
screen memory

persian aramaic and hebrew i knew them oncei was able to do anythinga man a childa woman a cronea baby a corpseis everything alive?depends on what you mean by alivethe amoebae living their life a million times fasterthe rocks a million times slowerwe dont understand each otherwhat hope do we have of understanding other life-formsnk reads the crystal biblethe phone ringsi know its ricki ringingi shoulda said hiya rickibut im still not following my hunchesim seeing the futurethe power to heal is returning to methats righti can channel something out therechi or prana or lightthis is a side effect of yoga and chi gong one presumesmy lemurian crystal is my familiar my wand my talismani am in love with itlast nite tired of the cough troubling my wifei had her lie there in the moonlightand using the crystal i blasted and fought the malevolence behind the infectioneverything is happening on every levelget that thru yer thick western headthere is no single accurate versiona disease, a cough for exampleis a bacterial or viral blah blah in yer lungs n tubesyes it isis it only that?is anything only one thing?or does each object each beingextend across multiple fields for example: physicalastralspiritualcausalmentalvegetalmineraletcyou fight an enemy on all battlefields, right?my crystal and iby dint of the sunlight and moonlight it has absorbedby dint of the love i put into itby dint of the trust and faith i have filled it withthis battery this cell this transformerdischarging it into my dear wifes irritated lungsmy crystal shot out its laserlike stream of lovelightit feels like a cold point says nkas i run the crystal anticlockwise around her pulling the bastard spirit outand clockwisescrewing a zillion volts of cosmic mojo n ooomphits a joke i saythose things in there dont have a hopeshe finished her antibiotics but […]

persian aramaic and hebrew
i knew them once
i was able to do anything
a man a child
a woman a crone
a baby a corpse
is everything alive?
depends on what you mean by alive
the amoebae living their life a million times faster
the rocks a million times slower
we dont understand each other
what hope do we have of understanding other life-forms
nk reads the crystal bible
the phone rings
i know its ricki ringing
i shoulda said hiya ricki
but im still not following my hunches
im seeing the future
the power to heal is returning to me
thats right
i can channel something out there
chi or prana or light
this is a side effect of yoga and chi gong one presumes
my lemurian crystal is my familiar my wand my talisman
i am in love with it
last nite tired of the cough troubling my wife
i had her lie there in the moonlight
and using the crystal
i blasted and fought the malevolence behind the infection
everything is happening on every level
get that thru yer thick western head
there is no single accurate version
a disease, a cough for example
is a bacterial or viral blah blah in yer lungs n tubes
yes it is
is it only that?
is anything only one thing?
or does each object each being
extend across multiple fields for example:
you fight an enemy on all battlefields, right?
my crystal and i
by dint of the sunlight and moonlight it has absorbed
by dint of the love i put into it
by dint of the trust and faith i have filled it with
this battery this cell this transformer
discharging it into my dear wifes irritated lungs
my crystal shot out its laserlike stream of lovelight
it feels like a cold point says nk
as i run the crystal anticlockwise around her
pulling the bastard spirit out
and clockwise
screwing a zillion volts of cosmic mojo n ooomph
its a joke i say
those things in there dont have a hope
she finished her antibiotics but still feels affected
so i gave the cough the fucking what-for
i could feel us both filling with light
like rivers filling when a dam gate is opened
the perpetual white cosmic light surrounds us
the golden energy and fire of the earth
the watery healing of the great ocean the Pacific
i rub my hands to produce heat
i lay them on
i feel it passing through my hands
into her
the thing hates it
the dark stupid vicious thing
the useless cough
what is it?
i dunno
i dont care either
but like all lies
it hates the light
it hates the warmth
it hates the love i have for my wife
it scurries away inside her
and i try to locate it and burn it
and dissolve it
eventually she stops coughing
not completely
but quite noticeably
today shes coughing a little
you cant expect a big miracle
you can start with a small one though
she agrees the coughs back is broken
it needs a booster shot i guess
i’ll try n zap the mother a littlemore today
believe me
everything is connected
there are consequences
it is worth being good
it is worth being kind
love really is all you need i guess
not just in a song
but for everyone

