tragedy strikes
the fall of rome
falling through the air
onward to earth
a pleasant stupor overtaking us
by the light of luminescent fish
tanked to the gills
the mellifluous flow of the time
one second leads to the next seamlessly
oh fuck my head aches with all this
all this what ? says some insolent bystander
what? i say
youre stupid says someone else
someone i cant see clearly
i pick up a handful of rocks
and chuck them in the general vicinity of those voices
i hurt behind the shirts n curtains
my dumbness smarts
it really does
inside this poem its all dark and echoey
its all paranoia and intrigue
come let me take you into my interiors
a mirror of the real worlds
it all happens in opposite
unlikely is likely
likely unlikely
crikey mate its not what you think
in my red light room
i slip into the stream
and i accelerate my particles
i finish up beginning
its my night now
i can hear and see new things
you knew things…? says somebody in earshot
yeah i knew things were wrong
a black path crossed under my ladder
seven bad years of luck
i go down the esplanade where the lights are dim
i half expect to run into you n him
i cram in a life between the lines
its meanwhile in great britain
i’m not me anymore
i’m some guy i coulda been
instead of left
i’m sitting in this car
i’m speeding down the road in some rainy city
i’m listening to the radio
i’m driving home to the stockbroker belt
i’m got this lovely house
a split level job in sir francis drake of assisi street
gee i got one of those controls makes the garage door go up
i drive into my garage
the door comes down and i walk through a door into the house
instantly a light comes on
i go to the fridge its covered in christmas cards
i pour myself a stiff drink of something
in this life i guess i need a stiff drink after working all day
somebody laughs n says huh! you havin’ a job ha ha
yeah my job is as a…um i work in an office…
i’m a…..consultant …i guess
i earn 1000 pounds a week
remember this is in the passed
thats a lotta dough
my house is really super
a fabulous stereophonic system
playing the groovy sounds of now
central heating hums on all efficiency
still i’m sick of myself even in this new life
i’m on the run from something
nobodys happy with me
i got bills mounting up
my wife and children they……..
i look out at the swimming pool in the cold rain
not inviting at all
its hardly ever been used
no time for stuff like that
the clock says 6:52
it was a present from a former day saint
reality is all prickly it sits on my shoulders all itchy
suspicion is paramount the phone rings and i jump
its some idiot i owe money to …….fuck
the swimming pool in the rain
the flash motor in the garage
the quiet central heating purrs
but this isnt me ….someone says tho not me
this isnt england some other smart alec says just to ruin things
whats on the television a documentary film about greenland
too bloody boring shouts that philistine inevitably
i bloody well like stuff about greenland the real kilbey says
i imagine myself self rugged against all that winter
i imagine in sitting in godthaab at a cafe watching winter close in
i put too much time in to imagining this
my boss is mr andrews and he is intimidating
mr andrews first name is andrew
mr suddenly vacant
mr obviously rich
mr kinda cruel
i imagine greenlands and goof off at my job
i consult about uh engineering
you know stress ratios and crack factor four
all that stuff
i took some money to approve something
i said yeah go ahead
its safe i’m sure its safe
but it wasnt safe at all
green land would be safe
turn off the mechanism silence the core
lock down the velocity and settle back in old albion
i calculate the weight of snow in the night
i imagine greenland thawing in spring
the groovy now sounds of now
all harpsichord and moog synthesizer
the windows of your mind n all that ilk
the central heating dries my eyes a little
oh i shouldnt complain
the building collapsed on the tv
i watched it again n again
i watched it as the rain fell in the swimming pool
stiff drink ? says steve stiffly
the central heating ssssshhhhhhh
i feel disconnected from anything
no points of reference pin me down
greenland ha are you serious
i watch the building on tv
it goes down
i hear the music
jericho towers