey n simmo n the abbot twinsthere was an air rifle n fireworksthere was bikes and chucking rocksthere was yabbies and someones dadthere was a copper and a broken windowthere was catholic kids from st johnsthere was those 2 sisters live opposite the schoolthere was a headmaster and a caning“lift your hand up boy!”swooshwhack!pain in your armdown your spineeven in your ballspain travelling all over bodytry not to cry russelltry not to cry stevenhours later your hand still glowingthe dogs were chasing us, sirsimmo chucked his ice cream at me, siri went home to get changed , sirmy mothers gonna wrote a note for me tomorrow, siroutside the school the bullies are waitingpunch punch in facefight backgod it tires you out so fastrun thenkids chasing me all the way homebaying for our blood russellquickly in the doorthe sounds of the other kids fademums cooking dinnerjohns watching tvwhat you boys up to? says mumnothing mum we saidthe tale endsthe overcast sky still looms largethe dunesthe vegetationthe undergrowths lovely coloursis this heaven […]

the intensity of the undergrowth
in its mauves and purples
running through the sandbanks giggling
me and russell
smoking roaches from the “bag of butts”
my choicest collection of fine pot dog ends
rivers wind to the sea and salt flies in the breeze
i cant get a fix on this
are we olde guys or youngmen
are we kidsagain?
wheres john? russell bursts out laughing
wheres dad?
a seagull in the mournful sky
its early morning
raining ever so slightly
i stifle a shudder
and i shiver
some reason we must be here
time follows its meandering course
mornings boil away
afternoons fade
nights lose their darkness
in this hinterland
a delta
forests threaten in the green distance
in the other direction the sea pounds the shore
remember those kids in lyneham? russell says
the ones with the rundown house and all the pets?
yeah….i say unenthusiastically
what about em?
he begins recounting a tale
there was gengey n bengey n simmo n the abbot twins
there was an air rifle n fireworks
there was bikes and chucking rocks
there was yabbies and someones dad
there was a copper and a broken window
there was catholic kids from st johns
there was those 2 sisters live opposite the school
there was a headmaster and a caning
“lift your hand up boy!”
pain in your arm
down your spine
in your balls
pain travelling all over body
try not to cry russell
try not to cry steven
hours later your hand still glowing
the dogs were chasing us, sir
simmo chucked his ice cream at me, sir
i went home to get changed , sir
my mothers gonna wrote a note for me tomorrow, sir
outside the school the bullies are waiting
punch punch in face
fight back
god it tires you out so fast
run then
kids chasing me all the way home
baying for our blood russell
quickly in the door
the sounds of the other kids fade
mums cooking dinner
johns watching tv
what you boys up to? says mum
nothing mum we said
the tale ends
the overcast sky still looms large
the dunes
the vegetation
the undergrowths lovely colours
is this heaven ? i wonder
i turn around and russell is gone too
only me and some seagulls
eternal day
detached from my loneliness
wandering along alone


sky bleeds from its woundnight aches like a whoreme im hiding in my hideme im just behind the doorthe secret life of the time beings wifein midnights forgiving armswednesday gropes for morning groggy and lightfingeredi plunge into it headlong unaided n unabettedloverman loverboy loverlover loverlifeeverybody gotta love everybodynow go go goah you never get itits so easyits so easy babylike e=mc hammer squaredlike hammer on n hammer offslur and slidedrop tuningease it offwalking basslinelet your fingers do the walkingthrough pages of musicbaby says she love music manbaby says oh how can i repay you for this music?baby says oh i feel like i already know youbaby says oh i knew itd be like thisbaby say no daddy yes daddy nice daddybaby said daddy can you gimme a ride homewednesday shes a comingwednesday reaching up to swallow tuesday nightbaby says oh the time doth verily flybaby says daddy dont be badcos everything is in motioncos the thing cannot be stoppedcos its a destroyer not a cruisercos of his heart seeking missilescos of his anglescos of his energy and ardourand im flying forgetfuldont wanna know my name anymoresometimes i blow a little coolsometimes flames lick mesometimes i lock on and i punishsometimes i have to bail outand i freefalling through enemyskythey capture me goddamm iti am private john smiththey engulf me in subtle torturei am subjected to feelings of unnaturalnessi tried to fight it siri tried to resist em sir…but dontcha see?they were youand i was just meescaping was easyi found a wormhole to 1975there you were babywaiting around for meeverywhere i wentthe americans werent our allies theni co operated in their ritualsi pretended to understand themi was brainwashed siri was spinwashed and dried out like a prunemy childhood course in tv and playboyshad given me a smattering of americanbut i was […]