season of fevers

killerlisten away to church musicoh you clever devil oh you still sprightly venerable playeryour hands run over pianos guitars bassyour words range from the stupid to the stupendousyour old and ugly one minutethe next youre a bloomin’ youngsterno body no body knows younone of them none of themnobody knows me no no nonot even youoh youve gone madkiller yesterday you badger mr ricki my-mejokerman jokerman sing to the nightingale tuneoh killer you such an olde joker ha ha haboy sometimes he not laughing thono one laughing killer you go too farcan you help yourself?i am serious when i should be laughingi am laughing when i should be seriousi am not mad but i get the urge to rant and ravei pretend to be a fan(in a choked up aged prep boy east coast nasal style)hey ah ricki ah you mind if i uh join ya hereuh been a big fan mani got yer 1991 demos man and i uh saw ya play in poughkeepsie to 5 peopleand i uh i wont bother you now but could ah you…A) let me jam with you guys tonite…ah come on dont be a ….B) come talk to my wounded/dying/fucked up/imaginary nephew?C) take me round all the guy hotspots in san franD) ask anton to dedicate a song to me and my wifeE) let me share that jointF) fuck my girlfriend….we both love you guysG)let me n my buddies in dressing roomH) give me some guitar parts or drums…no not picks or sticks though!!I)lend me a hundred bucks for a sandwichJ) introduce me to the randy war-holesK) produce me n my group for nothin’L)tell joel im having his love childeM)arrange for us guys to open for yas in london or new yorkN) get me a few beers from the band roomO)check out my myspace […]

listen away to church music
oh you clever devil
oh you still sprightly venerable player
your hands run over pianos guitars bass
your words range from the stupid to the stupendous
your old and ugly one minute
the next youre a bloomin’ youngster
no body no body knows you
none of them none of them
nobody knows me no no no
not even you
oh youve gone mad
killer yesterday you badger mr ricki my-me
jokerman jokerman sing to the nightingale tune
oh killer you such an olde joker ha ha ha
boy sometimes he not laughing tho
no one laughing killer
you go too far
can you help yourself?
i am serious when i should be laughing
i am laughing when i should be serious
i am not mad but i get the urge to rant and rave
i pretend to be a fan
(in a choked up aged prep boy east coast nasal style)
hey ah ricki ah you mind if i uh join ya here
uh been a big fan man
i got yer 1991 demos man and i uh saw ya play
in poughkeepsie to 5 people
and i uh i wont bother you now but could ah you…
A) let me jam with you guys tonite…ah come on dont be a ….
B) come talk to my wounded/dying/fucked up/imaginary nephew?
C) take me round all the guy hotspots in san fran
D) ask anton to dedicate a song to me and my wife
E) let me share that joint
F) fuck my girlfriend….we both love you guys
G)let me n my buddies in dressing room
H) give me some guitar parts or drums…no not picks or sticks though!!
I)lend me a hundred bucks for a sandwich
J) introduce me to the randy war-holes
K) produce me n my group for nothin’
L)tell joel im having his love childe
M)arrange for us guys to open for yas in london or new york
N) get me a few beers from the band room
O)check out my myspace videos dude…..NOW!
P) reveal personal and private things if i do but ask
Q) be more like the olde days when i liked you guys better
actually was gonna do all the alphabet
but ran outta steam n enthusiasm
ah thats too bad…..


domes bubble n burblegurgling drainpipe rainwater water colour fadecity-zens dressed in hierophantic frantic purple patchesunderground connexionsoffices filled with coloured paperarrowmint steno-secsbosses like a phantomtake down a letter….any letterwanders wanders wandersyes thats ok im intercomi am your dreami am a voice on your radioi am reduced to these wordsi am innnocent in this criminal stripi am incoherent while asleepnobody knows me like thisaside you seeall characters have their aspects attributes and weaknessesyour aspect is westernyour attributes are science and medicineyour weakness is spiritual ignorance and prideyour heliports are equipped with neuro-sootheyour magnetoriums are filled with filingsyour alethiometer is spinning baby starrdaughters of a revo-lutionthe heralds of the damn-aged erasthe architects of spaces and lightthe wooers of enemy boysthe skies produce hover-kraft and jet pak junkiesthe future ha ha ha ha ha hastill the same old old school foolspulling the strings n opening doors angelcrack me up it doesi shoot firei smoke icei drink hooki sniff disdainfullyi lock in like a missileto you whom are my destined explosionand onwards as the residue settles and the darkness filters lifeand in some cellar where a worm plots downfalls of great menand in a crowd where someone touches you upand in a graveyard and its suddenly nightand a lonely figure standing in a convoluted fluted windowsurveying the wreckage of some modern disasterweeping and gnashing of teethsomeone famous bit the Dusta kinda angel in a dump like thisuseless cables and pipes flapping in the windthe antarctic calls me down down downunder the ice the fumes and the twisted spiral balconies welded in painand frosted and glassed labs where we discover a secreta secret a secretjab crack sock locke crabbe boone swooni cannot reveal more hereno more no morethats the secretthere is no more than thatwhich you clever thing may have all ready de-ducedrecriminalisedbound and fettereda sad […]

domes bubble n burble
gurgling drainpipe rainwater water colour fade
city-zens dressed in hierophantic frantic purple patches
underground connexions
offices filled with coloured paper
arrowmint steno-secs
bosses like a phantom
take down a letter….any letter
wanders wanders wanders
yes thats ok im intercom
i am your dream
i am a voice on your radio
i am reduced to these words
i am innnocent in this criminal strip
i am incoherent while asleep
nobody knows me like this
aside you see
all characters have their aspects attributes and weaknesses
your aspect is western
your attributes are science and medicine
your weakness is spiritual ignorance and pride
your heliports are equipped with neuro-soothe
your magnetoriums are filled with filings
your alethiometer is spinning baby starr
daughters of a revo-lution
the heralds of the damn-aged eras
the architects of spaces and light
the wooers of enemy boys
the skies produce hover-kraft and jet pak junkies
the future ha ha ha ha ha ha
still the same old old school fools
pulling the strings n opening doors angel
crack me up it does
i shoot fire
i smoke ice
i drink hook
i sniff disdainfully
i lock in like a missile
to you whom are my destined explosion
and onwards as the residue settles
and the darkness filters life
and in some cellar where a worm plots downfalls of great men
and in a crowd where someone touches you up
and in a graveyard and its suddenly night
and a lonely figure standing in a convoluted fluted window
surveying the wreckage of some modern disaster
weeping and gnashing of teeth
someone famous bit the Dust
a kinda angel in a dump like this
useless cables and pipes flapping in the wind
the antarctic calls me down down down
under the ice
the fumes and the twisted spiral balconies welded in pain
and frosted and glassed labs where we discover a secret
a secret a secret
jab crack sock locke crabbe boone swoon
i cannot reveal more here
no more no more
thats the secret
there is no more than that
which you clever thing may have all ready de-duced
bound and fettered
a sad bad sacred bird encaged
listening to the joyful songs in the trees

private function

last nite i played a private function on outskirts of melbit was a lotta funmr ricki played too with mehe was nervous thoi wasnt i hadda good timei let people sing their fave tunesi danced with my guitar under the taupi sang in the hot darklater i smoked on a verandah overlooking swimming poolsurrounded by the gently vibrating bushi sat and talked to the localswe had vegan banquetwe had local hydrowe had nice receptionwe had mother energy drinks n vodkawe tune under the moonbalmy times in my lifewell paid everything consideringnice peoplenice b and b where i stayedas i check in the the older but still nice owner-ladysayswhat kinda entertainer are ya?of course i come back with perennialoh im a male stripperthe lady looks me up n down twiceok she says what times that party startin’?yeah wow a nice interludewhich we played by the waynow im at mel airportwaiting to go homen start back on church for litle whilefirst will take doodles for a dippy dip dipi hopeif my plane doesnae crash….aaaaaarghhhhh!