sky bleeds from its wound
night aches like a whore
me im hiding in my hide
me im just behind the door
the secret life of the time beings wife
in midnights forgiving arms
wednesday gropes for morning groggy and lightfingered
i plunge into it headlong unaided n unabetted
loverman loverboy loverlover loverlife
everybody gotta love everybody
now go go go
ah you never get it
its so easy
its so easy baby
like e=mc hammer squared
like hammer on n hammer off
slur and slide
drop tuning
ease it off
walking bassline
let your fingers do the walking
through pages of music
baby says she love music man
baby says oh how can i repay you for this music?
baby says oh i feel like i already know you
baby says oh i knew itd be like this
baby say no daddy yes daddy nice daddy
baby said daddy can you gimme a ride home
wednesday shes a coming
wednesday reaching up to swallow tuesday night
baby says oh the time doth verily fly
baby says daddy dont be bad
cos everything is in motion
cos the thing cannot be stopped
cos its a destroyer
not a cruiser
cos of his heart seeking missiles
cos of his angles
cos of his energy and ardour
and im flying forgetful
dont wanna know my name anymore
sometimes i blow a little cool
sometimes flames lick me
sometimes i lock on and i punish
sometimes i have to bail out
and i freefalling through enemysky
they capture me goddamm it
i am private john smith
they engulf me in subtle torture
i am subjected to feelings of unnaturalness
i tried to fight it sir
i tried to resist em sir…but dontcha see?
they were you
and i was just me
escaping was easy
i found a wormhole to 1975
there you were baby
waiting around for me
everywhere i went
the americans werent our allies then
i co operated in their rituals
i pretended to understand them
i was brainwashed sir
i was spinwashed and dried out like a prune
my childhood course in tv and playboys
had given me a smattering of american
but i was not fluent
president robert kennedy in 1969
asked me to sing a song at his coronation
but you were there
you said baby you will not find me in this future
baby you called daddy baby now
everyone all confused honey this honey that
learn to take it like a man
im sorry sir i cant remember what thats like
the americans got to me sir
im sorry sir
i am no longer private john smith
i am now the time being
being in love and space
being of spirit and matter
and mattering much
i solemnly bind australia england n america together
in bed together
keeping all that good love to themselves
never flagging never wimping
just hammering away
just hammering away

ninja slip

the killer in memake no mistakeunder this thin veneer…..underlip cut from spitting out wordsdmt thumb i swim like snakei wriggle like eelat home on dry landexploding into ironic paradoxanchorage winteri single out my adversaryand i destroy with intentapparently stupidi am always watchingseemingly awkwardmy speed is sudden n omni-directionalno movement nowthis head is bursting with bad ideasin sin you atea nile latei deal the deadmans handking jacks queens acei’s tale-mate in perpetual chequedont bother trying to work it outim already ahead of youmy telephony enables me to zeitjumpmy sympagraph is switched onoh i dont miss a trickdouble disjointed i am the interpreterancient meets modernnegative across positiveblack in whiteon becomes offdeath follows life follows deathno future from the pastkrypto night printssero-tone sweetenedreceptor site occupieri hit the thrillseekeri emerge from pleasurei undermine the overfondi breathe the axis divinei hope the ever obscuredi form the formless in formi jumble the forever overi greet you when all is donei run offtracki bend riversi mount exhibitionsi crush sea saltsprinkled in blue roman afternoonsi have broken through memorys barriersi am angry with jealousy and ignorancei persue those things through these pagesi am given words by the angel called tieramiahi am protected by sheer good lucki prevail in this valeapril foolsdaytoothousand ann ate

the killer in me
make no mistake
under this thin veneer…..
underlip cut from spitting out words
dmt thumb
i swim like snake
i wriggle like eel
at home on dry land
exploding into ironic paradox
anchorage winter
i single out my adversary
and i destroy with intent
apparently stupid
i am always watching
seemingly awkward
my speed is sudden n omni-directional
no movement now
this head is bursting with bad ideas
in sin you ate
a nile late
i deal the deadmans hand
king jacks queens ace
i’s tale-mate in perpetual cheque
dont bother trying to work it out
im already ahead of you
my telephony enables me to zeitjump
my sympagraph is switched on
oh i dont miss a trick
double disjointed i am the interpreter
ancient meets modern
negative across positive
black in white
on becomes off
death follows life follows death
no future from the past
krypto night prints
sero-tone sweetened
receptor site occupier
i hit the thrillseeker
i emerge from pleasure
i undermine the overfond
i breathe the axis divine
i hope the ever obscured
i form the formless in form
i jumble the forever over
i greet you when all is done
i run offtrack
i bend rivers
i mount exhibitions
i crush sea salt
sprinkled in blue roman afternoons
i have broken through memorys barriers
i am angry with jealousy and ignorance
i persue those things through these pages
i am given words by the angel called tieramiah
i am protected by sheer good luck
i prevail in this vale
april fools
thousand ann ate

daddy whos that big bald man in the silver dress singing your song while thousands of audience clap along : scarlet kilbey