last nite i played a private function on outskirts of melb
it was a lotta fun
mr ricki played too with me
he was nervous tho
i wasnt
i hadda good time
i let people sing their fave tunes
i danced with my guitar under the taup
i sang in the hot dark
later i smoked on a verandah overlooking swimming pool
surrounded by the gently vibrating bush
i sat and talked to the locals
we had vegan banquet
we had local hydro
we had nice reception
we had mother energy drinks n vodka
we tune under the moon
balmy times in my life
well paid everything considering
nice people
nice b and b where i stayed
as i check in the the older but still nice owner-lady
what kinda entertainer are ya?
of course i come back with perennial
oh im a male stripper
the lady looks me up n down twice
ok she says what times that party startin’?
yeah wow a nice interlude
which we played by the way
now im at mel airport
waiting to go home
n start back on church for litle while
first will take doodles for a dippy dip dip
i hope
if my plane doesnae crash….


blah blah fucking blahkids yellin’ at meband yellin’ at mefriends yellin’ at mecars beeping and indicating and givin’ me the fingeri get lost in a tunneli came out at wrong spoti argue n argue in my hoarse n horrible voicei hate this i hate thati trip up n fall downi get angrier n angrierrude rude rudepeople hangin’ off me everywherepeople ignoring mepeople in my fucking facepeople in my car parkpeople in my seat on the buspeople in my coffin n gravephone ring ring ringhellobullshit bullshitgoodbyeyeah yeah yeahsureeverybodys in paineverybodys actingeverybodys got an idea bout what i should doeverybody all together nowphone ringshellorhubarb rhubarbgoodbyeno u-turnno standingno stoppingno mobile phonesno ulterior or anterior mo-tivesi am so tired of that person writing me 20 emails a daypleasedont ever write to me againcan it be any plainer?do you need to decipher this?dont ever write to me againby me i mean meby ever i mean as long as im aliveby dont i mean DONT!by writei would include all communicationany means whatsoever(i have no wish to have anything whatsoever to do with you!)by again i mean i hope you never contact meim tired im angry im emotionalplease stop it or im gonna send it all on to my lawyer!meanwhile its a hot cold day nightthe church are arent this n thatblather blather much malarkeybuy my new productsarent i clever i did this n i wrote thatnon plussed?me toois it me or am i crazy?help me out theni gotta nasty cold or new moania i cant tellim irresponsibleim rantingim hot and bothersomeim gonna getcha and you aint gonna like itim already goneim just going on n onim wasted hereim no one but im everywhereis this the catch?

blah blah fucking blah
kids yellin’ at me
band yellin’ at me
friends yellin’ at me
cars beeping and indicating and givin’ me the finger
i get lost in a tunnel
i came out at wrong spot
i argue n argue in my hoarse n horrible voice
i hate this i hate that
i trip up n fall down
i get angrier n angrier
rude rude rude
people hangin’ off me everywhere
people ignoring me
people in my fucking face
people in my car park
people in my seat on the bus
people in my coffin n grave
phone ring ring ring
bullshit bullshit
yeah yeah yeah
everybodys in pain
everybodys acting
everybodys got an idea bout what i should do
everybody all together now
phone rings
rhubarb rhubarb
no u-turn
no standing
no stopping
no mobile phones
no ulterior or anterior mo-tives
i am so tired of that person writing me 20 emails a day
dont ever write to me again
can it be any plainer?
do you need to decipher this?
dont ever write to me again
by me i mean me
by ever i mean as long as im alive
by dont i mean DONT!
by write
i would include all communication
any means whatsoever
(i have no wish to have anything whatsoever to do with you!)
by again i mean
i hope you never contact me
im tired im angry im emotional
please stop it or im gonna send it all on to my lawyer!
meanwhile its a hot cold day night
the church are arent this n that
blather blather much malarkey
buy my new products
arent i clever i did this n i wrote that
non plussed?
me too
is it me or am i crazy?
help me out then
i gotta nasty cold or new moania i cant tell
im irresponsible
im ranting
im hot and bothersome
im gonna getcha and you aint gonna like it
im already gone
im just going on n on
im wasted here
im no one but im everywhere
is this the catch?

pieces of eight lives

no cat no pantheryou were sleeping you were lying nakedlike marilynlike anyoneanyone sleeping reallysleeping sleeping sleepingso tired you were so tired oh god you were so tiredtired of being tired showbiz huh agent waffleaudition slimepreview jitters2nd day jinxescontract spasmmanage a smileopening night yawning in parishounded by cameracramming a scriptgossip fodder scratched up n badbullshit lies n innuendopressure inner and outerthe other sidethe other side starts to calla pressure on you to departdream of a train leaving a stationlast drinks gentlemeneat up its closing the doordoor between the 2 places at onceyou fall asleep new york was it?was it even importantwho saw it comingthe invisible draft that never said nothing7 pages in a sydney newspaperone inch= 20 thousand children who die in congo warper monthpeople weep and mournthe world of sadnessyet you sleep and sleephow strange to never wake uphow strange to sleep and sleepdo you ever think of us as you dreamwhen you wake up on the other sidewill the sun be shiningwill the stars gone before yoube showing you the ropesthe lie of the landthe perfect seathe gentle rainthe theatres full of applausefilms about filmsthe lightsthe actionall the morethe more the morenot the more or lessforeveror notwho can tell?

no cat
no panther
you were sleeping
you were lying naked
like marilyn
like anyone
anyone sleeping really
sleeping sleeping sleeping
so tired you were
so tired oh god
you were so tired
tired of being tired
showbiz huh
agent waffle
audition slime
preview jitters
2nd day jinxes
contract spasm
manage a smile
opening night yawning in paris
hounded by camera
cramming a script
gossip fodder scratched up n bad
bullshit lies n innuendo
inner and outer
the other side
the other side starts to call
a pressure on you to depart
dream of a train leaving a station
last drinks gentlemen
eat up
its closing
the door
door between the 2 places at once
you fall asleep
new york was it?
was it even important
who saw it coming
the invisible draft that never said nothing
7 pages in a sydney newspaper
one inch= 20 thousand children who die in congo war
per month
people weep and mourn
the world of sadness
yet you sleep and sleep
how strange to never wake up
how strange to sleep and sleep
do you ever think of us as you dream
when you wake up on the other side
will the sun be shining
will the stars gone before you
be showing you the ropes
the lie of the land
the perfect sea
the gentle rain
the theatres full of applause
films about films
the lights
the action
all the more
the more the more
not the more or less
or not
who can tell?

perma n temp

on the balconyin the filmi meanthat film they madethey used your songrememberand on the balcony it was summeroh it was always summersome a summerthe bodysurfersthe wetsuits hanging over the fencestheir blond hair under the outside showerand the leafy shady places down the pathand the garden where we smoked dope and played mah jongga kind of pavilliona kind of a afternoona kind of an obscured sunand the spiders n worms under the planksand the sound of a far away radioand the love lonely songs it emittedand the cars that sat parked in the driveand the letters yet to be deliveredadvice i never heardexuse me did you leave this behindsplinters of it allbits and blobsdobs and knobsblows and showsempty bottlessandy soilweedsantscig buttsbits of papera keya dead birdlinga rocka stonea blade of grassa drop of watersmell of rainsmell of lightningsmell of food cookingdrizzlestop

on the balcony
in the film
i mean
that film they made
they used your song
and on the balcony it was summer
oh it was always summer
some a summer
the bodysurfers
the wetsuits hanging over the fences
their blond hair under the outside shower
and the leafy shady places down the path
and the garden where we smoked dope and played mah jongg
a kind of pavillion
a kind of a afternoon
a kind of an obscured sun
and the spiders n worms under the planks
and the sound of a far away radio
and the love lonely songs it emitted
and the cars that sat parked in the drive
and the letters yet to be delivered
advice i never heard
exuse me did you leave this behind
splinters of it all
bits and blobs
dobs and knobs
blows and shows
empty bottles
sandy soil
cig butts
bits of paper
a key
a dead birdling
a rock
a stone
a blade of grass
a drop of water
smell of rain
smell of lightning
smell of food cooking