anyway that was the gistpumpkin soup mmmbeen listening to humphreys n keens “the overflow”a lotnz guys huh?!you dont hear this kinda thing in rock oftena lot of ya know bout aunty may who raised me on the showtunesyeah you knowfrom south pacificwest side storycarouselporgy n bessetcthe characteristics of these songs wereromanticmeticulous attention to orchestral arrangementsoften piano driventuneful singinga warm fuzzy oldtime feelingthese were beautiful classic classic songsi mean the ramones are great toobut these showtunes were oilpaintingscompared to rocks coloured pencilsanywayhumphreys n keennot the greatest name i guessanywaythis record has some stunningly beautiful songsyou know with major 7th chords n lovely melodiesthe druid on the piano who i assume writes the musicknows his art n craftthe piano is just gorgeoussad and romanticjazzy sometiimesthe strings n things are lovingly donethis aint a record for guys who love metallica or somethingthis is old fashioned stuff some of it could have been written in the 1920sthe words are tender and often almost naivebut not in a bad wayi dont want gimme danger little stranger every nighti got to like the guys voice n his take on things more n morenk likes this record i reckon my mum would like itand i reckon a grand daughter in 2020 could like it tootrack 2 is such a corkeri played it about 5 times in a row the other nightand no one here objecteddowners: the inexplicable silent gaps in the middle of 2 songsthe occaisional twee bit (not that many really)i know cd baby have this in stock at leastif you like that show tuney pianoey thingwarning :this record contains medium level violins this record does not containfeedbackspace noisesswearwordspounding drums/throbbing bassscreaming and shoutingits a very nice recordbut sometimes nice is really ….er…nicesome of you may check it out n sayno thanks that dont rockothers will saythank […]

anyway that was the gist
pumpkin soup
been listening to humphreys n keens “the overflow”
a lot
nz guys huh?!
you dont hear this kinda thing in rock often
a lot of ya know bout aunty may who raised me on the showtunes
yeah you know
from south pacific
west side story
porgy n bess
the characteristics of these songs were
meticulous attention to orchestral arrangements
often piano driven
tuneful singing
a warm fuzzy oldtime feeling
these were beautiful classic classic songs
i mean the ramones are great too
but these showtunes were oilpaintings
compared to rocks coloured pencils
humphreys n keen
not the greatest name i guess
this record has some stunningly beautiful songs
you know with major 7th chords n lovely melodies
the druid on the piano who i assume writes the music
knows his art n craft
the piano is just gorgeous
sad and romantic
jazzy sometiimes
the strings n things are lovingly done
this aint a record for guys who love metallica or something
this is old fashioned stuff
some of it could have been written in the 1920s
the words are tender and often almost naive
but not in a bad way
i dont want gimme danger little stranger every night
i got to like the guys voice n his take on things more n more
nk likes this record
i reckon my mum would like it
and i reckon a grand daughter in 2020 could like it too
track 2 is such a corker
i played it about 5 times in a row the other night
and no one here objected
downers: the inexplicable silent gaps in the middle of 2 songs
the occaisional twee bit (not that many really)
i know cd baby have this in stock at least
if you like that show tuney pianoey thing
warning :this record contains medium level violins
this record does not contain
space noises
pounding drums/throbbing bass
screaming and shouting
its a very nice record
but sometimes nice is really ….er…nice
some of you may check it out n say
no thanks that dont rock
others will say
thank you being
thats one of the loveliest records i ever heard
think maybe blue nile without the electronics n trauma
but the same honest romantic leanings maybe without their weariness
i love track 2
which reminds me of a missing track from west side story
and that aint a bad thing
as far as billy corgi goes
i love his soft n delicate numbers
i love disarm oh what a fucking corker of a song
jesus im gonna play it in melbourne
i love tonight tonight
and all those strange songs on mel n collie
machina too
jesus he can write a good song
oh yeah i rate our billy highly
pleased to hear he gave rep-tile a good kicking

bought myself an eye in the pyramid shirt
i should have sent it to mem or mhs
but i greedily kept it for myself
muse : you couldnt bear to part with it
i got it on now as i type
oooh big brudder watching me
gonna be a revolution of the heart
make it happen bruvvers n sistahs
lets make it happen
c’mon were taking over
the peaceniks
the psychedelic warlords
the animal lovers
the magicians n yogis
the singers
the sculptors
the myst-icks
the witches n whats
the surfers
the roadies
the rabid record collectors
the aesthetes n intellectuals
the bleeding heart idiots
who wouldnt know how to throw a decent invasion
the scientists who dont invent new kindsa bombs
the vegetarians
the ladies n real gentlemen
the vegetalistas
the healers n wisemen
the spiritual masters n mistresses
the good samaritans
the brave and patient
the generous and compassionate gang
the ones who turn people on
youre in there somewhere

ps btw
hump n keen do have some feedback…whooops!
but its very tasteful…
and davem
im saying it for you now