ticket to ryde

sitting up here at timbos placelooking out over trees and clouds and blue skiesdown below they fiddle with drumsit could be sweden up here on this balconypines ferns leafy evergreensoaks and elms and nativesall react to the wind in their own characteristic waythe clouds today are simply stupendousi can hardly tear my eyes away from em to write these wordsthe size of small mountainsthe clouds proceed with deliberation across the bluenessan empty hammock swings in the winda very scandanavian afternoonhint of distant stormtrees stretch in all directionslemons gleam in lemon treesthe pools undulate under the breezeswomen read magazines in the shadedad rolls a smokethe children laugh somewhere indoorsa bird sings so sadly out therelike a morning from my own childhoodlike an echo in echomachinery humscivilization murmurs beyond the wall of treesthe clouds frown down at methe clouds are onto meon top of methese clouds with their agonizing slownessthese clouds with their water from whereabove me casting shadows thrown into the murk of the pastred roofsred flowerswhite flowerswhite cloudsblue skyblue blues

sitting up here at timbos place
looking out over trees and clouds and blue skies
down below they fiddle with drums
it could be sweden up here on this balcony
pines ferns leafy evergreens
oaks and elms and natives
all react to the wind in their own characteristic way
the clouds today are simply stupendous
i can hardly tear my eyes away from em to write these words
the size of small mountains
the clouds proceed with deliberation across the blueness
an empty hammock swings in the wind
a very scandanavian afternoon
hint of distant storm
trees stretch in all directions
lemons gleam in lemon trees
the pools undulate under the breezes
women read magazines in the shade
dad rolls a smoke
the children laugh somewhere indoors
a bird sings so sadly out there
like a morning from my own childhood
like an echo in echo
machinery hums
civilization murmurs beyond the wall of trees
the clouds frown down at me
the clouds are onto me
on top of me
these clouds with their agonizing slowness
these clouds with their water from where
above me casting shadows
thrown into the murk of the past
red roofs
red flowers
white flowers
white clouds
blue sky
blue blues

come ride come ride this pleasure slide with me

yessaday morningme n evie go to pharmacisthe saysi can sell ya whatever ya wantbut nothing gonna help yer throatso you should just shut up all day(i have paraphrased him a little)family has lovely swim at bondinatalie swimming like a dolphinevie like an otteraurora wades aroundthe woofle eventually gets in n she loves itwe all eat sno cones on the boardwalknk= grapeek =red raspberrylil sk =red raspberryak=fairy flossbig sk = bubblegum + pineapplehey says evie …howcome you get 2 flavours, dad?me: cos i bloody well paid for em!meanwhile the woofle does the “nakey” dance at the showersolde ladies fainting with pleasureas the chubby little woofle bounces around sans clothesfamily stops in to organic cafeowner says sorryno food for you….ive run out!me n nk swear we’ll never go there again…we go instead to a lovely jewish jointwhere we have felafels n chipsall the timei no talky talkyeveryone has advicewhisper says pharmacistdont whisper says jlk who comes to babysitdont drink says someconjac or red wine say othersfinally we get to gignk comes backstage for a whiletalk to rickymick harvey etcfinally after much anticipationi hit the stagei do my songs with much gusto n little voiceyes i channelled dave mccomband many triffids peopleincluding his big brother johnsayyes yes the passionyou had the passionthen encorei come on n do field of glassten minute doors-y epici go fucking nutsyou AINT never seen me like thisi channel mccomb , morrison n any other blokegoing nuts on a stageDADDY DADDY HE DONT UNDERSTANDWHACK!DOGGIE DOGGIE HE DONT UNDERSTAND WHACK! WHACK!i finish in a pool of sweat n shredded (wheat) voicethe normally restrained marty casey gives me a hugjill n graham say well donealsy n rob like itive made itjulian n james the triffs #1 fans give blessingsnk comes backstagewow!i told ya darlin’ you aint never seen me sing like […]

yessaday morning
me n evie go to pharmacist
he says
i can sell ya whatever ya want
but nothing gonna help yer throat
so you should just shut up all day
(i have paraphrased him a little)
family has lovely swim at bondi
natalie swimming like a dolphin
evie like an otter
aurora wades around
the woofle eventually gets in n she loves it
we all eat sno cones on the boardwalk
nk= grape
ek =red raspberry
lil sk =red raspberry
ak=fairy floss
big sk = bubblegum + pineapple
hey says evie …howcome you get 2 flavours, dad?
me: cos i bloody well paid for em!
meanwhile the woofle does the “nakey” dance at the showers
olde ladies fainting with pleasure
as the chubby little woofle bounces around sans clothes
family stops in to organic cafe
owner says sorry
no food for you….ive run out!
me n nk swear we’ll never go there again…
we go instead to a lovely jewish joint
where we have felafels n chips
all the time
i no talky talky
everyone has advice
whisper says pharmacist
dont whisper says jlk who comes to babysit
dont drink says some
conjac or red wine say others
finally we get to gig
nk comes backstage for a while
talk to ricky
mick harvey etc
finally after much anticipation
i hit the stage
i do my songs with much gusto n little voice
yes i channelled dave mccomb
and many triffids people
including his big brother john
yes yes the passion
you had the passion
then encore
i come on n do field of glass
ten minute doors-y epic
i go fucking nuts
you AINT never seen me like this
i channel mccomb , morrison n any other bloke
going nuts on a stage
i finish in a pool of sweat n shredded (wheat) voice
the normally restrained marty casey gives me a hug
jill n graham say well done
alsy n rob like it
ive made it
julian n james the triffs #1 fans give blessings
nk comes backstage
i told ya darlin’ you aint never seen me sing like that
a conversation ensues
in which nk says something like
she wants to take me home and “discuss” my performance
all the way home in cab she holds my hand
and giggles
looking at me all starry-eyed
ok i gotta do more gigs like this i think
get home doodles n woofle all safely asleep
and then nk …..

and then i wake up today
1st day of new church album
hard to change gears
onward n upward

lost it

i lost my voice last nightit was cutting in and outi couldnt hang round and do encoreand the whole gig being filmed……so bitterly disappointedonly once before have i lost ityesi had manuka honeylemon etcno goodtoby from youth group says try whiskeyi didnonetheless my voice clapped outwhenever i needed itin wide open road it would not hit the notesinstead a woeful raggedy distorted racketgraham lee donged himself in the mouth with a guitar(thats rocknroll! says cheeky mick harvey)at the end i whisper to himi cant sing field of glass graham…ok he saysgo home and restwhile he dabs at swollen mouth with hankytodaytodaywill try not to talkalmost have no voice at all right nowwhy?another couple of days it wouldnae have matteredah human frailtykiller, you starting to fall apartand so much to doso much left to dopraying to roman god of voices for smooth sailingbut i fear tonite could be more of the sameim so saddamn it!

i lost my voice last night
it was cutting in and out
i couldnt hang round and do encore
and the whole gig being filmed……
so bitterly disappointed
only once before have i lost it
i had manuka honey
lemon etc
no good
toby from youth group says try whiskey
i did
nonetheless my voice clapped out
whenever i needed it
in wide open road it would not hit the notes
instead a woeful raggedy distorted racket
graham lee donged himself in the mouth with a guitar
(thats rocknroll! says cheeky mick harvey)
at the end i whisper to him
i cant sing field of glass graham…
ok he says
go home and rest
while he dabs at swollen mouth with hanky
will try not to talk
almost have no voice at all right now
another couple of days it wouldnae have mattered
ah human frailty
killer, you starting to fall apart
and so much to do
so much left to do
praying to roman god of voices for smooth sailing
but i fear tonite could be more of the same
im so sad
damn it!